NOTES ON ADVISERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ABERCROMBIE, Stanley. Contributor. Architect Richard S. Weinstein. CETTO, Max. Adviser, contributor and entrant: in private practice, New York. Former Editor of see his own entry. Essay: Juan O'Gorman. Interiors, and Senior Editor of Architecture Plus, BATTLE, T. Q. Contributor. Chairman of Towco New York. Contributor to the Wall Street Journal, Gratte Ltd. (U.K.). Author of The Chimney Book, CHAMBERS, D. D. C. Contributor. Associate Progressive Architecture, Art/orum, Journal ofthe So­ 1977. Regular contributor to The Architects' Jour­ Professor of English, University of Toronto. Author ciety ofArchitectural Historians, Design, Architecture nal. Essay: Chamberlin Powell and Bon. of Lost Cities (in preparation). Essays: A. J. Dia­ mond; Ron Thorn. + Urbanism, and other periodicals. Essays: Alvar BAYLEY, Stephen. Contributor. Lecturer in Art Aalto; Ulrich Franzen. History and Theory, University of Kent, Canter­ CHAMPIGNEULLE, Bernard. Contributor. Ar­ ACHLEITNER, Friedrich. Contributor. Professor bury. Formerly, Lecturer in Art History, The Open chitectural critic, Paris. Author of Auguste Perret, of the History of Building Construction, Akademie University (U.K.). Author of In Good Shape: Design 1959. Essay: Michel Roux-Spitz. der Bildenden Kiinste, Vienna. Architectural Critic, in Industrial Products 1900-1960, 1979; The Albert Memorial (in preparation). Essays: Theo Crosby; CHANG, Ching-Yu. Contributor. Associate Profes­ Die Presse, Vienna, 1962-72. Author of Hosn Rosn sor and Coordinator of Architectural Design Stud­ Baa (with H. C. Artmann and Gerhard Riihm), Howell, Killick, Partridge and Amis; C. S. Mardall; J. H. van den Broek. ies, Nova Scotia Technical College, Halifax. Chief 1959; Lois Welzenbacher (with Ottokar Uhl), 1968; Editor, Stylos Architecture (formerly Process: Archi­ Prosa, Konstellationen, Montagen, Dialektgedichte, BAZAROV, Konstantin. Contributor. Freelance tecture, Tokyo and Pittsburgh). Formerly, Assistant Studien, 1970; Quadratroman, 1973; Die Ware writer and researcher, London. Author of Landscape Professor, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh. Landschaft (editor), 1977; Der Werkbund, 1978; Os­ Painting, 1980. Essays: Franco Albini; Charles Contributor to Space Design, Architecture + Urban­ terreich-Architekturfohrer, 3 volumes, 1980-83. Es­ Herbert Aslin; Dominikus Bohm; Rifat Chadirji; Ig­ ism, The Japan Architect, and Architecture Plus. says: Hans Hollein; Wilhelm Holzbauer; Clemens nazio Gardella; Wassili Luckhardt; Roland Rainer; Essays: Edward Larrabee Barnes; Jonathan Bar­ Holzmeister. Affonso Eduardo Reidy; Rudolf Schwarz; Giuseppe nett; Romaldo Giurgola; Victor A. Lundy; ACKERMANN, Kurt. Contributor and entrant: see Terragni. Fumihiko Maki; Richard Meier; LM. Pei; Takamasa Yosizaka. his own entry. Essay: Fritz Leonhardt. BIERMANN, B. E. Contributor. Professor of Ar­ ADLER, Gerald. Contributor. Fourth Year Ar­ chitecture, University of Natal, Durban. Author of CHELAZZI, Giuliano. Contributor. Architect in chitectural Student, University of Sheffield, York­ Boukuns in Suid-Afrika, 1954; Red Wine in South private practice, Marburg, West Germany. Con­ shire. Author of a thesis on William Holden, 1978. Africa, 1971. Essay: Hans Hallen. tributor to Pan Arte, Deutsche Bauzeitung, L 'Ar­ Essay: Gustav Peichl. chitettura. Essays: Justus Dahinden; Egon Eier­ BLUNDELL JONES, Peter. Contributor. Assist­ mann; Rolf Gutbrod. ALINGTON, W. H. Contributor and entrant: see ant Lecturer in Architecture, Cambridge University. his own entry. Essay: Ian Athfield. Author of Hans Scharoun: A Monograph, 1978. Es­ CLARK, Alson. Contributor. Director of the Archi­ says: James Gowan; Ron Herron; Cedric Price. tecture and Fine Art Libraries, University of South­ ALLIES, Boh. Contributor. Architect in private ern California, Los Angeles. President of the South­ practice, London. Former Lecturer at the North BOHIGAS,Oriol. Contributor and entrant: see his ern California Chapter of the Society of East London Polytechnic, and at the Open Univer­ own entry. Essay: Alvaro Siza. Architectural Historians, 1976-78. Essays: Robert sity (U.K.). Contributor to Building Design and The BOOTON, Harold. Contributor. Architect and E. Alexander; Wallace Neff. Architects' Journal. Essays: Ahrends Burton and planner in private practice, Leeds, Yorkshire. Princi­ Koralek; Edward Cullinan; Bruno Taut. CLIFF, Ursula. Contributor. Associate Editor, In­ pal Lecturer in Architecture, Leeds School of Archi­ dustrial Design. New York. Essay: Oscar Stono­ ANTONIADES, Anthony C. Contributor. Archi­ tecture. Author of Architecture ofSpain, 1966; Great rov. tect in private practice, Greece and New Mexico. Traditions of Western Architecture (with Bruce All­ Professor and Director of Architecture, University sopp and Ursula Clark), 1967; Renaissance Architec­ COCHRANE, Peggy. Contributor. Architect in of Texas at Arlington. Author of Introduction to ture and Ornament in Spain, 1970. Essays: Lluis private practice, California. Past President, Associa­ Environmental Design, 1973; Contemporary Greek Domenech; Josep Puig i Cadafalch; Eduardo Tor­ tion of Women in Architecture. Member of the Edi­ Architecture, 1979; Architecture and Allied Design, roja y Miret. torial Board, L. A. Architect. Author of Yucatan (musical), 1977; I Gave at the Office (play), 1978; 1980. Essays: Kazuhiro Ishii; Ricardo Legorreta; BORNGRABER, Christian. Contributor. Ar­ Alexandros N. Tombazis. The Witchdoctor's Cookbook, 1979; The Witchdoc­ chitectural historian, Berlin, and organizer of exhibi­ tor's Manual. 1979; How to Reject Rejection, 1979. ARAI, Katsuyoshi. Contributor. Lecturer at the tions of German and Russian culture of the 1920's. Essays: Edward A. Killingsworth; Pierre Koenig; Bunka-Gakuin School of Architecture, Tokyo. Au­ Author of Kunst in die Produktion!-Sowjetische Mario Pani; Pedro Ramirez Vazquez. thor of A Study of an English New Town: Runcorn, Kunst wiihrend der Phase der Kollektivierung und 1969; A Study of Modern Architecture: Le Corbusier Industrialisierung 1927-1933 (with others), 1977; CODRINGTON FORSYTH, James. Contributor. (in preparation). Contributor to Architecture + Ur­ Stilnovo: Design in den 50'er Jahren-Phantasie und Technical Officer, Building Standards Institution, banism and Kenchiku Bunka. Essays: Yoshiro Phantastik, 1979. Essays: Paul Baumgarten; Hel­ Sweden. Formerly, Regional Planner, Jiirflilla kom­ Taniguchi; Isoya Yoshida. mut Hentrich; Dieter Oesterlen. mun, Sweden; Part-time Instructor in Architecture, Royal Technical College, Stockholm. Joint Editor of ARNOLD, Christopher. Contributor. President, BRA WNE, Michael. Contributor and entrant: see Kok med standard. 1979. Contributor to Architec­ Building Systems Development Company, San his own entry. Essay: Carlo Scarpa. tural Review and Building Design. Essay: Sven Francisco. Lecturer in the Department of Architec­ BROCKMAN, H. A. N. Contributor. Architec­ Backstrom. ture, University of California, Berkeley, 1975-79. tural Correspondent, 1961-79, and now Architec­ COLLINS, Peter. Contributor. Professor of Archi­ Joint Author of SLSD: The Project and the Schools. tural Consultant, The Financial Times. London. 1967. Essays: Mario J. Ciampi; Ernest J. Kump. tecture, McGill University, Montreal. Author of Senior Architect, Ministry of Local Government, Concrete: The Vision of a New Architecture, 1959; BACON, Edmund N. Contributor and entrant: see 1946-61. Author of The Caliph of Fonthill: An Ar­ Changing Ideals in Modern Architecture, 1969; Ar­ his own entry. Essay: Eliel Saarinen. chitectural Biography of William Beckford, 1956; chitectural Judgement, 1971. Essay: Auguste Per­ The Architect in Industry. 1965. Essays: Trevor ret. BAIRD, George. Contributor. Associate Professor Dannatt; Sir Edwin Lutyens. of Architecture, University of Toronto. Formerly, COLLYMORE, Peter. Contributor. Architect in Tutor, Architectural Association, and Visiting Lec­ BROOKS, H. Allen. Contributor. Professor of Fine private practice, London. Author of House Conver­ turer, Royal College of Art, London. Author of Art, University of Toronto. Past President, Society sion and Renewal. 1975; Ralph Erskine (in prepara­ Meaning in Architecture (with Charles Jencks), of Architectural Historians (U.S.A.). Author of The tion). Essay: Ralph Erskine. 1968; Alvar Aalto, 1969. Essays: Melvin Charney; Prairie School: Frank Lloyd Wright and His Midwest Jerome Markson. Contemporaries, 1972, 1975, and editor of Prairie COLVIN, Brenda. Contributor and entrant: see her School Architecture: Studies from the "Western Ar­ own entry. Essay: Sir Geoffrey Jellicoe. BALFOUR, Alan. Contributor. Director of Gradu­ chitect': 1975. Essay: Frank Lloyd Wright. ate Program in Architecture, Georgia Institute of COOK, Jeffrey. Contributor. Professor of Archi­ Technology, Atlanta. Formerly, Research Associ­ CANDILIS, Georges. Contributor and entrant: see tecture, Arizona State University, Tempe. Author of ate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cam­ his own entry. Essay: Vladimir Bodiansky. Architectural Anthology, 1966, 1969, 1972; The Ar­ bridge. Author of Portsmouth, 1970; Rehab: Strate­ chitecture of Bruce Goff, 1978; Passive Solar '78, CAPITEL, Anton. Contributor. Architect in pri­ 1979. Essay: Bruce Goff. gies and Techniques, 1973; Rockefeller Center: vate practice, Madrid. Professor of Architectural Architecture as Theatre, 1978. Essays: John Hej­ Design, Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura, COWAN, Henry. Contributor. Professor of Ar­ duk; Donlyn Lyndon; James Stewart Polshek; Madrid. Author
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