Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88120-3 - Indulgences in Late Medieval England: Passports to Paradise? R. N. Swanson Index More information Index Places in England and Wales are located according to their historic (pre-1972) countries. Aachen, StMary, indulgence of 54 Arundell family 413 abbots, and pardons 288, 291 Asgarby (Lincs.) 237–8 Abelard, Peter 12 Ashridge (Herts.) 237 Abingdon (Berks.) 107 Assisi, see Portiuncula absolution 13, 27, 99, 115–16, 188, 287, 291, 295, Atkyn, Henry 148 301, 308, 324, 334, 337, 339, 346, 497, 499 Atwyll, John 480 forms of 34, 118–19, 511 Augustinian friars 55–5, 144 plenary 9, 56, 69, 71, 119, 293, 293, 296, 304, indulgences of 70n.210, 146–7, 243, 425 352–3, 374, 398, 479 see also Cambridge accounts 51, 86–90, 92, 95–7, 100, 109, 111, Axholme (Lincs.) 70n.208 149–52, 155–8, 162, 181, 354, 356–62, Aylesbury (Bucks.), guild of StMary 70n.210, 367–70, 372, 375–7, 379–84, 398–403, 243 420–1, 428, 431–3, 436–8, 440–3, 449, 452, 494, 505–6 Baconthorpe, John, OCarm 27, 288, 290–4 see also churchwardens’ accounts badges, pilgrim 108, 269 ActAgainstPapal Dispensations 444–5, Bainbridge, Christopher, cardinal-archbishop of 487 York 29 Acte extynguysshings the auctoryte of the Baldock, Ralph, bishop of London 83 Busshop of Rome 491, 493 Bale, John, The Three Lawes 210, 220 Acton, John 226, 333 Banbery, John 197, 209 Adoro te prayers 261–3, 266, 396 Bangor (Caern.) 500–1 advertising, see publicity baptism 9, 27, 290, 308, 310–11, 485, 514 Agrigento, Guy, bishop of 39 Barde, Richard, merchantof York 59 Alanus, canonist 15 Barde, William 59 Albe, Sarah 28 Bardelby, Robertde 351 Alcock, John, bishop of Ely 236, 245, 276, Bardes, John de 448 352 Baret, John 107, 162, 409 Alexander VI, pope 439 Baret, William 437, 456 Allington (Suff.) 450 Barnes, Robert 478–9, 482–4 Allington hospital (Dorset) 208, 210–11, 414, Barow, Richard 431 429–30 Basel, Council of 28, 45, 319 Altopascio (Italy), hospital of St James 24, Basingstoke (Hants.) 97n.98 64n.195, 66, 70, 131, 200 Bath (Som.) 221 see also Bene, Walter Bath and Wells, bishop of, see Beckyngton, Aquinas, Thomas 15, 115, 283, 313, 321 Thomas Archer family 99 Batley, Thomas 410 arma Christi 21, 108, 255, 258, 262, 396 Battlefield (Shrops.) 51, 218 Armagh, archbishop of, see FitzRalph, Richard; beads, bead pardons 75, 269–75, 404–5, Jorz, Walter 508 568 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88120-3 - Indulgences in Late Medieval England: Passports to Paradise? R. N. Swanson Index More information Index 569 Beaufort, Henry, bishop of Winchester, cardinal, Boniface II, pope 74 papal legate 32–3, 49 Boniface VIII, pope 30 Beaufort, Lady Margaret 99n.103, 395, 402, Boniface IX, pope 31, 45 520–1 Book of Life and Death 395–7, 417 Becket, Thomas 1 books of hours 101–2, 173–4, 227, 229, 247–53, Jubilees 52, 95, 315–17, 356–7 256, 262n.185, 263, 266, 394–5, 420, Beckyngton, Thomas, bishop of Bath and 501–2, 517 Wells 352 Booth, William, archbishop of York 74 Bedford (Beds.) 238 Bossy, John 3 Bedlam, see London, hospital of St Mary of Boston (Lincs.) 440 Bethelehem guild of Our Lady 54–5, 71, 89–90, 92, 103, Beeleigh abbey (Ess.) 409 122, 128–30, 134–6, 164, 172–3, 243, Bek, Antony, bishop of Durham, patriarch of 375–9, 391, 402, 410–12, 423–4, 428, Jerusalem 33 436–8, 440–3, 449, 453, 476–7 Bell, John 217–18 guild of StEtheldreda 243 bells 268, 320, 508 Bosworth (Leics.) 51 belts, indulgenced 275 Boughton, Thomas 317 Bene, Walter 41n.76, 197–8, 457–8 boxes, receipts in 367, 382 Berden priory (Ess.) 76 Boxstede, Richard de 123, 174–5, 201 Berwick-upon-Tweed (Northld.) 55 Brackley (Northants.), St John’s hospital 81 Bethersden (Kent) 185 Bradley, Thomas 147 Bethlehem, hospital/Order of St Mary Branas, George 94 of 65n.194, 66, 133 Brandonferry (Suff.) 236 see also London, hospital of St Mary of Brantingham, Thomas, bishop of Exeter 118, Bethlehem 174, 195 Beverley Minster (Yorks.), 130, 183–4, 211–12, bread, indulgenced 275–6 219, 414 Breton, James, rector of Bulphan 407 fabric indulgence 45, 46n.99, 63, 84n.30, 86, Brewster, Thomas 462–3 132, 150–1, 155–6, 175, 390, 425 bribery 128–9, 186–7 shrine of StJohn 62, 155–6, 192, 235 bridges 55, 61, 382–4, 429, 444 Biggleswade (Beds.) 194 see also Biggleswade, Burton on Trent, bills of exchange 450–1 Northampton, Pontesbury, Rochester, Bilney, Thomas 481 Sudbury, Twynham, Umberleigh, York bishops see also public works criticism of 479, 482 Bridport(Dorset) 61 curial, collective indulgences from 39–41, 56, harbour, collection for 189, 194, 390–1, 455 120, 16 see also Banbery, John; Greyve, John English, collective indulgences from 1, 125–6, Brigittines, see Syon 321 Bringhurst(Leics.) 38 indulgences from 11, 19, 27, 29–30, 32–6, Brisingham (Norf.) 272–5 37–9, 44, 51–2, 57–8, 73–4, 81–4, 95, Bristol (Glos.) 268 123–7, 228–39,; 243–6, 268, 272, 285, chapel of StAnne 399 287, 291–2, 297, 299–300, 305, 308, Bristol, John de 183, 212–13 351–2, 367, 414–15, 474, 493 Bromyard, Johannes de 285 suffragan 36–9, 124 Broune, John 447–8 Bishops’ Book 498–9 Broune, Robert 448 Bitton, Thomas, bishop of Exeter 38, Brown, Robert, of Welby 407 175 Browne, Robert, of Heptonstall 411 Blaby, William 461–2 Broyles, Vincentde 463 black economy 453–65 Brun, William de 197 Blackfriars Council (1382) 301 Brusshcombe, Adam 148 Bodmin (Corn.), Franciscans at 67, 143 Brut, Walter 305, 307–10 Bodrum 64 bullion 422, 434, 444, 446, 450, 456 Bolles, Elizabeth 59, 431 Bulwick (Northants.) 51–2 bonds 137, 206, 427n.33, 430, 463 Burghersh, Henry, bishop of Lincoln 29, 124, 133 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88120-3 - Indulgences in Late Medieval England: Passports to Paradise? R. N. Swanson Index More information 570 Index Burgo, Johannes de 284 indulgences for 150, 210 Burton (Lincs.) 238 Carlton (Yorks.) 239 Burton on Trent (Staffs.) Carmarthen (Carm.) 456 abbey, altar of St Modwen 42, 236 Carmelites, confraternity indulgences 68, 71, bridge 104–5 146, 172 Burton Lazars (Leics.) 65–6, 86, 90, 92, 99, 104 Carslegh, Peter 485 n.126, 165, 168–9, 217–18, 405, 490, 496 Carthusians 272–4 Bury StEdmunds (Suff.) 44 cathedral fabric funds abbotof, see Curteys, William fraternities 130 St Peter’s hospital 496 indulgences for 63, 65, 88, 149–54, 157–60, Busset, John 160–1, 177 407–8, 425; see also individual places Busset, Richard 160–1, 177 Cawod, John 139, 217 Byreford, Thomas de 199 Caxton, William 139, 171 Bysshop, John 448–9 Cely, Robert 445 cemetery, indulgenced prayers for souls in 251–2 Calais 26, 134, 169, 453 censorship 177, 461, 502 Caldewell, John 412 chalice, indulgenced 268 Calixtus III, pope 32 Chancery 105, 121, 124, 161, 217, 448–9, 450, 458, Calke (Derbs.) 404 463, 495 Cambridge (Cambs.) 244 chantries 246, 519 Augustinian friars 146 Charing Cross (Middx.), hospital of Dominican friary 239, 244 Rounceval 66, 89, 130, 139, 163–4, 169, guild of StPeterof Milan and StUrsula 244 217, 370, 399, 401, 424, 455–6, 476 guild of StUrsula 244 charity 47, 127, 295, 302–3, 306–7, 309–10, 314, Pembroke College 70n.210 325, 335–6, 343, 350, 364, 384, 402–3, 408, Campeggio, Lorenzo, cardinal 474–5 417, 443, 466–7, 483, 485, 496, 506, 508, canon law 35–6, 40, 182, 283, 285–8, 297–8, 521–2 319–22, 327, 337, 500 see also caritas Canterbury (Kent) 94, 275–6, 356–7 charms 247 archbishop of 123 charters of Christ 512–14 see also Chichele, Henry; Courtenay, Chatham (Kent) 121 William; Cranmer, Thomas; Mepham, Chatton, Walter, OFM, 289–90, 522 Simon; Stratford, John Chaucer, Geoffrey 3, 61, 174, 186–7, 189, 210, 329 cathedral, pilgrimage to 52, 239–40, 242 Canterbury Tales144 see also Becket, Thomas, Jubilees Pardoner 190, 193–4, 210, 222–3, 329, 393, 397 Convocation of 28, 125, 174–5, 196, 319, 482, Pardoner’s Tale190 501 Summoner’s Tale143 hospital of St John 210 Cheney, Sir John 246 hospital of St Thomas, Eastbridge 81 Chester (Ches.), St John 150n.201, 404 Cantilupe, St Thomas 57, 236–7, 355 Chestre, M. Richard, vicar of Lancaster 28 shrine of 62, 110–11, 152, 163, 381, 432 chests 97n.98, 141, 194 tomb of 39 Chichele, Henry, archbishop of Canterbury 195 translation of 125 Chichester, bishop of, see Pecock, Reginald cardinals chuller, see questor curial, collective indulgences from 42, 45, 120 churchwardens’ accounts 97–8, 142, 208–9, English, indulgences from 32–4 362–7, 425, 469, 503–4 indulgences from 19, 33, 35, 56–7, 160, 409, Cilium oculis sacerdotis 284 414, 474–5, 509 Cirencester (Glos.) 108 see also Bainbridge, Christopher; Beaufort, Cistercian Order, fraternity with 67 Henry; Campeggio, Lorenzo; Prata, Clare (Suff.), friary 57, 125 Pileus de; Wolsey, Thomas Clare, Richard de, earl of Hertford 123 caritas 225, 233, 333, 350–1, 522 Clavasio, Angelus de 18 Carlisle (Cumb.) Cleepulle, Harry 496 bishop of, see Kirkby, John ClementV, pope 182 cathedral 235 ClementVI, pope 16, 31, 265 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88120-3 - Indulgences in Late Medieval England: Passports to Paradise? R. N. Swanson Index More information Index 571 Clerk, John 197 First( 1095) 10 Clerke, Richard 148 in Flanders (1383) 48, 51, 71, 301, 306–7, 390 Clonfert, bishop of, see Petit, Robert le againstFrance ( 1512) 49 Cobham (Kent) 121, 420, 447 Hussite (1429) 48–50, 117n.9, 203, 230, 317, Cobham, John, lord 121, 447 389, 423 Cokirton, Thomas de 184 againstTurks 49 Colchester (Essex) Crutched friars 55, 144 Crutched friars 55, 410, 463 see also Colchester, London Holy Cross hospital 1, 67, 125, 414 culpa 12, 27, 34, 324 collections, instructions
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