Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83823-8 - The New Cambridge History of Islam: Volume 1: The Formation of the Islamic World Sixth to Eleventh Centuries Edited by Chase F. Robinson Index More information Index NOTE. Locators in italics refer to the Figures. Aachen 281 genealogies 188, 270 Aban ibn Saq¯dı ibn al-qA¯ s. 416 see also individual caliphs, and individual Abarishtjan, yazdanfadhar of 463 topics throughout index Abarw¯z,ı Damawand aristocrat 480 al-qAbbasiyya (palatine complex near Abarw¯z,ı marzban of S¯stı an 453 Qayrawan) 604–5 qAbbad ibn qAbd ibn al-Julanda 431–2 qAbd (or qAbbad) ibn al-Julanda 431 qAbbad al-Ruqayn¯ı 418 qAbd Allah ibn qAbd al-Madan 419 qAbbadan 324 qAbd Allah ibn qAbd al-Malik 548 al-qAbbas, uncle of the Prophet 167, 188, qAbd Allah ibn Ab¯ı Sarh. 583 206, 270 qAbd Allah ibn qAl¯ı xxiv, 264, 265, 528–9 al-qAbbas ibn Ah.mad ibn T. ul un 560 and al-Mans.ur 266–7, 269, 528–9 al-qAbbas ibn Bukhara Khuda 296 qAbd Allah ibn qA¯ mir 167n, 453, 454, 500 al-qAbbas ibn H. asan 349 qAbd Allah ibn qA¯ mir ibn Kurayz Pl. 16.7 al-qAbbas ibn al-Mapmun 290, 291 qAbd Allah ibn Bayhas 286, 287 qAbbas ibn al-Wal¯dı I 248 qAbd Allah ibn Marwan II 260 qAbbasid period 684–5 qAbd Allah ibn Muqawiya 260–1, 265, 470 qAbbasid revolution xxiv, 261–5, 469–71, qAbd Allah ibn al-Mubarak 278 550, 645; daqwa (clandestine phase) qAbd Allah ibn Muh.ammad ibn qAbd 261–3, 266, 302, 464; dawla al-Rah.man, Umayyad ruler of (public uprising) xxiv, 206, 255, al-Andalus 597, 612 261–5, 527 qAbd Allah ibn al-Muqtazz see Ibn al-Muqtazz; early caliphate (763-861) 269–304; see also caliph individual caliphs qAbd Allah ibn Saqd ibn Ab¯ı Sarh. 547 middle caliphate (861-945) 305–59, 528–35; qAbd Allah ibn T. ahir 287, 491, 492–3 ninth-century dynastic states 313–22; in Egypt 492, 553 ‘revolt of Islam’ 322–32; qAbbasid Mazyar and 482–3 restoration 332–9; tenth-century qAbd Allah ibn Ubayy ibn Salul al-Khazraj¯,ı regional powers 339–48; end of king of Yathrib 169–70 independent qAbbasid caliphate xxv, qAbd Allah ibn Yah.ya al-Kind¯(Tı . alib al-H. aqq) 348–56 260, 407, 418–19 late caliphate (945-1050) 11, 360–93, 535–40, qAbd Allah ibn al-Zubayr see Ibn al-Zubayr 694–5; Sunn¯ı–Sh¯ıqite divide 387–93; see qAbd Allah al-Akbar (qAbd Allah the Elder) 327 also successor states descendants 327, 328, 329 784 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83823-8 - The New Cambridge History of Islam: Volume 1: The Formation of the Islamic World Sixth to Eleventh Centuries Edited by Chase F. Robinson Index More information Index qAbd Allah al-Mahd¯ı (Saq¯dı ibn al-H. usayn, qAbd al-Rah.man ibn Samura 464 qUbayd Allah), Fat.imid caliph 265, 562 qAbd al-Rah.man ibn Yusuf al-Fihr¯ı 593 path to power 329–31, 337, 338, 536, 563, 614–15 qAbd al-Wahhab ibn qAbd al-Rah.man ibn proclamation as caliph xxv, 330, 613, 615 Rustam 597–8 reign 340, 341, 563, 567 qAbdan (Qarmat.¯)ı 328, 337 qAbd al-qAz¯zı ibn Marwan I 213, 227, 548 Ab¯ı qAbda, Banu 594 qAbd al-qAz¯zı ibn Mus a ibn Nus.ayr 232 Ab¯vardı 379, 454 qAbd al-Jabbar ibn qAbd al-Rah.man al-Azd¯ı Abnap 274, 283, 284–5, 286, 290, 416, 472 273, 473 of Yemen 415, 417 qAbd al-Jabbar ibn Khat.t.ab 586–7 abnap al-dawla (Khurasan¯ı troops) 530 qAbd al-Maj¯dı al-H. afiz. 429 Abnun, inscription of 99–100 qAbd al-Malik ibn qAt.iyya 419 Abraha, king of Ethiopia 179, 180, 183–4 qAbd al-Malik ibn Marwan, caliph xxiii, 213, Abraham 156, 177, 189 214–15, 217–21 qAbs tribe 430 accession and establishment of power 216, Abu ’l-qAbbas see al-Mustaq¯nı 217, 519 Abu ’l-qAbbas ibn al-Muwaffaq see al-Muqtad.id building 210–11, 520–1, 666; Dome of the Abu al-qAbbas al-Saffah., caliph xxiv, 264, 266, Rock 221, 520–1, 655 270, 471–2 centralisation 210–11, 220 Abu qAbd Allah al-Sh¯ıq¯,ı daq¯ı 328–9, 340, 341, coinage 208, 220, 589, 655, 657, Pl. 16.11 615–16 and Kharijites 253, 519 military campaigns 319, 330, 615–16 military campaigns 218, 432, 519, 583–4 AbuAh .mad al-Musaw ¯ı 392 palaces 210, 666 Abu qAl¯ı al-S. aghan¯ı 499, 500–1, 504 and provinces: S¯stı an 485–6; Yemen 417 Abu qA¯ s.im 486 religious beliefs and policies 175, 221, 525, 655; Abu Ayyub al-Muryan¯ı 274 and Christianity 520–1, 522 Abu al-Bahlul 446 succession disputes after death 227 Abu Bakr, caliph 169, 194, 196, 203, 391 taxation 208, 519, 520 conquest of Arabia 399, 416, 431 weights and measures reform 208, 220 conversion to Islam 186, 194 qAbd al-Malik ibn Nuh .,Samanid ruler 504 Sh¯ıqa and 205–6, 388, 389, 391 qAbd al-Malik ibn Qat.an 591–2 and wars of apostasy, ridda xxiii, 431, 440 qAbd al-Malik ibn S.alih. 529 Abu BarapqA¯ mir ibn Malik 160 qAbd al-Malik al-Muz.affar 621 Abu ’l-Barakat 578 qAbd al-Qays tribe 164, 439, 446, 447 AbuD awud Khalid ibn Ibrah¯mı qAbd al-Rah.man I ibn Muqawiya ibn Hisham, 472–3 Umayyad ruler of al-Andalus 213, 303, Abu Dulaf 336, 502 586, 592, 593–4, 597, 602 Abu ’l-Fad.l al-Balqam¯ı 345, 503 qAbd al-Rah.man II, Umayyad ruler of Abu ’l-Faraj al-Is.fahan¯ı 369 al-Andalus 303, 343, 597, 602 Abu ’l-Fath. Dapud, ruler of Multan 376 qAbd al-Rah.man III al-Nas.ir, Umayyad caliph Abu ’l-Fidap 628 of al-Andalus 597, 605, 613 Abu Firas 537 caliphate 342–3, 613–14 Abu Fudayk 441 coinage 618 Abu al-Futuh .,H. asan ibn Jaqfar (al-Rashid and Fat.imids 613, 616–17 bi-Allah) 412 qAbd al-Rah.man ibn Ah.mad 286–7 AbuH . amza ibn qAwf 260, 418 qAbd al-Rah.man ibn qAwf 405 AbuH . an¯faı 278, 501 qAbd al-Rah.man ibn H. ab¯bı al-Fihr¯ı 234, 590, 593 AbuH . arb al-Mubarqaq 528 qAbd al-Rah.man ibn Khayr 665 Abu ’l-Hayja ibn H. amdan 355 qAbd al-Rah.man ibn al-Mans.ur ibn Ab¯ı qA¯ mir AbuJa qfar al-Mans.ur see al-Mans.ur (Sanjul) 621 Abu ’l-Khat.t.ab al-Maqafir¯ı 596 qAbd al-Rah.man ibn Muh.ammad ibn Abu ’l-Khat.t.ar al-Kalb¯ı 593 al-Ashqath 464 Abu ’l-Muhajir D¯nı ar 583 qAbd al-Rah.man ibn Rustam 596–7 Abu Muh.ammad ibn Mukram 436 785 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83823-8 - The New Cambridge History of Islam: Volume 1: The Formation of the Islamic World Sixth to Eleventh Centuries Edited by Chase F. Robinson Index More information Index Abu Muslim al-Khurasan¯ı embezzlement investigations (mus.adara) and qAbbasid revolution xxiv, 261, 469 334, 349–50, 351, 357 eliminates qAbd Allah ibn Muqawiya 261 historians work in 6 fall xxiv, 269, 340, 472, 478 iqt.aqat for officials 354 fusion of religious and local identity 470–1 kinship networks 209, 242, 244, 274–5 as governor of east 471, 476, 478, 480, 486 languages see under Arabic; Greek; and and Hashimiyya xxiv, 255, 261, 262 Persian languages as messianic figure 269, 550 local: bishops’ role 43, 515; gentry and 79–80, movements associated with 269, 476, 243–4 478, 480 mawal¯ı in 219, 419, 620 revolt against Marwan II xxiv, 261, 469 military element 12, 241, 306, 332; and civil Abu ’l-Najm qImran ibn Ismaq¯lı 486 element 323, 335, 338, 660 Abu ’l-Qasim Muh.ammad ibn qAbd Allah al- Umayyad 219, 220–1, 548–9, 684; Marwanid Qapim, Fat.imid caliph of Ifr¯qiyaı 340, 219–21, 241–4, 267 342, 564–5 see also centralisation; d¯wı ans; governors, Abu Rakwa (‘the man with the goatskin provincial; provinces; scribes; waterbottle’) 575 vizierate; and under individual states; AbuSa q¯dı al-Jannab¯ı 337, 443–4 provinces and rulers Abu ’l-Saj 320 Adrianople, battle of (378) xxii, 83 Abu Salama al-Khallal 471, 472 Adriatic region 29 Abu ’l-Saraya 285, 407–8 qAd.ud al-Dawla, Buyid ruler xxv, 366–7, 368, Abu Sufyan 166, 167, 169, 191, 213, 513 384, 386 Abu Taghlib, H. amdanid ruler 368 religious policies 388, 391 AbuT . ahir Sulayman (Qarmat.¯)ı 351, 444–5 adversarial culture of early Islamic world 690–2 AbuT . alh.a of the Kharaj 162 Afghanistan 28, 109, 214n, 216–17, 455 AbuT . alib (uncle of the Prophet) 184, 187, economic activity 29, 662 188, 270 Ghaznavid rule 372, 376, 380, 505 AbuYaz ¯dı Makhlad ibn Kaydad (s.ah.ib al-himar, Afrasiyab see Samarqand ‘the man with the donkey’) 342, 567, 617 Africa, East 57, 284, 681 AbuY usuf 278 Oman¯ı connections 432, 434, 437 Abyssinia, negus of 192, 250–1 pottery imports 679–80, 682 accessions, royal 142n, 310 Africa, North 581–621 Achaemenids 99, 145, 146 qAbbasid rule 275, 302, 599–600 Acre 517 Christianity 584, 609–10 Acton, 1st Baron 2, 3 cities 44, 601–2, 671–2 Adana 28, 529, 538–9 coinage 652, 681, 694, Pl.
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