Exceptionally preserved fossils from Fossil Lagerstätten contribute greatly to resolving details on the history of life on Earth. For the first time, the “Paläontologische Gesellschaft” (PalGes) and the Joachim Reitner, Yang Qun, Wang Yongdong and Mike Reich (Eds.) “Palaeontological Society of China” (PSC) combined forces to jointly present an international confe- rence aimed to highlight and encourage the study of exceptionally well-preserved fossil sites world- wide. The conference focused on all aspects of palaeontology and geobiology, also incorporating related fields like biogeochemistry, biology, sedimentology and stratigraphy. The present volume contains the abstracts of more than 275 lectures and posters presented during the joint international Palaeobiology and Geobiology of conference “Palaeobiology & Geobiology of Fossil Lagerstätten through Earth History”. This year’s conference was held at the northern campus of the Georg-August University in Göttingen, Germany, Fossil Lagerstätten through Earth History from September 23-27, 2013. More than three hundred palaeontologists, biologists, geologists and Fossil Lagerstätten other scientists and researchers from sixteen countries, mainly from Germany and the P. R. of China, participated. Joachim Reitner, Yang Qun, Wang Yongdong, Mike Reich (Eds.) Qun, Wang Joachim Reitner, Yang ISBN: 978-3-86395-135-1 Universitätsdrucke Göttingen Universitätsdrucke Göttingen Joachim Reitner, Yang Qun,Wang Yongdong and Mike Reich (Eds.) Fossil Lagerstätten This work is licensed under the Creative Commons License 3.0 “by-sa”, allowing you to download, distribute and print the document in a few copies for private or educational use, given that the creator is mentioned. erschienen in der Reihe der Universitätsdrucke im Universitätsverlag Göttingen 2013 Joachim Reitner, Yang Qun, Wang Yongdong and Mike Reich (Eds.) With the collaboration of Luo Cui, Vanessa J. Roden, Tanja R. Stegemann Palaeobiology and Geobiology of Fossil Lagerstätten through Earth History A Joint Conference of the “Paläontologische Gesellschaft” and the “Palaeontological Society of China”, Göttingen, Germany, September 23-27, 2013 Abstract Volume Universitätsverlag Göttingen 2013 Bibliographische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliographie; detaillierte bibliographische Daten sind im Internet über <http://dnb.ddb.de> abrufbar. In accordance with Chinese naming customs, personal names are listed in order of: last name, first name. Editorial contact Professor Dr Joachim Reitner Dr Mike Reich Geoscience Centre of the Georg-August University of Göttingen Goldschmidtstraße 1-5 37077 Göttingen, Germany http://www.gzg.uni-goettingen.de http://www.geobiologie.uni-goettingen.de http://www.geomuseum.uni-goettingen.de Professor Dr Yang Qun Professor Dr Wang Yongdong Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology 39 East Beijing Road Nanjing 210008, P. R. of China http://english.nigpas.cas.cn/ http://www.nigpas.cas.cn/ This work is protected by German Intellectual Property Right Law. It is also available as an Open Access version through the publisher’s homepage and the Online Catalogue of the State and University Library of Goettingen (http://www.sub.uni-goettingen.de). Users of the free online version are invited to read, download and distribute it. Graphics and Layout: Mike Reich Cover Design: Conny Hundertmark & Mike Reich Cover Photos: Jörg Ansorge, Gerhard Hundertmark, Georg Oleschinski, Mike Reich, Jes Rust © 2013 Universitätsverlag Göttingen http://univerlag.uni-goettingen.de ISBN: 978-3-86395-135-1 7th European Conference on Echinoderms, Göttingen, October 2-9, 2010 Preface Contents Preface I ......................................................................................................................... 7 Vorwort .......................................................................................................................... 8 Preface II ....................................................................................................................... 9 前 言 .............................................................................................................................. 10 Welcome Address .................................................................................................... 11 Grußwort ..................................................................................................................... 12 Abstracts of Oral & Poster Presentations .................................................... 13 Index of Authors .................................................................................................... 209 5 Preface 7th European Conference on Echinoderms, Göttingen, October 2-9, 2010 The printing of this volume was funded by: 6 7th European Conference on Echinoderms, Göttingen, October 2-9, 2010 Preface Preface I Following the years 1926, 1937, 1977 and 2004, the annual meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft will take place at the Georg-August University in Göttingen for the fifth time. This year, the meeting is hosted together with the slightly younger Palaeontological Society of China, our “sister society”, founded in 1929. The joint international conference will take place on true historical grounds: Firstly, intensive palaeontological research has been conducted in Göttingen for over 260 years; secondly, the two founding members of the Palaeontological Society of China, Sun Yunzhu (1895–1979) and Yang Zhongjian (1897–1979), decided to found “their” Chinese palaeontological society on an excursion to the Harz mountains (1927, on the occasion of the annual meeting of the German geological society in Goslar), led by palaeontologists and geologists from Göttingen. The founder of our Paläontologische Gesellschaft – Otto Jaekel (1863–1929) – also had close ties with China. In addition to his interest in Chinese ethnology, cultural anthropology and history, Jaekel followed an invitation as professor of palaeontology at the Sun Yat-sen University (Guangzhou; formerly Canton) in the autumn of 1928. He only held this position for a short time, as he died of pneumonia (March 6th) shortly after participating in the sixth annual meeting of the Geological Society of China in Peking in February (13th-14th) of 1929, where he was then buried in a German cemetery. About 300 palaeontologists, biologists, geologists and other scientists from 16 countries, especially from Germany and the People’s Republic of China, followed our invitation to a joint meeting in Göttingen. The conference theme Palaeobiology & Geobiology of Fossil Lagerstätten through Earth History refers to the significance of Fossil Lagerstätten with exqui- sitely preserved organism remains, which enable us to gain insights into important details of the history of life on Earth as well as into the evolution of plants and animals. The term Fossillagerstätten is also closely tied to our university – Adolf Seilacher (*1925), professor for palaeontology at the Georgia Augusta between 1963 and 1965, first coined and specified this term in 1970. This volume contains the abstracts for over 275 presentations (oral and poster) that have been contributed by more than 600 authors from 34 countries worldwide and will be presented at the joint meeting. We wish all participants a pleasant and interesting conference, paired with a desire to strengthen and secure “our” science – today and in the future. Joachim Reitner Mike Reich Göttingen, September 2013 7 Vorwort Nach 1926, 1937, 1977 und 2004 findet nun zum fünften Mal die Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen statt. In diesem Jahr erstmals gemeinsam mit unserer „Schwestergesellschaft“, der etwas jüngeren, 1929 gegründeten, Palaeontological Society of China. Die gemeinsame internationale Tagung findet durchaus auf historischem Boden statt: Zum einen wird in Göttingen seit mehr als 260 Jahren intensiv paläontologische Forschung betrieben; zum anderen fassten die beiden Gründungsmitglieder der Palaeontological Society of China, Sun Yunzhu (1895–1979) und Yang Zhongjian (1897–1979) auf einer von Göttinger Paläontologen und Geologen geführten Exkursion im Harz (1927, anläßlich der Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft in Goslar) den Entschluss, „ihre“ Chinesische Paläontologische Gesellschaft zu gründen. Auch der Gründer unserer Paläontologischen Gesellschaft – Otto Jaekel (1863– 1929) – war eng mit China verbunden. Neben seinem Interesse für chinesische Ethnologie und Geschichte, folgte Jaekel auch im Herbst 1928 dem Ruf auf eine Professur für Paläontologie an der Sun Yat-sen Universität (Guangzhou; früher Kanton). Diese übte er jedoch nur kurz aus, da er Anfang März 1929, nach der Teilnahme an der 6. Jahres- versammlung der Geological Society of China (13./14. Februar 1929) in Peking, an einer Lungenentzündung verstarb und dort auch auf dem deutschen Friedhof beerdigt wurde. Annähernd 300 Paläontologen, Biologen, Geologen und andere Wissenschaftler aus 16 Ländern, vor allem aus Deutschland und der Volksrepublik China, sind dem Aufruf zu einer gemeinsamen Tagung nach Göttingen gefolgt. Das Tagungthema Palaeobiology & Geobiology of Fossil Lagerstätten through Earth History verweist auf die Bedeutung von Fossillagerstätten mit vorzüglich erhaltenen Organismenresten, die detaillierte Einblicke in die Geschichte des Lebens auf unserer Erde, wie auch in die Evolution von Pflanzen
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