THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA Disclaimer This extract information in different categories and descriptions have been provided by this Ministry for ease of reference, convenience of reading and for the popularization of the use by the general public of the Uganda Gazette as a legal document which has serious legal implications with respect to the ownership of property in Uganda. If there are any inconsistencies or ambiguities, the published version of the Official Gazette shall prevail. Any stakeholder or interested party is advised to buy a copy of the Gazette from Uganda Publishing and Printing Corporation (UPPC), which is available at Airline House on Kimathi Avenue, Kampala, Uganda (near Christ the King Church). ……………………………………….. NOTICE TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC ON INTENTION TO ISSUE SPECIAL CERTIFICATES OF TITLE The public is hereby informed that the following proprietors have applied to be issued with a Special Certificate(s) of Title for the land shown below, the duplicate certificates having been declared lost by the owners. If anybody has any objection to the issue of special certificates to the applicants, the Commissioner of Land Registration should be immediately notified in writing. TO ALL LAND OWNERS, CREDIT INSITITUTIONS AND INTERESTED PARTIES The public is hereby notified that the following notices appeared in the Uganda Gazette of 7th January, 2011 Vol. CIV No.1 Notice to issue Special Certificate of Title to the following: Name and address Land at Block & Plot Respective Office of Number Titles Fesito Sempa,Senge, Kasengeje-Approx.5.0 Acres Busiro Block 257, Kampala Mumyuka Busiro, Plot 10 Kampala Bagiire Michael, Namugongo Approx.0.046 Kyadondo Block 222, Kampala P.O.Box Hectares Plot 1847 5140,Kampala Muhumuza Crescent Ruyonza,Kasaana Leasehold Register Kampala 1 Kamunyu Kinoni,Mbarara,Nyabushozi 1113 Folio19 Plot 2 P.O.Box 23203, Nyabushozi Block Kampala 52 and Land at Leasehold Register Volume 1113 Folio 19 Jomayi Property Nalumunye-0.047 Hectares Busiro Block Kampala Consultants Ltd, 436,Plot 499 P.O.Box 4477,Kampala Andereya Bagalinya Sasaja Estate-60.0 Hectares Singo Block 455, Mityana of Sasaja Singo Plot 6 Ephraim Ntaganda Kisasi Kyadondo Block Kampala P.O.Box 9011, 214, Plot 1607 Kampala 2 TO ALL LAND OWNERS, CREDIT INSITITUTIONS AND INTERESTED PARTIES The public is hereby notified that the following notices appeared in the Uganda Gazette of 14th January, 2011 Vol. CIV No.2 Notice to issue Special Certificate of Title to the following: Name and address Land at Block & Plot Number Respective Office of Titles Stanley Mukasa, Kisimbili Busiro Block 265, Kampala Nakiyaga Joyce,Kisakye Approx.1.051 Plots 117 & 104 Hariet &Kiyaga Robert Hectares (Administrators of the Estate of Late Mavuma Zakayo) Margaret Namugongo Busiro Block Kampala N.Semanda(Administrator 538,Plot 137 of the Etate of the Late Malita Nakamya) Vincent Ochen Angole Adyeda, Lira Block 3, Plot 2 Kampala P.O.Box 295, Lira District ,Leasehold Register Volume 1238, Folio10 Mohammed Omar Bishop Campling Plot 2, Kampala P.O.Box 10094, Road,Kiswa- Leasehold Register Kampala Kampala Volume 3881 Folio 22 J.R. Nkurunziza and Rose Chwa II Road Plot 34 Kampala Nkurunziza Kampala Leasehold Register P.O.Box 7200, Volume 799 Folio 20 Kampala Zefaniya Kibanja Nakabanja- Busiro Block 474, Kampala Approx.12.7 Acres Plot 5 Yona Mpaka of Makkato Kigalama Estate- Singo Block 329, Plot Mityana Singo 2.00 Hectares 41 John Fred Kityo Buswa- Busiro Block 496, Kampala P.O.Box 2534, Plot 5 Kampala Haji Abbey Abdu Kisaasi Kyadondo Block 214, Kampala Bbumba Approx.0.046 Plot 823 P.O.Box 16226, Hectares Kampala Yokana Kasagazi Gayaza- Approx.5.0. Busiro Block 367, Kampala Acres Plot 4 Asiya Namukasa Nase Approx.10.0 Kyadondo Block 85, Kampala Of Kyambogo Musaale Acres Plot 12 Kyadondo 3 Abudunulu Matovu Sanda-Approx.11.70 Busiro Block 239, Kampala Of Tongolo, Kakiri Hectares Plot 29 Dorothy Lalany Makerere Kibuga Block 38, Kampala Lukwiya,Dorothy Plot 90 Nakiboneka Lukwiya, Joy Lukwiya, Jolly Lukwiya, Rackara Samuel,Odong Benjamin C/o. P.O.Box 2826, Kampala(Administrators of the Estate of the Late George William Lukwiya) Fabiano Mulali Lunyolya- Area 14 Bulemezi Block 9, Luwero Hectares Plot 41 Fabiano Mulali Lunyolya & Bulemezi Block 17, Luwero Wabigalo –Area Plot 46 14.75 Hectares Abudala Kironde Kasana-Measuring Buddu Block 331, Masaka 2.90 Hectares Plot 26 Rose Nabulya Kyaggwe-5.30 Kyaggwe Block 37, Mukono P.O.Box 32338, Hectares Plot 33 Kampala Leasehold/Freehold Register Volume….Folio…. Dorothy Opany - Block 92, Plot 476 & Mukono P.O.Box 27825, 477 Kampala Leasehold/Freehold Register Volume… Folio…. Sarah Christine Katende Kanyanya Kyadondo Block 207, Kampala Lubogo, Approx.1.70 & 1.30 Plots 204 & 205 P.O.Box 7085, Kampala Acres respectively Sachedina Najak and Kaberamaido Kaberamaido Block Kampala Ramjanali Rashid of “ A” ,Plot 5 Kaberamaido, Soroti Leasehold Register Volume 57, Folio 1 Semanda Mustapha Namugongo – Kyadondo Block 185 Kampala P.O.Box 35227, Approx. 0.046 Plot 4780 Kampala Hectares 4 TO ALL LAND OWNERS, CREDIT INSITITUTIONS AND INTERESTED PARTIES The public is hereby notified that the following notices appeared in the Uganda Gazette of 21st, January 2011 Vol. CIV No.3 Notice to issue Special Certificate of Title to the following: Name and address Land at Block & Plot Number Respective Office of Titles Edward Kaddu C/o Senge Busiro Block 263, Kampala Father Raphael Plot 295 Sekagga Kisubi P.O.Box 1004, Kisubi, Entebbe Christopher Muingo Makerere Kibuga Block 3, Plot Kampala of Kisibe, Sabawali, 281 Kyadondo Erisa Kintu Salongo Mpala Busiro Block 424, Kampala Plots 24,40,62,58 Edward Golola Bulange Kibuga Block 26, Plot Kampala P.O.Box 7059, 239 Kampala Abuddu Matovu Tongolo Busiro Block 185, Kampala Plot 13 Josephus Rufus Namugongo / Kyadondo Block 223 Kampala Bisase Kisosonkole Nabwojjo Plot 165 and Tempora Michael Bisase Kisonsonkole P.O.Box 2446, Kampala Josephus Rufus Namugongo / Kyadondo Block 223 Kampala Bisase Kisosonkole Nabwojjo Plot 161 and Tempora Michael Bisase Kisonsonkole P.O.Box 2446, Kampala Josephus Rufus Namugongo / Kyadondo Block 223 Kampala Bisase Kisosonkole Nabwojjo Plot 162 and Tempora Michael Bisase Kisonsonkole P.O.Box 2446, Kampala Josephus Rufus Namugongo / Kyadondo Block 223 Kampala Bisase Kisosonkole Nabwojjo Plot 166 and Tempora Michael Bisase Kisonsonkole P.O.Box 2446, Kampala 5 Josephus Rufus Namugongo Kyadondo Block 223 Kampala Bisase Kisosonkole Plot 171 and Tempora Michael Bisase Kisonsonkole P.O.Box 2446, Kampala Jamil Buwembo Nakulabye Kibuga Block 10, Plot Kampala P.O.Box 3830, 695 Kampala Fred Muwonge Rubaga Kibuga Block 8, Plot Kampala P.O.Box 33322, 1340 Kampala Samuel Wamala Kyambogo Kyadondo Block Kampala Of Bweyogerere 137,Plot 100 Sswakiryanga- Lungujja Kibuga Block 24, Plot Kampala Mirembe Sam 1088 P.O.Box 3733, Kampala Walusimbi Richard MbuteApprox.5.00 Mawokota Block Kampala Mulenzi(Admn of the Acres 147,Plot 65 Estate of the Late Danyeri Kiwanuka) Yoweri Mutumba Buzimwa Mawokota Block 10, Kampala Approx.20.0 Acres Plot 6 Paulo Kiwanuka of Kungu Approx.1.496 Kyadondo Block 194, Kampala Monde Mutuba II Hectares Plot 172 Bulemezi Waiswa Maliki Bunamwaya Kyadondo Block 265, Kampala P.O.Box 3775, Approx.0.042 Plot 7337 Kampala Hectares Samsoni Sembatya Kasulusulu Bugangaizi Block Fort Portal Approx.97.0 Hectares 323, Plot 2 Sam Kakuru Mulago. Kibuga Block 5, Plot Kampala Kahurutuka Approx.0.202 1026 P.O.Box 7069, Hectares Kampala Jamada Bwegyeme Namungoona, Kyadondo Block 203, Kampala of Namungoona, Kampala Plot 1876 Kampala Leasehold Register Volume 1906, Folio Charles Mwesigwa, Lujjula Mabindo Mawogola Block Kampala Stephen Mugagga, 190 , Plot 4 Joshua Muwanguzi Leasehold Register and John Sabbiti Volume 1365, Folio P.O.Box 4020, 13 Sembabule 6 William Sewagaba Kakola Estate-0.40 Singo Block 631, Plot Mityana Kikonyogo of Hectares 24 Nkandwa Sabawaali Singo Isaka Sakaaza of Bukalasa-Area 1.80 Bulemezi Block 146, Luwero Bukalasa Hectares Plot 85 George Buwembo & - Block 182, Plot 2 & 1 Mukono Nagayi Rose T. of Leasehold/Freehold P.O.Box…………. Register Volume….Folio…. Shaik Ssemugoma 62.2 Acres Bugerere Block 125, Mukono Siraji Plot 71 P.O.Box……. Leasehold/ Freehold Register Volume….Folio….. Muvan Property Lugali-0.809 Hectares Kyaggwe Block 84, Mukono Consultants Ltd Plot 322 P.O.Box 3729, Kampala 7 TO ALL LAND OWNERS, CREDIT INSITITUTIONS AND INTERESTED PARTIES The public is hereby notified that the following notices appeared in the Uganda Gazette of 25th January, 2011 Vol. CIV No.4 Notice to issue Special Certificate of Title to the following: Name and address Land at Block & Plot Number Respective Office of Titles Segujja Joseph Nkumba Busiro Block 444, Kampala Sebanyiga Plot 1018 P.O.Box 43, Abaita- Ababiri Lameka Nsubuga Kawempe Kyadondo Block 208, Kampala Mperese & Edward Plot 2339 Luminsa P.O.Box 795, Kampala,(Tenants in Common) Olivene Gordon Lungujja,Approx.0.60 Kibuga Block24, Plot Kampala Kaddu Acres 317, John Lukwago Kisugu-Approx.0.20 Kyadondo Block 244, Kampala Kigundu Hectares Plot 3718 P.O.Box 1300 Masaka 8 TO ALL LAND OWNERS, CREDIT INSITITUTIONS AND INTERESTED PARTIES The public is hereby notified that the following notices appeared in the Uganda Gazette of 28th January, 2011 Vol. CIV No.5 Notice to issue Special Certificate of Title to the following: Name and address Land at Block & Plot Number Respective Office of Titles Hezekiah Kangave Nase, Kyadondo Block 85, Kampala Nduga Plot 46 P.O.Box 1579, Kungu Kyadondo Block 82, Kampala Plot 191, Kungu Kyadondo Block 82, Plot 546 Kungu Kyadondo Block 82, Plot 386 Luzira Kyadondo Block, 243, Plot 380 Luzira Kyadondo Block,243, Plot 358 Luzira Kyadondo Block 243,Plot 387 Eugene Battambogwe Buye-Approx.0.57 Kyadondo Block 216, Kampala Muwonge and Regina Hectares Plot 638 Naiga P.O.Box 6148, Kampala Pritamsingh Sondh, Jinja Kirinya Road Plot 12 Kampala Santokhsingh Sondh, Leasehold Register Narkewalsingh Sondh Volume 259, Folio 7 and Ranjitsingh Sondh P.O.Box 922, Jinja as tenants in common, in equal shares Muljibhai Madhvani and Nalufenya Road, Plot 26-32 Kampala company Limited Jinja Busoga Leasehold Register P.O.Box 54, Jinja Volume 819, Folio 7 Kigozi Lawrence Nsavu –Area.8.10 Bulemezi Block 822, Luwero P.O.
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