o CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF GEORGINA IN THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MINUTES DATE: 198B-04-07 TIIvIE: 9:32 A.1"1. 1 . MOMENT OF MEDTTATION: A moment of meditation was observed. o,. ROLL CALL : The Clerk gave the roll call and the following members of the Committee were present : Mayor Rogers Regional Councillor Da1es Councillor Buckle Councillor Jamieson Council" lor Boothby Councillor Wheeler Councillor tyons (left at 3:L7 p.m.) o Councillor Smockum Councillor Shepherd (arrived at 9:40 a.m.) 3. CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURES: None . o. MINUTES OF PREVTOUSMEETINGS : 5. BUSINESS ARISING FROM I"IINUTES: 6 , DEPUTATTONS: a) Mayor Rogers introduced two new staff members to the Committee : i) Kim Doran, Program Co-ordinator ii) Valerie LeBlanc, Parking Enforcement Officer -nfrl _ U U ll , - - -UYI U U_ V / 1 9 BB 04 07 - 7 . CO},IMUNICATTONS: a) FOR DISPOSfTION: i) RESOTUTTONNO. CW-88-1-47 Moved by Councillor Smockum Seconded by Councillor Lyons THAT the week of May 29 to June 4, f988 be proclaimed as "National Access Awareness Week" throughout the Town of Georgina. Carried Councillor Shepherd arrived at this time (9:40 a.m. ) ii ) RESOLUTIONNO. CW-BB-148 Moved by Councillor Buckle Seconded by Councillor Wheeler THAT the week of ApriL 1-7-23, 1988 be proclaimed as "Volunteer Week" throughout the Town of Georgina . Carried iii) RESOLUTTONNO. CW-88-l-49 I"loved by Regional Councillor Dales Seconded by Councillor Buckle THAT permission be granted to the Sutton Fair Board to hold a parade on Children's Day August 4, 19BB in Sutton. Carried 3 t-9BB-04*07 fcw-sB-07 .| b ) FOR INFORMATION : i) RESOLUTTONNO. CW-88-150 It{oved by Councillor Shepherd Secondecl by Councillor Wheeler THAT the letter from Kim Warburton, OPPI Program Committee, Ministry of Municipal Affairs, thanking Mayor Rogers and staff for their input regarding the recent Retirement Commun i t i e s S em i na r be r ec eived for information. Carried ii) REsoturroN No. cw-88-151 Moved by Councillor Lyons Seconded by Regional Councillor DaIes THAT the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority Executive committee Mrnutes, l4arch l-8, 1-9BB be received for information. Carried. i i i ) RESOLUTTONNO. eW-88-152 I'loved by Councillor Smockum Seconded by Councillnr Buckle THAT the letter from J. Canham, Manager, Branch Administration & Program Controf, Ministry of Municipal Affai-rs, respecting Claim # B of the commereial Area Improvement Program be received for information. Carried * - !cw-aa-oz 198 B 04 07 7 . b ) iv) Addit ional co r respondence was dealt with at this time . RESOLUTTONNO. CW-88-l-53 Moved by Councillor Shepherd Seconded by Councillor Smockum THAT the letter from A.1"1. Barr, Director Ge n e r a l- , N a t i o na I T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Ag e nc y o f Canada respecting the C.N.R. Crossing in Pefferlaw be received for information and the Clerk forward a letter of thanks for their co- operation on behalf of Council. Carried. 8. PETITIONS : 9 . COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS: l_0 . UNFINISHED BUSINESS: a ) Municipal Election Ballot Opinion of Electors on Public Transit REPORT NO. TC-88-03 Committee members received Report No. TC-BB-03 of the Town Clerk for information. b) RESOLUTTONNO. CW-88-154 Moved by Councillor Buckle Seconded by Councillor Wheeler THAT TOT/IINSTAFF ARE HEREBY TNSTRUCTED TO INVESTIGATE THE RETAINING OF CONSULTANTSTO DETERMINE THE CAPITAL AND OPERATING COSTS OF AN INDOOR SWIIVII'IINGFACILITY AND THE VIABILTTY OF SUCH A PROJEET. Carried c ) Committee Members reguested that the nomination forms for the Province of ontario Senior Achievement Awards 1-9BB on the Council Agenda for the meeting to be held April L4, 19BB . o cw-BB-07 1_9BB-04-07 Moved by Councillor Jamieson Seconded by Councillor Wheeler THAT the Committee of the Whole Meeting resolve into a Special CounciLMeeting ( Public Meetings ) at this time (1-0:12 a.m. ) . Carried The Committee of the Whole Meeting resumed at this tj-me (3:17 p.m. ) . d ) RESOLUTION NO. CW-88-155 l"loved by Regional Councillor Dales Seconded by Councillor Jamieson WHEREAS THERE HAS BEEN A SIGNIFICANT INCREASE IN RESIDENTIAL GROI^ITH IN THE KESWICK AREA THAT HAS RESULTED IN SEVERE OVERCROWDINGIN THE PUBLIE SCHOOLS THAT SERVICE THIS AREA; AND WHEREAS APPROXII"IATELY 1-750 NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOTS ARE IN THE PROCESSOF BEING DEVELOPED OR WILL BEGIN TO BE DEVELOPED OVER THE COURSE OF THIS YEAR I^IHICH WILL RESULT IN ADDITTONAL OVEWRCROWDINGIN KESWICK PUBLIC SCHOOLS; AND WHEREASTO ALLEVIATE THE OVERCROWDINGPRESSURES, IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT A NEW PUBLIC SCHOOL BE ESTABLISHED IN THE KESWICK AREA; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF GEORGINA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: THAT COUNCIL RESPECTFULLY REQUESTS THAT THE I.,IINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND THE YORK REGION BOARD OF' EDUCATION GIVE SERIOUS CONSIDERATION TO ESTABLISHTNG A NEW PUBLIC SCHOOL TN THE KESWICK AREA AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Carried Unanimouslv. ]-1.. MOTIONS ORIGINATING BY WAY OF PREVIOUS NOTIEE OF I"IOTION: 1"2. OTHER I"IOTIONS: ]-3. NOTICES OF IV1OTION: o CW_BB-07 r_9BB-04-07 L4 . OTHER BUSINESS: a) Committee Members requested that the Keep Georgina Beautiful Committee consider at their next meeting the issue of how to prevent and/or remove debris from the ice and shoreline of Lake Simcoe. Committee Members requested that the Clerk forward a letter to the Ministry of Natural Resources requesting information as to how they deal with the issue of fish huts and debris abandoned on Lake Simcoe. On l"lotion l4eeting ]a journed at 3:33 p.m. CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF GEORGINA IN THE REGIONAL IVIUNICIPAIITY OF YORK COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MTNUTES DATE: 1988-04-2L TIMEz 9z 32 A.lvl. 1 . MOMENTOF MEDITATION: A moment of meditation was observed. 2 . ROLL CALL : The Clerk gave the roll call and the following members of the Committee of the l,lhole were present: Mayor Rogers Regional Councillor Dales Councillor Buckle Councillor Jamieson Councillor Boothby Councillor Wheeler CounciLlor Lyons Councillor Smockum Councj.llor Shepherd (arrived at 9:50 a.m.) 3. CONFLICTOF INTEREST DTSCLOSURES: None . 4. MINUTESOF PREVIOUSMEETINGS: a) Moved by Councillor Smockum Seconded by Counci]]or Boothby THAT the minutes of the Commi.ttee of the Whole l{eeting held on l-988-03-31- be adopted as amended with Councillor Wheeler being recorded as present at the meetrng . b) THAT the minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting held on 1988-A4-07 be adopted as presented. Carri-edr . 5. BUSINESSARISING FROMMINUTES: CW-BB-08 l98B-04-2L 6, DEPUTATIONS: t'layor Rogers introduced the following new members of staff: Karyn James , Economic Development and Development Services Technician. t'like Cuthbertson, Plans Examiner Steve Wildig, Building Inspector June LitLIe, Co-Op Planning Student, University of Waterloo 7 . COMT1UNICATIONS: a ) FOR DISPOSITION : RESOLUTTONNO . CW-88-l_56 l"loved by Councillor Wheeler Seconded by Councillor Jamieson THAT the letter from t'lr. Jean Corbeil, President. Federation of Canadian Plunicipalities, requesting that the Town of Georgina participate in a one year pilot of the I'lunicipal Import Replacement Programf and to nominate a staff member to work with FCM in completing the arrangements be referred to the Director of Finance and Treasurer to prepare a report to be presented to Council. Carried b ) FOR INFORMATION : :- ) RESOLUTTONNO . CW-88-l-57 Moved by Councillor Smockum Seconded by Councillor Lyons THAT the letter from I"1r. and Mrs. Edgar Lloyd, R.R. #L, Pefferlaw, €Xpressing thanks to Members of Council for the floral arrangement they received for their 60th Wedding Anniver- sary be received for information. Carried cw-88-08 3 1_988-04-2r_ i i ) RESOLUTTONNO. CW-88-158 Moved bv Councillor Buckle Seconded by Counci-Llor Boot.hby THAT the letter from the Ronourable Vincent G. Kerrio , Minister of Natural Resources , respecLing this year's spring flood control be received for information. Carried. iii ) RESOLUTIONNO. CW-88-159 Moved by Councillor tyons Seconded by Councillor Buckle THAT the letter from the Honourable David Crombie, It{inisLer Responsible for the Status of Disabled Persons, respecting National Access Awareness Week be received for information. Carried. iv) RESOLUTIONNo. cw-88-160 I*loved bv Councillor Wheeler Seconded bv Councillor Jamieson THAT the correspondence from Ms Doris Brick, President, Association of Municipalities of Ontario, respecting GASAMO,a municipally-based consortium be referred to the Director of Finance and Treasurer to prepare a report to be presented to Council . Carried cw-BB-08 t988-04-21 v ) RESOLUTTONNO. CW-88-1-61 l4oved by Councillor Jamieson Seconded by Councillor Wheeler THAT the correspondence from l'ls Rose Hanley, Coordinator, Ontario Canada Day Program, respecting the 1988 application for "SEED lulO N E Y " b e r e f e r r e d t o t h e D i r e c t o r o f Recreation and Events for information. Carried. vi) RESOLUTIONNO. CW-88-l-62 l"loved by Councillor Lyons Seconded by Regional Councillor DaIes THAT the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority Executive Committee l"linutes of a meeting held on April B, 19BB be received for information. Carried. vii ) RESOTUTTONNO. CW-88-163 Moved by Councillor Wheeler Seconded by Councillor Smockum THAT the letter from Mr. Kenneth E. Fagan, Regional Assessment Commissioner, respecting the Tax Impact Study under Section 63 of the Assessment Act and the staff involved in the reassessment be received for information and that the Director of Finance and Treasurer arrange for an advertisement respecting this matter to be published in the local paper.
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