2412 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 159, Pt. 2 February 28, 2012 In part due to his skills as a Commissioner, HONORING CATHY HUGHES AS A recognize a pioneer in the media industry, a he was elected to serve four years on the San DISTINGUISHED RECIPIENT OF leader in the African American community, Carlos City Council from 2005 through 2009. THE 2012 NAACP CHAIRMAN’S and my dear friend, Ms. Cathy Hughes. I com- In 2006 his colleagues elected him as Vice AWARD mend her for her tireless dedication to empow- Mayor, and in 2007 they elected him Mayor. It ering the disenfranchised and for continuing to was in these positions that he showed his HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS be a powerful voice for those who too often remain unheard. Cathy, I wish you all the best skills as a pragmatist. OF FLORIDA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for many years to come. For example, during his first term on the city Tuesday, February 28, 2012 f council San Carlos took a major step forward IN RECOGNITION OF HERBERT in meeting regional medical needs with the ap- Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I ADAMS proval of a new hospital. When the economy rise today to recognize and congratulate an nosedived in the wake of the global credit outstanding human being and my dear friend, Ms. Cathy Hughes, on receiving this year’s HON. JAMES P. McGOVERN crunch of 2008, Mr. Lewis and his colleagues National Association for the Advancement of OF MASSACHUSETTS on the council took prudent, painful and nec- Colored People, NAACP, Chairman’s Award, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES essary steps to balance the city’s budget. He the highest honor the NAACP has to offer. Tuesday, February 28, 2012 also participated in many other decisions lead- Cathy is a true symbol of American entrepre- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today ing to economic development within the city, neurship and success. From her humble be- to ask the House of Representatives to join resulting in projects that will bear fruit in the ginnings growing up in an Omaha housing me in recognizing Herbert Adams of Worces- years ahead. project to becoming a leader in the media in- ter, MA. Herbert is being honored on March dustry, Cathy embodies the spirit of deter- In 2011, San Carlos’ Mayor passed away 13, 2012 by the Worcester City Council Cham- mination and hard work. unexpectedly and the city council reached out Cathy’s story is nothing short of remarkable. ber for his volunteer service to his community. to a seasoned resident—Brad Lewis—to fill Born Catherine Elizabeth Woods in 1947, Herbert was born in Maine, where he was the remaining months of Mayor Ahmad’s term. Cathy was the eldest of four children. By the adopted by an uncle after the tragic deaths of There is no question that the council chose age of 17, Cathy had dropped out of high his parents. When the United States entered wisely because it took no time at all for Brad school and become a single mother. Although WWII, he repeatedly attempted to volunteer Lewis to learn the status of current issues and she attended two universities in Nebraska, she for the service, finally discovering that he was exempted from the military due to his job in to adapt to council business. He is to be high- did not have the opportunity to graduate. De- the shipyards. Herbert applied just one more ly commended for serving these past few spite these challenges, Cathy knew that she wanted a career in radio from a very young time—this time claiming to be unemployed. months in this challenging, basically volunteer Once in the Army, Herbert again tenaciously position. age and, in 1969 at the age of 22, began vol- unteering at KOWH, an African American fought his way into the line of fire. With deter- Mr. Lewis is an artist at heart and as a pro- owned radio station based out of Omaha, Ne- mination and a little luck, he qualified as a fessional. While Mayor in 2007, he found time braska. There, she excelled in the radio busi- paratrooper in time to take part in some of the to win an Oscar for producing the Pixar film ness and caught the attention of the Howard most ferocious fighting of the war. Like many paratroopers, Mr. Adams time Ratatouille. He co-directed the 2011 Pixar hit University School of Communications in and time again found himself in crucial battles. Cars 2 and has to his credit two Emmys and Washington, D.C., where she was offered a From North Africa he was shipped to Italy and position as a lecturer and assistant dean. By two Clio Awards. This is a man of unusual tal- fought on the beaches at Anzio. After Italy he 1978, Cathy had become the vice-president ents, and obviously one who cuts ribbons went to the Western Front and took part in and general manager of WYCB–AM and, a opening new businesses in town all the while Operation Market Garden, where he was tem- year later, along with her former husband, cutting a swath through Hollywood. porarily reported as missing in action to his founded Radio One and purchased her first wife, Beverly. A month later he fought in the In fact, Mr. Lewis’ career has spanned dec- radio station in Washington D.C., WOL 1450. ades in the television and animation business, Times were not easy at WOL 1450. Be- Battle of the Bulge, playing a key role in the having worked for Pacific Data Images, PDI, cause of the lack of funding, Cathy had to give capture of an entire German company. After the German surrender Herbert was assigned for over 13 years as vice president of produc- up her apartment and live with her son at the as a personal bodyguard to General Dwight D. tions, Pixar Animation Studios starting in No- station. She also filled several roles as owner, producer, radio personality, and DJ, since she Eisenhower. He would meet President Eisen- vember 2001, and Digital Domain’s Tradition hower once more, when he visited Worcester Studios division in Florida as of July 2011 could not afford to pay personnel. But her per- severance and determination to see her during his presidential campaign. where he is serving as director for a project Mr. Adams’ military service, for which he dream succeed kept her going. Today Radio set to release in 2014. was awarded two Bronze Stars and a Purple One is the largest African American owned Heart, is deserving of recognition on its own. As Mr. Lewis said in an interview just a few and operated radio broadcast network, with But he has also carried his lifetime of public weeks ago, he moved to San Carlos because over 65 radio stations in every major market in service into his civilian life. Herbert has been a close friend lived in the city and because as the United States and the seventh largest net- recognized for his exemplary four decades work in the nation. In 2004, Cathy launched a father he wanted to reduce a lot of the un- with the scouts and works endlessly to main- TV One, a cable television channel dedicated knowns related to raising a child. He has two tain Worcester’s parks and monuments. Every 1 to capturing the rich and diverse experience of children, Jackson, age 22, and Ella, age 8 ⁄2. American can aspire to imitate his lifetime of African American life, history, and culture. His wife, Regina, has been an enormous heroism and sacrifice. Today I ask the House On February 17, 2012, Ms. Hughes was source of support to him during his public of Representatives to join me in honoring Mr. honored at the 43rd NAACP Image Awards, Herbert Adams. service. the premier multicultural awards show that Mr. Speaker, San Carlos is a wonderful recognizes the achievements of people of f place to raise children, and Mr. Lewis has di- color in the fields of television, music, lit- HONORING CHRISTOPHER MORGAN rectly contributed to that family spirit through erature, film, and creative social justice. his leadership. He is now leaving the council Cathy’s name has been added to an illustrious HON. SAM GRAVES and, at least for a time, leaving San Carlos as list of past honorees, such as U.S. Surgeon OF MISSOURI General, Dr. Regina Benjamin, Former Vice- he makes his way in this next phase of his ca- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES President Al Gore, then Senator Barack reer. We have no doubt that he will return, Obama, and Aretha Franklin. And no one Tuesday, February 28, 2012 however, to full-time residence and to the city could be more deserving. Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I that he has helped to shape for the betterment Mr. Speaker, as we celebrate Black History proudly pause to recognize Christopher Mor- of all. Month, it is my distinct honor and privilege to gan. Christopher is a very special young man VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:12 Mar 24, 2017 Jkt 019102 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR12\E28FE2.000 E28FE2 rmajette on DSK2TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD February 28, 2012 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 159, Pt. 2 2413 who has exemplified the finest qualities of citi- up to their name! Karen Francone-Hart, direc- Whether Captain Pointer, pointing the way zenship and leadership by taking an active tor of the Service League, started the first six- Guiding those ships, part in the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 214, bed Hope House in 1990.
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