Vashon Island News-Record COUNTY, FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1926 $2.00 PER YEAR » VOL. X, NO. 32 VASHON, KING WASHINGTON. ROSE CLUB SHOW MRS KIRKLAND IS COMMENCEMERT PROGRAM GREAT SUCCESS SEVERELY INJURED COMMENCEMERT PROGRAM a competitive held In exhibit home from the under the auspices of the Vashon While returning [eights Rose Club in the Com- Vashon IHigh School Commence- BURTON HIGH SCHOOL munity Home on Saturday even- ment exercises last Wednesday VASHON HIGH SCHOOL ing about 100 were on ex- evening, during entries and a shower of Evening, May 26 Friday Evening, May 28, 1926 hibit. The winners were: Sweep- rain which made the pavement Wednesday stakes won by Mrs, Sam Kelly on wet and slippery, Mrs, B. P. Kirk- VASHON ISLAND COMMUNITY HOME an ‘‘lndian Butterfly’’ variety. land was struck by a car bemng first was won Mrs, Rhn Vashon, Washington Mapah Hiergeh The prize by driven by Louis Bailey and o Tdsiniaiiowdmsealatii Tradke vlyne =0 s Kelly on a basket of “‘The Cloth severly injured. She was walking ; Nt ... iR sHeanu Rava ret Invocation R e of Gold’ roses. She also won toward home with her daughter. st iace i s i T Alntatony e Hal ansTe osdal first on a basket of peonies. Mrs. Leah, and Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Oration, **Ambition?? Lo Yetive H.-Woody F. A. Hathaway won first prize who were driving in the same di- William Merrill Smith, Superintendent Presiding on a vase of **Cherokee’’ riection, and called to her Essay, ‘‘Roman and Greek Arvchitecture’ ... Oge F. Jensen stopped Progessional ll)svs‘ sininatd Sn sLo ie b Banaarolle A, Mrs, Lincoln won first prize on a and her child to get in and ride Sarsusie e Piano Solo ... isld a ceemmsienmmeeenee Mabel Martin basket of perennials her v-nn'y‘ with them. Just as she stepped 1926 Sextette Hssay, ““America and the World Court”” Beatrice O. Brammer being dragons.”’ **snap toward the Morgan car there was b Thvaeatione et oaniaeaesasikeitas iRe NATderson QOration, “*The Constitution’ ... ... Raymond H. Brink prizes were won by Dr. S«-cmul‘Parks, a flash, a shudder, a loud sound 2t vHo Staples George Mrs, €, Wing ... Nutting Valedictory SR et e e Alice L. Mrs. Sehmidt and and when it was over it was dis- Sing! Sing! Birds on the Cooke and Solo, A Pinkham. N. Hoshi won covered that Leah, the ehild was Vocal “‘The Song of the Volga Boatmen® e first“ The Night Wind ... Brennan and Ball bet Houge ribbon on general exhibit of practically Bailey : selwsss IenmathiJ Van car- unhurt, the car o sS nations., Mrs. Hathaway is Pres- was over in field, 1926 Sextette Address, “‘Students or Citizens’’ an adjoining and ident of this c¢lub, Mrs. Pinkham Mrs, Kirkland injured. She was ie R i .. Prof. Avgust Dvorak, University of Washington SalutatoryAddressiat HONESiY is Vice-Presidbnt, Mrs. Schmid: B e e W, G, was taken to the Swedish hospital! Cutler Presentation of Class ... Principal Parkes Emily S. is seeretary and Mrs. Cowan isi in Seattle where some bones were Awarding of ...t J. P. Dunlap Diplomas W. treasurer. A chicken dinner was found hroken and she was nthcr-‘ Commencerment Address .. Judge Howard M. Findley of oo Rev, John AL D. D, served after the exhibit at Award Honor Cup Billingsly, which‘ wise wrenched and bruised. T]l(" W, ! Awards of Mevit i Merrill Smith School Song about 200 were served, fractures were reduced and at present she is resting as easily as Presentation of Diplomas, . E. Bragg, President School Board Clasg of 1926 REPUBLICAN CAUCUSES could be expeeted, but it will he o = o CLeisssSonior: Olass several weeks before she ean leave Clags-None. Island Republicans are to the hospitul. R called ... st e Class Motto Valedictory Address e N RHSHTON caneus in their respective precinets launched where shall we Mary Virginia Beall “Ponight we are ; auchor?”’ on Saturday evening of this week STRAWBERRY HARVEST ON from 7 o’clock for the sl i S e e pur- pees 8 il S nranralic to Radegiiofalic S e Class Flower Class Colors pose of choosing delegates to the Madam Butterfly Rose Blue and Silver Gray county convention which will meet Next week the strawberry har- Class of 1926 Motto in Seattle on Saturday, June sth, vest will reach its peak on the “‘Forward, Never Backward'' island, Conservative estimate: (CLASS ROLL The result of these ecancus meet- (Mlass Colors: Red aud White ings will determine largely the place the yield this season at 2,000 O, Myrtle Calhoun Most berries Beatrice Brammer poliey of the party next week in barrels. of the are Class Flower: Narcissus Mabel A, Martin Lilly S. Nelson Seattle. It will be a question of marketed by the cold pack system. of fruit Laura Marie Smith Alice L, Staples whether Governor Hartley's ad- In each barrel 300 pounds (Class Officers ministration will be approved or and 150 pounds of sugar are pack- Helen 1. Tjosdal Yetive H, Woody Lawrenee Secales, President not. If our island people are for ed. B. D. Mukai will harvest 60 Raymond I, Brink Collin L, Butcher Stella Isaline Collings, Viee President the Governor, next Saturday night acres of berries himself, and awill George B, Oge I, Pauline Mary Weiss, Secretary Harrison Jensen i~ when they should show it. If pack about one half of the total crop. Albert L. Hotehkin, Jr., Treasurer Waldo R. Lewis Kenneth F. Rivers back of the Governor, get The remainder will mostly vou're be handled by Marketing Kendrie F, Rivers Ronald L. Mc¢ Holland out and send a delegate from your the As- (CLASS ROLL precinet who will support him in sociation, an organization of about 100 local growers. The Mary Beall , BROADCAST REPLIES COME MAURY P, T. A, the county convention, Each pre- estimate Virginia for season 100,000 of LIKE AN AVALANCHE SURPRISES TEACHERS cinet is entitled to one delegate, the is crates Herbert K. Bjorklund There are nine precinets the is- logans, 15,000 crates of raspber- Stella Isaline Collings on ries, land. Some of these precinets are 3,000 crates of blackberries, Emily 5. Cutler night the 2,000 ¢rates of enrrants, 100 ton of Katherine Edison Vashon Island’s on air The surprise party given in hon- entitled to two delegates., Don't stella went over bigger than even the fail send the delegates gooseberries, 300 ton of sour cher Katherine Viola Guthrie or of the teachers, Miss Ann and to you are wildest optimist ever dreamed of. entitled to send. Vashon island ries, 5,000 boxes of pears and 10, Vivginia Amy Gilfillan Before the speaker had left the Gertrude Newberry, by the should stand together, 000 boxes of apples. Mabel Holland Yroadeasting studio, a tolegram Maury P. T, A, was in every way Albert L. Hotehkin, Jr. Inghretsen was delivered from Centralia tell- a SHecess,, Ralph Thomas ing how much the entire hour was The entertainment committee Hanna Lokke enjoved, From that hour to this had in readiness a snappy pro- Robert Bdwin Levenscller the phone ealls and © letters are gram of gawmes, fun and song, in Edna Ellen Mace : pouring in from every direction which all, both old and young Lloyd N. Marsh The first mail brought 81 letters Joined, which were old and which By the Pupils of Blisha Morgan, Jrv, and the second brought 62 and Mabel Virginia Maitthows were young was hard to distin- MRS. MORGAN DOEBBLER the outside points haven’t even guish judging from the standpoint Helmer Melvin Paulson been heard from, We will have of pep and gaiety. Friday Evening, 8:15 o'clock, June 4, 1926 Ruth A. Petersen the committee tabulate and report A thoroughly enjoyable evening Pauline Margaret Phipps HOME on the responses for the paper was capped by delicions refresh- VASHON COMMUNITY Mayreld Ramquist next week, Bvery letter boosts ments served by such a smiling Lawrence Scales the program, and not one discord. group of ladies that all, especially Lawrene Louise Walls it oneioh el st sned ie tseumsonany; SEOAROT G, ant note has been heard, We are the youngsters, voted 1o find OO RR sos Harris Ward, Jr. ... iisrasesmmemmmmnsserssss. Diller Weiss planning on a specinl **Radio someone clse to surprise soon, English Folk TUNE AIIZENR Pauline Mury Number' for June 11th which Talk about the high school hoys Dorothy Lincoln Nora Emilie Zwarg R will contain the address and many and girls uot wanting the Mamas Cross Pateh T ek g ATt Liemout : ] .. of the letters. We shall try to and Papas along, It just doesn’t Ride a Cock Horse ... Lemont BACCALAUREATE SERVICES Mrs. Avmstrong. The treasur sell enough extra advertising fit in here at all, June Crosier reported that $134.07 had be space to pay aetual of the The Castle ... Franeces Terry Fund, cost Paldicity Committee Haunted e Appropriate buccalinreate sed taised for the Loeker 7T speeial cdition, Will you put in By Mrs, C, L. Garner, Hunting Song . = Clurlitt vices were held in the Preshyier LT AL wishies to thank the Geag with us on such an undertaking? Olive Corbin church Sunday night for Sehoal for tiets geuerous doiatie Alveady ian last we hiave receivd definite MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES Dollies Dream : Oesten the 25 graduates of the Vashon and all the others who helped | promises of a large number who Dance on the Lawn o Rullak High School. The c¢hureh was make it possible for lockers § heard the program to some to Marguret Petersen pucked, Rev, Hugh Aviostrong girls will he in place by the fin Vashon islund for their vacation, A speeial serviee will be held in Voeal Duets delivered an interesting serpmon sehool opens in the fall, and at least two different home- the First Preshyterian Chuveh of Whispering Hope for the young people, and the seekers are comiug to ise Barearolle Offenbach look the Vashon on Sunday morning, May sie under the direction of Mis W.
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