Provisional Checklist of Manx Fungi: Common Name Index 2014

Provisional Checklist of Manx Fungi: Common Name Index 2014

Provisional Checklist of Manx Fungi: Common Name Index 2014 Common Name Year GridSQ Scientific Name Family Phylum Alder Bracket 2012 SC37, SC38 Inonotus radiatus Hymenochaetaceae Basidiomycota Amethyst Deceiver 2012 SC27, SC28, SC37, SC38, SC47 Laccaria amethystina Hydnangiaceae Basidiomycota Anemone Cup 1994 SC28, SC38 Dumontinia tuberosa Sclerotiniaceae Ascomycota Anemone Smut 1994 SC27 Urocystis anemones Urocystidaceae Basidiomycota Angel's Bonnet 1982 NX30 Mycena arcangeliana Mycenaceae Basidiomycota Aniseed Cockleshell 1996 SC38, SC48 Lentinellus cochleatus Auriscalpiaceae Basidiomycota Apricot Club 1981 NX40, SC37 Clavulinopsis luteoalba Clavariaceae Basidiomycota Aromatic Knight 1969 SC48 Tricholoma lascivum Tricholomataceae Basidiomycota Aromatic Pinkgill 1982 NX40 Entoloma pleopodium Entolomataceae Basidiomycota Artist's Bracket 2012 SC26, SC27, SC28, SC37, SC39, SC39, Ganoderma applanatum Ganodermataceae Basidiomycota SC48, SC49 Ashen Chanterelle 1985 SC28, SC38, SC39 Cantharellus cinereus Cantharellaceae Basidiomycota Ashen Knight 1997 SC28, SC38, SC39, SC48 Tricholoma virgatum Tricholomataceae Basidiomycota Banded Mottlegill 1982 NX30, NX40 Panaeolus cinctulus Agaricales Basidiomycota Bare-Toothed Russula 2012 SC28, SC38, SC39, SC47, SC48, SC49 Russula vesca Russulaceae Basidiomycota Bark Bonnet 1982 SC28 Mycena speirea Mycenaceae Basidiomycota Bay Bolete 2012 SC27, SC28, SC37, SC38, SC39, SC47, Boletus badius non sensu Persoon (1801) Boletaceae Basidiomycota SC48, SC49 Bay Cup 2012 SC27, SC37, SC38, SC48 Peziza badia Pezizaceae Ascomycota Beaked Earthstar 1982 NX30, NX40 Geastrum pectinatum Geastraceae Basidiomycota Beech Barkspot 1994 SC27, SC28, SC38, SC48 Diatrype disciformis Diatrypaceae Ascomycota Beech Milkcap 2012 NX40, SC27, SC28, SC37, SC38, SC39, Lactarius blennius Russulaceae Basidiomycota SC48, SC49 Beech Tarcrust 1994 SC48 Biscogniauxia nummularia Xylariaceae Ascomycota Beech Woodwart 1994 SC27, SC28, SC38, SC48, SC49 Hypoxylon fragiforme Xylariaceae Ascomycota Beechleaf Bonnet 1976 SC38, SC48 Mycena capillaris Mycenaceae Basidiomycota Beechmast Candlesnuff 1994 SC28, SC38, SC47, SC48 Xylaria carpophila Xylariaceae Ascomycota Beechwood Sickener 2012 SC27, SC28, SC37, SC38, SC39, SC47, Russula nobilis Russulaceae Basidiomycota SC48, SC49 Beefsteak Fungus 1976 SC38, SC48, SC49 Fistulina hepatica Fistulinaceae Basidiomycota Bicoloured Deceiver 2011 SC28 Laccaria bicolor Hydnangiaceae Basidiomycota Big Smoky Bracket 1976 SC28, SC38 Bjerkandera fumosa Meruliaceae Basidiomycota Birch Besom 1994 SC37, SC38, SC48, SC49 Taphrina betulina Taphrinaceae Ascomycota Birch Brittlegill 2012 SC27, SC38, SC49 Russula betularum Russulaceae Basidiomycota Birch Knight 1998 SC28, SC38, SC39, SC48 Tricholoma fulvum Tricholomataceae Basidiomycota Birch Milkcap 2012 SC27, SC28, SC37, SC38, SC39, SC48 Lactarius tabidus Russulaceae Basidiomycota Birch Polypore 2012 SC28, SC37, SC38, SC39, SC48, SC49 Piptoporus betulinus Fomitopsidaceae Basidiomycota Birch Rust 1976 SC48 Melampsoridium betulinum Pucciniastraceae Basidiomycota Birch Woodwart 2012 SC37 Hypoxylon multiforme Xylariaceae Ascomycota Bitter Almond Brittlegill 1981 SC38 Russula grata Russulaceae Basidiomycota Bitter Beech Bolete 1997 SC38, SC49 Boletus calopus Boletaceae Basidiomycota Bitter Bracket 2012 SC37, SC38 Postia stiptica Fomitopsidaceae Basidiomycota Bitter Chocolate Rust 1994 SC16, SC27, SC28, SC48 Uromyces ficariae Pucciniaceae Basidiomycota Bitter Oysterling 1994 SC28, SC37, SC38 Panellus stipticus Mycenaceae Basidiomycota Bitter Waxcap 1995 NX40, SC38 SC39 Hygrocybe mucronella Hygrophoraceae Basidiomycota Black Bulgar 1994 SC38 Bulgaria inquinans Bulgariaceae Ascomycota Black Milking Bonnet 1976 SC27, SC28, SC38, SC39, SC48, SC49 Mycena galopus var. nigra Mycenaceae Basidiomycota Blackening Brittlegill 2012 NX40, SC27, SC28, SC37, SC38, SC39, Russula nigricans Russulaceae Basidiomycota SC47, SC48, SC49 Blackening Waxcap 2012 NX30, NX40, SC16, SC26, SC27, Hygrocybe conica Hygrophoraceae Basidiomycota SC37, SC38, SC39, SC48 Blackening Wax-Cap 2012 NX30, NX40, SC26, SC27, SC38, Hygrocybe nigrescens Hygrophoraceae Basidiomycota SC39, SC48 Blackfoot Polypore 1994 SC39 Polyporus leptocephalus Polyporaceae Basidiomycota Blackish Puffball 2010 NX30, NX40, SC27, SC28, SC39, SC49 Lycoperdon nigrescens Agaricaceae Basidiomycota Bleeding Bonnet 1982 NX30, SC27, SC38, SC48, SC49 Mycena sanguinolenta Mycenaceae Basidiomycota Bleeding Broadleaf Crust 2012 SC26, SC28, SC38, SC39, SC47, SC48, Stereum rugosum Stereaceae Basidiomycota SC49 Bleeding Conifer Crust 2012 SC27, SC37, SC38, SC39, SC48, SC49 Stereum sanguinolentum Stereaceae Basidiomycota Bleeding Oak Crust 1994 SC27, SC28, SC38, SC39, SC48, SC49 Stereum gausapatum Stereaceae Basidiomycota Bleeding Porecrust 1976 SC27, SC39, SC48 Physisporinus sanguinolentus Meripilaceae Basidiomycota Blistered Cup 1998 NX40, SC39 Peziza vesiculosa Pezizaceae Ascomycota Blue Edge Pinkgill 1996 NX40, SC39 Entoloma serrulatum Entolomataceae Basidiomycota Bloody Brittlegill 2013 NX40, SC28 Russula sanguinaria Russulaceae Basidiomycota Blue Band Brittlegill 2013 SC39 Russula chloroides Russulaceae Basidiomycota Blue Roundhead 2012 NX30 Stropharia caerulea Strophariaceae Basidiomycota Blue Spot Knight 1997 NX40, SC38, SC48, SC49 Tricholoma columbetta Tricholomataceae Basidiomycota Blusher 2012 SC27, SC28, SC37, SC37, SC38, SC39, Amanita rubescens var. rubescens Amanitaceae Basidiomycota SC47, SC48, SC49 Blushing Bracket 2011 SC28, SC37, SC39, SC47 Daedaleopsis confragosa Polyporaceae Basidiomycota Blushing Fibrecap 1982 SC27, SC28, SC48 Inocybe whitei Inocybaceae Basidiomycota Bog Beacon 1994 SC27, SC28, SC38 Mitrula paludosa Helotiales Ascomycota Bonfire Inkcap 1976 SC27 Coprinopsis jonesii Psathyrellaceae Basidiomycota Bovine Bolete 1997 SC26, SC27, SC37, SC39 Suillus bovinus Suillaceae Basidiomycota Bracken Club 1976 NX30, SC38 Typhula quisquiliaris Typhulaceae Basidiomycota Bracken Map 1994 SC28, SC38, SC39, SC48 Rhopographus filicinus Pleosporales Ascomycota Branching Oyster 2012 SC38 Pleurotus cornucopiae Pleurotaceae Basidiomycota Brick Caps 1973 SC26, SC27, SC38, SC39, SC49 Hypholoma lateritium Strophariaceae Basidiomycota Brittle Cinder 2012 SC28 Kretzschmaria deusta Xylariaceae Ascomycota Brown Birch Bolete 1997 SC27, SC38, SC39, SC48, SC49 Leccinum scabrum Boletaceae Basidiomycota Brown Cone-Cap 1982 NX30, NX40, SC26, SC37, SC38, SC39 Conocybe tenera Bolbitiaceae Basidiomycota Brown Mottlegill 1994 NX30, SC16, SC27, SC28 Panaeolina foenisecii Agaricales Basidiomycota Brown Puffball 1994 NX30, NX40, SC27, SC39 Bovista nigrescens Agaricaceae Basidiomycota Brown Rollrim 2010 SC27, SC28, SC38, SC39, SC47, SC48, Paxillus involutus Paxillaceae Basidiomycota SC49 Brownedge Bonnet 1976 NX40, SC37, SC48 Mycena olivaceomarginata Mycenaceae Basidiomycota Bruising Webcap 1996 SC39 Cortinarius purpurascens Cortinariaceae Basidiomycota Bulbous Bonnet 1973 SC27, SC39 Mycena stylobates Mycenaceae Basidiomycota Bulbous Fibrecap 2012 SC27, SC28, SC37, SC38, SC39 Inocybe napipes Inocybaceae Basidiomycota Bulbous Honey Fungus 2012 SC28, SC37, SC38, SC48 Armillaria gallica Physalacriaceae Basidiomycota Burgundydrop Bonnet 1982 SC38, SC49 Mycena haematopus Mycenaceae Basidiomycota Burnt Knight 1997 SC38, SC49 Tricholoma ustale Tricholomataceae Basidiomycota Butter Cap 2012 NX30, NX40, SC27, SC28, SC37, Collybia butyracea var. butyracea Tricholomataceae Basidiomycota SC38, SC39, SC47, SC48, SC49 Butter Waxcap 2012 NX30, SC27, SC28, SC39, SC48 Hygrocybe ceracea Hygrophoraceae Basidiomycota Candle-Snuff Fungus 2012 NX30, NX40, SC26, SC27, SC28, Xylaria hypoxylon Xylariaceae Ascomycota SC37, SC38, SC39, SC47, SC48, SC49 Cedarwood Waxcap 2008 NX30, NX40, SC39, SC49 Hygrocybe russocoriacea Hygrophoraceae Basidiomycota Celandine Clustercup Rust 1994 SC16, SC27, SC48 Uromyces dactylidis Pucciniaceae Basidiomycota Cep 2012 NX40, SC28, SC38, SC39, SC47, SC48, Boletus edulis Boletaceae Basidiomycota SC49 Chanterelle 2012 SC28, SC37, SC38, SC39, SC47, SC48, Cantharellus cibarius Cantharellaceae Basidiomycota SC49 Charcoal Burner 2012 SC16, SC28, SC28, SC37, SC38, SC39, Russula cyanoxantha Russulaceae Basidiomycota SC47, SC48, SC49 Charcoal Pholiota 1996 SC39 Pholiota highlandensis Strophariaceae Basidiomycota Chestnut Brittlestem 1976 SC27, SC39, SC49 Psathyrella spadicea Psathyrellaceae Basidiomycota Chicken of the Woods 1994 SC27, SC37, SC38, SC48 Laetiporus sulphureus Fomitopsidaceae Basidiomycota Choke 1976 SC27, SC38 Epichloë typhina Clavicipitaceae Ascomycota Cinnamon Bracket 1971 SC37 Hapalopilus nidulans Polyporaceae Basidiomycota Cinnamon Porecrust 1994 SC48 Phellinus ferreus Hymenochaetaceae Basidiomycota Cinnamon Webcap 1973 SC48 Cortinarius cinnamomeus Cortinariaceae Basidiomycota Citrine Waxcap 1968 SC26 Hygrocybe citrinovirens Hygrophoraceae Basidiomycota Clouded Funnel 2012 NX40, SC26, SC27, SC28, SC, 37, Clitocybe nebularis Tricholomataceae Basidiomycota SC38, SC39, SC48, SC49 Club Foot 1996 sc38, SC39 Ampulloclitocybe clavipes Hygrophoraceae Basidiomycota Clustered Bonnet 1972 SC38 Mycena inclinata Mycenaceae Basidiomycota Clustered Brittlestem 1969 SC27 Psathyrella multipedata Psathyrellaceae Basidiomycota Clustered Domecap 1997 SC28, SC38, SC39, SC48 Lyophyllum decastes Lyophyllaceae Basidiomycota Clustered Toughshank 1998 SC28, SC37, SC38, SC39, SC47, SC48, Collybia confluens Tricholomataceae Basidiomycota SC49 Cobalt Crust 1976 SC49 Terana caerulea Phanerochaetaceae Basidiomycota Coconut Milkcap 1997 SC38, SC39 Lactarius glyciosmus

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