ARMIES, POLITICS AND REVOLUTION Chile, !"#"–!"$% Ossa, Armies, Politics and Revolution.indd 1 13/11/2014 11:02:25 Liverpool Latin American Studies Series Editors: John Fisher, University of Liverpool, and Steve Rubenstein, University of Liverpool ! Business History in Latin America: The Experience of Seven Countries Carlos Dávila and Rory Miller (eds) $ Habsburg Peru: Images, Imagination and Memory Peter T. Bradley and David Cahill & Knowledge and Learning in the Andes: Ethnographic Perspectives Henry Stobart and Rosaleen Howard (eds) ' Bourbon Peru, !()#‒!"$' John Fisher ) Between Resistance and Adaptation: Indigenous Peoples and the Colonisation of the Chocó, !)!# ‒!()& Caroline A. Williams % Shining Path: Guerilla War in Peru’s Northern Highlands, !+"#‒!++( Lewis Taylor ( South American Independence: Gender, Politics, Text Catherine Davies, Claire Brewster and Hilary Owen " Adventuring Through Spanish Colonies: Simón Bolívar, Foreign Mercenaries and the Birth of New Nations Matthew Brown + British Trade with Spanish America, !(%&‒!"#" Adrian J. Pearce !# Colonial Tropes and Postcolonial Tricks: Rewriting the Tropics in the novela de la selva Lesley Wylie !! Argentina’s Partisan Past: Nationalism and the Politics of History Michael Goebel !$ The Reinvention of Mexico: National Ideology in a Neoliberal Era Gavin O’Toole Ossa, Armies, Politics and Revolution.indd 2 13/11/2014 11:02:25 Liverpool Latin American Studies, New Series !" Armies, Politics and Revolution Chile, !"#"–!"$% Juan Luis Ossa Santa Cruz LIVERPOOL UNIVERSITY PRESS Ossa, Armies, Politics and Revolution.indd 3 13/11/2014 11:02:25 Armies, Politics and Revolution First published $#!' by Liverpool University Press ' Cambridge Street Liverpool L%+ (ZU Copyright © $#!' Juan Luis Ossa Santa Cruz The right of Juan Luis Ossa Santa Cruz to be identified as the author of this book has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Design and Patents Act !+"". All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication data A British Library CIP record is available ISBN +("-!-("!&"-!&$-" Typeset by Carnegie Book Production, Lancaster Printed and bound by Booksfactory.co.uk Ossa, Armies, Politics and Revolution.indd 4 13/11/2014 11:02:25 To my beloved Oxonian daughter, Violeta Ossa, Armies, Politics and Revolution.indd 5 13/11/2014 11:02:25 Ossa, Armies, Politics and Revolution.indd 6 13/11/2014 11:02:25 Contents contents Abbreviations ix Maps x–xi Acknowledgements xiii Introduction ! I. Armies $ II. Politics ) III. Revolution !# IV. A note on sources and terminology !$ Chapter I Building up a revolutionary army in Chile, !"#"–!"!$ !) I. !"#"–!"!#: internal responses to imperial crisis !% II. A conflict of politics, a conflict between provinces $' III. Revolutionary warfare in Chile &! IV. The political legitimization of a revolutionary movement '# Chapter II Political and military counterrevolution in Chile, !"!$–!"!% )# I. Rancagua: a revolutionary battle or a historiographical disaster? )! II. Mariano Osorio’s political and military conduct )) III. Francisco Marcó del Pont: facing an external threat %) IV. Was it possible to re-conquer Chile? (( Chapter III The Army of the Andes: Chilean and rioplatense politics in an age of military organization, !"!$–!"!% "$ I. Chilean émigrés in a foreign territory "' II. The Army of the Andes and the militarization of civil society "+ Ossa, Armies, Politics and Revolution.indd 7 13/11/2014 11:02:25 viii ,-./01, 234/5/61 ,78 -0934:5/37 III. Chileans in the Army of the Andes: Spies, military intelligence and the guerra de zapa +% IV. Crossing the Cordillera !#$ Chapter IV The establishment of a military regime in Chile, !"!%–!"&' !!! I. Ruling over an unruly population !!$ II. Maipú: battle for territorial dominance !$& III. Irregular warfare in the south of Chile !$+ IV. The personalization of politics !&( Chapter V Becoming a Chilean army: The Ejército Libertador del Perú, !"!"–!"&' !'" I. The organization of the Ejército Libertador del Perú and the first Chilean navy !'+ II. Lima: royalist stronghold !%# III. Internal conflicts, external consequences !%% IV. Becoming a Chilean army !(& Chapter VI The political role of the military in the making of the Chilean republic, !"&&–!"&( !"$ I. The revival of Concepción and the Army of the South !"& II. The political role of the military in the !"$#s: the case of Francisco Antonio Pinto !+$ III. Politicizing the army in the Chilean Congress $#' IV. Chiloé: the end of revolutionary warfare $!& Conclusion $$! References $$% Index $&+ Ossa, Armies, Politics and Revolution.indd 8 13/11/2014 11:02:26 Abbreviations Abbreviations ABO: Archivo de don Bernardo O’Higgins AGI: Archivo General de Indias AGN: Archivo General de la Nación (Argentina) AGNP: Archivo General de la Nación (Perú) AHILA: Asociación de Historiadores Latinoamericanistas Europeos AHM: Archivo Histórico de la Provincia de Mendoza AHMIP: Archivo Histórico Militar (Perú) ALHIM: Amérique Latine Histoire et Mémoire. Les Cahiers BAChH: Boletín de la Academia Chilena de la Historia BROP: British Public Record O;ce CDHICh: Colección de Historiadores y de documentos de la Independencia de Chile CDIP: Colección documental de la Independencia del Perú CG: Capitanía General CM: Contaduría Mayor DIBAM: Dirección de Bibliotecas, Archivos y Museos FV: Fondo Varios HAHR: Hispanic American Historical Review IC: Intendencia de Coquimbo JIVE: José Ignacio Víctor Eyzaguirre MG: Ministerio de Guerra MI: Ministerio del Interior MJTM: Manuscritos José Toribio Medina RChHG: Revista Chilena de Historia y Geografía REHMLAC: Revista de Estudios Históricos de la Masonería Latinoamericana y Caribeña SCL: Sesiones de los Cuerpos Legislativos VM: Vicuña Mackenna Ossa, Armies, Politics and Revolution.indd 9 13/11/2014 11:02:26 Chile, !&"# –!"$% Ossa, Armies, Politics and Revolution.indd 10 13/11/2014 11:02:26 South America, !&"#–!"$% (Modified from John Lynch, San Martín. Argentine Soldier, American hero, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, $##+) Ossa, Armies, Politics and Revolution.indd 11 13/11/2014 11:02:26 Ossa, Armies, Politics and Revolution.indd 12 13/11/2014 11:02:26 Acknowledgements Acknowledgements During the six years I took to research and write this book, I incurred many academic and personal debts. The first of these debts is to my doctoral supervisor in Oxford, professor Alan Knight, whose penetrating questions and stimulating ways of studying both Latin American and European history helped me understand the importance of never taking anything for granted, of always questioning what we are told as definitive answers. My good friend and professor Iván Jaksic has been my Chilean maestro since the days I was beginning to work on the Chilean military Francisco Antonio Pinto ($##'). He read the entire manuscript, giving me insightful suggestions and always remembering me to keep on track. In England, professors Alan Angell, Brian Hamnett, Malcolm Deas, John Fisher, Anthony McFarlane, Eduardo Posada Carbó, Matthew Brown and Catherine Davis read parts of this book; I am specially grateful to Alan Angell for his warm hospitality, to Eduardo Posada Carbó and Anthony McFarlane for their sharp comments during my doctoral examination, and to Matthew Brown for his suggestions and corrections. In Chile, professors Sol Serrano and Claudio Rolle from the Instituto de Historia of the Universidad Católica de Chile have always been sources of inspiration. I would also like to give special thanks to David Gallagher and Arturo Fontaine for having written letters of recommendation to Oxford for me. I am very grateful to the following colleagues and friends in Chile: Andrés Baeza, Patricio Bernedo, Joaquín Fernández, Cristóbal García Huidobro, Cristián Gazmuri, Pablo Moscoso, Macarena Ponce de León, Fernando Purcell, Alfredo Riquelme, Jaime Rosenblitt and Rafael Sagredo. Many of the arguments of this book were discussed with Andrés Estefane, Susana Gazmuri, Francisca Rengifo and Claudio Robles, my colleagues in the Centro de Estudios de Historia Política at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez. I thank both Andrés Benítez and Leonidas Montes for inviting me to become Executive Director of the Centre. Without the diligent help of Nicole Gardella such a task would have been much more di;cult to accomplish. Outside Chile, my friends and colleagues Roberto Breña, Gabriel Di Meglio, Daniel Gutiérrez, Alejandro Rabinovich, Natalia Sobrevilla, Marcela Ossa, Armies, Politics and Revolution.indd 13 13/11/2014 11:02:26 xiv ,-./01, 234/5/61 ,78 -0934:5/37 Ternavasio and Ignacio Zubizarreta have always been ready to solve questions and give me words of encouragement. Not only we are connected by a similar preoccupation for the Independence period, but we have also had the opportunity to discuss and contrast our arguments thanks to the support of the British Academy and CONICYT (Chile). Clément Thibaud has been a generous e-mail interlocutor. Annick Lempérière took the time to discuss some of the topics of my manuscript during one of her stays in Chile; from her I learned the importance of not seeing independence as the inevitable result of the revolution. Other international colleagues, especially Martín Castro, Samuele Mazzolini, Ana María Otero-Cleves,
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