80 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday, April 18. 1988 8-MA »88 - 19 Leaner - ■ Meeds a OKiivpian6',-s-;/ 10 or best ^rt^^econd lead secures trophy UTC chairman hints ter 5:00. AU ^ fott Union bridge /f f for Kenya’s Ibrahim Hussein /II at more cutbacks /9 ■tchback indltlon, 14,000. >e Inside 1988 JETTAS Mamr believe, The * or 647- Cancer ANNOUNCea YOUR CHOICE: mammo ■Izon TC- or older !. Stond- Iv, good never hs fter.646- USED CAR SALES BLITZ ,A. 7.9% FINANCING or from 10. Featuring “A Touch Above First Class" Reconditioned & Querentead Cara schedule ^ s n TUESDAY, APRIL 12th — SATURDAY, APRIL 23rd FREE AIR CONDITIONING or $50. NO PAYMENT UNTIL JUNE Blood 1988 Buick Skyhawk 1987 Buick Century The k Low Mat*. Ak Oonawontfig. WMM fTOattrljfBtpr MpralJi Days Cuatoffl, Air OondlUonlng tpBClal ^8990 blood pr 1 addl- Main Sti 1987 Cligg'^Q "Jet Force” a.m.ant ly. You 1987 Buick Somerset y time. SPRiNG SPECIALS the Ser ConnralenVan SfMial ^14,999* Coup* Uk* Nawll U w M***. Oirk Copper beginnir Village I OR 1986 Buick Somerset progran ITS , 1986 Buick LeSabre Coup« 8 apMd TrtnwiDMon, SHvar will aisc I*M* Wagon, auy tWHh A Drl««lt SfMial ^ l O y S B O A iLD April 26 1986 Dodge Colt Premier ON ALL arthritis lED 1986 Oldsmoblle Calais Town plans 8«l*n.On*o*Our*Mm SpMial ^5980* LI Coup*. On* Owner. Oraot Com Dark Oray 1988 VW Travel 1986 Buick Somerset The Ai traatA Buick Somersot Osup*. MuM *• 8«*nn OoigMHi* WKM* CABRIOLETS... ity w ill! countrie Coup*. AutoffloHo. u Mu* Sftdal ^6995 1985 Buick Park Ave. 6 to choose from to press for P Camelot # 1 Sedan. Loaded «M i IMra'a, Dark Qray prograrr 1985 Buick Skylark refreshr EN 1985 Buick Regal Llmltad 647-9343. aodon, va savor SMCial^5990 Jilt* 1 Coup*. On* Ownartl LIk* Nmd arown/Tan Make It Recre «r. 8 IP. 1985 Buick Skyhawk sewer ruling '7286 1984 Pontiac Sunbird Recre aodon. Low Mlloo. AutomaUe. savor straight to Conni Coup*. A Oraal Buyll S|nclal ^4480 IS Bv Alex GIrelli sewer, to serve houses on North now avs I. '8188 Dudley Brand, left, a anyone •8888 I " 1984 Buick Riviera " 1984 Buick Skylark Manchester Herald Main Street and Tolland Turn­ Sedan. On* Owner, Oraal Condtlona LI Wu* carpentry instructor season i 10, '3288 Coupe. Sporty and Luxurtoua, Burgundy pike. would be part of the bid. r888 The town of Manchester will Approval will be sought from the at Howell Chaney forests 488 state’s Department of Environ­ Charter tT. *7886 1984 Mercury Topaz 1983 Buick Regal pursue its lawsuit against the Regional Vocational mental Protection for the limited resident Coup*, Air CondWonIng. *un Soo». Dork Brown Coup*. Ak CondWomng. Vary Sharp, Ok. Brawn Eighth Utilities District despite a Technical School, decision by district directors sewer project. 1988 ar Monday night not to seek bids now O ’Brien said the determination and students Terry recreati 1982 Buick Regal on the controversial part of a by the court over who has the Kelly of Coventry is alsog Coupa va On* of Our B*M. Whn* sewer that would serve the Mall authority to determine the con­ the Din tte. 83 and Galen Greer of Valley at Buckland Hills. Kevin O’Brien, nection point will be valuable Manchester prepare 2838 FREE GIFT With Every Purchase SAVE an attorney for the town, .said even if it is not needed obtainir today. immediately. materials used In the mental The town has asked the Hart­ Speculation arose today over finishingof a West CARDINAL BUICK INC. ford Superior Court to decide whether Homart Development Stafford house. The Qran{ A TOUCH ABOVE riRST CLASS whether the district or the town Co., developer of the mall, would students earned val­ 1987 SCIROCCO bring pressure on the town to get Manci has the right to decide where the 81 ADAMS STRFtT, MANCHtSTH! JL JS M ^ •m uable experience 8 p.m. i (Oprn Evei. Monduy thru Thurtdoyl 1 sewer will be connected to town the sewer built. Jo.seph LeDuc. Executive Demonstrator citizen’s sewer lines. senior development director for building the contem­ for the a Metallic paint, cruise control, rear wiper and The district directors voted Homart. declined to comment porary Cape during H unanimously Monday to modify today an the sewer plan change, the two-year con- washer, air, power steering, stereo cassette saying he had not had time to Centei bid specifications for the pro- struction period. e is and more. Stock #3603 po.sed sewer in such a way that study the situation. The ur Was *13,442 only the residential part of the O ’Brien said. "The town is not Story and more releasi going to be hostage to the Eighth pictures on page 4. bowlir District or to Homart." Stu Hlpkln«/8p«d*l to ttio H«r*ld for the aid The district directors changed Seth G O P eyes their position on the sewer plan O’Brle !! after receiving a letter from A. R. Pine Lombardi Associates, the engi­ Ann F ipi. 3800 neering firm that ha*" designed 655: A; possible the sewer. jKJ, TPI Aquifer protection will expand Bow A week ago. the district direc­ >r. gray McAIli tors decided to modify the bid dm Carrei budget cuts procedure to give the district the Bv Nanev Concelman ment of Environmental Charter Oak aquifer consists of that proposes a health risk” , AC Lamoi option of building only the resi­ Andrew J. Davis Protection, who said Thursday at three wells Inge.slion rales and probabili­ 518; H dential part of the sewer and Manchester Herald a Conservation Commission But while the Charter Oak ties must be examined when Bv Nancy Concelman 9 M ikeF connecting it to the town’s lines at meeting that while the town’s aquifer "looks to be in good rid considering how hazardou.s pol­ 214,551 Manchester Herald an existing connection, a move A proposed regulation that proposed aquifer protection regu­ condition” the New Stale Road luted drinking water can be, AC PaulD that would presumably avoid the would control new development lation will adequately address aquifer is contaminated, but the SPECIAL PRICE Young said. For example, he Greszk Funding for additional town legal challenge to the location of over the town’s aquifers would, if hazards from potential busi­ water is safe, he said. said, a person who consumes Also staff and some discretionary any new connection. approved, be quickly followed by nesses. a second measure is Planning Director Mark Pelle­ water that contains .some carci­ 178, 47 items proposed in the town 'The town and district disagree a town-wide ordinance that will necessary for existing grini said 40 percent of the town’s nogenic substances would have to 1. 12K Lillian manager’s $63.8 million recom­ about where the trunk sewer cover existing businesses in all businesses. drinking water comes from consume two liters per day for miroon Floren mended budget might be the first should be connected to the town areas of town, a water depart­ Such measures taken now will groundwater. The rest comes about 70 years to have a one in to fall under the budget knife ment official said Tuesday. Hughe; igon system. Where the connection is lessen the possibility of the town’s from water from surface re.ser- 100.000 chance of getting cancer. wielded by Republican Directors Robert Young. Water and grose, 8 ipd made could determine which drinking water becoming unfit to voirs that is treated at the town’s There are about I..500contami­ Pino ni,850 if cuts are necessary to reduce a government will collect connec­ Sewer Department administra­ drink in the future, Murphy said water treatment plant. nated aquifers in the stale, projected 3.75-percent tax in­ tor. said the town agrees with a today. Popple k-up tion fees from developers that Water from both aquifers is though "most" have been con­ crease, an official said today. could total $1 million or more. D E P official that a town-wide ’’They’re good measures to tested monthly. Young said. taminated by pesticides. Murphy nl Coher The tax hike would be needed to The Lombardi letter said that ordinance will be a necessary prevent future contamination” Tests done in the 1970s and early said. He said he was unsure how >ld support Town Manager Robert B 3,120; r alternative, will be technically second step to protect the town’s Murphy said. "You (Manchester 1980s revealed that water from many w ere Contaminated 1987 GOLF GT Weiss’s recommended budget aquifers against hazardous mate­ Tom 1 feasible but will require new officials) realize your only water the New Slate Road aquifer through industrial uses. sket* because the problem-ridden 1987 red Executive Demontrator plans and bid documents and rials used by existing businesses. supply is what you’re standing on contains organic solvents, but in Manchester’s drinking water revaluation was .scrapped, result­ would require deleting from the Young said the Water. Planning. now” quantities that fall well below was contaminated through indus­ kC ing in less tax revenue. An AT Air conditioning, split rear seat, power steering plans the rest of the sewer line. Health and oter town depart­ Manchester relies on two large standards set by the federal try practices over the years, C o n updated version of the 1986 Grand ments will begin working on an aquifers, that supply the town lie and more. Stock #4482. And the letter said the D E P would Environmental Protection Murphy said.
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