Annual Report PLYMOUTH New Hampshire Town, School and Fire District Year ending December 31, 1957 Granite Mcnunient and Hrcinze Plaque erected at Pease Air For^'e Base as a memorial to Captain Harl Pease, Jr. ot Plymouth, a gift from friends in the IMymouth area. The plaque was unveiled on September 7, 1957, at services held at the Newington Base, renamed for Captain Pease, who save his life in World War II. Portrait of Capt. Harl Pease, Jr., for whom the new airbase at Newington was renamed at im- pressive ceremonies attended by thousands. The portrait is the work of an outstanding Boston artist, Peter Pezzati, a gift from the State of New Hamp- shire in tribute to the New Hampshire War Hero. Shown in reviewing stand above portrait are Mrs. Fred C. Tobey, Jr., Miss Charlotte Pease, Selectmen Arnold Spencer and Fred C. Tobey, Jr. With heartfelt pride, this Report of 1957 is dedicated to the memory of Captain Harl Pease, Jr., in whose name the Air Base at Newington was redesignated on September 7, 1957, with an impressive program. The front cover displays the monument of New Hampshire granite with the bronze plaque (enlarged upon following page) which was unveiled by Miss Charlotte Pease and, in brief yet well chosen words, was presented to the Air Base by Selectman Fred C. Tobey, Jr., in behalf of the citizens of Plymouth and the surrounding area. This monument stands in front of Divi- sion Headquarters near the flag pole. "Every evening," said Brigadier General Arnold, "when the men stand at retreat, homage will be rendered to the flag and to the memory of Captain Pease." Hundreds of citizens from this area followed Mr. and Mrs. Harl Pease, and their daughter, Charlotte, accompanied by mil- itary escort, to unite with thousands for the dedication cere- monies. They listened while Councillor Charles H. Whittier pre- sented a portrait of Captain Pease, by legislative enactment, for the people of New Hampshire and saw Representative Phil- ip S. Willey of Campton perform the ceremony of unveiling this most excellent likeness which will hang in Division Head- quarters. Thousands heard Senators Bridges and Cotton and the highest officers in the Air Force pay tribute to Captain Pease. The speaker of the day was Under Secretary of the Air Force Malcolm A. Maclntyre. The latest designs in air planes were on display and the ceremonies closed with an air demonstration by ten of the most up-to-date planes, ending with precision flying by the "World Famous Thunderbirds." Every spectator returned to his home impressed by the distinguished honor when Brigadier General Walter E. Arnold, Commander, 817th Air Division redesignated the installation, "Pease Air Force Base." The question is often repeated, "What services did Captain Pease render 'beyond the call of duty' as his citations state?" Space forbids a detailed answer. By military command, an air base is named in honor of an outstanding hero, a native son of the state in which the base is located. Records in the Archives in Washington prove that while in training at Kelley Field, Texas, Cadet Pease acquired such skill in flying that, after he received his pilot's license (1941) he was assigned to join in the first mass flights of B-17s over the Pacific, win- ning his Air Medal award. Before Pearl Harbor, he was in the Philippines and later (1942) in Australia. He was not only a skilled pilot, he possessed the know- how to recondition the dilapidated planes that were the only available air equipment then in the Pacific area. He flew rescue missions to Java and to Corregidor for which he re- ceived the Distinguished Service Air Medal. Finally with nine months service as Captain of his squad- ron, on August 7, 1942, in a plane that he had reserviced to fly, only with his skill, in position in the squadron, he and his crew delivered their bomb load upon the target at Rabaul, New Britain and were retiring when a concentrated attack by enemy planes ignited his bomb-bay tanks, and the plane fell in flames. When his battalion was privileged to select one of their pilots to receive the second Congressional Medal of Honor (the first medal was awarded to Captain Jimmie Doolittle) his comrades named Captain Pease. From the hand of Presi- dent Franklin D. Roosevelt this medal was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Pease, posthumously for their son. Thus in the words of the old hymn, ''Where duty called or danger" Captain Pease was never found "wanting there." Therefore, with deepest gratification the citizens of Plymouth dedicate this Report to this native son (1917-1942) Captain Harl Pease, Jr. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE OFFICERS OF THE Town of Plymouth, N. H. YEAR ENDING December 31, 1957 THE RECORD PRINT Plymouth, N. H. 353 07 P73 n57 INDEX Town Officers 4 Result of Town Vote on 1957 Warrant 5 Warrant 6 Town Budget 9 Town Inventory 13 Property Belonging to Town 14 Statement of Appropriations and Taxes Assessed, 1957 16 Comparative Statement of Appropriations and Expenditures 19 Financial Statement 22 Tax Collector's Report 23 Town Treasurer's Report 25 Selectmen's Detailed Statement of Payments 27 Report of Highway Department 34 Statement of Bonded Indebtedness 35 Report of Trustees of Trust Funds 36 Report of Town Clerk 41 Municipal Court Report 42 Report of Police Department 43 Report of Overseer of Poor 45 Report of Library Trustees 46 Report of Librarian 47 Town Auditors' Report 48 Report of N. H. Public Health Nurse 49 Report of Information Booth Committee 51 Forest Fire Prevention 52 VITAL STATISTICS Births 54 Marriages 55 Deaths 58 — — — TOWN OFFICERS Selectmen— William J. Driscoll — Resigned January 31, 1958 Arnold W. Spencer Term Expires 1959 Fred C. Tobey, Jr. Term Expires 1960 C. Edward Pettengill Appointment Expires 1958 Moderator Robert G. Wakefield Town Clerk—J. C. Peaslee Town Treasurer Kenneth R. Bartlett Road Agent—Fred C. Hussey Tax Collector—Charles E. Moors Supervisors of Check List—L. J. Pollard, A. B. Harvey, E. E. Huckins Overseer of Poor—A. L. Carpenter, Jr. Health Officer—A. L. Carpenter, Jr. Auditors—Milton E. Pettengill, Leon M. Huntress Library Trustees— R. Preston Martin Term Expires 1958 D. W. Stetson Term Expires 1959 Juliet B. Rand Term Expires 1960 Trust Fund Trustees Flora Chase Term Expires 1958 William F. Batchelder Term Expires 1959 L. J. Pollard Term Expires 1960 Chief of Police—Paul W. Knight Police Officers—Bernard N. Grav, Wilfred L. Dionne, Willis R. Lott Budget Committee—Wallace C. Cushing, Jr., Robert Dearborn, Warren A. Blake, Robert H. Rand, William H. Noyes Zoning Commission—Wm. F. Batchelder, Mrs. Guy Speare, Wm. H. Noyes Civil Defense Director: Clifford H. Mayhew — Resigned Jnn. 31, 1958 Warren A. Blake — Appointed Feb. 12, 1958 4 : RESULT OF TOWN VOTE ON 1957 WARRANT Art. 3. To defray Town Charges $ 40,075.00 4. To support Free Public Library 2,565.00 5. To maintain and construct highways 45,000.00 6. To repair sidewalks 500.00 7. To Town maintenance in cooperation with the State—TEA 507.23 8. For cemeteries 500.00 9. For Memorial Day 175.00 10. For Civil Defense expenses 650.00 11. For Youth Council 2,000.00 12. For care of shade trees 800.00 13. For Sceva Speare Memorial Hospital 2,500.00 14. For Band Concerts 600.00 15. To support of Information Booth 300.00 16. Authorization to purchase HVay Equip. 17. To defray expenses of Zoning Commission 200.00 18. To comply with Order No. 553 of N. H. Water Pollution Commission — for purchase of new Dump side 500.00 19. For repairs to Smith Bridge 5,000.00 20. Library Trustee for a term of 3 years Juliet B. Rand 21. Trust Funds Trustee for a term of 3 years: L. J. Pollard 22. Selectmen authorized to borrow money in anticipation of taxes : THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE To the inhabitants of the Town of Plymouth in the County of Grafton in said State, qualified to vote in town affairs You are hereby notified to meet at the Grade School Auditorium in said Plymouth on Tuesday, the eleventh day of March next, at ten o'clock in the fore- noon, at which time the polls shall be opened and shall close not earlier than nine o'clock in the afternoon to act upon the following articles; all articles except ar- ticles 1, 2 and 3 to be considered at 7:30 o'clock in the evening. 1. To choose all necessary Town Officers for the ensuing year. 2. Shall the provisions of Chapter 171-A of the Revised Laws, relative to playing games of beano, be adopted in this city or town ? 3. To see if the Town will vote to approve the is- suance of a license by the State Racing Commission authorizing the holding of horse races in the Town of Plymouth, in accordance with Chapter 284 of the New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated, as amended. 4. To raise such sums of money as may be neces- sary to defray town charges for the ensuing year and make appropriations of the same. 5. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and appropriate for the support of the Free Public Library. 6. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise for the maintenance and construction of high- ways. 7. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and appropriate for sidewalks. 8. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise for town maintenance in cooperation with the State.
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