![[Re]Foundation the Jean Jaurès Foundation Promotes the Values of Democratic Socialism](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
[Re]foundation The Jean Jaurès Foundation promotes the values of Democratic Socialism. GOALS 2008_2012 The Jean Jaurès Foundation The Foundation is free is France’s oldest and because it is organically New stage largest political foundation. and financially independent Created and chaired by of the Socialist Party; Pierre Mauroy, it was and it is ideologically and awarded “utilité publique” programmatically influential (public interest) status on 21 because it is close to the February 1992. Socialist Party. 2012 Our goal: Our strategy To serve as a forum for the renewal of Socialist thought, promoting both a global vision and practical solutions. We will build on the strengths that have sustained us for the last 15 More than ever, we strive to be an innovative centre where years: a stable and lasting structure created by Pierre Mauroy, who ideas and policy are generated. We are strengthening our ties ambitionset up the Foundation and chairs its Board of Directors; a healthy with our counterparts in the countries driving globalisation– Our time horizon: distance from politics; a reputation for high-quality work; a close- the European Union, the United States and the major emerg- th 2012, because that year will mark our 20 anniversary. knit international network built up over time and in the course of our ing countries. We are stepping up the number of meetings, activities; a central archive on Socialism that is unequalled today; debates, seminars and symposia. and a presence on the ground, supporting democracy, on all the Our hallmark: continents. We are setting up a high-level Scientific Advisory Board, Collective endeavour. We bring together people from different fields–policymakers, trade union officials, business leaders, chaired by Daniel Cohen. experts and academics in a wide range of disciplines, who all too often toil in isolation–to work for the benefit of all and for But everything else is set to change. The context is no longer what it the common good. was when the Foundation was created. Globalisation has gathered We are diversifying our public and private sources of funding pace; the intellectual landscape is dotted with new think tanks; the to expand our financial resources. tools for disseminating ideas have been diversified; and the Euro- We are disseminating new publications online and in book- pean Union and France have been substantially transformed. stores. In devising our strategy, we have taken all these changes on And to symbolise the new stage we are now entering, we are board. acquiring a new logo. The [Re]foundation is up and running. JEAN JAURES FOUNDATION / PAGE 2 JEAN JAURES FOUNDATION / PAGE 3 The Jean Jaurès Foundation works with partners–foundations, think tanks, associations and political STRUCTURE parties–in 113 countries around the world. Institutional resources _Headquarters _Organisational structure The Jean Jaurès Foundation is headquartered at 12, Cité Males- The Board of Directors and the Bureau are the Foundation’s herbes in Paris, in the building that was successively the head- decision-making bodies. Pierre Mauroy is the Chairman of the structuquarters of the SFIO, the newspaper Le Populaire, published by Board of Directors,re which has 12 members–six founding mem- Léon Blum, and François Mitterrand’s Socialist Party. The Foun- bers and six persons of proven expertise and experience (per- dation has purchased a 450 sq. metre property in the same street sonnalités qualifiées). The Board of Directors defines the Founda- to house the Socialist archives of the Foundation and of the Office tion’s strategy, adopts its activity programme, approves its budget Universitaire de Recherche Socialiste (OURS). and elects the members of its Scientific Advisory Board (COS). The Scientific Advisory Board (COS) proposes the Founda- tion’s activities. Daniel Cohen is the Chairman of the COS, which has some 50 members–experts and academics from a variety of fields and political, trade union and business leaders from France and other European countries. The COS proposes activities for the coming year. It examines the documents drawn up by working groups. It is a forum for discussion and debate. The permanent staff is responsible for implementation. Gilles Finchelstein is the Director-General of the Foundation. A team of 15 full-time staff members, assisted by a network of 300 experts, coordinates all activities. It manages and organises the work of the Foundation, in conjunction with our partners. It man- ages publications, from design through circulation. Last but not least, it is responsible for conserving and promoting the Socialist archives in partnership with the OURS. JEAN JAURES FOUNDATION / PAGE 4 JEAN JAURES FOUNDATION / PAGE 5 The principal goal of the Jean Jaurès Foundation ACTION is to foster ongoing renewal of the political and intellectual debate. Activities and operation The Foundation is also committed to international action, with its support for democracy on the ground, and to history, with its Socialist archives. _Democracy engineering The 1990s witnessed a wave of democratisation: the fall of the Berlin Wall, the end of apartheid and the demise of the Latin American influencedictatorships. For 15 years, the Jean Jaurès Foundation focused its efforts on democracy engineering, carrying out 690 actions and missions in 113 countries. Working with its local partners, it contrib- uted to a number of successful democratic transitions by conduct- ing training courses in such practical areas as: organising free and transparent elections, promoting the involvement of young people and women in political life, organising a political party, administering a local community and protecting the role of minorities. In the age of globalisation, democratisation is probably no longer the main challenge for the Jean Jaurès Foundation. But the battle for democracy is obviously far from over. In many countries, democracy is even receding. In coming years, each specific situation will require specific action, and we must adapt our activities accordingly. In dic- Objective: To enhance tatorships, the Foundation will stand shoulder to shoulder with those the impact of its activities, struggling to establish democracy. In young democracies, the Foun- the Jean Jaurès Foundation dation will continue its democracy engineering activities through po- concentrates its efforts and litical training and sharing of experience. targets its action, working in–and focusing resources on–about ten countries every year. JEAN JAURES FOUNDATION / PAGE 6 JEAN JAURES FOUNDATION / PAGE 7 With the objective of encouraging research on the history of Socialism, the Foundation will continue to digitise documents to facilitate access. It will also continue to provide academics, scholars and students with a unified source of information by making the archives of the OURS and the Jean Jaurès Foun- dation available to them. ACTION Activities and operation _Socialist Archive Centre / CAS archives _Think tank The Jean Jaures Foundation signed conservation, administration Objective: The Jean Jaurès Foundation endeavours to provide and promotion agreements covering the archives of the socialist a forum where people of shared convictions from a wide range influencemovement with the OURS and the Socialist Party in 1999 and with of backgrounds–politics, trade unions, business, academia the Young Socialist Movement in 2001. and administration–can exchange views. The Foundation addresses the challenges of the present and the future from _OURS every point of view–international and local, European and national, ideological and technical, historic and prospective. The Office Universitaire de Recherche Socialiste is the CAS and digitisation Jean Jaurès Foundation’s special partner in administering International outreach. The Jean Jaurès Foundation is inherent- the Socialist archives. The OURS, created in 1969 by Guy Mollet, ly open and attentive to both the changes taking place in the world Since 2001, with the support of the French Ministry of is now headed by Alain Bergounioux. and the work of its partners. It regularly organises symposia and Culture, the Jean Jaurès Foundation has digitised a portion seminars in conjunction with other foundations. It is now also set- of the Socialist Party’s archives for purposes of improved ting up working groups with other European think tanks to devise conservation and dissemination: 650 Socialist Party posters; the solutions of the future. 4,000 photographs, including 2,500 that are available on the website; Socialist Party newsletters Le Poing et la Rose and Historic analysis. The Jean Jaurès Foundation builds on its ar- PS Info from 1972 to 1993, i.e. about 10,000 pages; Socialist chive centre, in particular, to contribute to academic research on Party weekly L’Unité from 1972 to 1986, i.e. 672 issues, with the history of Socialism. Every year since 2000, a jury made up of a total of 21,500 articles, which are available in an online well-known academics and chaired by Alain Bergounioux awards database; and transcripts of the debates at Socialist Party a prize to the best history or political science thesis. congresses, national conventions and executive committee meetings from 1971 to the present, i.e. about 30,000 pages. JEAN JAURES FOUNDATION / PAGE 8 JEAN JAURES FOUNDATION / PAGE 9 France tre l’idée que peut-être, cette Plongée au cœur des classes populaires fois-ci, il pouvait se passer quelque chose. Ce n’est pas un espoir. C’est un début d’attention là où il n’y avait « C’est le système tout que désillusion massive. Dans un premier temps, Nicolas Sarkozy, par son style, sa rhétorique de l’ac- tion, la mise en scène de son entier qui est rejeté » énergie, a installé l’idée que peut-être, sous certaines conditions, l’action politique pouvait changer quelque chose. Mais en même temps Depuis quinze ans, presque la moitié du corps électoral a perdu toute confiance le personnage inquiète. On sent une part sombre. On dans la politique. Alain Mergier, sociologue, auteur du « Descenseur social » craint que cette énergie explique pourquoi, en 2007, un mince espoir est en train de renaître.
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