Forty-first Breeding Bird Census Edited by Willet T. Van Velzen In keepingwith the trend of the past few The total numberof speciesrecorded per plot years,this year'stotal of 179 censusreports is rangedfrom 0 to 66 andaveraged 19.6. an all-time record, representing35 states/ Typicalof pastyears, 52% of the studies were provinces.An amazing total of 48 censuses new, 65% havebeen done 1 or 2 yearsand 81% werereported from California, more than twice have been done from 1 to 5 times. the numbergenerally reported for the highest Two weather factors were frequently men- state total in other years. West Virginia was tionedas affectingthe resultsof thisyear's cen- secondhighest, with 13 censuses,and North sus; the extreme drought conditions that Dakota third, with 11. occurredthroughout much of the Midwest and In additionto havingthe highesttotal, this West and the severe winter weather of 1976-77, year's censuscovered the greatestvariety of which apparentlydecimated populations of habitatsever studied by the BreedingBird Cen- speciessuch as the CarolinaWren in muchof sus.The widerange of newhabitats sampled in its northernrange throughoutthe East. It will Californiaalone represents a uniquevariety of be interestingto follow the recoveryof these desertand scrub types. birds in followingyears. A tremendousamount of effort was givento A specialword of thanksis extendedto all thisyear's census, totaling 4630 man-hoursof thoseworkers who took suchcare in preparing censuswork alone, not to mention the addi- their manuscriptsand submittedthem ahead tionaltime spentin settingup and measuring of the deadline date. plots.This effort,averaging 25.6 hoursper cen- The deadlinefor 1978is September1. susplot, was appliedto a total area of 2704 hectaresof habitat(an averageof 14.9 ha/plot). -- 21510 45th St., S.E. Bothell WA 98011 List of Censuses State or Hec- Pairsper Hrs. Spe- Yrs of Habitat Province tares sq. krn. Obs. cies Study A. Eastern-Deciduous Forest 1. Birch-- Maple -- Oak Forest Connecticut 13.9 445 16 30 2 2. Second-growthHardwood Forest Connecticut 10.1 806 17 36 11 3. LowlandOak -- Beech-- Maple Forest New York 8.1 1544 20 26 2 4. Maple -- Oak Forest New York 72.8 292 40 60 1 5. Mature Red Oak -- SugarMaple Forest New York 8.1 877 13 28 1 6. YoungRed Maple -- GrayBirch Forest New York 8.1 1248 13 33 2 7. YoungWhite Ash-- BasswoodForest New York 8.1 1285 18 37 2 8. Birch-- Maple -- Oak Forest Pennsylvania 9.0 662 30 25 4 9. MountainTop, Oak -- Maple Forest Pennsylvania 6.1 461 13 21 4 10. Oak -- Maple Forest Pennsylvania 6.1 255 7 11 1 11. Locust-- CherryWoodland West Virginia 6.1 288 14 22 1 12. Oak -- HickoryForest WestVirginia 6.1 239 11 19 3 13. Oak -- Hickory-- LocustForest West Virginia 6.1 395 10 16 1 14. Oak -- Hickory -- Red Maple Forest West Virginia 6.1 231 22 19 1 15. Oak -- Maple -- Birch Forest West Virginia 6.1 198 8 15 1 16. Red Oak -- Maple -- Birch Forest West Virgmia 6.1 297 8 17 1 17. Second-growthOak -- Maple Forest West Vir mia 6.1 297 12 15 1 18. Deciduous Forest with Pond and Brook New Jersey 16.2 290 10 30 14 19. Hickory-- Oak -- AshFloodplain Forest Maryland 18.4 1073 27 42 6 20. Mature DeciduousFloodplain Forest Maryland 7.6 929 34 22 25 21. Mature Ttflip-tree -- Oak Forest Maryland 14.6 813 23 22 4 22. Mixed Hardwood Forest Maryland 11.3 1403 22 54 15 Volume32, Number 1 49 Stateor Hec- Parrsper Hrs Spe- Yrs of Habitat Province tares sq. km. Obs. cies Study 23 SelectivelyLogged Mature Tulip-tree-- Oak Forest Maryland 14.2 1119 28 35 3 24 UplandTulip-tree -- Maple -- Oak Forest Maryland 12.0 826 20 36 7 25 Mixed Upland Habitat Dist. of Columbia 14.2 946 41 25 18 26 CoastalDisturbed Floodplain Virginia 8.1 198 19 24 2 27 Upland Oak -- Hickory Forest Virginia 11.0 718 69 22 5 28 FloodplainForest North Carolina 13.0 797 23 24 1 29 Mixed Deciduous Forest North Carolina 12.6 590 26 26 2 30 Mixed Deciduous Forest North Carolina 8.8 618 20 24 5 31 Mountain Ravine Mixed Forest Georgia 5.9 855 58 26 9 32 Mixed Forest Ontario 10.1 435 50 28 1 33 WoodedCity Ravine Ontario 20.0 245 19 18 8 34 Aspen-- Birch Forest Minnesota 20.5 234 18 21 1 35 Mature Aspen-- NorthernHardwoods Forest Minnesota 17.0 256 17 20 1 36 Upland Maple-- Oak Forest Wisconsin 5.4 509 20 21 1 37 Mature Mixed Hardwood Forest Michigan 9.3 820 18 31 4 38 Oak -- Hickory-- Maple Forest Illinois 13.0 242 14 26 2 39 Upland DeciduousForest Illinois 6.2 501 15 24 2 40 Black Oak -- Sassafras Woods Indiana 22.2 229 68 17 4 41 PoorlyDrained Mixed Oak Forest Indiana 11.1 398 15 26 2 42 Mixed HardwoodRegenerating Ohio 20.2 242 27 49 1 43 Mixed MesophyticForest Ohio 101.2 161 40 52 2 44 Virgin Beech-- Maple Forest Ohio 6.1 1285 30 32 5 45 Virgin ScrubOak Foothills Oklahoma 16.2 293 21 28 3 B. Eastern-- Coniferous-Deciduous(Mixed) 46 Deciduous-- ConiferousSecond-growth Northwoods Vermont 15.0 317 31 23 6 47 Maple-- Pine -- Oak Second-growth Forest Massachusetts 11.8 504 26 28 2 48 Climax Hemlock -- White Pine Forest with Transition Hardwoods Connecticut 10.5 841 21 33 11 49 Upland Mixed Pine-- Spruce-- Hardwood Plantation New York 16.6 518 16 31 4 50 Mountain Top, Mixed Hardwood-- White Pine Forest Pennsylvania 6.1 502 18 20 4 51 Oak-- Pine Forest West Virginia 6.1 346 10 20 1 52 Oak--PincForcst WestVirginia 6.1 329 7 22 1 53 Oak -- Pine -- Hickory Forest West Virginia 6.1 148 8 16 1 54 Oak-- Pine Woodland WestVirginia 6.1 214 13 16 1 55 Central Hardwood Forest with Scattered Pine Dist. of Columbia 26.3 293 82 21 18 56 Mixed Oak -- Pine and SwampForest North Carolina 10.1 257 34 11 2 57 TamarackBog and Hardwood Michigan 8.5 235 9 18 2 58 Mixed Pine-- Hardwood Forest Texas 6.3 475 8 13 4 C. Eastern -- Coniferous 59 Upland ScotchPine Plantation New York 9.3 1042 22 23 9 60 YoungSpruccForcst Maine 5.1 860 20 23 1 D. Eastern -- Mixed Habitats 61 Mixed Forest, Old Field and Homesite Vermont 10.9 1400 22 49 4 10.9 1135 22 44 5 62 AbandonedNursery with Hedgerows Connecticut 14.2 778 25 27 1 63 Mixed Upland Habitat and Swamp Connecticut 14.2 886 39 30 10 64 Upland BrushyPasture Connecticut 8.5 1247 16 31 11 65 AbandonedPasture-- Young Mixed Forest New York 3.4 552 5 20 1 3.4 610 5 22 2 66 Mixed Upland Habitat Penns•vania 7.8 1081 26 30 1 67 MountainTop Bogwith Mixed Hardwood and EvergreenEdge Pennsylvania 6.1 593 14 25 4 68 Old Field-- Meadow and Primary Deciduous Thickets Penns•vania 10.1 361 25 21 4 69 OvergrownField WestVirginia 6.1 354 17 19 1 70 Wooded Pasture WestVirginia 6.1 255 5 19 1 50 AmericanBirds, January 1978 State or Hec- Patrs per Hr$ Spe- Yrs of Habitat Provtnce tares sq. km. Obs. cies Study 71 DisturbedOak -- HickoryForest, Pine Stand,Edge, and Pond Ohio 14.2 593 35 39 39 72 Mixed Habitat Ohio 28.3 462 35 52 2 73 Railroad,Lightly Used Ohio 8.6 746 3O 21 1 74 Hackberry--Blue Ash -- ChestnutOak Savannahand Old Fields Ontario 28.3 17 24 75 MixedSwamp and Abandoned Field Ontario 4.9 947 28 38 76 Old Fieldwith DeciduousRegrowth and YoungConifer Plantations Ontario 42.0 338 33 39 77 AspenClearcut Minnesota 10.4 851 29 27 78 Mixed Wetland with Tamarack and Aspen Groves,Shrubland and Fen Wisconsin 16.9 702 21 28 79 DeciduousClearcut Tennessee 20.2 262 13 17 80 Pastureswith Brush,Wooded Stripsand Scattered Trees Tennessee 8.7 517 21 81 DeciduousClearcut Georgda 6.9 320 21 8 E. Central -- Prairie 82 DisturbedMixed Prairie Illinois 16.0 206 104 18 83 KentuckyBlue Grass Prairie NorthDakota 4.8 83 2 6 4.8 62 2 5 84 Mixed Prairie I North Dakota 10.0 215 7 13 85 Mixed Prairie II North Dakota 6.1 82 2 7 86 Mixed Prairie III North Dakota 6.1 90 2 7 6.1 49 2 6 87 Mixed Prairie IV North Dakota 6.1 98 3 8 88 Mixed Prairie V North Dakota 6.1 123 3 10 89 Mixed Prairie VIII North Dakota 8.7 75 3 7 90 SandhillPrairie Kansas 32.4 162 35 18 F. Central -- Disturbed Habitats 91 Mixed Habitat--Disturbed Bottomland Oklahoma 40.5 326 45 41 G. Western -- Deciduous 92 FloodplainCottonwood Forest Colorado 9.7 1776 37 29 93 FloodplainCottonwood Forest Colorado 52.2 312 19 23 94 Sycamore--Coast Live Oak Riparian Woodland California 6.8 1500 62 32 95 Sycamore--Coast Live Oak Riparian Woodland California 7.2 861 26 21 96 WillowRiparian California 3.7 1285 32 8 97 WillowRiparian I California 2.3 3208 32 13 98 WillowRiparian II California 3.9 1829 53 20 H. Western-- Coniferous-Deciduous(Mixed) 99 OpenAspen Grove-- Scattered Conifers Colorado 14.0 446 22 37 100 PonderosaPine -- ScrubOak -- Mahogany Woodland Colorado 8.1 383 43 14 10 101 California-Bay-- BishopPine -- Mixed Forest California 11.7 605 21 26 102 Douglas-fir-- Oak -- MixedEvergreen Forest Californi a 7.9 678 21 I. Western -- Coniferous 103 PonderosaPine Forest Colorado 8.1 469 15 11 14 104 Pinyon--Juniper--PonderosaPine Ecotone New Mexico 36.9 176 32 19 105 WhiteFir -- Douglas-firForest Utah 30.0 304 48 17 106 BishopPine Forest California 10.5 613 23 25 107 DisturbedBishop Pine Forest California 12.0 928 26 26 108 LimberPine Forest California 21.0 196 53 13 109 LoggedDouglas-fir Reseeded with Monterey Pine California 8.2 1107 30 34 110 NorthernPinyon Pine Woodland California 27.8 194 50 11 111 Pinyon-- JuniperWoodland California 9.0 100 24 13 I.
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