South Wind º§»½¼¿¾½À½Áo½ú§»½¼¿¾½À½Áo½à º§»½¼¿¾½À½Áo½ú§»½¼¿¾½À½Áo½à M inato International Association M inato International Association No. 29 No. 29 Ä Ä ÅÇÆÉÈËÊsÌÎÍÎÏsÐÅÇÆÉÈËÊsÌÎÍÎÏsÐ ÊsÌÒÑÔÓsÕÊsÌÒÑÔÓsÕ Ä ÅÇÆÉÈËÊsÌÎÍÎÏsÐÅÇÆÉÈËÊsÌÎÍÎÏsÐ ÊsÌÒÑÔÓsÕÊsÌÒÑÔÓsÕ Ä 105-8511 1-5-25 1-5-25 Shibakoen, M inato-ku, Tokyo 105-8511 February 21, 2001 Tel. 03-3578-3530 / Fax. 03-3578-3537 / E-M ail: s-wind@minato -intl-assn.gr.jp HƊ '' ɭɭɭ ««« ʸabͫҗɱ My loving Minato City ʤ ǡ ď ɤ ͛ â Û ᬴ ᬃ ᬽ ፧ -Visits to historical architecture in ś ˨ җ ɱ Ü ҳ ī ç ̵ ࢭ our City- ¢¡ ¢¡ £¥¤§¦£¥¤ ¦©¨ ¨ ¢¡ ¢¡ £¥¤£¥¤ ¦ ¦ ¨ ¨ áâäã]åáâ ã]åçææéèëêèëê¢ìì áâ ã]åã]å æ æ èëêèëê ì ì áâ Mr. Nobuhito KIYOSAWA (Japan) í%îï2ð%ñ=ò;óRôFõRö ¢¥ ore than 20 years have õ%ï;ù=ú!û%ü!ý ÷'ø ø ʤ! #"%$'&(')+*¢, à passed since I settled in þÿ¡ £¢¥¤§¦©¨%þ £ *- .!/'021436587©9;:=<=>!? M Minato City to live and to work. @ ú¡ ¢ £§ =A4B¥2C¥DFE;HGI=0'J The incredible living cost? Yes, it is !"$#2ý ð£'§)( * ø%& NM!O2PRQTSJU*WV2XFY K¢L indeed high. Nevertheless it is well ò¡,£-!ú/.§0/1243 ú§5 þ£+ Z[']\^0'^_a`¢bF:acd worth it: in addition to my personal ò< ,)=>@? 647§8£9§:£; ¢ fhgiNj=kRl m n!o pF e convenience because of the ú/A§B£A§C=òD£E§FG îRï/H q 2CT*sr'J¢tFu ?'vHw'x proximity between my residence and FKML4NMOP4Q "%ï $ 1.Jzy! c{ |}J4 ~ I¡J work place, charming streets, the ùR#Rö úT/Uù F£VW /'0'J >22^F R143 J)S K many historical sites and cultural X=î!ïü£Y$Z/[2ú$\)] Q¢(=:! ' institutions and various ¢ 1= . y%S L§ e K ¡^§_Fó!ôFõRö ý < ø 7 gourmet-kitchens that I find in this %=C.NJ¢> ï£`acb 1¡e4f§Q ¢ þÿ city have filled me with satisfaction. _i1#_2 TSMRF^_]0 MIA d As a matter of fact, I accept it as my '!-2h_- 2 ö)g òjk§l£G'î%ï %£hhi MIA “ever-lasting home” since I’ve = QTgHa ¡! K6¢ 3m4"onprqsY4")t3$N¡" ¢ prepared my own grave to rest !(£=y¥r2N¤(/'0'J S K together with my family in a nearby n§u£N%ú£v£w=òFx)y¡" &)z ¥ *a1©¨ ª;«¬ KR¦^§ temple yard. N/S6¤U­:'J2!!®!.N¯!J { 2î%ï/}5/~§oú£ x£| However, what do I know ¢°;±! i²%j%Y¢³R´ ? £4 òFü§Y about our city? My appreciation is ;µ!­¶%i·¢\z_:¥> limited since all that I know about is R 44 ú "=ð ò ¸4¹ S CHº g L'» 10¼!½ what I encounter on the short ¹ _]0RC¥¾ ¿FJ !À2/=: L b @ + ¢ commute from my house to my d ¥Âà XÄ-X ·=\ L Á ú£¢£§¤ x)y)¡ office and to Minato City hall to ¥ 20 &)z _°;±!!Å ÆÇF¥È%ÉRÊ¢Ë attend M.I.A. meetings, or on my Ì RÀ Bi®#SsÏ!ÐhBi® KÍ!Î ¦§§¨ §§¨o¡F£«£¬ z 7©§ª occasional walks in the , .¥Ë 'Ó 'ÔRÓ KÑ2Ò x£|" '4¯4°Hò±£²2ð /­® neighborhood. Why shouldn’t I ;ÕiÇR&a ¡¬_]:¢>;r :HÖ participate in the M.I.A. ³´ §§¨£D§Y£F£«!ü")µ)v ø gs×;Ø2¥Ù .HÜ(ÝRiÞ Ò%Ú'Û program, ”Visits to historical ß y!S Rà¢:a> K L ¶)·2ú$¸)¹ architecture in Minato City” to learn more about my loving home city? One day last year, rather chilly and windy for late October, a 1 South Wind Ö× ØÙÖ× Ø Ù@Ú Û¡Ü ÝßÞMàMáMâÚ Û¡Ü ÝßÞMàMáMâ !©"$# !©" #&%')(*§+,.-)/%')(*§+,.-)/ Ö× ØÖ× Ø Ù Ù Ú Û¡Ü ÝßÞMàMáMâÚ Û¡Ü ÝßÞMàMáMâ !©" !©" # # %')(*§+,.-)/%')(*§+,.-)/ group of 18, including four Ù4ëì§í4îoïÙ ëì§í4îoï #&:<;# :<;==§>?>? Ù Ù ëì§í4îoïëì§í4îoï # # :<;:<; = = >?>? ãåä½æçè$éã ä½æçè$é¡êê 0210 1 33 45764576988 ã ã ä½æçè$éä½æçè$é ê ê 0 1 1 3 3 45764576 8 8 0 non-Japanese members, had an ÙøùúØûÙ øùúØû #KJ¥L# J¥L Ù Ù øùúØûøùúØû # # J¥LJ¥L @A©BCEDF¥G)H.I@A©BCEDF¥G)H.I @A©BCEDF¥G)H.I@A©BCEDF¥G)H.I ð/ñòMó/ô£õ§ö$÷ð/ñòMó/ô£õ§ö$÷ ð/ñòMó/ô£õ§ö$÷ ð/ñòMó/ô£õ§ö$÷ opportunity to stroll around, led by øùøù¦¥£§/⩨¨ "©M<NO#"©M<N #KP.Q©RS)T©U.J¥LP.Q©RS)T©U.J¥L üý)þÿüý)þÿ¡ £¢¡¤ øùøù¦¥£§/â ¨ ¨ "©M<N"©M<N # # P.Q©RS)T©U.J¥LP.Q©RS)T©U.J¥L üý)þÿ¡ £¢¡¤ üý)þÿ M.I.A. volunteers Ms. Suzuki and â â / / XZY\[]/_^X Y\[]/_^ V$W V$W â â / / X X Y\[]/_^Y\[]/_^ ä ä V$WV$W 6 6 ä ä 6 6 Ms. Kikuchi. Thanks to their à well-prepared arrangements, we Ý2H³U_]: `a bcd©e)f gh©i)j were given a clear and thoughtful SNJ *(|T k©l©m<nopq©rs¥tu<vw explanation by a representative of Ç"!=.$#%=v£& (';*),+ ixyz){©| x}©~©i n each place we visited. - 143/.0%¥)T_]0!$1% L i © )© 23 Our full-day excursion >]À¢JR;g4¦5 i³2? §)§. 76  started at Zuisho-ji temple in £8 y}S C;#à. K w ¡¢¤£¥¦§©w¨©© 1hirokane, then went on to the 1}/;: %³}?79: ÆFÇ L L i ¯ °O± ¨ ª ª «¬9ª­ ® Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Õ@,%*A(*BT­ b2 ;=<?> ±³² ´.µ i.¶©·xy ¸)¹§º ¥ Museum (ancient residence of C v2<,DhS< IH LFEG §¿.ÀÁÂÄäÅ.Æ ».¼½ z¾{ Prince Asaka), Takanawa 3 _KJ;=ML},}*6./Nz_JMO )ÑÒÓÕÔ¾Ö i.½ ÇÉÈËÊÍÌÉÈÏÎ)Ð 3 fire-station’s Nihon-enoki branch P P 36bF0'J KKQ,R$SUT ×ØÙ©ÚÛ »¼©c.Ü Ý)hÞ n and the Mita temple district, and V N$W$X ZY[M\,]F^ sc%d Óãâ ä å ±§±ß² ´©µ i©àá ¥ terminated at the Keio University ß/b F_/':h­=Sa` ¡c e e Ó gç§è)é ê©i»¼©ë æ campus, known for its oratorical hall d S2_]0!afe /=0( Lg Á ì §íî§ïñð<òôó9õ ö÷ and ancient library. ª «143B¬­ihz_kj£l,m¡n L Ó§û©ü x öý©þxy.ÿ øùú Zuisho-ji-temple’s unique o y¢/':#SJU*a#FpMqrMsNF i¡ ©ö £¢¥¤§¦¥¨ © double-roofed Dai-yuhoden Main Ftu*v#=r#µ _J¡w K i¡ .ö¥©Ý¥ no Hall was modeled in the style of B!SaC/9¬g-,x «;£y2/=:h­ ü º i¡! p § ù§ Buddhist templesduring the Ming S2_]: bF0'J ,*6. LFz K "<n$# %&('*)§+,§-/. dynasty of China. The view {}|i£~¢c;!4_]021=<R0! 01 i2§3 £465¤b¡7§89¥: ¦ through its main gate from c4$ T*!< º/;¥<=¡>§i?@ þA© n Kuwaharazaka slope is outstanding. S B@ |£FY K¡££ ÀE x§F©iGHI ) §B§CD ù The Tokyo Metropolitan X.}£!=b=b;* À L Á¡M ~¥J i A -K¾n§sL v Teien Art Museum, or the ancient ­k/$1 /:¥> ä Å¥P ï(N)iO ¥QRST residence of Prince Asaka, was r2:'°;± RbF:H³%´'?( cU(V¡W çX ¡Y[Z]\^ % under repair and its beautiful outer ¸ ) '$CN³!p K H¡_`¡abc§d§e¥f¥ghi¡j¥k % walls were still covered by the /(¦B¬­ !b. 3 L lnm hopqr§s(tuvwx à scaffolding when we visited. The yb* Fnz_]0F e L y¥z§{¡|§}~¥¥h¥** whole building is in the “art deco” ¢º%/&,;1 ;0'J K*U l § m§§ o¥ h¥cd style: every room is elaborately ¡¢¤£¦¥§U¨¦©¡ª« ¬}­K®¡¯ §hrx¥c/(s ³ µ °}±M²´³Uµ¶· designed and decorated with ¥ ¨ ¸ }hcd(i§j(x( ¹Uº"»M¼F½¾$¿À breath-takingly beautiful ornaments. ·/Á ¨ à ¥ (¡¢x£(¤¥ A big campaign by the local «/ÅÇÆÈ ÉÊËÆÌMÍ$Î}«IÏ Ä ¦ o§ ¨§©«ª­¬|n}¥®¤ ¯ people saved the aged fire station ±ÑÐiÒ ± ÕÖa× ¨FÓÔ Ì7Ø ¨ °±§²n³´h¥µ§¶·¸¹6º¼»¥½ ¼Ù Ú7»¡Û£Ü¤ÝÞ building from being demolished and ¨¦ß¡à"¨ ¾ ¿oÀ(cd¸(ÁÂÃ(ÄÅ( the beautiful watchtower has £@â/ãä$å,æ"¨¡Ì,ÌFçè$é á Æ ¨¡h¥Ç§È§ÉÊËÌ(Í¡Î/Ï( ¼Fë ³ · survived, commanding a view of the §U¨¡è,è« êÑÆÈ$é ¡Ð§±Ñ§ÒÓÔÖÕh¥×Ø¡c§ ¼Mï¡ð}» »Fí area, but with less function as a fire ì ÐiÒî ÐiÒ é h*k(c§dÙhÚÜÛÝÞß{} ðö lookout today. µ ³ ñóò ¨õôZâ¡è ¡ ¥ Æ ¨/ॠá¥â¥ã¥äh¥i/j¥Ï ¼ Strolling along the slopes in µ÷Ö·Fø,ùú âûä¡üÇÆ åæ¥çè§éê¥hëÔÖÕb*Ïì ¹ the Mita temple district, I felt as if I Ö¦þ ÿ ÈÈý ¡£¢¥¤§¦©¨ m çè}íÔÖÕî h§²ï§ìð*k Á had stepped into a different sphere, Ø®¡¯,੧ ¡ö o§pñò§óô¼õ¥± Ï § ÷ ³¶ ± as time was passing leisurely and â È$é é󣦥 m/øù¡ú¡û¡ü h/ýþ´Ïc¡ÿ ÷ silently here, having nothing to do 2 South Wind A ¢¡¤£¦¥¢§©¨ M=fMK Ï with the redevelopment going on in ¢=±»¥½ ¢ "!#%$'&)(+* other parts of the city. l ¨,¢-¢.0/¢1+3254"6 h= kÓ*У§¥§ý ! 758 The ancient library of Keio }"¡¢¢=£=¤ A¦ § M¥ !: 9 University reminded me of the ; ¨A@ B"C h"A¨"©Mª/ D"E =<">5? Marunouchi district where red-brick ¡ ¢=«¥o/¬M­/x £¥¥¡~~¡ <=F G© H IKJL8M$ 9 9 walled buildings used to range. l_±©² ¨¢RM¨ S¢T¢UVW ¡ ý+ ôL®¯Õ v©° ! ONQP The excursion inspired me 3XMY Ï¢´¢µ ¶ ·M¸A¹AºM»¥k¼¢µ ³ !0:Z5[\¢]_^` 9 with a variety of interests and ¡ ½ ¾ ¿À¬ ­ ¢Á§h  ÃÄ fe =$A!©g_&h"< a bdc impressions of the various spots we ikj j lA ¡_m ª ÏLÅÆMÇAÈ¡ÏÉhMÊ| l #nMop visited.
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