Volume 8, Number 16 UCSD Since 1966 May 17-30, 1983 Mobilizeto Stop Racist ImmigrationBill As the Simpson-Ma,,/oliImmigration require all Americans to carry a Bill continuesto wind its way through nationally-controlledidentification Congress,community activists ha~,e work permit: would increase been organi/inga seriesof meetings discriminationagainst all Mexican, aimed at inlormingthe communit~of l.atino,Black, Asian and non-white the repressiveimplications of this persons on the job, and at service legislation. agencies:would reduce or eliminate The Simpson-Ma,,/olibill has already many of the pro’,isionsunder which politicalrelugees can seek asylum ,n the [!.S.; would authori/cand in some INSIDE THIS ISSUE instancesrequire employers, foremen. Historyof Socialism,Film laborcontractors, etc.. to fire,suspend. Reviews, Tenant Organizing, refuseto hire, and refer to the INS persons belie~ ed to ha~,c no Police Terror, Central America documentation:se~erel.~ limit court appealsand constitutionalrights of And the next lucky winnerof reachedthe l]oorof the Senate,and is about to come before the House personsdetained by immigrationagents: an unemploymentcheck is... anddestabilize labor unions. JudiciaryCommittee. Efforts are being madeto pas:,the legislation by August. Perhapsmost controversialhave been 28% of 1982 UCSD graduates entering the work force are now Thebill has come under attack from civil thesanctions against employers who hire unemployed or underemployed, according to a report compiled by libertarians,religious, labor, and undocumented workers, and the UCSD’s Career Planning and Placement Office. 18% of those who are chicanogroups, and othersbecause of nationalidentification card provisions. employedare working as laborers.Few, if any, of these former students The originallegislation required a themassive threat to civilliberties it are eligible for unemployment checks. Meanwhile, UCSD is preparing nationalidentification card: as amended represents. for more layoffs as UC employees vote in elections to determine As currentlydrafted, the billcould a commissionwould studythe question continuedon page3 whether or not they want a union to defend their interests. UC Wages Union-BustingCampaign... level of support unions enjoyed on campus. Melman concedes that his officehas receivedsome complaints UC Workers to Vote on Unionization fromemployees about the newsletters, Nextweek, employeesthroughout the issuesand issues targetted at particular renegotiate.They’re implying that all of butdenies any intent to scareor mislead UC systemwill receiveballots in the units."Our campus is theonly one( in the the benefitsgo away immediately,and workers into voting for no mail,as partof systemwideelections to UC system) doing this massive you have to fork out out of your own representation,which he insistson determineif UC workers want union leaflettingand newslettering,"says pocketmoney for dentalinsurance and referring to as "no exclusive representation.The currentround of AFSCME local 2068 president Kathy healthinsurance, and that’s not the case representation."Melman, who before electionscovers seven units including Esty. At other campuses,she says, atall.’" coming to UCSD ten months ago, 37,000 employees. Balloting will workersreceive occassional leaflets from These scare tactics,however, are worked for the California State continue through June 16th. with management, but "nothing on this backfiringaccording to Esty."At some Universitysystem battling unionization preliminaryresults scheduled to be ,;cale."While UCSD workersreceive of theseinformational meetings they’re there,claims to have no ideahow much announcedJune 30th. expensivelyprinted leaflets every few gettingcalled down on these issues the Universityis spending on its The AmericanFederation of State. days in the mail,workers at othertIC becausethe employeesknow that this newslettersand other aspectsof the County and Municipal Employees campusesreceive mimeographed leaflets kindof literatureis justhalf-truths... antiunioncampaign, but insists that the (AFSCME), the American Federation from management on an oceassional there’s a lot of union members and totaldoes not exceed $157,000 allocated of Teachers,and the CaliforniaNurses basis.In additionto the"newsletters" concernedpeople going in askingmore by theRegents for the purpose, a figure Association are contesting these whichthe University intends to continue questionsand now the meetingsare that ignoresstaff time and many other elections.In each of the sevenunits, publishingafter the elections, according startingto fallapart." costsassociated with the campaign. employeeswill choosebetween one of to Mike Melman. head of UCSD’s Melman,head of the Officeof Labor The"newsletter’"which is issuedin a these unions (AFSCMEin five of the Officeof LaborRelations, in orderto Relationsat UCSI),questions these Spanishedition in one unit features seven units)and "No Representation." "inform"employees on issuessuch as claims.He assertsthat unionization is frequent attacks against AFSCME, negotiationsand contract The universityhas mounteda massive interpreta- notin thebest interests of UC workers, mentioningother units only very rarely. campaignto persuadeworkers to choose tions and the meetings with UC and claimsthat employeeswho signed Melmanacknowledges this, saying it’s employees:the University thelatter. is in the petitionsplacing unions on theballot did because"we foundout that the union The universityhas spent by most processof sendingout lettersto each so merelyout of curiosityto see what employee signed by Chancellor accountswell over a milliondollars in its anti-unioncampaign, which includes Atkinsonurging tIC workersto votefor Commentary:On trying to attainthe no representation. frequentmailings to tIC employees, meetings where supervisors and Management’santi-union campaign "Total CollegeExperience" management attempt to convince has drawn fire from many UC workers, Have you been concerned with wait.., and wait. After several workersthat unions are not in theirbest who questionwhether the tlniversity achievingthe "’total college expcrience?’" promptings,still nothing. Finally with interests,and the like.Most of these shouldspend hundredsof thousandsof If there’sone thing this requires, it’s a over fifteenminutes past and stillno activitiesare presented under the guise of dollarsfighting unionization at the same visitto a campusadministrator. If you’re secretary,I askedif I had to makean "information."UCS I) hastaken the lead time that it is pleadingpoverty and oneof thosestudents who hasn’t already appointmentto sec the secretaryI in this campaign,with the Officeof statingthat it cannotafford to raisestall tried to initiate some form of wanted to sec, and if so, could I. I,abor Relations spcnding tens of salaries (although high-le~el studentadministrator contact, let me [rnfi~rttmately,thesecretary’s sccrctary thousandsof dollarsissuing a seriesof administratorshave receivedlarge shareone of my experienceswith you, so sawlittle humor in my jokeand I left, leaflets under the logo "UCSI) raiscs).Moreover, according to Esty, youknow a littleof whatto expect. stilldetermined to somehowsee him. Newsletter.’" much of the informationput out by managementis misleading."They’re My storystarts over three wceks ago, By now a littleperturbed. I wentto fhc"newsletter,’" fcaturing a striking whenI firsttried to get in touchwith I’llueand (told logo, brought out its first sayingthings like its strikes, and you AnnCline’s office (she takes over when have no benefitsonce wm join..,they Thomas Rutter, director of U(’SI) issueMarch 7th: since then sixteen issues Tomis gonc).Well, she was just Ica~ing linancialaids, concerning a recent court havebeen prodt,ccd, as v, ellas special implyby theirnewsletter that all of that (asshe often was when I tricdto speakto would stop and you would ha~e to rulingthat students do nothaveto prove her),and couldn’t sec mc, Shcwas kind compliancewith the draltregistration NewIndicator enough,though, to instructher secretary StudentOrganizations Non-ProfitOrg. programin orderto rcccivcfinancial aid. U.S.Postage to contact]ore Rutter’s secretar.~, in UC San Diego,B-023 In orderto savetime I’ll skip the first 22 order that I might someda~ scc Mr. PAID attempts(yes, 22 scparatc,unsuccessful Le Jolla,CA 92093 LaJolla, Calif. Rutter.Well, she did, and I gotto speak PermitNo. 256 attempts),and jumpinto attempt23. to somconein an authorityposition. I walkedinto the building which holds "I’m sorry.Mr. Rutteris not m now," Tom Rutter’soffice, and wasstopped by camethe voice over thc phone. "’tte’ll be someoneI can onlyguess was actingas backtomorrow." Great, I thought."But Mr. Rutter’ssecretary’s secretary. She t.nfortunatelvhe’ll be busyall dayand told me Mr. Rutter was out, and his won’t be able to see yon," the voice secretarywas on the phone."Fine," I continued.Feeling put off, I arguedthat said."1’11 wait." Well. wait I did..,and continuedon page12 2~new indicalor bargainingtable, and the administra- frozenif we supportedunionization. Notes from the CollectiveDesk tion management will be working new indicator/3 Studentsmust realizethat we haxe FunkyLa Jolla In the meantime,Atkinson and the o,‘ertime to con,‘inee students to support commoninterests with tJC workers, that effortsto holddown wages, benefits and head of the UniversityHospital are Support Unionizationat UCSD the)’are in lactnatural allies in our by RamblingRosie sendingout memos to all UCSD workers CAMPUS NEWS workingconditions under the pretext
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