LNG Unlimited LNG JOURNAL PUBLICATION 24 January 2017 Woodside boosted by LNG prices and UNLIMITED pending revenues from Wheatstone AGENDA First LNG from FUELLING processing Train at Chevron-led project German group is due in mid-year Siemens given Our Asia-Pacific editor LNG fuel market boost in Marcellus Woodside Petroleum, the Aus- 2 tralian operator of liquefied natu- EXPORTS ral gas plants, reported record fourth-quarter production and also Cove Point project said commissioning had started at now has over 2,500 workers the Wheatstone LNG joint venture on site to finish onshore Western Australia where it is a stakeholder. 3 “The Wheatstone project is ap- Latest Australian plant is located in isolated Pilbara region EXECUTIVES proaching LNG Train 1 construc- tion completion, all modules are of oil prices in the second half cated near Onslow, in the Pilbara Vancouver-based on-site and final hook-up and com- of 2016. region. The feed-gas comes from Steelhead takes missioning has commenced,” said Prices for the North West Shelf the Wheatstone, Iago, Julimar and serious step forward Woodside Chief Executive Peter plant rose by 17 percent and by 4 Brunello gas fields. with LNG hirings Coleman in Woodside’s fourth- percent at its single-Train Pluto Woodside joined the project in 5 quarter earnings report. LNG plant. 2015 when it completed the acqui- “The First LNG from Train 1 is Woodside said its NWS plant sition of 65 percent stakes in the IMPORTS expected in mid-2017 and from prices amounted to US$6.20 per Julimar and Brunello gas fields as- India is hoping Train 2 six to eight months later,” million British thermal units in De- sets from Apache Corp of the US. Dabhol facility said Woodside. cember 2016 compared with $5.30 “Woodside starts 2017 in a can finally have per MMBtu three months earlier at strong position,” stated Coleman. breakwater built Modules the end of September. 6 “All Train 1 and Train 2 modules Its Pluto LNG prices were Outstanding are set on their foundations. In- US$8.40 per MMBtu in December “Production performance has been CORPORATE stallation of piping, electrical and compared with US$8.10 per MMBtu outstanding, with the team consis- instrumentation continues as in September. tently delivering world-class planned,” it added. “We look forward to adding operational performance. LNG “The storage and loading sys- production from Wheatstone in production system reliability has tem is ready for commissioning the middle of this year. Wheat- now exceeded 99 percent for a and cool-down, with the LNG stor- stone is a key component of our second consecutive quarter,” age tanks and export loading jetty near-term growth strategy and he added. Engie to merge now complete,” the company said. will contribute more than 13 mil- Woodside said other highlights LNG terminals with Woodside operates the North- lion barrels of oil equivalent in an- during the quarter included con- gas transmission west Shelf and Pluto LNG plants in nual production once both Trains tracting five uncommitted LNG operator GTRgaz Western Australia and the Wheat- are fully operational,” added the cargoes under a mid-term sales 7 stone start-up will boost its vol- Woodside CEO. agreement. umes for export into Asia. Wheatstone is majority-owned The Australian company also PROJECTS The impending coming on by Chevron Corp., also operator of secured drilling equipment and stream of the Wheatstone plant the Gorgon LNG plant on Barrow services at competitive rates for Eisbrenner signs lease for second will coincide with rising LNG Island in Western Australia, and 2017 drilling campaigns offshore export venture prices. will have an initial capacity of 8.9 Myanmar and in West Africa, off- on Texas coast Woodside said higher realized million tonnes per annum. shore Senegal. prices reflected a strengthening The Wheatstone venture is lo- n 8 2 l NEWS LNG Unlimited 24 January 2017 German group Siemens succeeds in entering LNG fuel market in Marcellus Shale region Our Europe editor sets,” said Michael Walhof, sales director for Distributed LNG Solu- Dresser-Rand, part of the German tions for Dresser-Rand. Siemens Group, said production We are proud to provide Fron- was successfully ramped up at a tier Natural Resources with a reli- small-scale natural gas liquefaction able, robust solution to liquefy facility supplied to a US operator natural gas and cost-effectively making LNG for fuel in the Marcel- move it to market,” added Walhof. lus Shale region of Pennsylvania. The LNGo system is manufac- The modular, portable liquefac- tured by Dresser-Rand at a facility tion technology called “LNGo” en- near the town of Painted Post in ables production of LNG at up to upstate New York. 6,000 gallons per day and can be LNG used for high horsepower machinery in shale plays “The small-scale LNGo solution installed in a short period of time is self-sufficient and eliminates to meet local demand. said Dresser-Rand. Frontier Natural standardized LNGo liquefaction the need to establish an expensive Resources is an independent gas solution consisting of four differ- gas pipeline infrastructure or ar- Acquired producer focused on developing ent modules, each handling one range for long-distance trucking of US company Dresser-Rand was ac- conventional and unconventional step of the liquefaction process. LNG from centralized plants to quired by Munich-based Siemens in resources in the US. “The whole LNGo system can point of use. September 2014 for $7.6 billion, The LNG facility produces LNG be transported on eight trucks, is “Furthermore, it can be de- giving the German conglomerate for use in high horsepower ma- deployed directly at the gas field ployed in rough terrain or remote more access to LNG technology chinery use in the shale gas plays and has a footprint of approxi- regions. It can function as a de- and the US market. of Pennsylvania. mately 508 square meters, roughly centralized solution where the “This cost-effective solution, “LNG is ideal for high horse- the size of a basketball court,” requisite pipeline infrastructure is developed by the Dresser-Rand power machinery including ma- the company explained. lacking, or as an onsite transfor- business, allows the operator, Fron- rine, rail, mining, over-the-road “This project demonstrates our mation solution to reduce or elim- tier Natural Resources, to monetize trucking, drilling, fracturing and unique capabilities to deliver in- inate flaring of petroleum gas at, unutilized gas assets at Tenaska Re- power equipment,” Dresser-rand novative solutions for oil and gas for example, oil rigs or producing sources Mainesburg gas field, lo- explained. applications that help our clients gas fields,” it added. cated in the Marcellus shale play,” The scope of supply includes a maximize the value of their as- n Norwegian LNG fleet owner Höegh orders next series of FSRUs from two Korean shipyards Höegh LNG, the Norwegian fleet Höegh said the vessels would would be allocated to serve as im- Ghana and to allocate FSRU No. 9 owner and project developer spe- also have full trading capabilities port facility in the West African (HHI hull number 2909) to the GEI cializing in floating storage and as conventional carriers. nation of Ghana and in Pakistan. charter in Pakistan,” said Höegh. regasification units, has signed an The FSRU with the firm It signed a 20-years FSRU char- “We are very pleased to have agreement with South Korean contract will be delivered in ter with Quantum Power for the completed this agreement with shipbuilders Samsung Heavy Indus- May 2019 and the optional FSRUs Tema LNG project in Ghana and a SHI, a yard we know well as SHI tries and Hyundai Heavy Industries will be delivered at six months charter for the same term with built Höegh LNG's first two for its next series of FSRUs. intervals thereafter if finally Global Energy Infrastructure Lim- FSRUs,” said Höegh President Höegh has signed one firm ship- confirmed. ited for the second import facility and Chief Executive Sveinung building contract for one FSRU and Höegh also signed a firm con- being provided for Pakistan at Port J. S. Stohle. an option for three additional tract with another Korean ship- Qasim, near Karachi. “These units have shown excel- FSRUs from the Samsung yard. yard Hyundai for an FRSU to be “The company has spent con- lent performance since their deliv- The Samsung FSRUs will have a delivered in the fourth quarter siderable efforts optimizing its ery,” added Stohle. storage capacity of 170,000 cubic of 2018. FSRU portfolio, maximizing char- “The agreement with SHI also metres and will have regasifica- The Hyundai-built FSRU ter revenues from FSRUs under marks a new era for Höegh with tion equipment designed by Höegh will have a storage capacity of construction and reducing overall FSRU newbuilding programs at two LNG and gas system and propul- 170,000 cubic metres and regasifi- technical risks,” it explained. of the world's biggest shipyards, sion maker Wartsila of Finland. cation capacity of 1,000 MMscf per “The company has therefore which solidify our position as the Each of the FSRUs will have re- day, with full trading capabilities. decided to allocate FSRU No. 7 leading FSRU provider to the LNG gasification capacity of 750 million Höegh also said two other new- (HHI hull number 2552) to serve industry,” it stated. standard cubic feet per day. builds ordered from Hyundai the Quantum Power charter in n 24 January 2017 LNG Unlimited NEWS l 3 Developer of US Cove Point LNG export project North America now has 2,500 workers on site projects sees Our North America editor shares surge in New York Liquefied Natural Gas Ltd, the Dominion, the US energy and Australian company developing power company whose assets in- LNG export plants in the US and clude 14,400 miles of natural gas Canada, has been required to pipelines, said its Cove Point LNG issue a second statement in project in Maryland was progress- under a year to the Australian ing well as it aims to be the na- Securities Exchange after a 23 tion's second export facility to percent surge in its shares in come on stream after Sabine Pass three days.
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