THE: E:NGINE:E:R WINTE:R 1978-1979 Soviet Combat Engineers page 6 UNITED STATES ARMY ENGINEER CENTER AND FORT BELVOIR Commander/Com mandant EDITORIAL STAFF MG James L. Kelly PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICER Deputy Commander/ MAJ Sandor I. Ketzis Assistant Commandant BG Charles J. Fiala EDITOR Jerome J . Hill Deputy Assistant Commandant ILLUSTRATOR COL Robert S. Kubby SSG Mike Furr Command Sergeant Major THE ENGINEER is an authorized quarterly publication of the CSM lucion L. Cowart U.S. Army Engineer Center and Fort Belvoir. It is published to provide factual and in-depth information of interest to all Ar· my engineers and engineer units. Articles , photographs and art work of general interest may be submitted for considera­ tion to Editor, THE ENGINEER Magazine, U.S. Army Engineer Center and Fort Belvoir, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060. Views and DIRECTORATES opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the Department of the Army. Funds for printing THE ENGINEER were approved by HQ, Department of the Army, January 1, Directorate of Combat Developments 1974. COL Henry J. Hatch SUBSCRIPTIONS: Individual paid subscriptions are no longer available due to a change in policy necessitated by con­ Directorate 01 Training straints on personnel authorizations. The magazine is COL Robert E. Conroy available through normal free distribution to active army units and reserve compone nts, service schools and post libraries, Directorate of Training Developments education and training centers, and engineer staff sections COL Francis J. Waiter world wide. Single complimentary copies are also available upon written request. Directorate of Evaluation TELEPHONE: Commercial 703-664-5001/3556; Autovon LTC James L Spencer 354-5001/3556. POSTMASTER: Controlled circulation postage paid at Mer­ Defense Mapping School rifield, VA 22116. COL Edward K. Wintz UNITS Engineer Center Brigade COL George H. Hilt Engineer Training Br.gade COL Kerwood W. Barrand TH€ €NGIN€€R THE COVER Soviet combat engineers perform many, but not all, of the same func­ tions as their U.S. counterparts. Ma· jar Arthur J. Parr, Jr., examines the staff and organization 01 Soviet corn­ bat engineers beginning on page 6. Cover art by Staff Sergeant Mike Furr. THE: E:NGINE:E:R \JOLUM€ 8 WINTE:R 1978-1979 NUMB€R4 ~E: ~TURE: ARTICLE:S 6 SOVIET CO M BAT EN GINEERS: STAF F AND ORGANIZATION Major Arthur J. Parr, Jr. 12 FASCAM IN DEFENSE OF CITIES Major George F. Smi th page 73 16 TH E TOPOGRAP HIC ELEMENT OF COMB AT POWER Major Craig R. Hutchinson 19 TH E MEDIUM GIRDE R BRIDGE: PANACEA OR PROBLEM? Major Harvey G. Rams ey 22 THE RODRIGUEZ TACTICAL TRAINING RANGE Lieutenant Colonel John B. Wheeler page 79 26 THE INTERACTIVE MAPPING SYSTEM CW2 Herbert H. Kressler 30 PSYCHOLOGY AND MILITARY LEADERSHIP C W4 Charles E. Dunn page 30 DE:PARTME:NTS 2 NEWS & NOTES 34 OFF ICER CAREER INFO 4 EaUIPMENT UPDATE 36 ENLIST ED CAREER INFO 5 LETT ERS TO THE EDITOR 38 NCO CHANNELS 29 COMMANDER'S UPDATE 39 RESERVE COMP ONENTS 33 TACTICAL PROBLEM 40 THE SCHOOL SOLUTION News & Notes ___ FTX Troop s of the 5th E nginee r Bat tali on (Co mbat), G uard T raining Area. Mark T wain Nati on al US Ar my T rain ing Center E ngi neer and Fort Fo rest . Weldon Spring, and Stock ton Lak e . Th c Leonard W ood, pr ep are to attach the deck plate to FTX cu lminated an eight-week train ing cycle dur­ the superstruct ure of a Class 60 float bridge during ing wh ich eac h company of th e batt alion rotat ed to the ir Field T rain ing Exercise last fall. The FTX , ea ch tr aining a rea to practice different combat con sidered th e most comprehe nsive ever for the 5th e nginee r operatio ns. (U .S. Army photo by I LT Battalion , covered 5.400 squa re miles with training David Faltot ) sites at Fort Leonard W ood. Wappap ello National MOS 12B SURVEY M ilita ry Occupati on al Special­ LAB OF THE YEAR ty 12B. Combat Engineer, was onc of six MOSs surveyed dur ing The U .S . Army En gin eer T opographic Lab orat or ies th e first quarter of FY 79 to pr o­ (ETLJ. Fort Belvoir, VA, has won the U. S. Army vide feed back on job skills a nd Laboratory of th e Year award for scientifi c and technical tr aining. Results of th e su rvey ach ievem ent in mapping, military geography informa­ sh ould be read y for M OS tion, and geographic inte lligence systems. A total of 32 management officials and train­ laboratories competed for the 1978 awa rd. ing centers early this year. ac­ Spec ific ac hievements which help ed ETL win the cordin g to MILPERCEN. T he pr estigi ou s award included: development of the Digital pur pose of MO S surveys is to get Inter active System for im age interpretation and spec ial soldiers' opinions and cri tiques of product research and development; developm ent of a job qua lifica tions . specific duties Print Head System to place map nam es a nd symbo ls; performed a nd benefits of job development of digit al input-output display equipment tr aining. Resul ts are studied to (D IO DE) which automa tes techniques for editing car­ arrange fut ure training a nd togr aphic data; and developmen t of mathe ma tica l and testi ng to correspond more closely computer techniqu es for sto ring mill ion s of terra in data points. with duties ra ther tha n job J descriptions. 2 WI NTER 1978-79 CITY BUILDERS When members of the 34th Engineer Battalion of Fort Riley, KN , set their minds to a task. they seem to be able to accomplish wonders. For exa m­ ple, with th e assis tance of the 203rd Engine er Bat­ talion. a Missouri Nat ional Guard uni t, th ey con­ structe d an entire city in less than three months. A littl e ha rd to believe. bu t neverth eless true. Of course, th e city con sisted of ju st 13 wooden buildings, but it will do just fine for tr ain ing pur­ poses. Th e single and two-story structures were designed an d built to pro vide a combat-in-cities tr aining environment for infan try . armo r and milita ry police uni ts at Fan Riley. The " city" is located abo ut four miles north of the installation's new troo p billets on a fou r-acre trainin g site . NEW OCE DIR ECTORATE PEOPLE A new directorate has been established • Private First Class Andrew D. Leach, Co mpa ny in the Offi ce of th e Chief of Engineers A. 307th Eng ineer Batt alion (ABN). was selecte d (OCE), replacing the Milita ry Const ruc ­ as the 82nd Airbo rne Division " Trooper of the tion and Faci lities Engineering Direc­ Month" for Octobe r 1978. Leach is a 20-year-old to rates. T he new Directorate of Military Combat Const ruction Specialist from EI Paso, TX. Progr am s. headed by Major General • Colonel LeeRoy Nunn, Jr., has been selected to Will iam R. Wray. is de sign ed to suceed Colonel George R. Robertson as the Alas ka st re a m line military programs a n d Distri ct Engineer. effective this June. Colonel strength en support to the Army. Nunn is curre ntly att endi ng the Army War College. NEW INSIGNIA A new shoul der sleeve insignia for milita ry personnel assign ed to U .S. Army Corps of En gin eers division s and distri cts is now being distributed . T he new insigni a is a 2 'l4-inch squ are with white border. placed poin t up . Th e background \s divided in half vert ically with white and sca rlet . It bears a castle tower divided in half with sca rlet and white. Opened dividers are centered abo ve a gridlined globe. both divided in half with white and scarlet. The globe symbolizes activities of Eng ineer divisions a nd distri cts. the dividers symbolize design and planning, and the tower is symbolic of the constr uction mission . THE ENGINEER 3 Equipment Update _ MGB TEST ANALYSIS The U.S. Army Test and Evalua­ tion Command's analysis of the test report on the Medium Girder Bridge has been forwarded to the Troop Support and Aviation Materiel Com­ mand in St. Louis for a final decision on the MGB. The test report, based on three years of testing and evalua­ tion by the Materiel Testing Direc­ torate, Aberdeen Proving Ground, had been labeled "very favorable" by test director Wil1iam Deaver. MINE CLEARING ROLLER Pre-production tests on the first two Track Width Tank Mounted Mine Clearing Roller Systems are scheduled to begin in May at Aber­ the roller assemblies clears tilt rod field units by the first quarter of deen Proving Ground, MD. mines. It can survive blasts from two Fiscal Year 1981. The production contract was 22-pound high-explosive mines. FAMECE is the latest mobility awarded last August to Chrysler Cor­ Under battle conditions, the rollers concept for combat engineer sec­ poration. It called for the production can be released in less than 30 tionalized construction equipment. of 15 mine clearing rollers at a cost seconds using a hydraulic disconnect It utilizes a common power module of $1.5 million . system. which is capable of rapid coupling The system consists of a retrofit (within 30 minutes) to any of eight FAMECE kit, mounting kit.
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