1 Muscles Of Mastication identification origin insertion action maxilla, zygomatic arch Mandible elevates & protracts mandible MASSETER Human Cat Zygomatic Bone Mandible elevates mandible TEMPORALIS Human/Cat Temporal Bone Mandible elevates and retracts mandible Hyoid Bone DIGASTRIC Human mandible & mastoid process depress mandible Cat occipital bone & mastoid process Mandible depress mandible raises floor of mouth; MYLOHYOID Human/Cat Mandible Hyoid bone pulls hyoid forward Muscles That Move The Head identification origin insertion action STERNOCLEIDOMAStoID clavicle, sternum mastoid process flexes and laterally rotates head HUMAN ONLY STERNOMAStoID CAT ONLY sternum mastoid process turns and depresses head pulls head laterally; CLEIDOMAStoID CAT ONLY clavicle mastoid process pulls clavicle craniad 2 Muscles Of The Hyoid, Larynx And Tongue identification origin insertion action Human Sternum Hyoid depresses hyoid bone STERNOHYOID Cat costal cartilage 1st rib Hyoid pulls hyoid caudally; raises ribs and sternum sternum Throid cartilage of larynx Human depresses thyroid cartilage STERNothYROID Cat costal cartilage 1st rib Throid cartilage of larynx pulls larynx caudad elevates thyroid cartilage and Human thyroid cartilage of larynx Hyoid THYROHYOID depresses hyoid bone Cat thyroid cartilage of larynx Hyoid raises larynx GENIOHYOID Human/Cat Mandible Hyoid pulls hyoid craniad 3 Muscles That Attach Pectoral Appendages To Vertebral Column identification origin insertion action Human Occipital bone; Thoracic and Cervical raises clavicle; adducts, elevates, & TRAPEZIUS Scapula and clavicle Cat (3) Vertebrae depresses scapula Human Thoracic & Lumbar vertebrae, Humerus extends, adducts, and rotates arm medi- LATISSIMUS DORSI sacrum & ilium, last 4 ribs ally; pulls shoulder down and back Cat Thoracic & Lumbar Vertebrae Humerus pulls arm dorsad and caudad RHOMBOIDEUS MINOR Cervical 7 & Thoracic 1 (smaller & superior) Human Scapula adducts scapula moves scapula back and up and rotates RHOMBOIDEUS MAJOR Human Thoracic 2-5 vertebrae Scapula (bigger & caudal) Thoracic vertebrae (major); Thoracic downward Cat (3) vertebrae (minor); lamdoidal ridge scapula; scapula; scapula pulls scapula dorsally & medially, same, RHOMBOIDEUS (capitis) pulls scapula craniad LEVAtoR SCAPULAE Cervical vertebrae Scapula elevates scapula HUMAN ONLY LEVAtoR SCAPULAE VENTRALIS Occipatal bone & Atlas Scapula pulls scapula craniad (toward head) CAT ONLY Muscles Of The Shoulder 4 identification origin insertion action (spinodeltoid) scapula humerus flexes humerus & rotates outward DELtoID (Cat 3) (acromiodeltoid) scapula humerus flexes humerus & rotates outward (clavodeltoid) clavicle & clavotrapezius muscle humerus flexes forearm DELtoID (Human) clavicle & scapula humerus abducts arm SUPRASPINATUS Human/Cat scapula humerus h: abducts arm / c: extends humerus Human/Cat h: rotates humerus lateral / c: rotates INFRASPINATUS scapula humerus humerus outward extends humerus, adducts and rotates Human scapula humerus TERES MAJOR arm Cat flexes forearm & rotates it inward Human rotates humerus medially SUBSCAPULARIS scapula humerus Cat scapula humerus pulls humerus medially Muscles Of The Upper Arm identification origin insertion action TRICEPS BRACHII Human/Cat scapula, humerus, humerus Ulna extends forearm (long, lateral, medial) BICEPS BRACHII Human/Cat Scapula radius flexes & supinates forearm (long, short head) BRACHIALIS Human/Cat humerus Ulna flexes forearm 5 Muscles That Attach Pectoral Appendages To Ventral (Front) Body Wall identification origin insertion action PECtoANTEBRACHIALIS sternum forearm adducts arm CAT ONLY Human clavicle, sternum, cartilage of ribs 2-6 Humerus Flexes, Adducts & rotates arm medially PECtoRALIS MAJOR Cat sternum Humerus adducts arm depresses scapula; ribs 3-5 scapula PECtoRALIS MINOR Human rotates shoulder upward Cat sternum humerus adducts arm pulls scapula forward & rotates SERRATUS ANTERIOR Human ribs 1-8,9 scapula it upward SERRATUS VENTRALIS Cat ribs 1-10 pulls scapula forward & depresses it XIPHIHUMERALIS CAT ONLY xiphoid process humerus adducts arm Muscles Of The Trunk /Thoracic Region identification origin insertion action Human inferior border of rib above superior border of rib below EXTERNAL Raise rib INTERCOSTALS Cat caudal (bottom) border of 1 rib cranial border of next rib caudad (down) INTERNAL Human superior border of rib below inferior border of rib above draw adjecent ribs together; lower ribs INTERCOSTALS Cat Cranial border of 1 rib Caudal Border of next rib 6 Muscles Of The Trunk /Abdominal Region identification origin insertion action pubis costal cartilage of ribs 5-7 and sternum flexes vertebral column RECTUS ABDOMINIS Human Cat pubis costal cartilage 1-4 ribs compresses abdomen EXTERNAL Human lower 8 ribs ilium and linea alba compresses abdomen ABDOMINAL OBLIQUES Cat last 9 ribs linea alba from sternum to pubis compresses abdomen ilium, inguinal ligament, lumbar fascia, Human sternum, linea alba, pubis compresses abdomen TRANSVERSUS costal cartilage last 6 ribs ABDOMINIS Cat costal cartilage false ribs, linea alba compresses abdomen L vertebrae, ilium Muscles Of The Trunk /Back Region identification origin insertion action Spinalis EXTENSOR DORSI COMMUNIS Longissimus extends vertebral column (CAT) CAT ONLY Iliocostalis ERECtoR SPINAE Spinalis HUMAN ONLY Longissimus extends vertebral column (GROUP) Iliocostalis Human sacrum, ilium, lumbar & thoracic superior vertebrae extends vertebral column MULTIFIDUS & 4 cervical Cat lumbar vertebrae anterior vertebrae extends back SEMISPINALIS HUMAN ONLY cervical 4 - thoracic 6 occipital bone extends head, rotates face CAPITUS SEMISPINALIS CAT ONLY last 4 thoracic vertebrae thoracic & cervical vertebrae extends vertebral column DORSI 7 Muscles Of The Hip identification origin insertion action Human TENSOR FASCIA ilium iliotibial tract flexes & abducts femur LATAE Cat ilium patella & tibia extends thigh; aids in abduction and rotation CAUDOFEMORALIS CAT ONLY 2 & 3 caudal vertebrae patella abducts thigh, extends shank Human ilium, sacrum, coccyx iliotibial tract & femur extends and rotates femur laterally GLUTEUS MAXIMUS Cat last sacral and first caudal vertebrae femur abducts thigh Human ilium femur abducts and rotates femur laterally GLUTEUS MEDIUS Cat sacral and caudal vertebrae, ilium femur abducts thigh Muscles Of The Thigh (Dorsal Femaoral Group — Flexors) The Back Of The Thigh identification origin insertion action Human ischium, femur tibia & fibula flexes knee, extends thigh BICEPS FEMORIS Cat ischium patella, tibia adducts thigh, flexes shank Hamstrings SEMIMEMBRANOSUS Human ischium tibia flexes knee, extends thigh Cat ischium femur extends thigh Human ischium tibia flexes knee, extends thigh SEMITENDINOSUS Cat ischium tibia flexes shank What we call the we What 8 Muscles Of The Thigh (Ventral Femoral Group — Quads) the front of the thigh identification origin insertion action Human ilium tibia flexes knee; flexes thigh and rotates SARtoRIUS it laterally ilium patella Cat adducts and rotates femur, extends tibia Human ilium patella extends knee, flexes thigh RECTUS FEMORIS Cat ilium patella extends lower leg Quads Human femur patella, tibia extends knee VASTUS LATERALIS Cat femur patella extends lower leg VASTUS MEDIALIS Human femur patella, tibia extends knee What we call the we What Cat femur patella extends lower leg Muscles Of The Thigh (Medial Femoral Group) identification origin insertion action GRACILIS Human pubic bone tibia flexes knee, adducts thigh Cat ischium and pubis tibia adducts thigh and pulls it caudad ADDUCtoR Human pubis and ischium femur adducts, flexes, and extends femur FEMORIS (MAGNUS) Cat pubis and ischium femur extends thigh Human pubic bone femur adducts, rotates, and flexes femur ADDUCtoR LoNGUS Cat pubis femur adducts thigh 9 Muscles Of The Lower Leg identification origin insertion action GASTROCNEMIUS Human femur calcaneus plantar flexes foot (CALF) Cat femur calcaneus extends foot SOLEUS (deep or under Human tibia & fibula calcaneus plantar flexes foot the calf) Cat fibula metatarsals extends foot Human tibia first metatarsal & tarsal flexes foot dorsally and inverts it TIBIALIS ANTERIOR Cat tibia & fibula first metatarsal flexes foot ABdUCTION exTeNSION Pronation Movement of a bone, and the limb of which it Increasing the angle between articulating Movement of the forearm so that the palm is is a part, away from the mid-line of the body. bones, often to restore a part of the body turned backward or downward. Verb: To abduct to the anatomical position after it has been flexed. Rotation ABductor FLexION Movement of a bone such that it revolves Any muscle that moves one part of the body around it’s own longitudinal axis (e.g. turning away from another - or away from the midline decreasing the angle between articulating the head from side to side at the joint between of the body. bones. For example, “Plantar Flexion” is the the atlas and axis). bending of the toes (or fingers) downwards Action towards the sole (or palm). Supination Movement (usually of skin or bone) caused by FLexOR Movement of the forearm so that the palm is muscle contractions. turned forward or upward. A muscle that causes a limb or other body-part AddUCTION to bend. examples include the mucles of the arms, legs, Movement of a bone, and the limb of which it fingers, and toes. is a part, towards the mid-line of the body. Verb: To adduct INSertion Adductor The position at which the other end of the muscle (i.e. from its origin) is attached, by Any muscle that moves one
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