28096 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS November 18, 1981 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS INSIDE LEBANON 3. Taking into consideration the location FRED<SKIP>GARRETSON and range of the artillery, the. imported weapons could easily reach Israel. HON. EDWARD J. DERWINSKI 4. The different PLO and Lebanese leftist HON. DON EDWARDS OF ILLINOIS organizations which received the weapons OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES include: the Murabitoun, the Arab Socialist Union, the Organization of Communist IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, November 17, 1981 Action, the Lebanese branch of the Syrian Wednesday, November 18, 1981 e Mr. DERWINSKI. Mr. Speaker, Ba'ath Party, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine <PFLP> led by ·e Mr. EDWARDS of California. Mr. with Congress preoccupation with the George Habash, the pro-Syrian Saiqa, the Speaker, today we seem to have for­ budget, Dave Stockman's press rela­ PFLP-General Command led by Ahmed gotten the reasons for the environ­ tions, and administration and State Jibril, and the Popular Democratic Front mental movement, and the progress Department differences, too often for the Liberation of Palestine led by Naef made in the last decade in saving the newsworthy stories are relegated to Hawatmeh. lands, waters, and seas, which are the the inner pages of our metropolitan Below you will find a list of recent inci­ only ones we have. publications. dents and the amount of weaponry import­ For those of us who were part of the Therefore, I would like to direct the ed. October 22, 1981-A ship under the name hard battles of the 1960's and 1970's to special attention of the Members to a of VERA-VENI carrying a load of TNT/ save what was about to be destroyed, press release issued by the Lebanese plastic explosives <each piece 250 kg.) un­ the current ignorance of those spoil­ Information and Research Center loaded in the El Mina section of Tripoli, able resources and the current silence which gives a detailed and up-to-date North Lebanon. about continuing spoilage are tragic. report on the tragic situation in Leba­ October 27, 1981-A ship under the name Not everyone, however, has forgot­ non. It is obvious from this report that of SAMIR brought 16 Bulgarian TNT ex­ perts into Tripoli, North Lebanon. ten. the Syrian militants and the PLO are I rise today to speak about a man continuing their anti-Western, anti­ A number of ships arrived at Sarafand in PLO-controlled South Lebanon, carrying who fought such ignorance in many Lebanese-Christian, and anti-Israeli 3,000 Pakistani mercenaries: an environmental battle, and won actions. The press release follows: October 12, 1981-1,500 of them are now more than a few, Fred (Skip) Garret­ [Press release, Nov. 13, 1981] in the Bir Hassan district of West Beirut. son of the Oakland Tribune. INSIDE LEBANON October 26, 1981-500 of them are at the Skip's voice was silenced by death on On April 2, 1981, Syria began an assault PLO camp of Bourj Barajni, West Beirut. July 10, 1981, at age 47, too soon, but on the Christian city of Zahle and on East October 27, 1981-1,000 of them are along the Damour coastal highway, all under PLO he had accomplished much, leaving a Beirut. The siege of Zahle lasted almost generous inheritance for his fell ow three months. Many innocent people control and in PLO camps. became the victims of the devastating shell- November 3, 1981-Around two months citizens of this planet, and his col­ . ing. Over 500 persons were killed and 1,000 ago, the Fatah faction of tlie PLO received .leagues in the journalistic trade. injured. The world community was moved 5 helicopters. They were assembled in a I knew Skip's work well, and I along to act against this barbaric attack which PLO camp in West Beirut. The helicopters with the other citizens of San Francis­ could have broadened into a regional con­ are now at an airport built by the PLO in co Bay benefited from it. flict. Therefore, President Reagan sent spe­ the Chouf district of Mount Lebanon. Heavy weapons were delivered by Syria to In 1968, along with my Republican cial envoy Ambassador Philip Habib' to the colleague, Charles Gubser, I intro­ region to try to end the crisis. their allies in Lebanon. The distribution is One of the results of the efforts of Am­ shown below. duced legislation to create the South bassador Habib was the revival of the Com­ BEIRUT AREA San Francisco Bay Wildlife Refuge. It mittee of Four, established five years ago 6 130 mm cannons. seemed a hopeless dream then that under Lebanese President Sarkis and made 15 122 mm Stalin organs. this stretch of polluted San Francisco up of the Foreign Ministers of Saudi Arabia, 49 small armored vehicles. Bay could be saved from extremely Kuwait, Syria and Lebanon. The work of 6 75 mm cannons. dangerous development. this Committee centered on finding a solu­ 12 120 mm "Hawn". Skip was one of the first to under­ tion to the whole Lebanese problem and to 30 anti-aircraft defense cannons. stand the troubles of the bay. He ex­ enforce the withdrawal of Syria from Leba­ 50 SAM-7 missiles. plored the earthquake hazards of non before the Presidential elections sched­ 150 small vehicles. uled for summer 1982. 4 bulldozers. building on soft bay muds, the in­ At the fifth meeting held on September 4, 4 tank-trucks. creased problems of water pollution 1981, the Committee, with the approval of 55 light vehicles. from the further restriction of the the Syrians, agreed to stop the flow of arms SOUTH LEBANON currents of the South Bay and the ad­ to all parties in Lebanon as a necessary ditional air pollution which would measure to end the fighting in Lebanon. In 15 130 mm cannons placed at Jarmaq, Aai­ chiye, Maghdouche, Tanbourit, Roumine. have been created by development spite of the agreement, Syria soon after en­ there. gaged in transporting massive amounts of 10 122 mm cannons placed at Qraiye. weapons and ammunition through their 24 122 mm Stalin organs placed at Aai- In addition Skip covered the prob­ borders to the different PLO and Lebanese chiye, Rihane, Jarmaq, Houmine el Faouqa. lems of pollution throughout San leftist organizations. 4 180 mm cannons. Francisco Bay. He spread his enthusi­ It is important to note the following four 20 anti-aircraft defense cannons. asm for protecting the bay from unre­ facts: 14 ammunition trucks. stricted and foolish bay area develop­ 1. The Habib mission and the work of the 12 75 mm cannons. ment, reaching out to community lead­ Committee of Four have been and still are BEKAA ers and the press corps alike. His ef­ jeopardized by the actions of Syria. It is not 18 Soviet tanks stationed at Barr Elias. forts aided in the formation of a coali­ in the interest of the Soviet Union or its sat­ 18 130 mm cannons placed at Ain Arab, ellite Syria to see Lebanon a free, independ­ Rachaiya al Ouadi, Kamed el Laouz. tion which did what many said could ent and sovereign state once again. 14 122 mm cannons. not be done-saved San Francisco Bay, 2. These weapons originate from the radi­ 12 Stalin organs. and created a wildlife refuge in South cal pro-Soviet countries of Libya, South 15 122 mm Stalin organs. San Francisco Bay. Yemen, Algeria and Syria. 9 130 mm cannons.e He did more. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. November 18, 1981 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 28097 Skip's career in journalism was Combined, they showed that local, state In exile he sought out the unusual and unique. He created his own specialties, and federal governments planned to fill 60 the important, tracing the social trends that explored new fields and provided his percent of the San Francisco Bay. change a nation recorded in the fine print Even the Army Corps of Engineers was the U.S. census data. At the same time he reading public with priceless informa­ impressed, its chief calling from Hawaii to made contacts among scientists and stu­ tion that helped change the shape of find out what Garretson had discovered. dents at U.C. Berkeley which paid off. our environment. There were stirrings in the hills, and on The Trib was sold again, this time as part An old friend and colleague of other newspapers, and the radio. The "Save of a package deal to Gannett, the nation's Skip's, Gil Bailey, now of the Seattle the Bay" movement was born. It was not all largest newspaper chain. Gannett brought Post-Intelligencer, has attempted to Garretson's doing, both the public and the new life to the Trib, . pumping in money, evaluate Skip's career from a journal­ press joined in, and the honor roll is long. much needed intelligence and some would istic and a historical point of view, and The San Francisco Bay Conservation and say sanity, creating Eastbay Today, a dime Development Commission was created, a newspaper that sent circulation soaring. from the point of view of shared bat­ delicate political compromise that worked. tles. I would ask that his memorial be The Bay was spared, at least for a time. And Gannett brought Garretson back to included in this RECORD. These were the years of conflicts in the the city room. He once more could look for But there is another point of refer­ Bay Area, the state and the nation, the rise the disastrous mixes of man and nature he ence for Skip, and for his career, one of the civil rights and then the anti-Viet­ wrote about so well.
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