Minutes of the 4.91th VC Meetings of the State Level Expert Appraisal Committee (SEAC), (Raj.), held on28, 29th and 30th June, 2021. The 4.91th VC Meeting of the members of State Level Expert Appraisal Committee (SEAC), Rajasthan constituted for considering environmental clearance projects (B-category) under GoI Notification 18.12.19 was held on 29th, 30th June and 01st July, 2021 at 10:30 AM through video conferencing under the Chairmanship of Sh. Manoj Kumar Agrawal. The names of the members who attended the meeting are as follows:- S. No. Name Designation 29.06.2021 30.06.2021 01.07.2021 1 Sh. Manoj Kumar Chairman Attended Attended Attended Agrawal 2 Dr. Suja George Vice - - - Chairman 3 Sh. Pushakar Singh Member Attended Attended Attended Shekhawat 4 Sh. Mukesh Behari Member Attended Attended Attended Sharma 5 Sh. Laxmi Kant Member - - Attended Dashora 6 Sh. Buddhi Prakash Member Attended Attended Attended Pareek 7 Sh. Vikram Singh Member Attended Attended Attended Chauhan 8 Sh. Nand Kumar Co-opted - - - Khare Member, SEAC The Secretary welcomed the members. The SEAC considered the following 41 projects and 4 Additional Agenda. With the permission of Chairman, SEAC. S.No File Subject Project Proponent Name & Consultant No Name 1. 18476 Validity extension of TOR granted to Name of Proponent: - M/s S.R. Stone and Crusher chandpur Masonry Stone Mine (Area- Industries, Add.- Vill.- Chandpur, Distt.- Dholpur 53.8383 ha., M.L. No.- 20/97) with (Raj.) proposed production capacity of 1327500 Email – Not Given TPA (ROM) along with Crusher by M/s Name of Consultant – Not Given S.R. Stone and Crusher Industries, at Vill.- Chandpur, Tehsil & Distt.- Dholpur (Raj.) (Proposal No.-167113) 2. 18392 EC for Marble Quarry lease (Q.L.No-2/4), Name of Proponent:- M/s Abdulla Marble Mines Quary Area-0.5806ha.At near Village-Mata Makrana,Add-R/o-Guljarpura, Tehsil-Makrana,Dist- Bhar,Tehsil-Makrana,Dist- Nagaur,Rajasthan,[email protected] Nagaur,Rajasthan,Proposal No-166039) Name of Consultant:- MANTRAS GREEN RESOURCES LTD, Hall No.- 1 NICE Sankul Plot No.- A-9, Opp. Nasik Marchant Co Op Bank Ltd, ITI Signal, MIDCSatpur, Nasik). email:- [email protected] 3. 19031 Environmental Clearance for Project Proponent Name- M/s Ramjani " Marble Quarry Lease (Bapi Quarry Gesawat & Sans, Add.- Makrana, Tehsil- No.- 165) Area-0.11 ha (40*300sq. Makrana, Distt.- Nagaur (Raj.), Email- ft.)., Near Vill.- Makrana (Gunawati [email protected] Range) Tehsil- Makrana, Distt.- Consultant of Name:-MANTRAS GREEN Nagaur (Raj.) of M/s Ramjani Gesawat RESOURCES LTD, Add., Hall No.- 1, NICE & Sans. (Proposal No.-191689) Sankul Plot No.- A-9, Opp. Nasik Marchant Co Op Bank Ltd, ITI Signal, MIDCSatpur, Nasik). [email protected] 4. 17871 Environmental Clearance for Sand Name of Proponent: - Reenu Gehlot (1755) Stone Mining Project (Q.L. No.- 1755, W/o Late Shri Rameshwar Lal Gehlot, Add.- Area- 0.18 ha., Khasra No.-1755) with Rupawaton Ka Bera, Kaliberi, Soorsagar, Distt.- Final minutes of 4.91st meeting held on 29-30 June and 01 July 2021 production capacity of 1710 TPA Near Jodhpur (Raj.)Email- – Village- Fidusar, Tehsil & Distt.- [email protected] Name of Jodhpur (Raj.) by Smt. Reenu Gehlot Consultant: - MANTRAS GREEN W/o Late Shri Rameshwar Lal RESOURCES LTD, Add.- Hall No.- 1 NICE Gehlot.(Proposal No.-142440) Sankul Plot No.- A-9, Opp. Nasik Marchant Co Op Bank Ltd, ITI Signal, MIDCSatpur, Nasik).email:[email protected], 5. 17874 Environmental Clearance for Sand Name of Proponent: - Smt. Reena Gehlot W/o Stone Mining Project (Q.L No.- Late Shri Rameshwar Lal Gehlot, Add.- 1760, Area- 0.18 ha., and, Khasra No.- Rupawaton Ka Bera, Kaliberi, Soorsagar, Distt.- 1760) with production capacity of 1710 Jodhpur (Raj.)Email- TPA Near Village- Fidusar, Tehsil &, [email protected] of Distt.- Jodhpur(Raj.) by Smt. Reena Consultant: - MANTRAS GREEN Gehlot W/o Late Shri Rameshwar Lal RESOURCES LTD, Add.- Hall No.- 1 NICE Gehlot.(Proposal No.-142803) Sankul Plot No.- A-9, Opp. Nasik Marchant Co Op Bank Ltd, ITI Signal, MIDCSatpur, Nasik).email:[email protected], 6. 18371 E C for Limestone Mining Project Name of Proponent:- Shri- Dhokal Ram, Add.- (M.L. Area 4.50 ha and M.L. No.28/98) Chidhani, Tehsil-Bilara, District- Jodhpur with Production Capacity of 1,49,460, (Raj.) [email protected] TPA (ROM) Khasra No. Not Given, Name of Consultant:- MANTRAS GREEN Add.- Village- Bayad, Tehsil- Metra, RESOURCES LTD, Hall No.- 1 NICE Sankul Distt.- Nagaur, (Raj.), By Shri Dhokal Plot No.- A-9, Opp. Nasik Marchant Co Op Ram S/o Shri Baluram, (Proposal Bank Ltd, ITI Signal, MIDCSatpur, Nasik). No.- 165997) Email: [email protected] 7. 18563 E C for Masonry Stone Mining Project Name of Proponent:- Smt. Damyanti W/o Shri (M.L. No. - 184/07, M.L. Area- 1.00 Shyam Singh Charan, Add.- Chavrada Ki Hect., Production Capacity of 1,99,375 Dhani, Vill.- Roopawas, Tehsil & District- Pali, Khasra No.- 512, Near Village- (Raj.) Email- [email protected] Bhanwari, Tehsil- & District- Pali, Name of Consultant:- MANTRAS GREEN (Raj.) of Smt. Damyanti W/o Shri RESOURCES LTD, Shyam Singh Charan, (Proposal No.- Hall No.- 1 NICE Sankul Plot No.- A-9, Opp. 166526) Nasik Marchant Co Op Bank Ltd, ITI Signal, MIDCSatpur, Nasik). email:- [email protected] 8. 19462 ToR for Seeking Environmental Name of Proponant : - M/s Narayan Minerals Clearance for Quartz & Feldspar ,Add- Near Village-Buchara, Tehsil-Kotputli, Mining Lease (ML. No-32/04, Area- District-Jaipur,Rajasthan,Email- 4.73ha.) at Khasra No-746Near Village- [email protected] Buchara, Tehsil-Kotputli, District- Name of Consultant-Mantras Green Resources Jaipur,Rajasthan,by m/s Narayan ltd. (NABET/EIA/1619/SA 066) hall no- 1 Minerals ,(Proposal No-62103) ,Nice Sankul Plot no - A-9 opp, Nasik Marchant co op bank ltd. iti signal, MIDCSatpur,Nasik,Email- [email protected] 9. 18847 ToR for E C for Quartz, Feldspar Name of Proponent:- Smt. Kanta Jain W/o Late Mining lease (M.L. No. - 06/80 – Shri- Mahavir Chand Jain, Add.- H.No. 75, 22/01(R), M.L. Area- 19.0 Anupam Ashok Marg, Ajmer, Distt.- Ajmer, Hect., Khasra No.- ………, Near (Raj.) Email- [email protected] Village- Kishanpura, Tehsil- Beawer, Name of Consultant:- MANTRAS GREEN District- Ajmer, (Raj.) of Smt. Kanta RESOURCES LTD,Hall No.- 1 NICE Sankul Jain W/o Late Shri- Mahavir Chand Plot No.- A-9, Opp. Nasik Marchant Co Op Jain, (Proposal No.- 43246) Bank Ltd, ITI Signal, MIDCSatpur, Nasik).email:- [email protected] 10. 17120 Regarding submission of Final Cluster Project Proponent Name- 1.Sh. Mohan lal Jangid, EIA/EMP report for Quartz, Feldspar & Partner- 2. Smt. Sugnidevi Jangid, 3. Sh. Hemant Marble Mining Project (ML. NO.- 60/18 Kumar Add.- 166, Near PHED Tank, Distt.- (New) & 14/18 (Old), Khasra No.- 717, Kishangarh (Raj.) [email protected], 718, 719, 720, having mine lease Area- Consultion of Name:-Fulgro Environmental & 2.1665 ha., falling in cluster of area- Engineering Services India Pvt. Ltd., Add.- 27, 6.1713 ha. With production capacity - Ashok Vatika, Khatipura Road, Jhotwara, Jaipur, 15611856 TPA (ROM) and carrying (Raj.).Email:- [email protected], capacity of the cluster- 26359856 TPA, Near Vill.- Makreda, Teh.- Pisangan, Distt.- Ajmer (Raj.) (Proposal No.-60135 ) 11. 18000 EC for our Proposed Mining "Silica Sand Project Proponent Name-Naresh kumar Saxena, Mine Area-4.06ha,Khasra No- Add-F-28 Ghiya Marg, Jaipur, Rajasthan,Email- 281,282,283,372,(ML No-23/2008)" Near [email protected] Name-Shri Village-Karola, Tehsil-Tonk, District-Tonk, Naresh Kumar Sexena, (mining Engineer & Rajasthan, promoted by Shri N.K.Saxena. RQP),Reg.No.RQP/SME/JP/04/2013Add-G-4 Nand (Proposal No-132687) Puri Swaj Farm Sodala, Near Gayatry Public School Final minutes of 4.91st meeting held on 29-30 June and 01 July 2021 Jaipur 12. 17436 E C of Our Kunwar Granite Mining Project Name of Proponent :-M/s RANKA MINES, Add.- M.L No. 118/2018, Area 1.1453 E-6, Rajhans Colony, Madanganj, Tehsil – Ha.) Khasra No. 682/5, 697/5, Near Village Kishangarh, Distt.- Ajmer, (Rajasthan) Email- – Kunwar, Tehsil - Kareda, District – [email protected] Bhilwara, (Rajasthan). (Proposal Name of Consultant:- M/s Ramji Mine Envirotech, No. 131838) Plot No. 21, First Floor, Aarna-2 Tower, Kartarpura Industrial Area, Jaipur, (Raj.).Email: - [email protected], rme. [email protected] 13. 16980 EC for Sand Stone Mine, (Q.L. No. Name of Proponent: Shri Parasmal Lasod S/o Shri 05/2018)of Applicant Shri Parasmal Lasod Bapu Lal LasodR/o-185, Jain Colony, Kansya, Situated, area 2.33370 ha, Near Village Bijoliya, Bhilwara, (Raj.).Email – Katbada, Tehsil Bijoliya, District Bhilwara, [email protected] (Raj.) Khasra No. 260, 260/1, 260/2, 260/3, Name of Consultant:- M/s. Aseries Envirotek 261, 262(Proposal No. 44211) india Pvt. Ltd.B-107, First Floor, Sector-6, Noida, Uttar Pradesh (Raj.). Email:- [email protected], 14. 19129 ToR for Seeking E C for Proposed Name of Proponant :- M/s Shrinath Mining, Quratz & Feldspar Mining Project" Add.- Neelkanth, 209-210, 2nd Floor, Bhawani M.L. Plot No. 86, Area 4.0566 Ha., Singh Road, Jaipur, Distt.- Jaipur, (Raj.) Khase No. 34, Add.- Rama, Tehsil- Email- shrinathmines086@gmail. com Raipur, District- Bhilwara, (Raj.)M/s Name of Consultant:- MANTRAS GREEN Shrinath Mining, Cat. B1 as Per Cluster RESOURCES LTD Certificate (Proposal No.- 60317) Hall No.- 1 NICE Sankul Plot No.- A-9, Opp. Nasik Marchant Co Op Bank Ltd, ITI Signal, MIDCSatpur, Nasik). email:- [email protected] 15. 19130 ToR for Seeking E C for Proposed Name of Proponant :- Smt. Shruti Agarwal Quratz & Feldspar Mining Project" W/o Shri Vinay Agarwal, Add.- 131, Barkat M.L.
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