JJ.. ZZ.. SShahhah AArtsrts & HH.P..P. DDesaiesai CCommerceommerce CCollege,ollege, AAmroli-mroli- SSuraturat GGrant-in-aidrant-in-aid CCollegeollege AAffiliatedffiliated toto VVeereer NarmadNarmad SSouthouth GujaratGujarat UUniversity,niversity, SuratSurat MManagedanaged bbyy JJivanivan JJyotyot TrustTrust A . A . MR T RRe-Accreditede-Accredited ““B”B” GGraderade wwithith CCGPAGPA 22.74.74 bbyy NNAACAAC MR T OLI - SURA OLI - SURA SSparkpark HHalf-Yearlyalf-Yearly NNewsews LLetter-Vol.7-Issue-1etter-Vol.7-Issue-1 FFromr om tthehe EEditorditor 22015-16015-16 DearDear All,All, SilverSilver JubileeJubilee YearYear comescomes knockingknocking andand itit isis a momentmoment ofof celebration,celebration, rejoice,rejoice, merrimentmerriment & alongalong withwith itit nownow itit becomesbecomes imperativeimperative toto setset short&short& longlong termterm goals,goals, headhead towardstowards strategicstrategic planningplanning andand chalkchalk outout a visionaryvisionary planplan forfor thethe yearsyears toto come.come. InstituteInstitute hashas progressedprogressed immenselyimmensely butbut PPrincipal'srincipal's MMessageessage stillstill therethere areare manymany taskstasks toto bebe accomplishedaccomplished andand manymany dauntingdaunting laurelslaurels stillstill toto bebe fathomedfathomed . ThisThis isis thethe timetime nownow toto HelloHello OneOne & all,all, ponder,ponder, thinkthink andand designdesign " WhatWhat Next"Next" andand " How".How". GreetingsGreetings fromfrom thethe AmroliAmroli CollegeCollege Staff!Staff! CongratsCongrats asas CollegeCollege turnsturns 25.25. One'sOne's ownown SWOTSWOT analysisanalysis isis mustmust atat thisthis stagestage forfor onlyonly WithWith milestonesmilestones comescomes responsibilitiesresponsibilities & determination,determination, dedicationdedication andand contributioncontribution willwill helphelp toto makemake withwith successsuccess comescomes challenges.Thechallenges.The thisthis instituteinstitute a betterbetter placeplace ofof learning.learning. instituteinstitute nownow strivesstrives toto turnturn itsits weaknessesweaknesses TheThe sloganslogan forfor thethe issueissue isis: intointo opportunitiesopportunities byby lookinglooking atat smallsmall “ ListenListen toto thethe innerinner voicevoice andand aimaim forfor thethe sky"sky" thingsthings & withwith a muchmuch betterbetter approachapproach turnturn thethe smallsmall intointo big.big. EExecutivexecutive SSponsor:ponsor: PPartneredartnered WWithinithin : “ ChangeChange withwith thethe timestimes & learnlearn toto flowflow Prin. Dr. K. N. Chavda Teaching & againstagainst tides.”tides.” CConceived,onceived, DDesignedesigned & Non Teaching Staff of - Prin.Prin. Dr.Dr. K.K. N.N. ChavdaChavda EditedEdited by:by: Amroli College Ms. Ritu R. Agarwal SStandingtanding oonn tthehe TThresholdhreshold ooff SSilverilver JJubileeubilee YYearear IInstitutenstitute AAimsims FForor a RRainbowainbow ooff IIdeas:deas: EExpansionxpansion SSustenanceustenance EEnrichmentnrichment QQualityuality MManagementanagement VValuealue EEnforcementnforcement SSkillkill DDevelopmentevelopment TTeameam BBuildinguilding [1] Highlights of the Activities Academic & Administrative Audit-Gujarat Index For the Development of Higher Education (AAA-GUIDE Peer Team Visit)-12 -13 May-15 Career Guidance Seminar for HSC pass-outs -27 May-15 Campus Interview for graduates & post-graduates by HDFC bank for the post of Sales Officer (Total candidates -15 , Selected candidate-1) -11-June-15 Training in Yoga-15June to 20 June-15 Celebration of International Yoga Day-21-June-15 Seminar on Future in Banking Sector- Key Note Speaker Dr. Jatin Naik-25-June-15 Campus Interview by NIBF for undergraduates (Total candidates-36, shortlisted for first round-36)-29-June-15 Enrolment of Students in SCOPE-DELL Orientation Program on NSS & NCC followed by enrollment of students Inaugural Function of the Post Graduate Centre/Courses-29-June-15 Lecture on the Importance of Blowing Conch shells and training workshop by the members of Shankh Dhwani Club-6-July-15 Lecture on the Need for Women Empowerment-7-July-15 Training in Self-Defence-7-July-15 First Blood Donation Camp ( 80 Blood Bags Collected)-8-July-15 Lecture on Traffic Awareness-9-July-15 Inter class Prayer Singing Competition-10-July-15 Campus Interview for Management Trainees by Destiny Advertising & Marketing ( Total candidates 73 and 42 selected)-10-July-15 Inter class Salad Decoration Competition-13-July-15 Inter class Rangoli Making Competition-15-July-15 Pravesh Utsav & Orientation Program for the Freshers-15-July-15 Group Interaction of Gujarati Movie Actors with the Students -15-July-15 Inter college Prayer Singing Competition-17-July-15 Inter college Salad Decoration Competition-21-July-15 Thalassemia Test-July & August-15 Inter class Poster Making Competition-22-July-15 Inter class Best Out of Waste Competition-22-July-15 Social Awareness Program in collaboration with Jivan Jyot Trust & Alumni Association-Key Note Speakers Padamshree Shri Mathurbhai Savani & Dr. Ami Yagnik -22-July-15 Inter class Poetry Recitation Competition-22-July-15 Inter college Rangoli Making Competition-23-July-15 Inter class Elocution Competition-24-July-15 Seminar on Cyber Security-24-July-15 Lecture to impart information regarding Different Exams conducted for Jobs in Banks by Mahendra's Institute of Banking -24-July-15 Inter class Book Review Competition-25-July-15 Audition for Mono-acting -27-July-15 Inter class Gujarat Quiz Competition-28-July-15 Inter college Poetry Recitation Competition-30-July-15 Inter college Poster Making Competition-31-July-15 Lecture on Never Commit Suicide by Shri Bharatbhai Chahwala-31-July-15 Lecture on Personality Development-1-Aug-15 Inter class Bhajan Singing Competition-3-Aug-15 Inter college Best Out of Waste Competition-4-Aug-15 Inter college Mehandi Competition-5-Aug-15 Charity Day- Rs. 21,000/- raised-5-Aug-15 Inter college Elocution Competition-6-Aug-15 Inter class Patriotic Song Competition-7-Aug-15 Lecture on Importance of Nutritious food by Mr. Jagrut Patel ( Medical Officer )-8-Aug-15 Training to NSS Volunteers by Surat Municipal Authorities for curbing the menace of Dengue & Malaria-8-Aug-15 [2] Highlights of the Activities Inter college Book Review Competition-11-Aug-15 Inter college Patriotic Song Competition-12-Aug-15 Hosted the Inter school Sanskrit Shlok Recitation Competition( For 9th to 12th Std. Students)-13- Aug-15 Seminar on Save the Girl Child-13-Aug-15 Social Awareness & Environmental Awareness Program by Thanks Group-14-Aug-15 Inter class Drawing Competition-14-Aug-15 Celebration of Independence Day, flag Hoisting, PTA & Alumni Meeting-15 -Aug-15 Inter college Gujarat Quiz Competition-19-Aug-15 Inter class Extempore Elocution Competition-20-Aug-15 Inter college Essay writing Competion-21-Aug-15 Inter college Drawing Competition-21-Aug-15 Inter class Elocution Competition on Environment-22-Aug-15 Lecture by an Alumnus Mr Jainesh Gupta for TYBCom Students-22-Aug-15 Hosted the Inter school Drawing Competition ( For 9th to 12th Std students)-22-Aug-15 Inter class Elocution Competition on Environment-24-Aug-15 Inter college Mono acting Competition-24-Aug-15 Seminar on Indian Army-24-Aug-15 Inter college Debate Competition-25-Aug-15 Inter class Sanskrit Shloka Recitation Competition-25-Aug-15 Inter college Sanskrit Shloka Recitation Competition - 4-Sept-15 Janmashtami Celebration-7-Sept-15 Celebration of Swami Vivekanand Jayanti -8-Sept.-15 Visit to Manav Seva Sangh ,Sayan for Charity Work-8-Sept-15 Seminar on Overseas Employment Career Information-8-Sept-15 First Prize Distribution to felicitate Top ten Rankers -9& 10-Sept-15 First Round of Inter school Elocution Competition organized by the Alumni Association- 12-Sept-15 Seminar on Career Counselling by Jetking Learning Centre-14-Sept-15 Seminar on Study Abroad by World wide Education-14-Sept-15 Second Round of Inter school Elocution Competition organized by the Alumni Association-15-Sept-15 Charity Raised for the Blind-12-Sept-15-Rs. 15,000/- raised Visit to 'Samvedna'-School & Research Centre for mentally Challenged Children-15 Sept-15 Legal Awareness Program-16-Sept-15 Final Round of Inter school Elocution Competition organized by the Alumni Association-19-Sept-15 Campus Interview for the post of Assistant Acquisition Manager by Kotak Mahindra- 19-Sept-15 Motivational Lecture by Shri Bhavinbhai Shah and Felicitation function organized at Sardar Smruti Bhavan-21-Sept-15 NSS Day 24 - Sept - 15 Internal Test -30 Sept. to 8 Oct.-15 Additional Internal Test - 14 Oct to17 Oct.-15 New & Recent Developments : LLaunchaunch ofof II-notice-notice bboardoard fforor i-phonei-phone InstituteInstitute getsgets itsits ownown ISBNISBN NumbersNumbers forfor publicationpublication ofof booksbooks IntroducedIntroduced InterInter ClassClass andand InterInter collegecollege SaladSalad DecorationDecoration CompetitionCompetition IntroducedIntroduced InterInter classclass andand InterInter CollegeCollege RangoliRangoli MakingMaking CompetitionCompetition IntroducedIntroduced InterInter classclass BhajanBhajan SingingSinging CompetitionCompetition InitiatedInitiated SessionsSessions forfor EnhancingEnhancing thethe AbilityAbility throughthrough LearningLearning (SEAL)/Personality(SEAL)/Personality DevelopDevelopmentment LecturesLectures (PD)(PD) asas partpart ofof thethe RegularRegular TimeTime Table:Table: BestBest PracticePractice [3] Teaching & Learning - Best Practice :: ‘SEAL’ Title of the Practice Sessions for Enhancing the Ability through Learning
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