Valentine sweethearta Monlque Gauthler and Derek Saxon share a romantic moment In between classes. Saddle up for a good time •pages 8 & 9 On your Mark, Tunes from get set, go 'Junkies* •page 2 •page 6 ..J S^-J. Chancellor ends eight year term After eigM years as UT System Chan- retirenwnt as Chancellor. publk affairs and devetopment for dw UT cdkr, Hans Marie is stepping down effec­ In his resignation kt- System, sakl that dw court ruling had tive Sept 1,1992. to teach and perform ter, Mark cited his interest in nodung to do with the timing of Mark's reteuch in aeroqiace engiiwering. teaching as a main reason for resignation. Mark is a former deputy administrator resigning. "If I am to be of "He has so many reasons to be proudof of dw NatkNul Aeroiuuitics and Space any use at all tothe dw Univer­ what the UT System has done under his Administration (NASA) and before diat, sity as a professor of Aero- leadership, in bringing new programs and Presklent Carter appointed him Secretivy qiace Engineering, I need to services to San Antonk and dw Valky, of die U.S. Air Force. Mark's accom- take tinw and leam what I have duit there would be absolutely no reason plishnwnts in scknce. administration and missed." he said. for him to diink diat he has done anything etbcation span more duui three decades In his resignation letter but dw right things. and include leaching positions at The Maik highlighted the growth "He's been here dght years. There Massachusetts Institaite of Technotogy, and advancements in the UT have been other lawsuits that have been Stanford University and tlw University of System during his time as filed over the years.I'm sure, that have the California at Berkeley. As a sckndst. chancellor. "We have same magnitude as this one might have. Maik played a pioneering rok in the study strengthened tlw economy of What I'm saying to you is that he cotainly of x-rays from stars and performed early Texas by persuading "high took anindivklual action whkh was based work cm what came to be known as black tech" indusbies to come to on his strong desire to return to some hoks. Texas. We have stiengthened things whkh he has neglected for a num­ In a Idter to Louis A. Beecherl, chair­ UT Syaiam Ctwncellor Nana Mailt raaigna to the scientific base in Texas by ber of years," Binder said. man of dw UT System Board of Regents, taadi and raaewch fulMkna In Septambar. being one of dw leaders in dw Binder does not diink dial dw lawsuit, Maik explained that "Eight years is long effort to bring the Super whkh is now being appealed by the state,' enough. The time has come for nw to tum Maik hokb a faculty appointinent in CoUkkr to Texas. Wehavesubstiuitially will necessarily discourage any proqwc- over the reins to someone else who is tlw Department of AeroqMce Engineer­ increased the enrolbnent of students be­ tive applicants from seeking the younger and who will bring fresh kkas ing at UT-Austin and will be involved in longing to various minority groups. We Chancelkx's position. "I'm sure thatany- and new leadership to the job." fuU-tiiiw teaching and research upon his have made a good start in expanding the one who would want the job wouU be delivery of high quality higher education very concerned about making sure that, if in Soudi Texas." he or she got the job. the right dungs Maik's letter of resignation was writ­ would be done to correct any iiwquitks ten seven days after Texas State Judge that mightbe found. likeChancdlor Mark Benjamin Euresti ruled dw Texas Higher has done," Binder said, "Our move to put Education System unconstitutional. The iww programs down in San Antonk) and LBATROS lawsuit was filed by dw Mexican Ameri­ the Valley started way before the lawsuit A!PRODUCTlOn S can Legal Defense Fund against Gover­ was ever filed." S nor Ann Richards, the Texas Higher Edu­ UTSA recendy received approval for PRESEXnS catkm Coordinating Board, Chancelkw its fust doctoral program. Maik, dw Board of Regents of dw UT UTSA President Dr. Samuel System and dozens of other groups and Kirkpatrick has invited Maik to lecture toad the wet sprocket indivkluals. IthingesondwCfictdiatfrom here later in the year. "He was here last 1970 to 1990, dw border regkn of Texas year and taught an honors semuiar on has received oidy three doctoral programs sckntifk enquiry. Maybe we can gd him -LIVE IN CONCERT- (one per million population) whik tlw back." KiilqKitrick said. average for the state has been 27 tinws SEEN ON higher. By Robert Schermertiom 120 MINUTES Dr. Gene Binder, executive director of Newa Editor l> ^SSoH* With Special Guests AlHcd HcaUh '"'" MARVIN ProfesrioaabA ^^ ^f^ Pbnafekfeauretlial l soars. Ol IM.r%A\/ Take your adencerefaled decree v^V^IM*^//-V I tato tlw Atar Force, and become an flflkcr In die BkNnedfcal Scknces Corps. Youl kam more, youl 90* fasler-youl work with odwr deci- FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1992 cated profetsknals ta a quaHy cmd- lanmentuilicre your contribiakms DOORS OPEN 8:30 FM, • SHOW STARTS 0:30 VJM. areneeded. h Aort, you'll gata ntore ol every- tl*« ttMt madcfs moat to you Yai SHOWCASE SPECIAL EVENTS CENTER md the Air Force. LaiBKh now^cal 3625 WEST AVE. • 341-0941 USAF HEALTH PBWESHONS XrCKETS JUST $6 lOLL-rREE 1-4M-423-U8AF AiaULABLBAT HOGWILD, APPLE 6L FUPSIDE RECORDS After class The Math Lab is new and full-time In SB 3.02.10. Hours change so (»ll 691 -4452 1992" Samt>a Marching Ensemble for the Fiesta Flambeau Parade. Open calls for informatton. and audKtons for "Carnival de San Anto 1992" for drummers, dancers, athletes, designers and water caniers will be hekl through the 19th, Sundays 2:00 p.m. Friday, Fab. 14: Deadline fortxjsiness students to applyforaspeclal exchange- to 4:00 p.m. or Wednesdays, 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Auditton at 406 San Pedro student program this spring break at the Nattonal Autonomous University of at W. EuclM (south of San Antonto College). For more Informatton, contact the Mexko. For more informatton about the exchange program, call Paula Vemick URBAN-15 Group at (512) 222-1408. at 691-4313, or Dr. Sandoval at 691-5309. February 10>14 and February 17-21 are Financial Akl Awareness Weeks. The St. Phillip's College Votonteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) 3-7 p.m., through week is sponsored by the Texas Associathjn of Student Financial Ato Adminis­ April 15. Call 531-3367 for more infomnatton. trators. For more Informatton call MariTumllnson at 691-4635. Ttiuraday. Feb. 13: Stu Stamer's Campus Roadnmners meeting. Bring lunch Periodk courses on Word Perfect 5.1 and Lotus are offered for $15.00 through and find out more about the UTSA basketball program at 12:00 p.m. In the UC the Leaming Assistance Center (LAC). Each course is three hours over two Pecan Room. days. For more informatton, contact the LAC at 691-4692. Tutoring is also available through the LAC In accounting, chemistry, economks, French, math, Wedneaday, Feb. 19: Trinity University Nobel Economist Lecture Series physics, Spanish and statistks. presents William F. Sharpe. 8:00 p.m., Laurie Auditoriurr Free and open to the pubito. WEEKLY: Baptist Student Unton: Wednesdays, 12 noon, MS 2.02.30. Thuraday, Feb. 20: EDP Auditors Assodatton Student Night. 6:30 p.m., Bam Campus Crusade for Christ: Fridays, 3:00 p.m., HB 2.02.04. Door Restaurant. 828-8484 for reservattona. Campus Pro-Life Movement: Frtoays, 2:00 p.m., MS 2.02.52. InteiVarsity Christian Feltowship: Fridays, 1:00 p.m., UC Mesquite Room. Tuaaday, Fab. 25: David Gergen, editor-at-laige for "U.S. News and Worfci Lambda AlHance: second and fourth Tuesdays, UC Mesquite Room. Report," will discuss "A View From Washington," in Trinity Unh/erslty's Laurie Lambda Chi Alpha: Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m., UC. Auditorium at 8:00 p.m. Gergen joined "U.S. News" after sen/Ing eight yearsin MEChA: Wednesdays, 12:00 to 2.00 p.m., MS 3.02.52. the White House under PresMents Nbcon, Ford and Reagan. He also serves as Methodist Student Movement: Mondays, 12 noon, HB 2.01.08. a regular commentator on PBS's The MacNeil/Lehrer News Hour. Free and Pre-Med Soctoty: Alternating Thursdays, 5:30 p.m., SB 2.01.02. open to the pubito. Saturday, Feb. 29: Deadline for appltoattons for the UTSA Honors Program for Young Scholars. 691-4106 for more details. Tuaaday, Fab. 18: Dr. Alan G. WhHtaker, professor of polittoal sdence al the Nattonal Defense Unh/ersHy in Washington, D.C, will gh/e a toncheon address SBCABB at the Hyatt Regency San Antonto at 12:00 noon. Reservattons are $20.00 per person or $120.00 for a tatito of ten. Pre-registratton deadline Is March 21. Call • or SJM JMTOHIO 829-7381 for more infomnalton. Ttirougli Fab. 19: The URBAN-15 group is sponsoring "Camh^al de San Anto NOW SHOWING! Tues, Feb. 11 5 p^m. iward Wed Feb. 12 :i550RHAND5 7 pjn. fMM TNf DMKiocor-MnMrs-KtmJUKr Martial Arts Training Turns People Into FREE in the Winners" UC Pecan Room WIN fabulous movie posters at each showing! lO Call the school in your neightiorhood for information CELEBRATE /INOTHER 7 . on our Black Belt Success Rfi^QS^NNER VICTORY RhMT Canter Academy American ' Unhwrsal Karate RO>1DRUNNER STYLE! of Martial Arts Taekwondo Academy Studio 130e AuMin Hwy.
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