Boosting South-South Cooperation in the Context of Aid Effectiveness Telling the Story of Partners Involved in more than 110 Cases of South-South and Triangular Cooperation South-south.indd 1 19/03/2010 04:20:46 p.m. South-south.indd 2 19/03/2010 04:20:46 p.m. Contents Foreword 5 The Task Team on South-South Cooperation at a Glance 7 1. What Is The Task Team On South-South Cooperation? 7 2. Why Does Ssc Matter In The Context Of Aid Effectiveness? 7 3. TT-SSC: A Six-Month Journey 8 South-South cooperation in the context of aid effectiveness Telling the story of partners in 110 cases of South-South and triangular cooperation 9 1. Executive Summary: Boosting South-South cooperation in the context of aid effectiveness 9 2. South-South cooperation in practice: The case story process 10 3. Meeting the triple mandate of the AAA 12 Acronyms 35 Case stories Overview 37 Africa 37 Asia Pacific 38 Latin America and the Caribbean 38 Global 39 Asia Pacific 53 Latin America and the Caribbean 64 Global Cooperation 87 Contenst 3 South-south.indd 3 19/03/2010 04:20:46 p.m. Credits 89 Concept Note Implementing Accra: South-South cooperation in the context of aid effectiveness 91 Executive summary 91 1. Purpose 92 2. Background 93 3. Understanding SSC in the context of aid effectiveness 93 4. Hypotheses: Unpacking the Accra mandate 95 5. Actors and platforms: Toward partnerships and complementarities 96 Acronyms 98 Anexos 99 Annex 1 Analytical work of the TT-SSC—The way to Seoul 2011 99 Annex 2 SSC in the context of aid effectiveness: Hypotheses emerging from the AAA 100 Annex 3 Preliminary bibliography 104 4 Boosting South-South Cooperation in the Context of Aid Effectiveness South-south.indd 4 19/03/2010 04:20:46 p.m. Foreword On March 2009, the Government of Colombia Addis Ababa, Bogotá, Brussels, Mexico City, Pre- presented a proposal to the Working Party on Aid toria, Seoul, and Washington, DC, reflecting on Effectiveness (WP-EFF) of the Development Assis- how South-South cooperation can be embedded in tance Committee of the Organisation for Economic the evolving effectiveness agenda. Regional plat- Co-operation and Development (OECD-DAC) for forms have engaged with the TT-SSC, such as New the creation of a Southern-led platform to map the Partnership for Africa’s Development in Africa, the synergies between South-South cooperation and Asian Development Bank in Asia-Pacific, and the aid effectiveness and to identify good practices. Inter-American Development Bank, and the Orga- Resulting from the strong support received by nization of American States in Latin America and many partners, especially the middle-income coun- the Caribbean. At the global level, the World Bank tries, the Task Team on South-South Cooperation Institute supports our efforts and a global core (TT-SSC) was endorsed by the WP-EFF. team is guiding us through the analytical, policy, What followed were months of building a and communication work. framework, including identifying and engaging Importantly, the TT-SSC has also become a vital key people and gathering resources, which then place to discuss our role as partner countries in allowed us to launch the TT-SSC in September building a Southern agenda that could contribute 2009 with the participation of more than seventy more inclusive and effective development architec- representatives from partner countries, multilat- ture. Together with other global platforms, such eral institutions, donors, and civil society organi- as the UN Development Cooperation Forum at zations all over the world. the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), our Today, only six months after its launch, the TT- common vision is that it is high time for the devel- SSC has proved to be an extremely vibrant and oping world to not only influence, but actually vivid platform for representatives of a changing, shape global development policies. proactive, and innovative developing world. In this What you hold in your hands is a direct con- short period of time, TT-SSC members have met in sequence of the TT-SSC’s desire to map Southern Foreword 5 South-south.indd 5 19/03/2010 04:20:46 p.m. practices and experiences in order to build evi- And this is only a starting point. As planned, the dences for global policy-making. Just in time for TT-SSC is now preparing the next phase. Deeper the High Level Event on South-South Cooperation case studies will help to identify good practices and Capacity Development in Bogotá on March on South-South cooperation in the context of 24–25, 2010, this case story catalogue illustrates aid effectiveness, which will in turn inform the the enormous energy that developing countries High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Seoul and other partners are investing in showing the in late 2011. We have clearly heard the message reality of South-South cooperation and its poten- of developing countries that, despite all restraints tial to move ahead toward more inclusive and in time and resources, have contributed their rich effective development partnerships. and diverse experiences. The message is that a In the following pages, you will be able to take South-South learning and knowledge exchange is a glance at the TT-SSC’s work and read the main to become a core element of the evolving global messages emerging from 110 case stories involving development architecture. practitioner and cooperation officials from 133 countries, as well as 10 multilateral organizations, 4 civil society organizations, and 3 parliamentary Enrique Maruri Londoño bodies from all over the world, and revise over- Chair, TT-SSC views of all case stories. Bogotá, March 12, 2010 6 Boosting South-South Cooperation in the Context of Aid Effectiveness South-south.indd 6 19/03/2010 04:20:46 p.m. The Task Team on South-South Cooperation at a Glance 1. WHAT IS THE TASK TEAM ON perspectives in the evolving global aid architecture. SOUTH-SOUTH COOPERATION? The TT-SSC is contributing to global policy-mak- ing, leading up to the Fourth High Level Forum on The Task Team on South-South Cooperation (TT- Aid Effectiveness, to be held in Korea in 2011, and SSC) brings together partner countries, especially other influential fora and platforms. middle-income countries, donors, civil society, academia, and regional and multilateral agencies under a common objective of mapping, document- 2. WHY DOES SSC MATTER IN THE ing, analyzing, and discussing evidence on the CONTEXT OF AID EFFECTIVENESS? synergies between the principles of aid effective- ness and the practices of South-South Cooperation In the ever-changing global development gover- (SSC). nance, SSC entails diverse forms of cooperation Derived from the Accra Agenda for Action’s among developing countries. In this context, the commitment to inclusive partnerships, the TT- TT-SSC focuses on documenting, analyzing, and SSC is a Southern-led platform hosted by the discussing practices of SSC and their synergies Working Party on Aid Effectiveness (WP-EFF) with the aid effectiveness agenda, particularly at the Development Assistance Committee of addressing a “threefold mandate” emerging from the Organization for Economic Cooperation the Accra Agenda for Action (article 19): and Development (OECD-DAC). The TT-SSC is chaired by Colombia, with active support from • Adapting the Paris Declaration and Accra the World Bank Institute and regional plat- Agenda for Action principles for SSC (AAA forms in Asia, Africa, and Latin America and the art. 19a); Caribbean. • Enriching the effectiveness agenda with the The TT-SSC’s activities search to contribute to practices and experiences of SSC (AAA art. defining the role of partner countries and Southern 19b); The Task Team on South-South Cooperation at a Glance 7 South-south.indd 7 19/03/2010 04:20:46 p.m. • Identifying complementarities between SSC organization of the Bogotá High Level Event on and North-South cooperation (AAA art. South-South Cooperation and Capacity Develop- 19e). ment. Providing cases and recommendations from the different regions allows ensuring a diverse The TT’s analytical work focuses on the prac- and broad spectrum of perspectives in which to tices of technical cooperation, in particular those ground an event that is inclusive and representa- led by middle-income countries, as both providers tive of Southern actors. The next step in the TT’s and recipients of development assistance. At the journey is to deepen the consolidation of dialogue global level, the TT-SSC aims to contribute to the and articulation mechanisms among the regional evolving global effectiveness agenda by boosting platforms and other SSC platforms. horizontal partnerships and peer learning, mak- ing technical cooperation more useful, promoting Generating an analytical work based on Southern expertise, and contributing to developing collected case stories capacities. The core of the TT-SSC’s activity is building an Being a young but vibrant platform, the TT-SSC evidence base for mapping South-South Coopera- has identified key aspects to guarantee the qual- tion practices in the context of aid effectiveness. ity of its analytical work as a real learning process From late November 2009 to January 2010, there and not just a marketing exercise of South-South was an open call for case stories on experiences Cooperation. In this sense, identifying not only that address South-South or triangular technical what works, but also those aspects that do not cooperation among two or more governments or work so well in SSC practices has emerged as a crit- organizations. ical challenge to ensure straightforward messages. After nine weeks, 110 cases involving 133 countries were submitted. These cases involved a wide range of topics, budgets, institutional engage- 3.
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