LIST OF PH.D. DEGREE AWARDED Sl. Date of Name of Candidate Subject Topic Name of Guide No. Award 425 L. Arnold Wilson Botany ―Developmental Studies in Musa‖ 25-08-1992 Dr. V.J. Philip ―Minor Rupakas of Ramapannivada – A critical 426 Suneetha K. Sanskrit 25-08-1992 Dr. T.K. Narayanan study‖ 427 Ramankutty P.V. Sanskrit ―Curse as a Motif in the Mahabharatha‖ 25-08-1992 Dr. K.N. Neelakanatan ―An Analysis of Rural Employment in Kerala – 428 Damayanthi U.T. Economics 25-08-1992 Dr. D.P. Nair A case study of pookode village‖ Nellikurussi Mustafa ―History of Education in Malabar under the 429 History 25-08-1992 Dr. T.K. Ravindran Kamalapasha British Rule (1792-1947) 430 Pradeepkumar K. Chemistry ―Metal Chelates of Orthohydroxyzydrozones‖ 26-09-1992 Dr. Kamalendu Dey ―Srikrsnavijaya of Sankarakavi – A critical 431 Reeja B. Kavanal Sanskrit 24-10-1992 Dr. C. Rajendran study‖ 432 Sreekumar K.S. Malayalam 24-10-1992 Dr.N. Gopinathan Nair Narayanan Meenamkada 433 History ―Agrarian Relations in Late Medieval Malabar‖ 24-10-1992 Dr. K.K.N. Kurup Thazhathu veettil ―Gandhiji‘s views on socialism – A critical 434 Johns K. Mangalam Philosophy 24-10-1992 Dr. V.C. Narayana Das study‖ ―Systematics and Biology of Cephaline 435 Prasadan P.K. Zoology Gregarines from some Arthropods in Kerala, 24-10-1992 Dr. K.P. Janardanan India‖ ―Studies on the Geometrid Fauna (Insects: 436 Rahmathullan V.K. Zoology 24-10-1992 Dr. George Mathew Lepidoptera) of Kerala‖ Studies on Transition Metal complexes of schiff Dr. Geetha 437 Mary N.L. Chemistry 27-11-1992 Bases and Related Ligands Parameswaran Synthesis and Chemical Characterisation of 438 Jayasree S. Chemistry 27-11-1992 Dr. K.K. Aravindakshan same Biologically Important complexes 439 Muraleedharan K. Chemistry Thermal Behaviour of Potassium Metaperiodate 27-11-1992 Dr. M.P. Kannan 440 Joshi Kuncheria Chemistry Metal complexes Pyrazolones 27-11-1992 Dr. K.K. Aravindakshan Dr. K. 441 Salomi M.J. Biochemistry Anticancer Activity of Medicinal plants 27-11-1992 Ramachandrapanikkar Studies on the biology and Taxonomy of the 442 Lalitha C.R. Botany 27-11-1992 Dr. K.M. Leelavathy Genus Auriculoscypha Physiological studies on soybean (Glycine max 443 Ajith Kumar K.G. Botany (L) Merr) with reference to the cultivation in 27-11-1992 Dr. N. Neelakandan Kerala Dr.M.V.Vishnu 444 Kumaran Vayaleri Malayalam ―Life and Culture of Kurichya Tribe‖. 27-11-1992 Namboodiri ―A Study of Management Practices in Kerala Dr.T.Govindankutty 445 Jayamani.C.V Commerce 27-11-1992 State Road Transport Corporation‖. Nair ―Ecological Studies on the Birds of Karipur 446 Sreekumar. S Zoology 17-12-1992 Dr. D.N.Mathew` Environs in Relation to the Aerodrome‖. Deepa Kumar Narayana ―Ecology of the Birds of Malabar Coast and 447 Zoology 17-12-1992 Dr.V.J.Zacharias Kurup Lakshadweep‖. ―Effects of a Few Insect Growth Regulators on 448 Jagannadh. V Zoology Spodoptera mauritia Boisd (Lepidoptera: 17-12-1992 Dr.V.S.Krishnan Nair Noctuidae)‖. ―Thermal Annealing and Thermal Dr.S.Madhvan Kutty 449 Sasmita Dash Chemistry 17-12-1992 Decomposition of Irradinated Inorganic Salts‖. Nair ―Anti Cancer Activity of Selected Medicinal 450 Sukumaran. K Biochemistry 17-12-1992 Dr.Ramadasan Kuttan Plants‖. ―The role of Hindi as Vehicle of Expression of 451 Mathew Abraham Hindi Composite Culture (in the Light of Article 351 17-12-1992 Dr. Malik Mohamed of the Indian Constitution)‖. ―Abhimanyu anat and His Novels: A Study in 452 Preetha. M.K Hindi 17-12-1992 Dr.Iqbal Ahmd the Cultural Perspective‖. ―The Origin and Development of Regional 453 Saisree Regha. S Tamil Novels in Tamil with Special Reference to 17-12-1992 Dr.S.Murugan R.Shanmughasundaram‘s Novels – A Study‖. ―Circulating Immune Complexes in Oral and 454 P.N.Raghunath Immunology 31-12-1992 Dr.D.M.Vasudevan Cervical Cancer‖. 455 Sumangala. K Zoology ―Studies on Mites – Associated with Weeds‖. 31-12-1992 Dr. M. A.Haq 456 Radharamanan Pillai. D English ―William Golding as a Novelist of Situations‖. 31-12-1992 Dr.C.P.Sivadasan ―Influence of Gandhiji on Malayalam 457 Balakrishnan. K. N Malayalam 31-12-1992 Dr.Sukumar Azhicode Literature‖. ―Concept of Main in the Works of 458 Sreekala Devi. S Philosophy 31-12-1992 Dr.V.C.Narayanan Das Dostoyevsky‖. Library and 459 ―Som Personality Characteristics of Women Rajam. V Information 31-12-1992 Prof. AB. George Librarians in Kerala‖. Science ―The Performance Theory of Environemental Theatre: Schechnerian Theories and Their Dr.Vayala Vasudevan 460 Jose George Fine Arts Conceptual and Structural Links with the 31-12-1992 Pillai Classical and Semi Classical Theatres of Keala‖. 461 1. Dr. S.Rajappay Nair ―A Comparative Study of the Educational (Guide) Rema.M. Education Thoughts of Swami Vivekananda and Mahatma 15-01-1993 2. Dr. R.Sukumaran Gandhi". nair (Co-guide) 462 ―Studies on Cardiastethus exignus (Hemipetra : Anthocoridae) A predator of Opisina Nasser.M. Zoology 15-01-1993 Dr. U.C.Abdurahiman Arenosella Walkjer, the Blackheaded Caterpiller Pest of Coconut‖. 463 Sabu.T. Botany Morphological Studies on India Araceae‖. 15-01-1993 Dr. M.Sivadasan 464 ―Studies on the Thelypteroid Ferns of South Dr. Leena.K.R. Botany 15-01-1993 India‖. P.V.Madhusoodanan 465 ―Psychological Analysis of the Characterisation in Modern Hindi Drama with Special Reference Geetha.T.K. Hindi 27-02-1993 Dr. M.S.Viswambharan to Mohan Rakesh, Sankar Sesh and Surendra Varma‖. 466 ―Kerala‘s Contribution to Kavisiksa with Parvathy.K.N. Sanskrit 27-02-1993 Dr. N.V.P.Unithiri Special Reference to Mukhabhusana‖. 467 ―Physiopathological Studies on Phyllody Remila.K.G. Botany 27-02-1993 Dr. N.Neelakandan Disease of Black Pepper (Piper nigrum Linn.) 468 ―Studies on Cyclosa Confraga (Thorell) Thresiamma Varghese Zoology 27-02-1993 Dr. T.C.Narendran (Araneae, Araneidae)‖. 439 Muralidharan.V.R. Sanskrit ―Manameyodaya – A Critical Study‖. 24-04-1993 Dr. K.N.N.Elayath 433 ―Studies on Oxetenesis and the Role of Storage Sudha.K. Zoology 24-04-1993 Dr. G.Anil Kumar Tissues in Decapod Crustaceans‖. 434 ―Studies on the Fat Body, Haemolymph and Salim.A. Zoology 24-04-1993 Dr. U.V.K.Mohamed Gonads of Iphita Limbata Stal‖. 435 ―Metal Chalates of 1,2,3 – Triketone – 2- Johns Michael Chemistry 24-04-1993 Dr. K.Krishnan Kutty Arylhydrazones‖. 436 ―Studies on Anticancer Activity of Turmeric Soudamini.K.K. Bio-chemistry (Curcuma Longa) and its Active Ingredient 24-04-1993 Dr. Ramadasan Kuttan Curcumin‖. 437 ―Economics of Social Forestry in Kerala with K.A.Stephanson Economics 24-04-1993 Dr. K.R.Lakshmi DEvi Special Reference to Trichur District‖. 438 ―Studies on Antrocephalus Hakonesis (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera : Chalcididae), a Mohandas.T.P. Zoology 22-05-1993 Dr. U.C.Abdurahiman pupal parasitoid of opisina Areno Sella Walker, the Catespillar Pest of Coconut‖ 439 ―Biochemical Aspects of Tail Regeneration in Jacob.T.K. Zoology 22-05-1993 Dr. S.Nandakumar the House Lizard‖. 440 ―Investigations on the Oribatid Fauna of Silent Jaikumar.M. Zoology 22-05-1993 Dr. M.A.Haq Valley‖. am¸n-f-¸m-«p-I-fpsS kmlnXy kmwkvIm- 441 cnI― aqey-§Ä þ tambn³Ip«n sshZy- cpsS cN\IÄ B[m-c-am¡n Hcp ]T\w ‖. Mohiyuddin.N. Malayalam 26-06-1993 Dr. Sukumar Azhicode (Literary & Cultural Values of Mappila Songs – Sudy Based on the Works of Moyinkutty Vaidyar). 442 ―Thermal Decomposition and Thermal Sahish.T.S. Chemistry 26-06-1993 Dr. S.M.K.Nair Annealing of Irradiated Strontium Bromate‖. 443 ―Finances of Small Scale Industries in D.Retnaraj Economics 26-06-1993 Dr. B.Alwin Prakash Kanyakumari District‖. 444 ―Neo Vedantism of Swami Vivekananda – A Devaraj. P.I. Philosophy 24-07-1993 Dr. D.Nirmal Devi Critical Study‖. 445 ―Textual Analysis of Tamil Folk plays of Joseph Besky Tamil Christrians in Kerala With Special Reference to 24-7-1993 Dr. S.Murugan Palakkad District‖. 446 ―A Study of Some Affective Correlates of Sreelatha Amma.R. Education 24-7-1993 Dr. Kamala S. Pillai Achievement in Secondary School Biology‖. 447 ―Studies on Some Gamma Ray Interactions Unnikrishnan.M.P. Physics 24-7-1993 Dr. K.M.Varier with Matter‖. 448 ―A Critical Study of P.C.Murali Madhavan Sanskrit Vyutpathivadasighantamala of 24-7-1993 Dr. M.S.Menon Godavarmaraja‖. 449 ―Visnuvilasa of Ramapanivada with the Divakaran Dr. M.Shanthi Chandra Sanskrit Commentary Visnupriya – A Critical Edition 24-7-1993 Namboodiri.C. Kammath and Study‖. 450 ―Role of Regional Rural Banks in the rural Krishnan.C. Economics 24-7-1993 Dr. D.P.Nair Development of Kerala‖ 451 ―Morpho-Physiological Studies During Growth Jayaram.K.M. Botany and Development in Brinjal (Solanum – 24-7-1993 Dr. N.Neelakandan Melongena Linn.)‖. 452 K.T.Aboobacker ―Impact of Gulf Migration on the Socio Commerce 24-7-1993 Dr. E.P.Sainul Abideen Sidheeque Economic Life of Malappuram District‖. 453 ―Entrepreneurship in Small Scale Industries in Xaviour.V.M. Commerce 24-7-1993 Dr. K.C.Vijayakumar Trichur Town and its Environs‖. 454 ―Consumer Product Marketing – A Study of S.Kannan Commerce Marketing Practices and Control Systems of 24-7-1993 Dr. K.C.Vijayakumar Selected Companies in India‖. 455 ―Shaw‘s Adaptations of Myth and History For Khurshid Alam Salar English 26-8-1993 Dr. George V. Andrews the Theatre of Revolt‖. 456 ―A Critical Study of the Philosophical Dr. Sree Bhuvanam.A. Malayalam Background of Adhyatmaramayanam 26-08-1993 M.M.Purushothaman Kilipattu‖. Nair 457 Simon.C. Tamil ―A Critical Study of Ratchanya Yathrikam‖. 26-08-1993 Dr. S.Murugan 458 K.B.Mekhala Tamil ―Brothers in Kambarayanam‖. 26-08-1993 Dr. S.Murugan 459 ―The Contribution of Kelallur Nilakantha Sundareswaran.N.K.
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