[Distributed to the Council and Official No. : C. 6ll. M. l8j. 1928. II. the Members of the League.] Geneva, December 31st, 1928. LEAGUE OF NATIONS SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR THE ABOLITION OF IMPORT AND EXPORT PROHIBITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS Held at Geneva from July 3rd to 19th, 1928 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CONFERENCE First Part : A. N ote b y t h e S e c r e t a r y -G e n e r a l . B . O ffic ia l I n s t r u m e n t s o f t h e Co n f e r e n c e . Second Part : M in u t e s o f t h e P l e n a r y M e e t in g s . Third Part : A n n e x e s . Published by the Economic and Financial Section. Series of League of Nations Publications II. ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL I929. II. 9. CONTENTS. Page FIRST P AR T. A. N o te b y t h e S e c r e t a r y - G e n e r a l ......................................................................................... y B. Official I nstruments of the Co n feren ce : I. Supplementary Agreement to the Convention of November 8th, 1927, for the Abolition of Import and Export Prohibitions and Restrictions . 9 II. Protocol to the Supplementary Agreement................................................................ 17 III. Final A c t ..................................................................................................................................... 25 SECOND PART. Minutes of the P lenary Me e t in g s ............................................................................................ 37 (See Contents, Second Part.) THIRD P A R T. Annexes : 1. Proposal by the Drafting Committee : Application of Article 17 of the Convention of November 8th, 1 9 2 7 ...................................................................... 106 2. Proposals by the Drafting Committee (Second Draft) : Application of Article 17 of the Convention of November 8th, 19 2 7 ...................................... 106 3. Proposals by the Drafting Committee (Third Draft) : Application of Article 17 of the Convention of November 8th, 1927...................................... 107 4. Report of the Second Conference on Hides, Skins and Bones to the Second International Conference for the Abolition of Import and Export Prohibition and Restrictions with regard to the Agreement reached on Hides, Skins and B o n e s ................................................................................................... 108 5. Draft Supplementary Agreement to the Convention of November 8th, 1927 114 6. D raft Protocol to the Supplem entary A g r e e m e n t ......................................... 115 7. Drafts of Article C subm itted at the Eleventh M e e tin g .................................. 117 8. Draft of Text of Section IV (a) of the Protocol as worded after the . Adoption of the Amendments made in the first three paragraphs of Article C .................................................................................................................................. 117 9. List of Exceptions claimed by various Governments under Article 6 of the Convention of Novem ber 8th, 1 9 2 7 ............................................................... 118 10. Exceptions claimed by the Chilian Government under Article 6. 119 S- d. N. i.loO (F.) 900 (A.) 3/29. Imp. Desclée De Brouwer et Cie, Bruges FIRST PART. A.™NOTE BY THE SECRETARY-GENERAL. B.—OFFICIAL INSTRUMENTS OF THE CONFERENCE : I. Supplementary Agreement to the Convention of November 8 t h , 1927, for the Abolition of Import and Export Prohibitions and Restrictions. II. P rotocol to t h e S upplementary A g r e e m e n t . III. F in a l A c t . A.—Note by the Secretary-General. In execution of Article 17 of the Convention of November 8th, 1927, for the Abolition of Import and Export Prohibitions and Restrictions concluded as the outcome of the International Conference held at Geneva from October 17th to November 8th, 1927 \ the States which signed the Convention on or before June 15th, 1928, were invited to send representatives to a second Conference in order to determine, in accordance with Article 17 : (a) The reservations which, having been communicated to the high contracting parties in accordance with Article 6, paragraph 4, may, with their consent, be made at the time of ratification ; (b) The conditions required for the coming into force of the Convention and, in particular, the number and, if necessary, the names of the Members of the League and of non-Member States, whether the)' are signatories or not, whose ratification or accession must first be secured ; (c) The last date on which the ratifications may be deposited and the date on which the Convention shall come into force if the conditions required under the preceding paragraph are fulfilled. Representatives were sent by all the States invited to the Conference, namely : Austria Great Britain Portugal Belgium Hungary Roumania Chile India Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats Czechoslovakia Italy Siam [and Slovenes Denmark Japan Sweden Egypt Latvia Switzerland Estonia Luxemburg Turkey Finland Netherlands United States of America. France Norway Germany Poland The International Chamber of Commerce was also invited and took part in the Conference in an advisory capacity. The Council requested M. Colijn, former Prime Minister of the Netherlands, to preside over the Conference, which was held at Geneva from July 3rd to 10th, 1928, and resulted in the framing of the Supplementary Agreement set forth below. 1 For the text of the Convention, see document C. 559 (1). M. 201 (1). 1927. II, and for the Minutes of the Conference, see document C. 21. M. 12. 1928. II. B. Instruments officiels de la Conférence. I. ACCORD COMPLÉMENTAIRE A LA CONVENTION DU 8 NOVEMBRE 1927 POUR L’ABOLITION DES PROHIBITIONS ET RESTRICTIONS A L’IMPORTATION ET A L’EXPORTATION (Chefs d ’État.) Vu la Convention signée à Genève le 8 novembre 1927 pour l’abolition des prohibitions et restrictions à l'importation et à l’exportation ; Vu les dispositions de l’article 17 de ladite Convention : Ont désigné pour leurs plénipotentiaires à la réunion prévue audit article, savoir : (Liste des plénipotentiaires.) lesquels, après avoir communiqué leurs pleins pouvoirs, trouvés en bonne et due forme, sont convenus des dispositions suivantes, destinées à compléter les dispositions de la Convention susdite, dont elles feront partie intégrante. Article A. L’annexe de l’article 6 de la Convention du 8 novembre 1927 est complétée comme suit au profit des pays ci-après désignés : Exceptions consenties en conformité du paragraphe 1. Bulgarie ..................... à l’exportation C h i l i ............................. J u m e n ts .............................................. Portugal......................... Liège à l’état b r u t................................. Suède ......................... Ferrailles .............................................. à l’exportation Tchécoslovaquie . B. Official Instruments of the Conference. I. SUPPLEMENTARY AGREEMENT TO THE CONVENTION OF NOVEMBER 8 t h , 1927, FOR THE ABOLITION OF IMPORT AND EXPORT PROHIBITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS. (Heads of States.) Having regard to the Convention signed at Geneva on November 8th, 1927, for the Abolition of Import and Export Prohibitions and Restrictions ; Having regard to the provisions of Article 17 of the said Convention ; Have appointed as their Plenipotentiaries for the meeting provided for in the said Article, namely : (List of Plenipotentiaries.) ■ who, having communicated their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed on the following provisions, intended to supplement the provisions of the aforesaid Convention, of which they shall form an integral part. Article A. The Annex to Article 6 of the Convention of November 8th, 1927, is supplemented as follows for the benefit of the countries named hereafter : Exceptions agreed to under Paragraph 1. B u l g a r i a ...........................Rose-trees and roots and s h o o ts ....................... Export C h ile ..............................Scrap iron and scrap z in c ................................... Export M a r e s .................................................................... Export Czechoslovakia . Hop s h o o ts ........................................................... Export Portugal..........................Fine wool ................................................................. Export Cork in the raw state ...................................... Export Sweden..........................Scrap iron..................................................................... Export — 10 — Exceptions consenties en conformité du paragraphe 2. E s to n ie ..................................Platine, pierres précieuses, perles et coraux (bruts ou achevés, détachés ou montés) à l’exportation États-Unis d ’Amérique . Gaz h é l i u m ........................................ à l’exportation Portugal..................................Gomme de p i n ......................................... à l’exportation Tchécoslovaquie.................Q u a r tz ite ................................................. à l’exportation Article B. Au cas où les Arrangements conclus en date de ce jour relatifs à l’exportation des peaux et des os ne pourraient, à défaut des ratifications nécessaires, être mis en vigueur, les Hautes Parties contractantes au présent Accord complémentaire sont convenues d’autoriser chacune d ’elles à introduire ultérieurement les demandes qu’elles étaient en droit d’introduire aux termes de l’article 6 de la Convention et du Protocole y annexé et qu’elles ont renoncé à présenter au bénéfice des susdits Arrangements. Ces demandes
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