Index (unpublished) by Helene S. Ferranti to: Bolles, Edmund Blair. The Ice Finders: How a Poet, a Professor, and a Politician Discovered the Ice Age. Washington, DC: Counterpoint, 1999. A Alps origin, 65, 73, 87, 217, 221 Adams, Henry, 214 Amazon River expedition, Agassiz's, 238-39 the Advance (ship) American Geographical and Statistical Society, 7 cannabalized for fuel, 132, 134, 169 anticatastrophism, Lyell's, 38, 51, 73, 115, 143, Melville Bay crossing by, 45-48 180-81 rat infestation of, 131-32 Association of German Naturalists, 107 retreat party's return trips to, 170-71, 176 Agassiz, Alexander, 52 B Agassiz, Cécile, 42, 51-52, 178 Baker, Jefferson, death of, 98 Agassiz, Louis Beaumont, Élie de, catastrophism and, 89-90, beliefs/opinions: on catastrophism, 71-73, 222 87, 179-83, 235; on Beechy Island escape party, 102 creation/extinction of species, 29, Ben Nevis, 120-21, 122, 234 71-72, 89, 179-83, 184, 215-16, 235, Bex potholes, 52-53, 59 237-38; on drift theory, 53-59, 66; Bible, 198, 203 on evolution, 29, 181; religious, 29, biblical flood, 40, 93, 108-9 214-17, 239, 241 blocks of Monthey, 59, 115 character/personality: as fact-lover, 69-70, See also erratic boulders 239; thin skin of, 151; work habits, Bonaparte, Charles-Lucien, 109 27, 41, 59, 113, 217, 239 boulders, erratic. See erratic boulders early years: background, 25-27; as Cuvier Braun, Cécile. See Agassiz, Cecile protegé, 14-15, 25, 38; fossil fish Brazilian glacier theory, 239-40 investigations, 25, 28, 37-38, 40-41, Bridgewater treatise, 75, 107-9 51; marriage to Cécile (née Braun), British Association for the Advancement of 42, 51-52, 178; Neuchâtel Science, 117-19, 177, 179-81 appointment, 25-26; Neuchâtel Buch, Leopold von. See von Buch publishing house, 38, 41, 178; Buckland, William Neuchâtel Society of Natural Bridgewater treatise, 75, 107-9 Sciences, 27, 41; nicknamed "the diluvium and, 40, 108-9 Carp", 70 geological dating and, 39-40 expeditions/excursions: Alps, 51-59, 65-68, Ice Age theory and, 107-10, 129 106, 107-10, 148-51; Brazil, 238-40; Lyell and, 24, 124 Great Lakes, 192-98; Scottish Scottish glacier theory and, 119-23, 127-29 Highlands, 119-23 glacier/Ice Age theory: cessation of new C work on, 214-17; collaboration with Carozzi, Albert, 69 Schimper on, 59-60, 64-65, 68-74, catastrophism (catastrophe theory) 151; Études sur les glaciers, 113; Agassiz and, 71-73, 87, 179-83, 235 feud with James Forbes, 150-53, Cuvier and, 14-15 199, 203; later contributions to, 241; Élie de Beaumont and, 222 Neuchâtel Discourse, 83-90, 126, Leopold von Buch and, 65, 73, 84 235-36; Scottish glacier theory and, Lyell and, 25, 180-81, 217, 221-22, 235-37 119-23; Swiss glacier theory and, mountain building and, 65, 73, 87, 217, 221 44-45, 51-59, 66-68, 84-86, 103-5, See also anticatastrophism, Lyell's 152; Système glaciaire, 177-79 chain of being. See Great Chain of Being later years: 50th birthday dinner, 211-13; Charpentier, Jean de Boston visit, 183-86; death, 241-42; Agassiz and, 43, 45, 51-59, 66-68, 152 promotion of Kane's book, 211; background, 42 remarriage, 214 glacier theory of, 43-45, 105-6, 200-201 legacy: impact on scientific education, 214, Lyell and, 49-51, 218-19 242-44; on scientific practice, 107, response to Neuchâtel Discourse, 84-86 178-79, 186, 238 Christian, Hans, 16-17, 36, 61-63, 100-101, relationship with Lyell, 38, 180-83 135-36 creation/extinction of species on Lake Superior shores, 195-96 Agassiz's views on, 29, 71-72, 89, 179-83, at Niagara Falls, 142-43 184, 215-16, 235, 237-38 in Rhone Valley, 52-53 Bridgewater treatise and, 75 Schimper's studies of, 69 Cuvier's lecture on, 13-15 von Buch and, 65, 84, 92 Edward Forbes' fossil evidence and, 179-83 Eskimos, 99, 112, 132, 173-75 Lamarck and, 14 Etah glacier, 173 Lyell's views on, 180-81, 235-36 Études sur les glaciers (Agassiz), 113 shift of focus regarding, 76-77 evolution See also evolution Agassiz and, 29, 181 the Creator Cuvier and, 14-15 Agassiz's views on, 29, 71, 89, 215, 237, Darwin and, 11, 238 239 the Great Chain of Being and, 12-14 Bridgewater treatise and, 75 Lamarck's theory of, 14 vs. a Destroyer, 76-77 Lyell and, 181 Cuvier, Georges, 10-15, 25 as progress, 11-12, 71 See also creation/extinction of species D extinction of species. See creation/extinction of Darwin, Charles species evolution and, 11, 238 Lyell's influence on, 10, 50 F philosophical difference with pre- Faith (boat), rescue of, 207 Darwinians, 11 flood, Noah's, 40, 93, 108-9 De Haven, Edwin, 6 Forbes, Edward De Haven expedition (1850), 6, 7 Channel dredge investigations with Agassiz the Deluge, 40, 93, 108-9 and Lyell, 181-83 Desor, Edouard, 179, 186 fossil evidence paper, 177, 179-81 diluvium, 40, 93, 108-9 migration of species and, 179-81, 235-36 Dinkel, Joseph, 28 Forbes, James drift theory British glaciology founder, 199-200 Agassiz's rejection of, 53-59, 66 feud with Agassiz, 150-53, 199, 203 Lyell's acceptance of, 44, 91-93, 115-16, glacier entry in Encyclopedia Britannica, 143-44 210 Lyell's rejection of, 220-21 health, 198 Roderick Murchison and, 118-19 Ice Age theory and, 199-203 Scottish glacier theory and, 201-3 E Swiss glacier theory and, 22-24, 123, Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, 126 149-51, 200-201 Eiszeit, as new term, 65 fossil fish "Die Eiszeit" ode (Schimper), 64, 74 Agassiz investigations of, 25, 28, 37-38, Emerson, Ralph Waldo, comment on Agassiz's 40-41, 51 theology, 215-16 Agassiz's reputation in England and, 117 England Bridgewater treatise and, 107 Agassiz's reputation in, 117, 152-53 fossil research, 38-41, 75 opposition to Ice Age theory in, 162 Fox, Henry (Lord Holland), 74-77 English Lake District, 202 Fox, Margaret, 20-21 erratic boulders Franklin, Sir John, 6-7 Agassiz's Lake Huron lecture on, 197-98 Franklin expedition, 157-58, 209-10 catastrophism and, 65 Frederick William III (King of Prussia), 41 in England's Lake District, 202 French Geological Society, 103-4 as glacial action evidence, 66, 104, 118 icebergs as transporters of, 44, 53, 66, G 91-93, 115-16, 142-43, 148 genius heroes, 139-40 Jean-Pierre Perraudin and, 44 geological change in Jura Mountains, 65-66, 73, 85-86, as demonstration of God's plan, 75-77 220-21 as result of present causes, 8-24-25, 113, 116, 234-35 in temperate climates, 4 See also anticatastrophism, Lyell's; understood by Kane, 97-98, 153-57 catastrophism See also Greenland ice sheet; Swiss ice geological dating, and fossil research, 39-41 sheet The Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Great Lakes expedition, Agassiz's, 192-98 Man (Lyell), 232-36 Greenland ice sheet Geological Society of Edinburgh, 127-29 Agassiz's and Schimper's ignorance of, 68 Geological Society of London Henry Rink's report on, 230-32 1834 award to Agassiz, 37-38 importance to Ice Age imagery, 157, 188, Agassiz's loss of reputation with, 152 232 Lyell's dismissal of glacier theory at, 49-51 seen by Kane scouts, 62-63 Murchison anti-glacier paper presented at, Gressly, Amanz, 83, 89 162 grooved and polished rocks geology as evidence of glacial action, 104 growing respectability of, 22, 24 icebergs as cause of, 148 Lyell's letter on status of, 74-77 in Jura Mountains, 66-68 philosophic, 8-9, 24-25, 113, 116, 233-36 on Lake Superior shores, 195-96 Geology and Minerology, Considered with at Niagara Falls, 142 Reference to Natural Theology in Rhone Valley, 57-58 (Buckland), 75, 107-9 Guyot, Arnold, 107, 150, 179 "glacial," historical meaning of, 144-45, 177 glacial action as geological mechanism H Agassiz's evidence for, 52-59, 66-68, 104 Hall, James, 141, 145 Charpentier's acceptance of, 43-45 Hayes, Isaac, 46, 61-64, 112 Lyell's dismissal of, 49-51, 114-17 high mountain theory of glaciers, 200-202 Venetz' evidence for, 23, 44-45 Holland, Lord (Henry Fox), 74-77 von Buch's rejection of, 65, 84, 87 human origins glacial erratics. See erratic boulders Ice Age and, 235-36 glacier banding The Geological Evidences of the Antiquity Forbes and Agassiz feud regarding, 150-53 of Man and, 233-34 Guyot's report on, 150, 152 The Principles of Geology and, 233 icefalls and, 199 Humboldt, Alexander von glacier mechanics, 199-201 Cuvier and, 11, 13-14 glacier movement Ice Age theory and, 163 Agassiz's discussion of at Glasgow, 117-18 support of Agassiz, 26, 41 Forbes' interest in, 199 Humboldt Glacier Kane's study of, 156-57 Henry Rink's criticism of Kane's account Lyell's ignorance of, 116-17 of, 227, 229-30 glaciers importance to Ice Age theory, 154-57 compared to névé (snowfields), 56 as Kane expedition's most important at Melville Bay, 47-48 discovery, 153-54 See also glacier banding; glacier Kane's study of, 97-98, 155-57 mechanics; glacier movement observed by scouting party, 78-79 Glen Roy, parallel roads of, 121-22 search for passage beyond, 99-101 God. See the Creator Goodfellow, Henry, 34 I Great Chain of Being, 12-14 Ice Age Great Glen (Scotland), 24 Agassiz-Schimper rivalry regarding idea of, great ice 69 accepted as geological mechanism, 217 as new term, 65 becomes stock image, 211 Ice Age imagining glacier movement and, 118 Charles Maclaren's success at, 158-59, 161 ignorance of, 8, 29-30, 36, 154 by continental geologists, 163 imagining of, 7, 48, 85, 88, 127-28, 154 by English geologists, 162 at Melville Bay, 47-48 Kane's importance to, 16, 97-98, 129-30, sea level and, 158-59 188, 210, 211, 232-33 and need for poet's language, 128 background, 7, 18-19 by the public, 216-17 celebrity status, 19-21, 228 Ice Age theory Christmas vision, 133-34 Agassiz-Schimper generation of, 59-60, death of, 230-31 64-65, 68-74 dogsled driving, 61-62, 63, 64, 170, 171, Agassiz's
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