126 6 8 12 11 14 16 22 26 28 34 38 40 44 50 52 54 58 60 64 68 70 72 74 78 80 82 88 92 108 110 114 115 116 120 124 126 134 146 148 150 152 154 156 160 168 170 174 178 190 192 196 200 204 208 216 220 224 228 230 232 244 246 258 258 The globe as common ground – From anThropocene To anThropocieTy! by Kent Martinussen greenland belongs To all greenlanders – all ground is common ground by MiniK rosing crediTs map oF greenland map oF The world FuTure norTh 2050 interview: lawrence c. smiTh infographic: hisTorical Timeline organizing introduction by MiniK rosing why is Transparency greenland necessary? an interview with anders meilvang and anne meTTe chrisTiansen common knowledge a conversation with michael hardT independenT From whom? by boris brorMan jensen how i meT The presidenT oF inaTsisarTuT by boris brorMan jensen human righTs by peter sutton infographic: greenland and alcohol infographic: demographic greenland inner landscapes by aMalia lynge pedersen dk–gl relaTions an interview with kirsTen ThisTed arcTico an interview with rolF Tamnes selF governance – auTonomy and originaliTy: who are The greenlanders? an interview with Jens dahl infographic: economy and The greenlandic shark as an exporT connecTing introduction by MiniK rosing language poliTics interview: ivalu søvndahl peTersen infographic: greenlandic language so close —so Far aparT interview: asii chemniTz narup sisimiuT seen From Facebook by frida foberg and Mie dinesen (aarch) greenland moTher cloud by Matthew jull and leena cho From cold war To arcTic baTTle? interview: klavs a. holm project: greenland connecTing migraTing introduction by MiniK rosing poinTs oF view by susan carruth infographic: occupaTion in greenland infographic: migraTion in greenland human perFormance, comForT and saFeTy in The cold by øystein nordruM wiggen and hilde færeviK aT The edge oF The world interview: børge ousland infographic: Tourism some recenT sTraTa oF sermersuaq: liFe on The world’s second largesT ice sheeT by Mason white project: greenland migraTing culTivaTing introduction by MiniK rosing The power oF imaginaTion by MiniK rosing why socieTies collapse by jared diaMond green(peace)land — To greenpeace on greenland by conditions organized by naTure, envisioning greenland: conTesTed naTureculTures in The making by carina ren exhibiTing greenland by david winfield norMan greenland as The avanT-garde oF posT-carbon and posT-growTh economies? by julia Martin infographic: growTh in greenland Fragile gianT, discussing greenland’s land value by alice labadini & barbara elisabeth ascher, illustrated by franz walter infographic: Farming project: greenland culTivaTing inhabiTing introduction by MiniK rosing organizing hope an interview with simon simonsen, asii chemniTz narup and hermann berThelsen armelle caron maps oF nuuk, sisimiuT and iTToqqorToormiiT by tina harrington, siv bøttcher, boris brorMan jensen and MiniK rosing liFe aT The edge oF The world by MiniK rosing infographic: archiTecTural Timeline land adminisTraTion in greenland by thoMas riis block p – The greenlandic selF-image by MiniK rosing housing For healTh, healThabiTaT, ausTralia by paul phoures The aesTheTics oF necessiTy by joar nango an indeFiniTe dynamic landscape by boris brorMan jensen, alexandra b. Madirazza and sanne y. søndergaard (aarch) infographic: greenlandic seasons project: greenland inhabiTing postscript move on! an interview with olaFur eliasson colophon abouT This publicaTion editorial SOME RECENT STRATA OF SERMERSUAQ: LIFE ON THE WORLd’S SECOND LARGEST ICE SHEET BY MASON WHITE OF LATERAL OFFICE On September 15th, 2011, the and fjords. As Greenland SERMERSUAQ: Expedition under Gino Watkins Times Comprehensive Atlas of the experienced a dramatic and EXPLORATION Age (1800s) (1930-31); and British Oxford World released its 13th edition rapid social transformation On June 3rd, 1888, Fridtjof University Expedition under (2011) with a map of Greenland from scattered hunting and Nansen embarked on an J. G. S. Sugden and P. G. Mott representing a loss of 15% gathering settlements to an exploration that would become (1938). ice cover as compared to the urbanizing post-industrial the first successful crossing 10th edition (1999). This claim economy in the 20th century, of the Greenland ice sheet. launched a public debate led the ice sheet remained a Previous penetrations of the by noted glaciologists about mysterious and extreme Greenland interior, by Adolf the status of the contemporary territory. As the Earth’s Erik Nordenskiöld in 1883 and ice sheet, which ultimately largest island, it is its interior Robert Peary in 1886, never led to a retraction by the that has served as a venue went further than 160 km publisher. Subsequently, a for urban and architectural eastward from Disko Bay before revised map of Greenland experiments that parallel turning back. Nansen's would with a scientifically corrected the collective anxieties and be a one-way journey from the portrayal of ice cover was made ambitions of the remote and scarcely populated eastern openly available. Although the inaccessible. This frozen coast towards Disko Bay. The primarily used as evidence interior island, or indlandsis, journey took seventy-eight for climate change debates, has become a laboratory for days; with the crossing itself this error did make public man-made techno-objects taking only forty-nine days the mysterious and shifting and architectural assemblies while the other twenty-nine nature of Greenland’s massive driven by militaristic, scientific were spent drifting off course ice sheet. At 1,710,000 square and now touristic interests. trying to reach the shore. kilometers, or 80% of the total Below its “cold desert” surface, Throughout the 1800s most of landmass of Greenland, it is the Sermersuaq possesses an Greenland was explored and Earth’s second largest ice mass enviable 110,000-year-old mapped. These early journeys after the Antarctic ice sheet. recording of Earth’s history. remained essential to the Throughout recent history the However, it is its most recent remote and resistant character massive ice body has been the strata that is of interest of Sermersuaq. Exploration venue for the collective psyche, here. From exploration and took a more advanced turn with oscillating between fear and research to military monitoring the German Alfred Wegener desire of survival within remote and tourism, encampment Expedition from 1929 to 1931, in and extreme geography— and outpost activities have which the first wintering on the expeditions, military radar generated an alternative interior of the ice sheet took stations, weather data towers, history of Greenland, with the place at the station “Eismitte.” and ice core drilling stations, ice sheet as its muse. Numerous expeditions followed among others. that sought to quantify, With thicknesses Following is a brief summary measure and take stock of between two to three of tendencies in Sermersuaq’s the ice, with the University of kilometers, Sermersuaq, as the modern occupation. Michigan Greenland Expeditions ice sheet is known, is a slow- under William Herbert Hobbs flowing super-lake contained (1926-31) and R. L. Belknap (1932- MI by steep alpine mountains 33); the British Arctic Air Route GRA TING 128 6 8 12 11 14 16 22 26 28 34 38 40 44 50 52 54 58 60 64 68 70 72 74 78 80 82 88 92 108 110 114 115 116 120 124 126 134 146 148 150 152 154 156 160 168 170 174 178 190 192 196 200 204 208 216 220 224 228 230 232 244 246 258 258 The globe as common ground – From anThropocene To anThropocieTy! by Kent Martinussen greenland belongs To all greenlanders – all ground is common ground by MiniK rosing crediTs map oF greenland map oF The world FuTure norTh 2050 interview: lawrence c. smiTh infographic: hisTorical Timeline organizing introduction by MiniK rosing why is Transparency greenland necessary? an interview with anders meilvang and anne meTTe chrisTiansen common knowledge a conversation with michael hardT independenT From whom? by boris brorMan jensen how i meT The presidenT oF inaTsisarTuT by boris brorMan jensen human righTs by peter sutton infographic: greenland and alcohol infographic: demographic greenland inner landscapes by aMalia lynge pedersen dk–gl relaTions an interview with kirsTen ThisTed arcTico an interview with rolF Tamnes selF governance – auTonomy and originaliTy: who are The greenlanders? an interview with Jens dahl infographic: economy and The greenlandic shark as an exporT connecTing introduction by MiniK rosing language poliTics interview: ivalu søvndahl peTersen infographic: greenlandic language so close —so Far aparT interview: asii chemniTz narup sisimiuT seen From Facebook by frida foberg and Mie dinesen (aarch) greenland moTher cloud by Matthew jull and leena cho From cold war To arcTic baTTle? interview: klavs a. holm project: greenland connecTing migraTing introduction by MiniK rosing poinTs oF view by susan carruth infographic: occupaTion in greenland infographic: migraTion in greenland human perFormance, comForT and saFeTy in The cold by øystein nordruM wiggen and hilde færeviK aT The edge oF The world interview: børge ousland infographic: Tourism some recenT sTraTa oF sermersuaq: liFe on The world’s second largesT ice sheeT by Mason white project: greenland migraTing culTivaTing introduction by MiniK rosing The power oF imaginaTion by MiniK rosing why socieTies collapse by jared diaMond green(peace)land — To greenpeace on greenland by conditions organized by naTure, envisioning greenland: conTesTed naTureculTures in The making by carina ren exhibiTing
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