LHS students Yule luncheon Tigers falter join conference by social club In T-day game ........page 3 ........page 9 ........page I I Linden Leader( USPS 314 080) *Your Community Leader” VOL. 28NO. 14 LINDEN, N.J.. THURSDAY. December 3,1481 Published by Suburban Publishing Corp., 218 North Wood Ave . Linden. N J 07036 Second Class Postage Paid at Linden, N.J. 30 Cents Per Copy Council faulted on remapping plans for Jan. By M A R IA N N E ASTALOS on Nov. 30. The bridge is located in the The issue of redistricting the 6th and first ward and traffic will be detoured 7th wards, which was brought up at the into the second and third wards. conference meeting Monday, resurfac­ ed during the public hearing portion of Eckel recommended the original plan the Linden City Council on Tuesday be approved and said: “ It will reduce Edward Bluniak of Buchanan Street construction time by two months, in the 7th Ward, objected to council's restore full access to residents in the decision to wait until January to discuss immediate construction area, enable redistricting the two wards. construction to be delayed until after the holidays and save many large trees According to Val Imbriacco, city along Wood Avenue." clerk, a letter must be submitted to the George Hudak, council president, county clerk requesting redistricting said residents and the public should an­ procedure information to insure that ticipate some traffic delays and incon- the city follows county regulations. It vience while the bridge is being worked will be sent out this week, and Im briac­ on. co expects an answer within two weeks. Information about alternate routes Bluniak said residents have been will be made available at a later date, waiting for redistricting for about eight Hudak said. years and expressed dissatisfaction Three ordinances were passed that they would have to wait until unanimously, one amending electrical January. fees to be effective as of Jan. 1, 1982, Hudak said council is waiting until and another amending the civil service January because Councilman-elect ordinance adding a sanitary landfill Richard Brezezicki would be sworn in caretaker title to the public works then and would be able to participate in department. The title has not been fill­ the discussions. Bluniak thought it bet­ ed yet. The third provides for the pur­ ter the present councilman, Joseph chase of playground equipment for the Bartus, handle the situation as he is recreation department in 4th Ward more informed with the subject. Hudak area parks. and Bartus agreed that Bartus would Councilman George Milk os ki re­ take part in the discussion as consul­ quested the city clerk send a letter to tant. Suburban Cablevision, concerning Imbriacco said: “ There is a definite reception problems cable subscribers imbalance between the two wards. are having with the system According After Jan. 1. council w ill appoint a com­ to Milkoski, whenever there is stormy mittee to conduct a door-to-door canvas or damp weather, reception becomes of the area and a line will be redrawn so poor and is sometimes disrupted for a balance exists.” He also said action varied amounts of time. couldn't be taken at a earlier date, Imbriacco said the weather affects because the county correspondence is ail the city’s cabievisioo viewers. “The not completed to be completed until signal bounces off the reception discs early January. and when the discs get wet, reception is Council ammended plans to allow poor,” he said, adding that the fran ­ pictured Conti Construction Co. to block all traf­ chisee agreed to establish a local office above, practice their routines, while Michael Fackelman, fic on a bridge over West Brook on for subscribers. This has not been com­ senior drum major, at right, directs the perfomance. Ac­ Wood Avenue, near Gibbons Street. The plied with Suburban began to solicit This band is tops original plan would have required the subscribers three years ago. cording to Gerry Lorenzetti, the director, the group is construction firm to mainisiwrwo lanes A special meeting to hear bid quotes SQiythln^p^o»q shunt" i Pty»*n« j™. Marianne As talas) of traffic during whiiewT&t was in pro­ cm the dog control situation is scheduled gress. ’ . for Wednesday 7 p.m. Three animal After several meetings with coum groups are submitting proposals: Pets Now we're something cilman of the wards involved, Mai Adoption Waiting Station of Linden, the Eckel of the 1st Ward, Louis Roberts of Union County SPCA ( Rahway Kindness the 2nd Ward and Myles J H erggrt o f . ■,K<uu»iv,.;.aad the Newark Humane Band marches on ' JrO vr&rJ, ft IldSt |/<wir nw. to brag about: Lorenzet*' Society** ' ™" By MARIANNE AS/KfSSs’’ — w^eluy -times of the school football ticipate in the New England Open in Cape Cod. “ Now we’re something to brag about, ” said Gerry games. Money is being raised to help the band participate in Rothberg becomes Lorenzetti, director of the Linden High School band, “ The band really enjoys representing Linden at the three-day regional competition of parade, field referring to the band’s successful fall season com­ the competitions in such a positive - fashion,” and drum major events. petition. Lorenzetti said, adding that their hard work really Support for the band has come from the school, paid off this year. honorary member The band, a member of Chapter F ive of the Tour­ administration and the community, along with the nament of Bands, has been budding steadily during newly formed Band Parents Organization. The music director attempted to have a balanced By M A R IA N N E ASTALOS each succeeding mayor and was the two years since Lorenzetti took the director’s concert on the field, with a variety of styles. He in­ According to Lorenzetti, “ We are still in the Abraham’Rothberg. Linden resident elected to the board in 1978, the first position. Their practice and hard work paid off this cluded an intracte from “They’re Playing Our building process. We’ve accomplished our goal as and longtime participant in city, county time the city elected board members. year as they took three first place trophies, two se­ and state government, was awarded Song,” a percussion solo of “Candide,” a jazz ver­ far as quality is eoncened and our next goal is to in­ He didn’t run in 1980 because of the time cond place, two best band front awards, a best the honor of being named the first he needed to fulfill his duties on the sion of “ Sunrise, Sunset,” which featured a drum crease the size of the band, along with maintaining music award and Michael Fackelman, drum major, honorary member of the Linden Board state Board of Taxation, an appoint­ major trumphet solo, and a finale of “Piece of our music quality.” received best drum major award in Chapter Five of Education, this past summer Dreams” with a reprise of "They're Playing Our ment under the Brendan Byrne ad­ Lorenzetti is assisted by Ken Reed, assistant band A pharmacist, he is a member of the ministration. competitions. Song.” director; Pauline Pagoulatos. assistant band direc­ Union County Board of Taxation, a It was Rothberg's appointment under According to Lorenzetti, the band’s greatest “ H ie kids in the band are probably the best bunch tor for band front; Brad Coleman, percussion in­ director of United Counties Trust Co. former Gov. Richard Hughes in 1964 t6 achievement occurred on Oct. 18 at the Middlesex structor; Debbie Lorenzetti, swingline instructor; and a member of county, state and na­ to work with. Their positive attitude and dedication the state Manpower Committee which Festival of Bands when Linden took first place In tional pharmaceutical associations He helped to make us a success, ’ ’ he said. and Chris Kloc, rifle instructor. made him interested in securing a addition it received honors for best band front and Student assistance also played a big part in the served on tlie Board of Education for 28 grant to partially fund the construction high music score. It was at this competition that The competitions included bands from four band's success and Lorenzetti named Mary Jean years and held the office of president of the Linden Vocational-Technical Fackelman received his award. A.R. Taranto, states. Besides New Jersey, bands from New York, Barnes, junior drum major; Cindi Pepi, silk cap­ and chairman of the finance, education, School on St Georges Avenue. expansion building and grounds com­ superintendent of schools, said he is pleased with Pennsylvania, Maryland and Delaware par­ tain; Marcella Paraskevas, lieutenant for silks; “ Because of my involvement on the mittees during that time. the band’s accomplishments this year. ticipated. Chapter Five of the Tournament of Bands Lee Mathis, swingling captain; Saundra Penn, Manpower committee, I knew that Robert Conor, president of the board, money was available to municipalities Competing was a rare event for the city band. Un­ includes nine chapters of more than 200 music lieutenant for swingline, Donna Hartman, rifle said the idea of honoring Rothberg in education areas,” Rothberg said. til last year, the band did not participate in any tour­ ensembles. The organization’s purpose is to develop squad captain; and Janet Petroski, lieutenant rifle cam e up in a conversation with some Under the administration of President naments. When Lorenzetti became director, he a high standard of musicianship and performance squad captain; as his helpers. board members. “ Since my election to Lyndon B. Johnson, the federal govern­ changed things around. “ W e began to rebuild and while fostering comraderie and appreciation Lorenzetti, a 1968 Linden High graduate, resides the board in 1979, Mr.
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