Tabel of Content • Aknowledgements and Organization 5 • Abstracts 7 • Panels 173 • Utilia 181 • List of Participants 183 SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Mario Capasso, Paola Davoli Mario Capasso, Chairman Paola Davoli, Chairman Rodney Ast Roger Bagnall Stefania Alfarano Guido Bastianini Alberto Buonfino Sergio Daris Giovanni Del Giudice Lucio Del Corso Arianna Giandomenico Gianluca Del Mastro Francesco Giannachi Maria Rosaria Falivene Natascia Pellé Jean-Luc Fournet Fabio Pollice Jürgen Hammerstaedt Francesca Silvestrelli Giovanni Indelli Fulvio Tornese Andrea Jördens Bruno Bazzani (web & IT) Giuliana Leone Francesca Longo Auricchio † John W.R. Lundon Franco Maltomini STAFF Marie-Hélène Marganne Gabriella Messeri Alberto Antonaci Diletta Minutoli Elisabetta Carmelitano Franco Montanari Stefania Cirfera Federico Morelli Lucia Beatrice De Filippis Rosa Otranto Natascia Pellé Silvio Di Cello Rosario Pintaudi Vincenzo Fai Dominic Rathbone Giorgia Francavilla Fabian Reiter Cesare Iezzi Petra Sijpesteijn Emanuele Miccoli Martin Stadler Alice Nobile Silvia Strassi Flavia Notarnicola Jakub Urbanik Giuseppe Quarta Elena Russo Filippo Maria Sergio Elena Urso Aknowledgements and Organization ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Organizers of the 29 th International Congress of Papyrology gratefully aknowledge the support of: Università del Salento AIP (Association Internationale de Papyrologues) AICC (Associazione Italiana di Cultura Classica) ISUFI (Itituto Superiore Universitario di Formazione Interdisciplinare, Università del Salento) Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Università del Salento CISPE (Centro Internazionale per lo Studio dei Papiri Ercolanesi “Marcello Gigante”) Fondazione Puglia Banca Popolare Pugliese Associazione Certamen Plinianum, Castellammare di Stabia Biblioteca Interfacoltà “Teodoro Pellegrino”, Università del Salento Monastero delle Benedettine di San Giovanni Evangelista, Lecce Museo Leonardo da Vinci nella città di Galateo Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Firenze Biblioteca Nazionale “Vittorio Emanuele III”, Napoli Poste Italiane Museo della Stampa, Merine Arakne Mediterranea Pensa MultiMedia Editore, Lecce EC Formedica, Lecce They also extend their warmest thanks to the Comune di Lecce for concessing the use of Teatro Apollo and Castello Carlo V. Abstracts I governatori dell’Egitto nella documentazione del IV sec. d.C.: una rassegna e un’analisi dei termini e delle espressioni ricorrenti Giulia Agostini Sapienza-Università di Roma Il linguaggio utilizzato nel IV sec. d.C. nei documenti amministrativi per riferirsi al prefetto o agli altri governatori delle province egiziane non è stato finora oggetto di uno studio sistematico. Dall’analisi della documentazione emergono invece sia delle innovazioni rispetto alle espressioni utilizzate per il prefetto in precedenza, sia delle espressioni particolari che in questo periodo erano riservate al prefetto e non ai governatori delle altre province. Nel presente intervento sarà fornita una visione d’insieme del lessico usato nella documentazione e la sua evoluzione nel corso del tempo, con lo scopo di metterne in evidenza le peculiarità e di indivi - duare dei criteri per la datazione e per l’interpretazione dei documenti. Saranno quindi esaminati innanzitutto i termini che indicano la carica ( ἔπαρχος , ἡγεμών o ἄρχων ), i titoli di rango ( διασημότατος o λαμπρότατος ) e i sostantivi astratti usati per riferirsi ai governatori ( ἀνδρεία , μεγαλεῖον , μέγεθος ), ma anche altre espressioni che fanno indirettamente riferimento al loro intervento. Papyrus Conservation Techniques at the National Library of Egypt Ahmed Abdel-Fattah Mohamed Youssef Egyptian National Library The Papyrus conservation lab at the Egyptian National Library was established in April 2001. However the Papyrus collection was introduced before that date to many conservation treatments, some of the papyri were perfectly conserved and meets nowadays standard Ethics of Conservation, unfortunately there is no Conservation records regarding the old Conservation techniques, so we don’t know a lot about the materials or techniques used before. However, there are pa - pyri that were conserved with good intentions but with poor quality materials and more invasive techniques. This doesn’t mean that all conservation techniques done after 2001 are perfect. This Paper compares between the old conservation techniques and recent conserva - • 9• tion techniques introduced to the Papyri Collection at the Egyptian National Library and tries to show that assessment process is always in our minds to achieve best results and to do that we are committed to have conservation records of all treatments done to the Collection and using a database to leave information about our tools, tech - niques, and materials used in the papyrus conservation lab since 2001, and we are improving our ways of documenting and recording notes about our work. Two Coptic letters in Abou el-Goud storage magazine Ahmed T.A. Khalil Minia University This paper aims to publish two Coptic ostraka , they are now kept in Abou El- Goud storage magazine in Luxor. Regrettably, there was no information on their provenance and their date. Both of them were written on one side with black ink. The first letter consists of twelve lines written in Sahidic Coptic, while the second one is composed of nine lines written in Sahidic Coptic, but unfortunately the end of this letter was lost as a result of broken lower part. Lists of Taxpayers from III A.H. of Islamic Egypt at the Egyptian National Library Papyri Collection Asmahan Abu-Alasaad Egyptian National Library This paper studies three Arabic Papyri documents from III A.H. (IX CE). The documents record the lists of taxpayers for paying a poll tax and land tax. The lists of names are written in the Arabic language and the amount of tax in Greek figures. The documents raise some questions about the formula, the traditions of receipt writing and list of taxpayer shape in this period. • 10 • The first document, P .Cair .Eg .Lib . inv. 880 27 x 11.5 cm. On recto, a List of Copts and Muslims names of taxpayers, which is written in 18 lines. On verso, a Receipt for paying a poll tax and land tax, the text contains 10 lines and is written by another hand. The second document, P .Cair .Eg .Lib . inv.12 19.5 X 7 cm. On verso, a list of ten - ants, their plots of land and land tax, the document is written in 16 lines. On recto, a private letter. The third document, P .Cair .Eg .Lib . inv. 2349. 14x10.5 cm. On recto, a list of taxpayers, the document is written in 7 lines. The verso is blank. Papyrus « trafiqués » à la Collection Palau-Ribes : décollant fragments et vérifiant écritures María-Jesús Albarrán Martínez ILC, CSIC La Collection Palau-Ribes abrite un groupe de papyrus, qu’apparemment ont été objet de manipulation à l’époque moderne, avec le but d’obtenir des bénéfices économiques de la part des marchands ou vendeurs. Ils ont été « trafiqués » de façons diverses, mais toujours en faisant l’essai de donner l’apparence d’un docu - ment complet et parfois en bon état de conservation. On trouve des papyrus avec fragments collés d’autres textes qui complet lacunes ou papyrus avec faux écritures qu’imitent et remplissent le texte original. Cependant, les pièces les plus excep - tionnelles sont des faux documents coptes, composés par des petits fragments, qui proviennent de différents textes, qu’ont été coupés et collés avec beaucoup de soin en simulant un document original complet et bien préservé. En cette com - munication on essaiera de réfléchir autour de ce phénomène de « trafique » de papyrus, ainsi que d’examiner des fragments manipulés. • 11 • Poster Dining rooms in Late Antique Egypt: papyrological and archaeological evidence Stefania Alfarano, Alberto Buonfino University of Salento The Roman Banquet as a social phenomenon and the architectural features used for the convivial ceremonies has been widely studied especially concerning the societies in the western part of the Roman Empire and North Africa. Little at - tention has been paid so far to the convivia in Egypt during the Roman and Late Antique periods. This paper focuses on the study of convivial practices in domestic, public, reli - gious and funerary Egyptian contexts through the analysis of two kinds of sources: the archaeological remains and the written sources such as papyri. The dining rooms and couches documented by the archaeological excavations are characterized by specific architectonic plans and shapes, decorative elements and a peculiar setting. These elements suggest a certain standardization of the ar - chitectural patterns and the introduction of models and traditions coming from the Graeco-Roman world. At the end of the 3rd century a new type of banquet couch, the stibadium , spreads throughout the Roman Empire and is documented in all Egyptian functional contexts: private houses, public buildings, cemeteries but also temples both pagans and Christians. However, these stibadia show a particular horseshoe-shape which is not common in other regions of the Mediterranean basin. The comparison between the different kinds of texts analysed and the architec - tural evidences identified in several Egyptian sites, show that a perfect match be - tween the terms used in the written sources and the types of dining rooms is not always possible. Despite the large amount of texts on papyrus found in Egypt, the archaeological evidence provides more information to define the main features and patterns used in this region for the celebration of formal banquets .
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