ROMAN COINS FOUND IN SCOTLAND, 1951-60 by ANN . ROBERTSONES , M.A., F.M.A., F.S.A., F.S.A.SGOT. THE late Sir George Macdonald published four lists of Roman coins found in Scot- land, which brought the record of such finds up to igsg.1 A subsequent list, pub- lishe myselfy db , included Roman coins foun Scotlann di d between 193 I95O.d 9an 2 e followinTh g list includes bot Romae hth n coins foun Scotlann di d durine gth decade 1951-60 alsd o,an those coins which were found earlier t aboubu , t whicw hne information has come to light in recent years. The list has been divided into four parts: ) FIND(I . SA FROM ROMA NANTONINE SITETH N SO E WALL (II) FINDS FROM ROMA ANTONINE TH NN O SITE T E SWALNO L . FINDB S FROM NATIVE SITES . ISOLATEC D FINDS WIT RECORDEO HN D ASSOCIATIONS D. HOARDS The finds within each of the above groups have been arranged according to counties, for the convenience of those collating material from a particular area. Coin references have been given bot o Cohent h , Description historique des monnaies frappees sous Fempire romain (2nd ed., relevane 1880-92)th o t d t volumean , f Matso - tingly and Sydenham, Roman Imperial Coinage (1923-51), if these have already been published presene Th . t locatio coia f no find, where known alss ha ,o been noted. Grateful acknowledgment must once again be made of the cooperation and kindness of the countless informants who not only supplied details of the circum- stances of discovery, but who also made it possible for me to examine and identify almost every one of the coins myself. The full records and descriptions of the coins are preserved in the Hunterian Museum, University of Glasgow. FINDA S FROM ROMAN SITES Antoninee th n O ) Wall(I DUNBARTONSHIRE Bar Hill.n 23.5.53O r NormaM , n Anton, Heather Edge, Whistlefield, Dun- bartonshire, submitted a cast of a bronze coin of Gordian III, minted at Seleucia ad Calycadnu mCilician i , whic beed hha n r Anton'giveM o nt s fathe t aboua r e th t time of the excavations on Bar Hill, and was said to have been found there. There are simila rBritise castth n si hHuntee th Museu n i r d Coiman n Cabinet l froe al , mth same mouldsl apparentlal d an , y ancient casts'Bae Th r. Hill' exampl t sucno hs i e a good cast as the other two and seems to be worn. It is rather difficult to accept it as an ancient loss, but difficult too to explain the appearance of so unusual a piece in modern times at Bar Hill. 1 P.S.A.S., LII (1918), 203 ff.; LVIII (1924), 325 ff.; LXVIII (1934), 27 ff.; LXXIII (1939), 241 ff. 2 P.S.A.S., LXXXIV (1950), 13. 7ff 134 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, Ig6o-6l Old Kilpatrick. On 18.7.56, Mr Albert Foote, 76 Strathblane Road, Milngavie, submitte fairlda y worn, much corroded dupondiu Hadriasof 977n(C , c), RIG600 Kilpatrick'd 'foun Ol ploa t n beed a i td y 1933 ha r Georgn t Si Ma I ,see . y nb e Macdonald (P.S.A.S., LXVIII (1934), 28), and later came into the possession of Mr possessioe th r Foote n . i Mann M L w f no . No . STIRLINGSHIRE Castlecary. In June 1951, Mr J. A. Smith, 986 Crow Road, Glasgow W-3, sub- mitted, through Mr J. G. Scott, Glasgow Museum, a fairly well worn As of Nero (C 288, RIG 318), which had been found by Mr D. MacLeod, at a depth of 2$ ft. in the garden of the Old Mill Farm, on the banks of the River Bonny, Castlecary. Mumrills. 24.12.52n O , Mis . HuntesD r submitte fairlda y worn, much corroded As of Marcus Aurelius (C 433, RIG 1107), found a week or so before in Sandy Loan, Mumrills r thereabouts,o , 'i npieca sandstonef eo ' crushes a sculptoa e y db us r rfo polishin Dollae g th material n i r Parw No k. Museum, Falkirk. SteerA . 1958n I K , Royar D , l Commissio Ancienn no t Monument Scotlandr sfo , submitted seven coins found during excavations in the annexe on the west side of the for t Mumrillsa t . They wer verea y much worn legionary denariu Marf so k Antony (C 36?) wora , n fragmen denariua f o t Nerf so 119C o( , RIG 45) muca , h corroded, but not much worn, As, almost certainly of Nero (cf. C 247, cf. RIG 361), a much cor- roded, fairly well wor denariu) n(? f Vespasiao s 216C ( n , RIG no) a muc, h cor- t mucrodedno t h bu worn, , verAs ,y probabl f Domitiayo n minted either under Vespasian or under Titus, a very much corroded sestertius, with obv. and rev. ille- heae gibleth dt apparentlbu , y tha Hadrianf o t muca d han , corroded t mucno t h bu , worn, As of Antoninus Pius (C 117, RIG 934). Now in the National Museum of Antiquities. (II) Not on the Antonine Wall DUMFRIESSHIRE Bimns. In December 1951, Mr A. E. Truckell, Dumfries Burgh Museum, sub- mitted a fairly well worn denarius of Severus Alexander (0448, RIG 123) and a fairly well worn bronze coin of Constantine I (C 525), which had been found at the f 1946o d , en along with Roman potsherds rabbia n i , t scrape within Birrens fory b t r AllaM n Cunningham, Larchcroft, Ecclefechan Dumfrien i w No . s Burgh Museum. Canonbridge. ClarkJ r reportes M e ha d additional information abou bronze th t e coi Antoninuf no s Pius foun t Carronbridga d e durin e 1939-4gth r (P.S.A.S.,5Wa LXXXIV (1950), 139). Local inhabitant e discoverkneo th f wh sw o y informer M d Clarke that it had been found in digging foundations for army huts at a point rather more than a mile north of Carronbridge on the west side of the Glasgow-Carlisle road. KlR KCUDBRIGHTSHIRE Glenlochar. In 1952, a well worn denarius of Vespasian (0366, RIG 90) was found during excavation Romae th n si n for t Glenlochara t . ROMAN COINS FOUN SCOTLANDN DI , 1951-60 135 On 25.5.56, Mr A. E. Truckell, Dumfries Burgh Museum, submitted a fairly worn denarius of Trajan (C 288, RIG 21), which had been dug up by the gardener t Glenlochaa r House 'with other coins'. LANARKSHIRE Castledykes. excavationn I s carrie Romae 195n i d 195th t 3an n d 4ou o n fort a t Castledykes, there were found two much corroded denarii of Vespasian (C 74, RIC a muc , 10)d C anh43 an RI ,d corrode , probabldAs f Domitiayo n (cf325C . , cf. RIC 270). Now in the Hunterian Museum. MIDLOTHIAN Cramond. 12.3.54n O , Dr K. Steer.A , Royal Commissio Ancienn no t Monuments for Scotland, submitte dmuca h corroded sestertiu f Trajao s n with rev. illegiblef o , the very beginning of his reign when his portrait resembled that of Nerva. It was found during a trial excavation at Cramond, in the occupation debris of a building which may have been outside the fort. On 14.11.55, Mrs Rae submitted a slightly worn denarius of Lucius Verus (C 156, RIC (Marcus) 491), which had been found by Miss McColm in a garden at 48 Gamekeeper's Road, Cramond. Decemben I submittee r Ra 1959 s Mr , dvera y much corroded sestertius which, it was agreed by Mr Carson and Dr Kent, of the Dept. of Coins, British Museum, myselfy b d ,an foun s Nervaf muso wa excavatione n di b t t I . t Cramondsa . StevensonK . B 31.1.60n . O R r , NationaM , l Museu Antiquitiesf mo , submitted wora n denariu(AntoninuC RI , f Faustin24 so C ( s PiusI aI ) 497), foun excan i d - vation t Cramondsa . 16.3.60n . MaxwellO S r M , , National Museu Antiquitiesf mo , submitte fairlda y worn, much corroded sestertius of Hadrian (cf. C 1187, RIC 562 b), which had been found, r Joh6.3.60M ny b Younge, gardee th n f 'Waterbeck'i rno , Glebe Road, Cramond t morno , e thaspadeso ntw ' depths unde surfacee th r . StevensoK . B . R nr submitteM d an June n verI da Ra e y. 1960mucA r M ,h cor- roded dupondius or As of Domitian (C 122 or 123, RIC 326 a or 333), and two much corroded, fairly worn sestertii of Antoninus Pius (0414, RIC 772, and cf. 694621)C C RI , , foun excavationn di t Cramondsa . In October 1960, Mr A. Rae submitted a worn, corroded sestertius of Domitian ) founa 0 excavationn di 24 r o a 3 t Cramondsa 23 r 581C o RI 5 ,( C55 . In order to make the list of coin finds from Cramond as complete as possible, the following coins found during 1961 have been included: In May 1961, Mr A. Rae submitted a fairly worn denarius of Antoninus Pius (C 1023 264)C RI , , gardee founth n Wesf di n o t Lodge, Cramond House. In June 1961, Mr R. B. K. Stevenson, National Museum of Antiquities, sub- mitted a scarcely worn denarius of Julia Domna (C 82, RIC (Severus) 559), found r undeo latese n i th r t floor leve excavationn i l t Cramondsa . Durin e excavationgth August-Septembef o s r 196 t Cramond1a followine th , g five coins were found corrodea : d denariu Vespasiaf so 56137)C C n( RI ,, whics hha 136 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, Ig6o-6l on it a deposit of metal from some other object, a corroded, but not much worn, sestertius of Trajan (C 477, RIG 500), a very slightly worn denarius of Septimius Severus (0646, RIG 56), a very slightly worn denarius of Julia Domna (C 150, RIC (Severus) 572) whad an , t appear coina e b , o possiblst ydenariua abouf so e th t tim Domitianf eo ,somd whicha es silvehha r from another objec r coio t n melten do surfaces it o t .
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