-- ' . • • Cobleskill Siudeni Press Cobleskill, New York Siale Universily of New York 01 Cobleskill Vo l. 3, No.9 April 13, 1978 SUNY At BuHalo Starts Improving The Campaign To Aid Six Nations Campus Environment The State of New York made Six Nations of their political and The people of the State of New b~- Paul FlelshmaD realizing them. a law in 1899 which made them religious freedom. York should be made aware In its efforts on its various the official Wampus keeper in New York State reeognizes that New York State is illegally Th~ tables and benches that undertakings, the Committee New York State. Wampum is the Six Nations as a separate keeping the Six Nations from have recently been placed on has often ealled upon and been not money, but it is the belts government and are forcing a practicing fully their religion the patio of Bouck Hall, the supported and assisted. by a that the Six Nations use in their New York Slate Jawon a foreign and government. We urge you framed fabrics that have lately variety of other faculty and religion and goverrunent. The government, which is unlawful. to be aware and to help in any been hWlg on the walls in students and campus Wampumarethe official treaties The Indians look upon the manner possible in getting the ....a rious buildings, the Grandma organizations. Funding has of the Six Nations. Wampum Belts as we, the Wampum returned to the people Moses mural that adorns the always been a special problem, When the State of New York United States, look upon the of the Six Nations. lounge of Cu rtis-Mott Hall, t~ e and it is gratifying to note that became the self-proclaimed Constitution. It is the basis of Wr: a~ the SUNY at Buffalo sculpture that stands on the over the five years that the Wampwn keepers, they said their government. The Slate of ha\'c started a campaign to mall in front of Bouck..;these are Committee has been in· they would carry out all laws of New York is depriving the returll the Wampumlo the Six the achie\'Cments of a small existence it has regularly any Indian Wampum keepers. people of the Six Nations of the Nations. H you han : a similar group of students and faculty received willing and en­ They have failed in the instrwnents by which they can group, would like to start a who plan and work together as couraging financial ' support followin@: ways to be Wampwn exercise their government to its group or just want SOme more the Campus Aesthetic from students through arulUal keepers. First, you have to be fullest extent. infonnation from us please Development Committee. alloeations by Student an Indian ; second, you have to The State of New York ob­ write. What the members of th is Government By this means in be able to recite the message of . tained the Wampum from the Wampum group share is a concern for particular, students have each Wampum; third, the Indians by deception and force. <'--0 Oron Lyons making the campus into a more contributed to and played a Wampum should be present at The Wampum should be Program in American Studies pleasant and interesting en­ significant role in making our all Six Nations meetings and returned to the original and only SUNY at Buffalo vironment in which to live and campus into a better place and religious ceremonies. By rightful Wampumkeepers; the 1010 Samuel Clemens Hall work-which in a practical sense one that we can all take pride in. failing, they are depriving the people of the Six Nations. Amherst, N.Y. 14260 is what "aesthetic devel~ The Committee has recently ment" is all about. They have decided that its next major proceeded by Identifying areas project should be the facing of that are in need of im­ the unfinished end of the van Ga'glnaltls Show To Work In provement, deciding on specifiC Wagenen Library, possibly with projects and goa ls, working out a brick bas relief scuJpture. At Europe how these might be ac­ this time, plans for this project Open A t Art Gallery complished, and then trying to are in the initial stages of in­ raise the fund s necessary for vestigation and development. An exhibit of Schenectady late John Watrous of Program artist Carol Galginaitis will Schenectady, Bruce Dorfman of open with a reception for the New York City, and Frank artist in the Art Gallery on Alexander ,-Woodstock. OHered By Monday, April 10 from 7:30 p,m. Mrs. Galginaitis is a member 1 to 9:30 p.m. Professor John of the Oak Room Artists and has - • Grosvenor and the College sen.·ed as a member of the CIEE • • • Convocations and Fine Arts Schenectady Museum Art Committee cordially invite the Committee. Her work has Hundreds of U.S. students will • • • • • public to come, see the exhibit, appeared in many juried find jobs in France, Ireland and I • and meet the artist. exni~tions including: Regional Great Britain this summer • This show will remain in the Exhibition by Artists. of the through the Work in Europe • • • • • • • • • College Art Gallery through Upper Hudson; Saratoga program sponsored by the May 8. Visitors may view it Co uncil on International Springs Indoor Art Show; • • Monday through Friday from 9 Berkshire Art Association Educational Exchange (CIEEl. , • • • a.m. to 5 p.m. There is no Annual Exhibit at Pittsfield, For the past nine years, this • • • charge for admission. Mass. ; Artists of Central New popular program has provided • • • • During her years of study, York Annual Exhibition at students with the direct ex­ • • Mrs. Ga!ginaitis has developed perience of living and working • • Utica ; Coope rstown Annual • • her own unique style of ab­ National Art Exhibition and the in another country and, at the • straction involving the m­ Arena 76 Show, Binghamton. same time, helped them reduce • terplay of color and line. Ideas She has had numerous one-man the cost of their trip abroad. for her paintings come from shows for the Oak Room Artists, Participants must find their observing shapes in the land. the &hencctady Museum, the own jobs but will have the help scape from above and at eye &henectady Publie library, of cooperating student travel level. The use of flowing lines the Schenectady Civic organizations In each cOWltry. and color give a feeling of the Playhouse and the Village In France they may work land or the sea. The artist at­ Gallery, Galway. during the sununer; in Great tempts to create interest by the A native of Sheboygan, Britain they may work at any use of opposites: large and Wisconsin, Mrs. Galginaitis was time of the year for up to six small shapes; opaque and graduated from Ripon College, months; in Ireland they may transparent areas ; intr icate Ripon, Wisconsin. She is the work at any time of the year for and quiet seCtions. The painting wife of Simeon Galginaitis and up to four months. • should look good at a distance the mother of five children. The jobs are usually un­ and " up close." Exciting color 'Ibis art show is one of the skilled--in factories, depart­ and interesting, moving lines many eultural programs ment stores, hotels, etc. are of primary importance in sponsored by CAF AC for the Salaries are low, but students trying to create these " based on plea§Ure and enlightenment of generally earn enough to pay nature" abstracts. both college and community for their room and board while Educated as a chemist, Carol residents. In addition to the they work. A typical job would Galginaitis began painting in monthly art show throughout be that of chambermaid in a Terre Haute, India na , where the academic year, CAF AC also hotel in London's West End. she studied under John Laska. offers special programs in To qualify for CIEE's Other teaeheis include: Edgar music, literature, and the program, students must be _ Batzell. Salvador Cascio, the theatre. between the ages of 18 and 30 and must be able to prove their student status. To work in France, they must also be able Pre-Scheduling for Fall 1978 to speak and understand Freneh. All students planning on returning for the Fall For more infonnation and This is the most unslghtl" area on c.ampus, accordh g 10 iI 1978 semester must see their advisors to plan application forms, contact poll of students cOflducted IdSt year by Plant Science classes. their schedules. Pre-scheduling begins the weeR CIEE, Dept. PR-A, 777 United In case you may not recognize It. It's the unfinished south end Nations Plaza, New York, New ot Jared van Wagenen HaU. of April 10 and runs until April 21, 1978. York 10017; or 236 North Santa Now the Campus Aesthetic Development Committee is Cruz. No. 314, Los Gatos, proposing to have it faced, and an appropriale bas relief California 95030. sculpture mortared Inlo II. WHIRLWIND, April 13, 1978, p. 2 ~:":,,,"'>·"·":-:............... '( ... 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