![[ 1959 ] Appendices](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
APPENDIX I ROSTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS (As of 31 December 1959) TOTAL AREA ESTIMATED POPULATION (IN THOUSANDS)* DATE BECAME MEMBER (Square kilometres) Date Total U.N. MEMBER Afghanistan 650,000 1 July 1958 13,000 19 Nov. 1946 Albania 28,748 31 Dec. 1958 1,531 14 Dec. 1955 Argentina 2,778,412 31 Dec. 1959 20,775 24 Oct. 1945 Australia 7,704,159 31 Dec. 1959 10,166 1 Nov. 1945 Austria 83,849 31 Dec. 1958 7,032 14 Dec. 1955 Belgium 30,507 31 Dec. 1958 9,079 27 Dec. 1945 Bolivia 1,098,581 5 Sep. 1959 3,416 14 Nov. 1945 Brazil 8,513,844 1 July 1959 64,216 24 Oct. 1945 Bulgaria 110,669 30 June 1959 7,793 14 Dec. 1955 Burma 677,950 1 July 1959 20,457 19 Apr. 1948 Byelorussian SSR 207,600 15 Jan. 1959 8,055 24 Oct. 1945 Cambodia 172,511 Apr. 1959 4,845 14 Dec. 1955 Canada 9,974,375 1 Dec. 1959 17,650 9 Nov. 1945 Ceylon 65,610 1 July 1958 9,388 14 Dec. 1955 Chile 741,767 31 Aug. 1959 7,494 24 Oct. 1945 China 9,796,973 1 July 1958 678,851 24 Oct. 1945 Colombia 1,138,355 5 July 1959 13,824 5 Nov. 1945 Costa Rica 50,900 31 Dec. 1959 1,150 2 Nov. 1945 Cuba 114,524 28 Jan. 1959 6,638 24 Oct. 1945 Czechoslovakia 127,859 15 Nov. 1959 13,595 24 Oct. 1945 Denmark 43,042 1 July 1958 4,515 24 Oct. 1945 Dominican Republic 48,734 1 July 1959 2,894 24 Oct. 1945 Ecuador 270,670 31 Dec. 1959 4,254 21 Dec. 1945 El Salvador 20,000 1 July 1959 2,520 24 Oct. 1945 Ethiopia 1,184,320 1 July 1958 21,600 13 Nov. 1945 Federation of Malaya 131,313 31 Dec. 1958 6,596 17 Sep. 1957 Finland 337,009 31 Dec. 1959 4,432 14 Dec. 1955 France 551,208 30 Sep. 1959 45,300 24 Oct. 1945 Ghana 237,873 1 July 1959 4,911 8 Mar. 1957 Greece 132,562 31 Dec. 1958 8,216 25 Oct. 1945 Guatemala 108,889 31 Dec. 1958 3,592 21 Nov. 1945 Guinea 245,857 1 Jan. 1959 2,707 12 Dec. 1958 Haiti 27,750 1 July 1959 3,464 24 Oct. 1945 Honduras 112,088 1 July 1959 1,887 17 Dec. 1945 Hungary 93,030 31 Dec. 1959 9,936 14 Dec. 1955 Iceland 103,000 1 Dec. 1958 170 19 Nov. 1946 India 3,270,480 1 July 1959 402,750 30 Oct. 1945 Indonesia 1,491,562 1 July 1959 89,600 28 Sep. 1950 Iran 1,648,000 31 Dec. 1959 20,365 24 Oct. 1945 Iraq 444,442 1 July 1958 6,590 21 Dec. 1945 Ireland 70,283 1 July 1959 2,846 Israel 14 Dec. 1955 20,700 31 Dec. 1959 2,089 11 May 1949 * Based on information in the United Nations Demographic Yearbook, 1959. 540 APPENDIX I TOTAL AREA ESTIMATED POPULATION (IN THOUSANDS) * DATE BECAME MEMBER (Square kilometres) Date Total U.N. MEMBER Italy 301,226 30 June 1959 49,055 14 Dec. 1955 Japan 369,661 31 Dec. 1959 93,160 18 Dec. 1956 Jordan 96,610 31 Dec. 1959 1,658 14 Dec. 1955 Laos 236,800 1 July 1958 1,690 14 Dec. 1955 Lebanon 10,400 1 July 1958 1,550 24 Oct. 1945 Liberia 111,370 1 July 1956 1,250 2 Nov. 1945 Libya 1,759,540 1 July 1958 1,153 14 Dec. 1955 Luxembourg 2,586 31 Dec. 1958 322 24 Oct. 1945 Mexico 1,969,269 1 July 1959 33,304 7 Nov. 1945 Morocco 443,680 1 July 1958 10,330 12 Nov. 1956 Nepal 140,798 1 July 1959 9,044 14 Dec. 1955 Netherlands 40,893 31 Dec. 1959 11,406 10 Dec. 1945 New Zealand 268,676 31 Dec. 1959 2,360 24 Oct. 1945 Nicaragua 148,000 31 Dec. 1958 1,399 24 Oct. 1945 Norway 323,917 31 Dec. 1959 3,572 27 Nov. 1945 Pakistan 944,824 1 July 1959 86,823 30 Sep. 1947 Panama 74,470 1 July 1959 1,024 13 Nov. 1945 Paraguay 406,752 30 June 1959 1,718 24 Oct. 1945 Peru 1,285,215 30 June 1959 10,524 31 Oct. 1945 Philippines 299,681 1 July 1959 24,718 24 Oct. 1945 Poland 311,730 31 Dec. 1958 28,997 24 Oct 1945 Portugal 92,200 31 Dec. 1959 9,083 14 Dec. 1955 Romania 237,500 31 Dec. 1958 18,170 14 Dec. 1955 Saudi Arabia 1,600,000 1 Jan. 1956 6,036 24 Oct. 1945 Spain 503,486 1 July 1959 29,894 14 Dec. 1955 Sudan 2,505,823 1 July 1959 11,390 12 Nov. 1956 Sweden 449,682 1 July 1959 7,454 19 Nov. 1946 Thailand 514,000 1 July 1959 21,881 16 Dec. 1946 Tunisia 125,180 1 July 1959 3,925 12 Nov. 1956 Turkey 780,576 20 Oct. 1959 26,881 24 Oct. 1945 Ukrainian SSR 576,600 15 Jan. 1959 41,869 24 Oct. 1945 Union of South Africa 1,223,409 30 June 1959 14,673 7 Nov. 1945 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 22,403,000 15 Jan. 1959 208,827 24 Oct. 1945 United Arab Republic† 1,184,479 31 Dec. 1958 29,453 24 Oct. 1945 United Kingdom 244,016 30 June 1959 52,157 24 Oct. 1945 United States 9,363,387 1 Dec. 1959 179,013 24 Oct. 1945 Uruguay 186,926 30 June 1958 2,700 18 Dec. 1945 Venezuela 912,050 30 June 1959 6,512 15 Nov. 1945 Yemen 195,000 1 July 1949 4,500 30 Sep. 1947 Yugoslavia 255,804 31 Dec. 1959 18,552 24 Oct. 1945 † Egypt and Syria, both of which became Members of the United Nations on 24 October, 1945, formed the United Arab Republic as the result of a plebiscite held in Egypt and Syria on 21 February 1958. * Based on information in the United Nations Demographic Yearbook, 1959. APPENDIX II THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS AND THE STATUTE OF THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS WE THE PEOPLES for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, OF THE UNITED NATIONS and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other DETERMINED breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful to save succeeding generations from the scourge of means, and in conformity with the principles of justice war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold and international law, adjustment or settlement of sorrow to mankind, and international disputes or situations which might lead to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in to a breach of the peace; the dignity and worth of the human person, in 2. To develop friendly relations among nations the equal rights of men and women and of nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights large and small, and and self-determination of peoples, and to take other to establish conditions under which justice and respect appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace; for the obligations arising from treaties and other 3. To achieve international co-operation in solving sources of international law can be maintained, and international problems of an economic, social, cul- to promote social progress and better standards of tural, or humanitarian character, and in promoting life in larger freedom, and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as AND FOR THESE ENDS to race, sex, language, or religion; and to practice tolerance and live together in peace with 4. To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of one another as good neighbours, and nations in the attainment of these common ends. to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and Article 2 to ensure by the acceptance of principles and the The Organization and its Members, in pursuit of institution of methods, that armed force shall not the Purposes stated in Article 1, shall act in accord- be used, save in the common interest, and ance with the following Principles. to employ international machinery for the promotion 1. The Organization is based on the principle of of the economic and social advancement of all the sovereign equality of all its Members. peoples, 2. All Members, in order to ensure to all of them the rights and benefits resulting from membership, HAVE RESOLVED TO shall fulfil in good faith the obligations assumed by COMBINE OUR EFFORTS TO them in accordance with the present Charter. ACCOMPLISH THESE AIMS. 3. All Members shall settle their international Accordingly, our respective Governments, through disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that representatives assembled in the city of San Fran- international peace and security, and justice, are not cisco, who have exhibited their full powers found endangered. to be in good and due form, have agreed to the 4. All Members shall refrain in their international present Charter of the United Nations and do relations from the threat or use of force against the hereby establish an international organization to territorial integrity or political independence of any be known as the United Nations. state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations. CHAPTER I 5. All Members shall give the United Nations PURPOSES AND PRINCIPLES every assistance in any action it takes in accordance with the present Charter, and shall refrain from giving Article 1 assistance to any state against which the United Na- The Purposes of the United Nations are: tions is taking preventive or enforcement action.
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