INDEX: the Story of Israel

INDEX: the Story of Israel

Jericho: 80, 138 Kosharovsky, Yuli: 123c 103, 104, 105c, 107c Peace Now movement: 134 Shapira, Amitzur: 111c Jerusalem: 14, 16, 20c, 24, 25c, Kuneitra: 119c Nasser, Colonel Gamal Abdel: Peace Process (from 1978): Sharansky, Natan: 122c 26c, 27c, 28c, 30c, 32, 33, 96, 96c, 103 127, 135, 136, 137c, 139, Sharm el-Sheikh: 92c Compiled by the author 34, 35c, 37, 38c, 40, 42, 44, Nationality Law (1952): 124c 142, 149, 150 Sharon, Ariel: 74, 115, 127c, Index 56, 60c, 93c, 143c; besieged: Labour Party (Israel): 112c, National Unity Government: Pearlman, Moshe: 105c 128, 130, 134, 142, 148c, 64, 66, 67, 72, 73c, 74, 75c, 49c, 130c, 134, 137, 148, 152 134 Peel Commission: 40, 43c, 56 149,150c, 152 77c, 78, 79c; divided: 81, Lahat, Shlomo: 141c Nazi-Soviet Pact: 44c Peres, Shimon: 134, 136, 138c, Shevat, Moshe: 108c, 109c Notes: Bayern Munich: 153c Canada: 7, 26, 72, 81c, 90, El Dine, Colonel Seif: 85d Hamburg: 55 102; reunited: 104c, 105, Land of Israel Movement: 113 Nazism: 37, 40, 71t, 90c 139c, 140, 141c, 142, 143c, Shevat, Rachel and Dov: 109c “c” indicates Caption Beatrix, Queen (of the 127, 155 El Rahmany, Colonel: 85d Hanita (kibbutz): 47c 110c; Sadat in: 126, 127; Latin America: 56 Nebi Musa (the Prophet 148, 153c, 154c Shiloah, Reuven: 84c “t” indicates Translation Netherlands): 143c Carmel Mountains: 55, 154 Empire Rival (ship): 58c Harel Brigade: 72, 79c terror in: 134, 142, 150 Latrun: 74, 113 Moses): 32c Peres Center for Peace: 154c Shorr, Kehal: 111c “d” indicates Document Beaufort Fortress (Lebanon): Carter, President Jimmy: 127 Entebbe hostage rescue: 126c, Ha-Shomer (Watchman): 26c Jerusalem Book Fair: 154 Latvians: 56c, 59d Negev Desert: 40c, 80, 99c Pharaoh: 123 Siberia: 48c, 122c, 123c 132c, Chancellor, Sir John: 34c 127 Hassan, King (of Morocco): Jerusalem Corridor: 72, 74, Law of Return (1950): 90, Netanya: 36, 42c, 47c Philadelphia: 122 Sinai Desert: 18, 19, 72, 80c, Aaronsohn, Aaron: 19, 19c, 27 Bedouin: 14, 17c, Charles, Prince (Prince of Erekat, Saeb: 135c 127 79, 81 94c, 95t Netanyahu, Benjamin: 127, Poland: 44c, 46, 54, 80, 86c, 81, 92c, 97, 99c, 100t, 101c, Aaronsohn, Sarah: 19, 20c Beersheba: 155 Wales): 143c Erez, Colonel Chaim: 114c Ha-Zorea (kibbutz): 44 Jerusalem Film Festival: 154 Lawrence, T. E.: 29c 134c, 140, 142, 148, 150c, 105c, 134c 104, 112c, 114c, 115, 126, Abdullah, King (of Jordan): Begin, Menachem: 48c, 50, 56, China: 74, 127 Estonians: 56c, 59d Hebrew language (modern Jerusalem Post: 144c, 144-5d League of Nations: 56, 71t 152, 154 Poles: 56c, 59d 127, 149c 112c 72c, 80, 126c, 127 Chirac, Jacques: 143c Ethiopia: 135c Hebrew): 16, 24c, 42, 71t, Jewish Agency for Palestine: Lebanon: 48, 66, 86, 90, 112, Netanyahu, Yoni: 127 Poltava: 26c Six-Day War (1967): 37c, 79c, Abraham: 37, 148 Begun, Yosef: 123c Christopher, Warren: 136 European Common Market: 74, 76c, 93, 122 33c, 36, 37, 40, 44c, 48, 49c, 126, 127, 128, 130, 131c, New York: 58d, 125c Poppendorf: 62c, 63d 96, 99c, 111, 112c, 114, 115c Adler, Saul: 35 Beilina, Dina: 124c, 124d Churchill, Randolph: 51 127 Hebrew University of 50, 53d, 55, 56, 60c, 64c, 80 132c, 135c, 148, 153 New Zealand: 90, 127 Portugal: 127 Sneh, Ephraim: 149c Afghanistan: 64, 94c Beirut: 128, 130, 148c Churchill, Winston: 32c, 33, European Union: 153 Jerusalem: 24, 27c, 33, 34, Jewish Chronicle: 23c Lehi: 51, 134 Nili Group: 19, 20c South Africa: 37, 56, 81c, 90, Afula: 36, 45c Beisan: 66 45, 50c, 51, 52c, 53d, 54 Exodus (ship): 54, 62c, 62d, 34c, 35, 36, 38, 81, 93 Jewish Infantry Brigade Lein, Evgeni: 122c Nixon, President Richard: 126 110c Ahdut (Unity): 26c Beizer, Mikhail: 122c Clark, General Mark W: 53d 63d Hebrew Writers’ Association: Group: 48c, 50c, 51, 52c Leningrad: 122, 123c Nobel Peace Prize: 84c, 138c, Rabin, Lea: 146c South America: 90 Air France: 127 Ben-Artzi, Noa: 143c Clinton, Hillary: 143c Eytan, Walter: 84c, 85d 43 Jewish Legion: 26 “Let my people go”: 123 139c Rabin, Yitzhak: 26, 55, 72, South-East Asia (tsunami): Akaba, Gulf of: 40c, 80c, 81, Ben-Gurion, David: 24, 26, Clinton, President William J. Hebron: 32c, 37, 38c, 138, 148 Jewish National Fund: 14, 24c, Libya: 86, 127 North Africa: 48, 49c 79c, 81, 97, 98, 99c, 105, 154 139, 142 40, 44c, 46, 48, 50, 64c, 67, “Bill”: 136, 137c, 139, 142c, 149 Herut movement: 49c 32, 36, 39c, 39d, 41 Likud Party: 127c, 142c, 150c, Nudel, Ida: 123c, 125c 107c, 111c, 126c, 135, Soviet Jewry campaign: 122, Alexander, Field Marshal Sir 68c, 70c, 74, 80, 86c, 95c Cohen, Gustav G.: 10t Faluja: 80 Herzl, Theodor: 4, 6, 8c, 9c, Jewish National Home (in 152 136, 137c, 138c, 139; 155 Harold: 48c Ben-Gurion, Paula: 67c Columbia, space shuttle: 152c Fatah: 139 10c, 13c, 20, 30, 67, 70c, 71t Palestine): 19, 20, 24, 27, Lions’ Gate (Jerusalem): 105 assassinated: 140, 141c, Soviet Union: 5, 33c, 64, 94c, Algeria: 86 Ben-Gurion Airport: 123c, Columbia University: 35 Feisal, Emir: 29C, 29d Herzliya: 30, 79c 35, 51, 71t, 114 Lithuania: 6c October War (1973): 114-15, 142, 143c, 144c, 147c, 148 122, 123, 124c, 125c, 155 Aliyah Bet (illegal 126c, 154c Commonwealth War Graves Finns: 56c, 59d Herzog, Roman: 143c Jewish National Institutions Lod Airport: 86c 118c, 126 Ramallah: 138, 149, Spitzer, Andre: 111c immigration): 36c Ben Shemen youth village: 36 Commission: 48 First World War: 14c, 18, 20, Hezbollah: 153 (Palestine): 36 London: 22c, 27, 35, 49c, 128 Old City (of Jerusalem): 102, Ramat Rahel (kibbutz): 72 Star of David: 50c, 51, 52c, 70c Allenby, General: 24, 26, 27c, Ben-Yehuda, Eliezer: 16 Communism: 5, 155 26c, 30c, 34c, 35, 36 Histadrut (General Federation Jewish Quarter (Old City, Lodz: 14 103c, 105 Ramon, Ilan: 152c Stern, Abraham: 50 28c, 28d Ben-Zvi, Yitzhak: 24, 26, 86c “Corpus Separatum” Foley, Captain Frank: 46, of Labour): 26c, 36, 40c Jerusalem): 74c, 77c, 79c, Lovers of Zion: 14 Old New Land (Herzl): 8c “refuseniks”: 122 Stolber, Edmund: 153c Allon, Yigal: 37c Benghazi (Libya): 127 (Jerusalem): 64 Fonda, Jane: 123c Hitler, Adolf: 37, 40, 46, 54, 81, 102, 103c, 105, 107c, Olmert, Ehud: 150c, 152 Rehavia (Jerusalem): 30c Suez Canal: 88c, 97, 101t, 111, Altalena (ship): 80 Berger, David: 111c Crete: 48 France: 90, 92c, 155 59d 110c Operation Magic Carpet (from Rehovot: 37 112, 113c, 114, 118c Alterman, Natan: 42 Berlin: 13t, 46 Cyprus: 54c, 66, 74, 91c Fridman, Gal: 154 Hod, General Mordechai: 99c, Jewish settlements (on the Ma’alot: 126, Yemen): 87, 88c Revisionist Organisation: 41, Suez War (1956): 92c Amir Moussa: 134c Bernadotte, Count Folke: 134c Czechoslovakia: 80 100c West Bank and Gaza Strip): Maccabiah (Jewish Olympics): Operation Moses (from 47c, 50 Suicide bombing: 139c, 140, Amir, Yigal: 140, 142 Bethlehem: 56, 138 Holocaust: 48, 50c, 54, 56, 66, 113, 127, 142, 148, 149, 150, 36c, 37 Ethiopia, 1984-5): 135c Rhine River: 9c 148 Amman: 80 Bevin, Ernest: 54, 58c, 66 Galilee: 14, 19c, 50, 81, 97, 71t, 74, 81c, 86c, 91c, 93, 154 153 Madrid Peace Conference Operation Solomon (from Rhodes: 81, 84c, 85d Supreme Court: 92, 93c, 154 Ammunition Hill (Jerusalem): “Bevingrad”: 67c Dachau: 51 128, 154 Holy Places: 64, 67c The Jewish State (Herzl): 8c (1991): 134c, 135, 136 Ethiopia, 1991): 135c “Righteous Among the Sweden: 122 105 Bezalel School: 16 Damascus: 80, 119c Gallipoli: 18, 19, 20c Homesh (West Bank); 149c Jews from Arab lands: 86, 87, Magnes, Judah, 34c, 35 Origin of Species (Darwin): 35 Nations”: 90c, 91c, 93 Syria: 37, 48, 66, 78, 78c, 81, Anti-Semitism: 6, 37, 90, 155 Bialik, Chaim Nahman: 35 Daniel Sieff Institute: 37 Gavish, Major-General: 101c Huberman, Bronislaw: 42 89c, 90, 94c, 130 Mahal (volunteers): 81c Oslo Accords: 136, 137c, 138c, Rishon le-Zion: 32c 86, 90, 96, 97, 98, 99c, 100c, Arabs (of pre-Israel Palestine): Biltmore Hotel (New York): 48 Day of Atonement (Yom Gaza: 24, 80, 92c, 109t, 136, Hussein, King (of Jordan): Jezreel Valley: 30, 33c, 36, 44, Major, John: 139c, 143c 140, 149 “Road Map”: 153 110, 112, 114, 115, 117c 4, 24, 30, 32, 34c, 35, 37, 44, Black Sea: 50c Kippur): (1946) 56; (1973) 138 102, 103, 128, 136c, 137c, 45c, 66 Mandelbaum Gate Ottawa: 135 Romania: 19c, 30 48, 64 “Black September”: 128 114 Gaza Disengagement (2005): 139 Johns Hopkins University: 35 (Jerusalem): 102 Ottoman Empire: 6, 8, 18, 20c Romano, Joseph: 111c Arab Legion: 74c, 76c, 77c, 80 “Blessed be the gun ….”: 80 Dayan, Moshe: 20, 37c, 97, 142 Jordan (formerly Transjordan): Marcus, Colonel Micky: 75c Oxford University: 35 Rothschild, 2nd Baron: 19, Taba: 142 Arab Revolt (1936-39): 37, 40, Bnei Brak: 82t 99c, 102c, 105c, 107c, 109c, Gaza Strip: 80, 81, 87, 97, 98, 66, 90, 96, 97, 110, 111, 112, Masada: 72c, 93 Oz, Amos: 113 19c, 23c Taratuta, Aba and Ida: 123c 41c, 44, 45c, 47c Boutros-Ghali, Boutros: 143c 111c, 115c, 127 110, 111, 113, 127, 134, 135, India: 56, 90, 127 126, 135c, 139 McCullum, Don: 119c Royal Air Force: 50c, 61c Technion: 37, 154 Arafat, Yassir: 126, 130, 136, Brazil: 126 Dead Sea Scrolls: 72c 136, 137c, 138, 140, 148c, Indian Ocean: 40 Jordan River: 78, 98 Mediterranean Sea: 14c, 80, Royal Fusiliers: 27c Tel Aviv: 4c, 5c, 14c, 36c, 41c, 137c, 138c, 139, 140, 142, Britain: 7, 18, 19, 20c, 24, 26, Declaration of Principles 149, 152, 153, 155c Intifada: (first), 134, 135, 136; Jordan Valley: 41, 80, 81, 135c 92, 148, 154 Pakistan: 64 Royal Navy: 54 42, 54, 67, 70c, 71t, 74, 78, 148, 149 46, 64, 72, 76c, 77c, 81c, 90, (1993): 136, 139 Germany: 37, 38, 40, 42, 45, (second), 149 Judea: 113 Megiddo: 72c, 93 Palestine: 4, 6, 7, 8, 13t, 14, Rubitzov, Nehemia: 26 79c, 80, 81c, 93c, 97, 105, Arava Rift Valley: 139 92c, 127, 155 Deganya (kibbutz): 17c, 20, 46, 47c, 54, 55, 60c, 62c, Iran: 64,

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