~be jfabian Societ~. LECTURE LIST OF THE dfa13ian gJociefl?- LONDON AND PROVINCES. July, 1912. LONDON: PUBLISHED AT THE SOCIET\:'S OFFICES, 3 CLEMEl\T'S INN, STRAND, W.C. FABIAN SOCIETY. July, 1912. Applications for Lectures from the following List should, as a rule, be made to the Organizing Secretary, W. Stephen Sanders, The Fabian Society, 3 Clement's Inn, Strand, W.C. Full particulars as to date, place, hour and nature, of meeting should be given, and as long notice allowed as possible. Those Lecturers whose names are marked with a star (':') are wilhng to speak in the open air. Courses of three, four, and five successive lectures, by different lecturers, on separate aspects or parts of the same subjects, are often more popular than isolated lectures. Courses on The Cause and Cure of Poverty, Pressing Political Problems, and the Bases of Socialism can be arranged. Full notice of the lectures should be given to the local press. SUPPLY OF LITERATURE. Til educational effect of lectures will be much in­ creased if arrangements are always made to enable the audience to obtain, at the meeting, publications giving further information on the subjects dealt with. The Fabian Tracts will be found useful for this purpose, and those arranging for lectures are recommended to obtain a five-shilling assorted parcel, containing Tracts saleable retail for 7s. 7d., which will be sent on application. A list of the publications of the Society will be found on the last page hereof. 3 Clement's Inn, Strand, W.C. LECTURE LIST. PART I.-LONDON. MADGE ACKROYD, .• Owlscot," Downs Court-road, Purley~ Surrey. Poor Law. CLIFFORD ALLEN, c/o Labor Party, 28 Victoria-street. S.W. (By arrangement mId correspondence.) Most subjects connected with Fabian Propaganda, more especially matters of policy, etc. CHARLES GEORGE AMMON, [21 Alscot-road. Bermondsey, S.E.. Socialism. Trade Unionism. The Brotherhood Movement. *C. R. ATTLEE Haileybury-house, Durham-row, Stepney, E, (Not M01laays, Wednesdays, or Thllrsdap.) General Soci:llist Subjects. Special: Boy Labor; Schoolchildren. T. S. ATTLEE, 18 Portinscale-road, Putney, S.w. Socialism and Architecture. Minimum Wage. Juvenile Labor. LOUISE EMILIE BATTERSBY, 9 Stanger-road, South Nor­ wood, S,E. Socialism: Answers to Popular Ohjections. Socialism: the Next Step in Social Evolution. ocialism and Christianity. ':'WILLIAM ]. BECK, 33 Slaithwaite-road, Lewisham, S.E. (Not Swula)'S.) Why I am a Socialist. Poverty: its Causes and Cure. CHARLES WILLIAM BECKETT, 48 Erskine Hill, Hendon, N.W. Elementary Lectures on General ocialist Topics. ';'WILLIAM BELL, 44 Sih'er-crescent, Gunnersbury, w. (Not Thursdays.) Plain T,t1ks on Economics: a Series of Four Lectures. Kingdom of Brotherhood. Heredity and Environment. Ethics of Socialism. *ETHEL BENTHAM, M.D., 74 Lansdowne-road, Holland Park, w. (Not Wednesday eveni1lgs, Monday and Thursday afternoo1ls.) Various Political Social, and Health subjects. HELE M. BLAGG, 54 Lissenden-mansions, Highgate-road N.W. (Not Weekrfa)'s befiJ1'e six o'clock.) Work for Mothers and Infants (Birth and Infancy, Infant Mortality and Consultations. and the State's Responsibility towards Motherhood). Poor Law as Affecting Women and Children. Schools for ;\10thers and Health Visiting. Prison Reform and Reform of Police and Penal System and Laws. *G. P. BLIZARD, 40 Ru holme-road, Putney, s."". Minority Report. Insurance. And generally. I-I. BaRRETT, 67 Brookfield-road, Bedford Park, w. B istorical Economics. EDGAR BOTTLE, Morris HOll e, Waddon, Croydon. Socialism and allied topics. HORACE]. BRIDGES, 176 j1eadyale-road, Ealing, w. (Not SUlldal's.) Literature. Ethics, Philosophy, Psychology. Religion in rela- tion to Socialism. Several Lectures on Single Plays by Mr. Shall'. The Ab<urdity of the Superman. Why Socialism is not Inevitable. Socialism and Nationalism. Things een in America. (Specific titles on applica­ tion.) W. C. BUR S, 13 Atherton-road, Fore t Gate, E. The Socialist Program. Economics of ocialism. Human Nature in Politics. W ALTER G. S. COAD, 16 Churston-avenue, Upton Park, E- (Not Sec01ld a1ld Fourth Mouda1's aud Tuesdays ill the m01lth.) The Land Problem. Education. Socialism. Trade Unioniom and Politics. Rates and Reform. Lectures dealing with the Minority Report. *]. GILBERT DALE, 31 'Warwick-gardens, W. (Not SU1Ida)'S.) Socialism. GEORGE DALLAS, 34 :\1ecklenburgh-square, w.e. Socialism and allied topics. MAUD F. DAVIES, \\Triter I Club, 10 Norfolk-street, w.e. Care of Schoolchildren. Rural Revival. Women in Local Government. Sweated Industries in the Rural Districts. Woman s Suffrage. '"HY. DAVIS, 6r RaYenscroft-road, Canning Town, E. (Not Tuesdays or Satll1·days.) The Modesty of the Working Classes. Officialism. The Passing of Subu] bia. The National Minimum of Child Nurture, etc. ~:ST. JOHN G. ERVINE, 9 Arcade House, Hendon, !\.W. (Not Wedllwlays.) Problem of Boy Labor. This Matter of Milk. A Legal Minimum Wage. What England Needs. The Error of the Socialist. 5 J. A. FALLOWS, 28 Redington-road, Hampstead, N.W. Historical, Economic and Liter:lry Subjects. ARNOLD FREEM.-\N.6 Woodberry-down, N. Socialism and Relig-ion. Social and Ec;)nomic Questions. ';'JACK GIBSON, 9 Aberdeen-court, Highbury, N. (Not Wed1lesdavs.) Trade Unionism: (i) History j (ii) Structure and Func­ tion; (iii) Economic Aspects. William Morris: (i) William Morris, Seer; (ii) i\lorris. the Poet. History of Free Trade Movement; History of Chartists j History of Reform Bill c\gitation. Socialism (for Debates). Medical Aspects of Education. H. J. GILLESPIE, Talbot House, Arundel-street. w.C. Socialism generally. HENRY JOHN GOLDfNG, Astridene, King's-avenue, Buck­ hurst Hill. (Not Wed"esdaJ's.) Equality. DarWInian Socialism. The Futility of Individualism. Sociali'm and the Conventional Ideal. The Forces Behind Socialism. The Wealth of a Nation. Democracy and Science. Idols and Ideals. Also lectures on Schopenhauer, Socialism and Pessimism, Nietzsche, Berg-son, Spinoza, Kierkeg-aard, and others. G. F. GOODSPEED, 3 Auckland-road, Ilford. (Not Wedlludal's. Thursdays 01' Fridays.) Poor Law. Sociali,m and Religion. Etc. FRED. H. GORLE, Kelmscott, Stratford-road, Watford. Belgian Socialism. Law and Order. Socialism and Citizenship. The Peasants' Revolt. A. ROMNEY GREEN, 56 Strand-on-the-Green, Chiswick, W. Socialism and Art. Trade Fluctuations. Etc. G. L. HARDI G, 43 Bernard-street, w.e. Insurance Bill. Socialism in America. Debates on Socialism as a Practical Program. JOSEPH THEODORE HA.RRIS, 4 Graham-road, DalstolJ, E. Socialism and allied subjects. MRS. O'BRIEN HARRIS, 4 Graham-road, Dalston, E. Economic Position of Women, The Education of the Citizen. Ruskin and Education. School anJ Home in Education. The Civil Service and the Schools. *A. B. HARRISON, 27 Cheapside, E.C. The Coming Type of Trade Unionism; Alternative title :--Are We a Democracy? (A suggestion for the reorganization of Trade Unions on " new basis-not Syndicalism or Co-partnership.) 6 SOMERVILLE HASTINGS, 43 Devonshire-street, Portland­ place, w. Medical and Scientific Aspect of Socialism. F. W. HAYES, F.R.G.S., 12 Westcroft-square, W. (Not MOlldays or TlItsdays.) The Right to Loaf. The Pub and the Public. Socialism as a Middle-Class Program. The Classification of Society. JOH SPENCER HILL, The Chantry, Enfield, N. Social Welfare Subjects. '~WALTER HOGG, LL.B., 7 Priory-gardens, Priory-road, Homsey, N. Any matters connected with Socialism. MABEL LAWRENCE, 13 Mount-road. Hampstead Heath, N.W. (Not Wukdays.) William Morris. Home Life under Socialism. Socialism as set forth in .. New Worlds for Old." *ARTHUR D. LEWIS, 73 Westboume-terrace, w. Objections to Socialism considered. Socialism and Morality. Socialism and Beauty. T. ALWYN LLOYD, I Temple Fortune House, Golder's Green, N.W. Own su bjects. S. J. S. LOOKER, 68 Hawksley-road, Stoke ewington, N. (Not FridaJ's.) Socialism and the Woman Question, Poets of Revo t. G, K. Chesterton. Socialism for Christians. *B. SKENE MACKAY, 19 Chepstow-crescent, w, (Not Mondays and Thursda:ls,) Theory and Tactics of Socialism. Social and Industrial Action. ocialism and the Labor Party. Socialism and Labor Education. Syndicalism. *HUBERT BERTRAM MATTHEWS, Burghley, Spratt HaIl- road, Wanstead. (Not Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays.) Philosophic Basis of Socialism. Is Socialism lavery? Socialism and Women's Votes. The Insurance Bill. A Compulsory Arbitration Bill. HENRY T. MUGGERIDGE, 17 Birdhurst-gardens. Croydon. All aspects of Socialism. FINLAY PEACOCK, 503 Homsey-road, >I. Land Questions. HARRY PHILLIPS, 19 Hamilton-road, Harrow. Ruskin's Teaching and the Labor Party. 7 LEWIS W. PHILLIPS, 37 Compton-road, Canonbury, N. Education. Human and Ethical Aspects of Socialism. WILLIAM PIERCY, 19 Grosvenor-road, Highbury, N. (Not Tuesday eveniugs.) Anything connected with Theoretical Soc~alism, Economic History, or the relation of Socialism to Philosophy, ReligIOn or Personality. WALTER JOHN READ, Forest Lodge, Buckhurst Hill, Essex. Socialism. Municipal Trading. Unemployment. Socialism and Clerks. MRS. W. PEMBER REEVES, 43 Cornwall-gardens, s.w. Suffrage. Labor Laws in New Zealand. Family Life on a Pound a Week. W. NEFYDD ROBERTS, 67 Woodland-gardens, Mllswell Hill, N. Various Lectures on the Administration of Education. The Primary School. The Gulf between the Grades. The Ad Hoc Authority. Franchise. Local Government and Socialism. Ethical. Economic and Political. International. ARTHUR ST. JOHN, I Harrington-square, London, N.W. Education in Broad Sense. Co-operation of Juveniles in their own Traini?g. Real Self-Government. Subjects
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