24670 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 12, 1971 241. By the SPEAKER: Memorial of the the United States extending the right to vote \ By Mr. I CHORD: l House of Representatives of the Common­ to citizens 18 yea.rs of age and older; to the H.R. 9726. A bill for the relief of Eddie wealth of Massachusetts, relative to Con­ Committee on the Judiciary. Byrd; to the Committee on the Judiciary. gress appropriating the full funding au­ 244. Also, memorial of the Legislature of thorized by the Lead-Based Paint Poisoning the State of California, relative to Federal Preven tion Act of 1971; to the Committee on disaster relief funds; to the Committee on PETITIONS, ETC. Appropriations. Public Works. 242. Also, memorial of the House of Rep­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions resentatives of the Commonwealth of Mas­ and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk sachusetts, urging the Government of North and referred as follows: Vietnam to withdraw all Oommunlst troops PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 101. By the SPEAKER: Petition of Henry from South Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private Stoner, York, Pa., relative to statehood for and to release forthwith American prisoners bills and resolutions were introduced and Puerto Rico; to the Committee on Interior of wa.r; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. severally referred as follows: & Insular Affairs. 243. Also, memorial of the Legislature of 102. Also, petition of Romualdo Ma.turan, By Mr. CHAMBERLAIN: Mindanao, Ph111pp1nes, relative to redress of the State of Alabama, relative to ratifying the H.R. 9725. A bill for the relief of Moon Soo grievances; to the Committee on the Ju­ proposed amendment to the Constitution of Pa.rk; to the Committee on the Judiciary. diciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS DAVENPORT AND ''SATCH'' Harbor, where as many as a half-dozen Another time, he said: "I play the trumpet Streck!us boa.ts wintered) . and that's for me. There a.re only two kinds Sa.tchmo had special memories of Daven­ of music-good and bad. We (referring to HON. FRED SCHWENGEL port's chilly spring weather. "Man, it was himself) try to play good music." OF IOWA always cold when I'd get on the boat in When Armstrong turned three-score-and­ Davenport. I think it was so cold that once I IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ten on the Fourth of July in 1970, he said, stood on the deck and told Capt. Streck!us "I'm happy. Every time I wake up it's a good Monday, July 12, 1971 that I would have to blow my horn to crack day and I feel in the pink. It's aWful nice to the ice so we could get out of that harbor.'' be breathing on your 70th birthday, let alone Mr. SCHWENGEL. Mr. Speaker, while feeling in the pink." the Nation and the world mourn the HIS HORN STU.LED On that same occasion he played a record­ death of Louis Armstrong, those of us NEw YoRK.-Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong, ing of one of his early trumpet solos and had from Davenport feel a special loss be­ beloved troubadour of the jazz trumpet, with this to say: "Ain't nobody played nothing cause of his early ties to this area. A a delightful rasp to his voice and roll to his since, and can't nobody play nothing eye, died Tuesday, his heart worn out, h1s like it now." recent article and editorial in the Daven­ golden horn silent at last. He was 71 yea.rs That could be his epitaph and as long as port Times-Democrat discuss these early old on Sunday. old records, movies and television films and ties to Davenport. "Me and my horn, we come a. long way the printed word are a.round to give witness The article follows: together," Armstrong once observed. to his talents that epitaph will stand. Together, they ca.me out of a waif's refuge DAVENPORT AND "SATCH" in New Orleans, upriver to Chicago a.long the (By Bill Wundram) trail of jazz itself, then on to the show busi­ THE ARIZONA INDIANS He was a shy, fat-faced young man, and ness pinnacles of New York and Las Vegas, he carried his cornet in a paper bag when he and the motion picture studios of Hollywood. first saw Davenport, but Satchmo Armstrong And before they were through, Armstrong HON. BARRY GOLDWATER never forgot this river city. and his horn, together, had fascinated Inil­ OF ARIZONA "I always called it showboat town," Uons on five of the earth's continents. en­ Satchmo grinned whenever he'd visit Daven­ thralling both the humble and the royal. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES port in later years. Armstrong and his horn pierced even the Monday, July 12, 1971 No one ever heard of Louis Armstrong Iron Curtain, as he became one of the best when he tooted his horn in Davenport in the ambassadors the United States ever sent Mr. GOLDWATER. Mr. President, early 1920s, but in his own way he was a.broad, a representatives of democracy whose Arizona Progress, the monthly publica­ making the foot of Brady Street a bit of portfolio's contents, in his words, "ain't poli­ tion of the Valley National Bank in Ari­ Bourbon Street. tics, it's just music." zona, contains in its June-July 1971 issue Some of Satchmo's most colorful days hark "In Africa," Armstrong once reminisced, a very concise and interesting resume of back to Davenport. Here, he joined the "the local tribe carried in their chief to where Arizona's Indians and how they are Streckfus Excursion Boat Line. The Streckfus I was playing. All he did was just look down progressing. I ask unanimous consent Line wintered in Credit Island Harbor, and and say just one word, 'Sa.tchmo!' Man, they that the article be printed in the Ex­ headquartered in Rock Island in those palmy knew me even there." days of the river. tensions of Remarks. "Every spring for years I'd come to Daven­ THE GREAT "SATCHMO" There being no objection, the article port and get on those big boats like the St. Quad-C1t1ans and the rest of the world wa.S ordered to be printed in the RECORD Paul and the Sidney, and what a wild time lost a friend Tuesday. He was Lc,uls (Sa.tch­ as follows: we'd have all summer long," Satchmo rec­ mo) Armstrong who blew his trumpet and ARIZONA'S INDIANS: AMERICANS BEFORE ollected during one concert date visit here a with a gravelly voice sang his way into the COLUMBUS few years ago. hearts of Inillions across the world. The first Americans-the Indians-are the Satchmo was playing with the legendary Along the way from a waif's home in most deprived and most isolated minority Fate Marable's band aboard the Streck!us New Orleans to a New York hospital where he group in our nation. On virtually every scale boats, and received $15 a week, with room was 71 Sunday "Satchmo" went from one­ of measurement--employment, income, edu­ and board. One steamy August morning, on night stands in hamlets all a.cross the nation cation, wealth-the condition of the Indian a run to Dubuque, and while the rest of the to jazz concerts in most of the world's cap­ people ranks at the bottom. musicians were still sleeping, Satchmo itals. But, the story of the Indian in America is especially remembered writing a song. "Satchmo" through the years played on something more than the record of white "It was 'I Wish I Could Shimmy Like My excursion boats in the Quad-City area and man's frequent aggression, broken agree­ Sister Kate.' Gosh, I didn't think it was any­ became a familiar sound and sight to thou­ ments, intermittent remorse and prolonged thing and I sold it for 50 bucks." sands in eastern Iowa and western Illi­ failure. It ls a record also of endurance, of Armstrong seemed to have perfect recall nois. survival, of adaptation and creativity in the about Davenport. There was a.bout him a. warm quality and face of overwhelming obstacles. It is a record "I remember always starting out the river­ a.n easy smile that made one relax in h1s of enormous contribution to this country­ boat sea.son in Davenport. Sometimes I'd go presence. Yet he was such a giant in the to its a.rt and culture, to its strength and down to the levee. I remember it was brick, musical world that it was a bit surprising spirit, to its sense of history and its sense of and pretty steep. (This was the era when the to discover he was short in physical stature­ purpose.-Presldent Nixon, Message to Con­ Davenport levee was a real levee, and not a a little under 5 foot 6. gress, July 8, 1970. mass parking lot). As a jazzman "Satchmo" never put on airs. Arizona is Indian Country. Within the "Most of the time, though, the band guys "Look, you don't pose, never. That's the last state's borders a.re 19 reservations covering would take some roads out into the country thing you do, because the minute you do about 31,000 square miles, or more than 27% and climb on the Streck!us boats in a you're through as a Jazzman. Maybe not as a of the total land area in Arizona. By compari­ harbor." (He was referring to Credit Island musician.
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