VOCABULA Picta Anna Andresian An Illustrated Latin Lexicon For !e Modern World INDEX! Domus ..................................................... 1-2 Vehicula .................................................... 40 Cubiculum ................................................... 3 Urbs .......................................................... 41 Balneum ...................................................... 4 Loca ..................................................... 42-43 Cul!na ...................................................... 5-6 C!vit't%s Foeder'tae Americae .............. 44-45 Cibus ...................................................... 7-10 R(ma .................................................... 46-47 Schola .................................................. 11-13 M!litia R(m'na ........................................... 48 "lectronica ........................................... 14-15 Tempus ..................................................... 49 L#d! ...................................................... 16-17 Col(r%s ...................................................... 50 $thl%tica .............................................. 18-20 Greg%s Voc'bul(rum ............................ 51-66 &nstr#menta M#sica ................................... 21 N!mina 1ae D"cl#n$ti!nis ........................... 51 N't#ra ................................................. 22-23 N!mina 2ae D"cl#n$ti!nis ...................... 52-53 Anim'lia .............................................. 24-28 N!mina 3ae D"cl#n$ti!nis (ABC) ............. 54-55 Familia ...................................................... 29 N!mina 3ae D"cl#n$ti!nis (Class"s) ......... 56-57 M#nera ................................................ 30-31 N!mina 4ae D"cl#n$ti!nis ........................... 58 M(nstra, etc. ............................................. 32 N!mina 5ae D"cl#n$ti!nis ........................... 58 M!thologia ........................................... 33-35 Adiect#va ............................................. 59-60 Affect#s .................................................... 36 Verba Tempor$lia (ABC) ........................ 61-62 Corpus H#m'num ..................................... 37 Verba Tempor$lia (Class"s) ................... 63-65 Vest!menta .......................................... 38-39 Verba Tempor$lia D"p!nentia .................... 66 ABOUT THIS BOOKLET The collection of vocabulary that follows is a resource that I put together for the use of my students. In general, I have provided only one Latin word for each item in order to make this booklet easier and more straightforward for students to use. There are certainly alternate words in use for many of the items that I have included, and this booklet simply reflects the decisions I made for my classroom in particular rather than any wider judgment about which words should and should not be used. The word lists on pp. 51-66 are separate from the illustrated portion of the booklet and are intended for use in exercises that require particular types of words. I am indebted to the sources listed below as well as to my friends and colleagues in the Latin teaching community, especially Terence Tunberg, Nancy Llewelyn, Stephen Berard, Patrick Owens, and Justin Mansfield. Floreat lingua Latina! - Anna Andresian ([email protected]) SOURCES Albert, Sigrides. Imaginum Vocabularium Latinum. 2nd ed. Saarbrücken: Societas Latina, 2009. Berard, Stephen A. Vita Nostra: Subsidia ad Colloquia Latina. Latin-English ed. Vol. I. Wenatchee, WA: Cataracta Publications, 2014. Lewis, Charlton T., and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1966. "Morgan Lexicon." Lexicon Morganianum. Ed. Patrick M. Owens and David W. Morgan†. Wyoming Catholic College, 15 Dec. 2013. Web. 13 Jan. 2014. <http://www.wyomingcatholiccollege.com/faculty-pages/patrick-owens/index.aspx>. Smith, William, and Theophilus D. Hall. Smith's English-Latin Dictionary. Wauconda, IL: Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, 2000. Traupman, John C. Conversational Latin for Oral Proficiency. 4th ed. Wauconda, IL: Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, 2007. © Anna Andresian 2014 ISBN-13: 978-1-63068-383-2 1st Edition Published by www.ascaniusyci.org Cover photos used with permission of Anna Fox and Peter Schultz. All other images are either used in accordance with the licensing terms of clipart.com and shutterstock.com or are the work of Anna Andresian. PRINCIPAL PARTS The vocabulary words in this booklet are listed according to their principal parts: NOUNS (STANDARD) NOUNS (PLURAL ONLY) puella puellae f. d!serta d!sert"rum n pl. "girl" "of the girl" feminine "desert" "of the desert" neuter plural nominative singular genitive singular gender nominative plural genitive plural gender This noun only uses plural endings VERBS mitt" mittere m#s# missus "I send" "to send" "I sent" "having been sent" present active indicative present active infinitive perfect active indicative perfect passive participle ADJECTIVES: M, F, N ADJECTIVES: M/F, N ADJECTIVES: M/F/N laetus laeta laetum fortis forte pot!ns potentis "the happy _____" "the brave _____" "the powerful _____" "of the powerful _____" & masculine/feminine neuter masculine/feminine/neuter genitive singular nominative nominative nominative celer celeris celere singular singular singular "the swift _____" masculine feminine neuter nominative nominative nominative singular singualr singular SPECIAL NOTATION m$china, -ae, f. caff!$ria: m!china ("machine") is a noun, and caff"!ria ("pertaining to coffee") is an adjective that modifies m!china. When m!china is declined, caff"!ria must be declined as well. laganum, -#, n. (crassum): laganum ("crepe") is a noun, and crassum ("thick") is an adjective that can be used for precision and clarification, but it is acceptable to leave out the adjective if the speaker wishes to shorten the phrase. b%t!rum, -#, n. + arachidis: When b#t!rum ("butter") is declined, arachidis ("of peanut") should always be used in the given form. This is indicated by the + sign and the fact that b#t!rum is shown with principal parts and arachidis is shown without principal parts. colloquium + ine", -#re, -#v#/-ii, -#tus: colloquium ("conversation") should be used in the given form and combined with a conjugated form of ine$ ("enter into"). This is indicated by the + sign and the fact that ine$ is shown with principal parts and colloquium is shown without principal parts. DOMUS domus, -!s, f. tabl#num, -#, n. aed"s, -ium, f. pl. $stium, -i#, n. lav%t$rium, -i#, n. cul#na, -ae, f. hypog"um, -#, n. c"n%ti$, -$nis, f. %rea, -ae, f. ant#ca tricl#nium, -i#, n. cubiculum, -#, n. %rea, -ae, f. post#ca nat%bulum, -#, n. balneum, -#, n. pisc#na, -ae, f. medi%num, -#, n. porticus, -!s, f. 1 CUBICULUM lectus, -#, m. cerv#cal, -"lis, n. l!d#x, -#cis, f. cubitum + e!, #re, #v#/i#, itus obdormi!, -#re, -#v#, -#tus linteum, -#, m. dormi!, -#re, -#v#, -#tus lectum + somnus, -#, m. stern!, -ere, str"v#, str"tus excit"t!rium, -i#, n. [son!, -"re, -u#, -itus] [praedisp!nere ad h!ram ] somni!, -"re, -"v#, -"tus somnium, -i#, n. lucerna, -ae, f. somnium, -i#, n. terrificum vestis, -is, f. dorm#t!ria experg#scor, -#, experr$ctus sum vesti"rium, -i#, n. surg!, -ere, surr$x#, surr$ctus 3 CORPUS H!M"NUM caput, capitis, n. collum, -!, n. umerus, -!, m. tergum, -!, n. pectus, -oris, n. bracchium, -i!, n. venter, -tris, m. cubitus, -!, m. carpus, -!, m. manus, -%s, f. gen%, -%s, n. cr%s, cr%ris, n. t"lus, -!, m. p$s, pedis, m. digitus, -!, m. d$ns, dentis, m. capillus, -!, m. lingua, -ae, f. auris, -is, f. oculus, -!, m. labium, -i!, n. n"sus, -!, m. #s, #ris, n. pollex, -icis , m. 37 37 TEMPUS M&NSIS NOVEMBER di"s di"s di"s di"s di"s di"s di"s S$lis L!nae Martis Mercuri# Iovis Veneris Saturn# di"s, -"#, m. + 1 2 3 4 - L!nae - M%rtis - Mercuri# - Iovis 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 - Veneris - S$lis biduum, -#, n. f"ri%tum - Saturn# 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 septim%na, -ae, f. / hebdomas, -adis, f. 19 20 21 22 24 25 di"s, -"#, m. + f"stus 26 27 28 29 30 31 m"nsis, -is, m. + aest%s, -t%tis, f. - I%nu%rius - Febru%rius - M%rtius - Apr#lis autumnus, -#, m. - M%ius - I!nius annus, -#, m. - I!lius - Augustus hiems, hiemis, f. - September (gen. -bris) - Oct$ber (gen. -bris) - November (gen. -bris) - December (gen. -bris) v"r, v"ris, n. 9:05 h$ra, -ae, f. di"s, -"#, m. 9:05 min!ta, -ae, f. 9:05:40 secunda, -ae, f. 12:00 ! mer#di"s, -"#, m. (pars) d#midia, -ae, f. 9:30 [e.g., h!ra n!na et d"midia] nox, noctis, f. quadr%ns, -ntis, m. 9:15 [e.g., h!ra n!na cum quadrante] d$dr%ns, -ntis, m. 9:45 [e.g., h!ra n!na cum d!drante] 12:00 ! media nox, noctis, f. 49 49 N!MINA 1ae D"CL#N$TI!NIS acta, f. sea-shore columba, f. dove ini&stitia, f. injustice praeda, f. booty; prey adul!scentia, f. adolescence columna, f. column innocentia, f. harmlessness proph!ta, m. prophet advena, m./f. foreign visitor coma, f. hair in%pia, f. lack, scarcity pr%vincia, f. province aemula, f. rival c%moedia, f. comedy $ns#nia, f. insanity pr&dentia, f. good sense, prudence aerumna, f. hardship condiscipula, f. classmate $nsidiae, f. pl. trap, ambush puella, f. girl "frica, f. Africa c%nfuga, m./f. refugee $nsula, f. island pueritia, f. childhood agricola, m. farmer c%nstantia, f. steadfastness intellegentia, f. intelligence pugna, f. fight, battle #la, f. wing continentia, f. self-restraint invidia, f. envy, ill-will querella, f. complaint #lea, f. die, dice game contum!lia, f. insult $ra, f. anger raeda, f. carriage, car Alexandr$a, f. Alexandria conv$va, m./f. fellow party-goer Italia, f. Italy r#na, f. frog alga, f. sea-weed c%pia, f. supply; pl. troops i&stitia, f. justice rap$na, f. robbery, plundering am#sia, f. girlfriend coqua, f. cook, chef lacrima, f. tear r!gia, f. palace ambrosia, f. drink of the gods cor%na, f. crown, wreath, garland lac&na, f. hole, opening r!g$na, f. queen America, f. America cr#ticula, f. grill laetitia, f. happiness repulsa, f. refusal, rejection am$ca, f. friend Cr!ta, f. Crete lagoena, f. bottle r$ma, f. crack am$citia, f. friendship cul$na, f. kitchen l#mina, f. slice r$pa, f. bank (of river) amita, f. aunt (dad’s side) culpa, f. fault, blame l#na, f. wool rixa, f. argument amphora, f. two-handled jug cumba, f. small boat, skiff latebra, f. hiding place R%ma, f. Rome ancilla, f. slave girl, slave woman c&ra, f.
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