![ION CYCLOTRON RESONANCE HEATING Cyclotron Resonance for This Species Is Discussed in [2] and [3] Satisfies Such Criteria](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
of a plasma with a lighter minority species utilizing the ion ION CYCLOTRON RESONANCE HEATING cyclotron resonance for this species is discussed in [2] and [3] satisfies such criteria. In a tokamak plasma the antenna-launched T. TAJIMA fast Alfven wave is converted at the conversion layer into the Institute for Fusion Studies, electrostatic ion cyclotron wave and another fast Alfven wave. The electrostatic wave will eventually heat ions and absorb energy University of Texas, from the incoming electromagnetic wave'. Austin, Texas, United States of America In order to see the most efficient ion cyclotron resonance coupling/heating, we. have conducted a series of computer simula- tions on runs of fully self-consistent 2-1/2 dimensional electro- magnetic particle code. We model the problem by taking a portion of a particular q surface (q ~ 1-2) in the neighborhood of Abstract m = n|) (hydrogen cyclotron frequency) out of entire tokamak. The portion of the magnetic surface is mapped onto a cartesian x-y Ion cyclotron resonance heating of plasmas in tokamak and plane with the x-direction corresponding to the 8 (poloidal) EBT configurations has been studied using 1-2/2 and 2-1/2 dimen- direction and the y-direction to the <j> (toroidal) direction. The sional fully self-consistent electromagnetic particle codes. We toroidal magnetic field (y direction) varies as l/fx+x,,) and the have tested two major antenna configurations; we have also com- poloidal field (x direction) is uniform. The electromagnetic pared heating efficiencies for one and two ion species plasmas. field boundary conditions are handled by the Budden turning point We model a tokamak plasma with a uniform poloidal field and 1/R technique for complete absorption [4] in the positive ami negative toroidal field on a particular q surface. Ion cyclotron waves x direction and periodic in the y direction. The external antenna are excited on the low field side by antennas parallel either to current is given on the x=x. (xa: antenna position) line, where the poloidal direction or to the toroidal direction with different the current may point to either y or z direction with specified phase velocities. In 2D, minority ion heating (v, ) and electron wavenumber ky and frequency u. The particles are re-entrying heating (vn.vx) are observed. The exponential electron heating from the other side upon exit. Calculations are carried out on seems due to the decay instability. The minority heating is con- the 2-1/2 D(x,y,vx,vv,vz,Ex,Ey,E2,Bx,Bv,Bz) electromagnetic code sistent with mode conversion of fast Alfven waves and heating by with typically 128 X*128 grid'anâ 8 X 128 X 128 particles. electrostatic ion cyclotron modes. Minority heating is stronger with a polcidal antenna. The strong electron heating is accom- Me have tried cases of a single or double (proton-deuterium) panied by toroidal current generation. In ID, no thermal insta- species plasma with an antenna current running along the toroidal bility was observed and only strong minority heating resulted. (y) or poloidal (z) direction. Our antenna creates the wave mag- For an EBT plasma we model it by a multiple mirror. We have netic fields SB of the same order of magnitude as the poloidal tested heating efficiency with various minority concentrations, magnetic fields. A toroidal antenna (parallel to the toroidal temperatures, mirror ratios, and phase velocities. In this geo- direction) has only weak coupling to and weak heating of the plasma metry we have beach or inverse beach heating associated with the for a one-species case. The toroidal antenna primarily launches mode conversion layer perpendicular to the toroidal field. No the slow Alfven waves. A poloidal antenna has penetration Into a appreciable electron heating Is observed. Heating of Ions 1s plasma but not heating for a single species plasma. The poloidal linear in time. Foi- both tokamak and EBT slight majority heating antenna launches both the slow and fast Alfven waves. above the collisional rate Is observed due to the second harmonic heating. For a two-sped es plasma (proton-deuterium) at o> - 2fin (where fip 1s the deuterium cyclotron frequency) resonance with a toroidal antenna, we see good fast wave penetration and minority protons I. Ion cyclotron heating of a tokamak plasma (vi velocities perpendicular to the toroidal field) and electrons (in V|| parallel velocity and vi) heating. In the present case the Ion cyclotron resonance heating of a plasma 1s one of the proton population 1s 1/9 of the deuterium population. The quantity most direct ways of heating ions «nong various electromagnetic Bn/3e2n. defined in [3] is'less than unity (roughly 0.4). The wave heating techniques. Experimentally, in fact, it has been antennapstructure is such that it creates a standing wave (no the most successful rf heating method to date [1]. An efficient Poynting vector) in the. toroidal direction in the present setup. method for heating tokamak plasmas calls for both good wave pene- The parallel phase velocity u/k\\ is roughly several times the tration into a large bulk plasm* and good wave absorption by the electron thermal velocity Initially. When the leunched fast wave plasma, preferably, by plasm» Ions. A fast Alfven wave heating structure reaches the singular layer (to - 2S1Q) from the antenna, it seems that mode character undergoes some change (see Fig. 1): II. Ion cyclotron heating of an EBT plasma The wavenumber k^ seems slightly different for ID < ZSQ. Since the wave is launched from x*xa and the antenna is roughly parallel The basic mechanism of heating ions in mirror geometry is the •to the toroidal field with a given wavenumber for antenna current, same as in tokamak geometry. The major differences is that the the mode conversio2 n process would be best understood with fixed inhomogeneity along the external static magnetic field contributes kii2 or Njf*(knc/u) : the dispersion relation is given in terms of an essential role to mode conversion for the Elmo bumpy torus Nx vs. u/nH(x) as in [2] and [3]. It is, however, noticed that (EBT) configuration, while thé inhomogeneity across the external because the magnetic field has shear, the excited wave cannot be static magnetic field or the toroidal field plays an important said to have a completely fixed parallel wavenumber [5]. Detailed role for the tokamak configuration. Because of this geometrical mode structure is under Investigations. difference for EBT it is advantageous to write the dispersion relation in terms of Njj as a function of u/ng with fixed Hjf. The While the above is occurring, the perpendicular minority ion left-circularly polarized component of the wave has a resonance temperature rises (Fig. 2). At the same time the electrons are at u = S!» t" the cold theory (see Fig. 3). heated in both parallel and perpendicular directions. Wave injection from large w/Sfy (weak-side Injection) consti- With the toroidal antenna in a two-species plasma we have tutes an inverse beach heating: a portion of wave is reflected observed more current generation and electron heating and a little near the cut-off back to the weak-side, a portion is transmitted less ion heating than with the poloidal antenna in a two-species toward the strong-side, and the rest is converted near the reso- plasma discussed in the above. nance and contributes to absorption of wave energy by plasma. Wave injection from small co/% (strong-side Injection) constitutes As the electron temperature rises, the parallel mode number a beach heating: a portion of wave is reflected near the conver- reduces (or the parallel wavelength increases) perhaps due to the sion layer, a portion directly goes into the slow wave and even- electron Landau damping (See Fig. 1). By now the parallel phase tually thermal mode, the rest is transmitted beyond the cut-off velocity of the launched wave is in the bulk distribution of elec- point. The wave coupling on the plasma surface is determined by trons. This is accompanied by generation of a toroidally directed the surface impedance current, which amounts to a percent of the antenna current. This current generation saems due to the deviation from 90° of the angle between the electromagnetic Poynting vector leaving the antenna (in the x direction) and the total magnetic field line 0) (tilted from the y direction). The majority temperature rise in the perpendicular direction seems due to the second harmonic (deuterium) cyclotron resonance heating. The collisional heating with the hot hydroden ions would be slower than the observed heating rate (Fig. 2). The late stage electron temperature surge where £„ = 1 + 1 + is accompanied by the exponential growth of electromagnetic energy. The growth rate of this thermal Instability is y ~ 1/4 2 2 The fraction of reflection is given by |R| |(ZS-1)/(ZS+1)| In order to understand the origin of this instability, we and Zs ~ 1 means a good coupling. have reduced the dimensionality from 2-1/2 to 1-2/2. The spatial variation is in the x-direction only and the toroidal field point- Electromagnetic, fully self-consistent particle simulation ing in the y-direction varies 1n x. The poloidal field is in the of EBT-ICRH has been carried out. In order to accomodate rele- x-direction. The antenna current can be in either y or z direc- vant wavelengths in a manageable memory, we take a quarter of a ' tion. The heating results are very similar. The major difference multiple mirror plasma (mirror ratio ^ 1.4) with an appropriate now is that we do not observe the thermal instability nor strong symmetry dependent on the parity of the EH fields in a two-and- electron heating.
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