BAPTIST MISSIONARY MAGAZINE. Vol. LIL No, 7, July, 1872. New Series, Vol. 2. No. 7; AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSIONARY UNION. Fifty-Eighth Annual Meeting. New York, May 21, 1872. The Missionary Union held its Annual Meeting to-day with the Calvary Baptist Church. A large company convened at 9 o’clock, A. M., and an hour was spent in devotional exercis­ es, conducted by the Pastor of that church, Rev. R. S. McArthur, who also extended to breth­ ren from abroad a cordial welcome to the hearts and homes of the Baptists ol' New York. At ten o’clock, the Union was called to order by the President, M. B. Anderson, LL. D. After singing the hymn, “ The morning light is breaking” the Scriptures were read, and prayer was offered by Rev. A. E. Dickinson, D. D., of Va. The President, in his address, suggested that our organization should be changed, so as to secure a comparatively-small body for deliberation, and a series of mass meetings, for several days in succession, at various points of our country. After the conclusion of this address, on motion of Rev. Dr. Murdock, it was, Ordered, That a Committee of seven be raised, to take into consideration the re-organi­ zation of the Missionary Union, to meet the present and prospective circumstances which seem to call for such a measure. The following brethren were appointed this Committee— E. Bright, D. D., N. Y., J. M. S. Williams, Mass., W- W. Everts, 111., S. S. Cutting, D. D., N. Y., S. L. Caldwell, D. D., R. I., R. Jeffrey, D. D., O., and Rev. J. F. Elder, N. Y. Ordered,—That all Committees be appointed by the President, unless otherwise ordered. The following Committees were then appointed :— Of Arrangements.—Messrs. R. S. McArtnur, O. Dodge, and T. D. Anderson, of N. Y., and J. S. Dickerson, of Mass. On Enrollment.—Messrs. W. H. Eaton, N. H., G. F. Pentecost, N. Y., O. T. Walker, Ct., J. Waters, Del., and P. E. Hill, Mass. On motion of Rev. W. W. Everts, D. D., it was Ordered, That a Committee be appointed on Asiatic Missions, and another on European Missions. The following brethren were appointed. On Asiatic Missions:—Messrs. R. Turnbull, Ct., E. L. Magoon, Pa., J. M. Pendleton, Pa., W. S. McKenzie, N. S., D. B. Cheney, Ms., H. C. Fish, N. J., and J. F. Behrends, N. Y. On European Missions:—E. Lathrop, Ct., G. C. Lorimer, Mass., C. P. Sheldon, IN’. Y., C. B. Crane, Ct., C. D. W. Bridgeman, N. Y., E. C. Mitchell, 111., and Geo. Bullen, R. I. The following resolution having been moved by Rev. A. K. Potter, of Mass., it was Ordered, That the same be referred to the Executive Committee. Resolved, That the Board be requested to print their Annual Reporfhereafter in the de­ nominational press, or otherwise, at least two weeks before the Annual Meeting of the Un­ ion, that the members may come together with fuller knowledge of the work of the year. The following brethren were appointed a Committee to nominate new members o f the Board and Officers o f the Union-.—G. Robbins, N. Y., G. Colby, Mass., B. F. Jacobs, 111., R. Jeffrey, O., H. Day, Ind., D. W. Faunce, N. H., L. A'. Dunn, Yt., J. L. Howard, Ct., A. II Fifty-Eighth Annual Meeting. TJuly, K. P. Small, Me., W. Randolph, Pa., M. H. Bixby, R. I., A. Owen, Mich., G. J. Johnson, Mo., Mr. Stone, Wis., T. J. l^Iorgan, Neb , and J. W. Carter, W. Va. Committee on Obituaries:—S. D. Phelps, Cfc., T. E. Brown, N. Y., G. H. Brigham, N. Y., A. K. Potter, Mass., C. F. Tolman, 111., and H. L. Wayland, Ind. Ordered, That a Standing Committee of five be appointed, to be called the Committee on Business, to whom all resolutions shall be referred ; and that no resolution shall come before this body otherwise than upon recommendation from this Committee. The following mem­ bers were appointed on this Committee:—Messrs. D. G. Corey, N. Y., S. A. Crozer, Pa., J. Y. Schofield, Mo., E. Thresher, O., C. R. Blackall, 111. Rev. J. E. Clough, of the Teloogoo Mission, addressed the congregation on the character of the Teloogoos, and the results o f evangelical labors among them. Rev. Dr. Tupper, Secretary of the Board of Missions of the Southern Baptists, was pre­ sented to the Union by the President, in a hearty fraternal address. To this Dr. Tupper briefly and cordially responded. The Treasurer submitted his Annual Report, and read abstracts of the same. Ordered, That the Report be accepted, and printed under the direction of the Executive Committee. The Committee of Arrangements reported in part, as follows:— The Committee of Arrangements beg leave to report as follows: Adjournment this morning at 12 1-2 o ’clock ; meet this P. M., at 2 o’clock. 1. Reports of European and Asiatic missions. Report of Sprcial Committee on Reorganization, and of other Committees. 2. Election of officers at 4 1-2 P. M .; miscellaneous business; adjournment at 5. missionary meeting this evening at 7 1-2 o'clock. Addresses by hr. Clongh, of the Teloo­ goo mission, and other returned missionaries, and by pastors andother brethren ; Dr. H. A. Tupper, Secretary of the Southern Board, and Dr. Cote, of Rome. The report was adopted. After prayer by Rev. G. S. Webb, D. D., of N. J., adjourned till 2 o’clock, P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION. The Union met, according to adjournment. Prayer by Rev. J. D. Fulton, D. D., of Mass. The Special Committee on European Missions, appointed at the last Annual Meeting, sub­ mitted their report through Rev. Dr. Everts, Chairman. See action at the Meeting of the Board, p. v iii. A resolution, submitted by Rev. W. Y. Garner, of Mass., was referred to the Committee on Business. After an allusion by the President to the late severe illness of the Foreign Secretary, Rev. J. G. Warren, D. D., Rev. Dr. Fulton, of Mass., moved the following:— Resolved, That although we miss the face of Rev. Jonah G. Warren, D. D., from among us, we are conscious of the help received from the prayers of this man o f God, and would express the hope and confident expectation that we shall soon see him at his post, at work for God and for the spread o f His Gospel throughout the world. Ordered, That the rule referring all resolutions to the Committee on Business be suspend­ ed, in order to admit immediate action on this resolution. Remai-ks were made by the President, the Home Secretary, and Rev. C. P. Sheldon, of N. Y., expressive of their high appreciation of Dr. Warren, and the tenderest sympathy with him in his affliction. The resolution was adopted unanimously by a rising vote. The Uuion then united in singing the hymn, “ Blest be the tie that binds.” The Rev. Wm. Ward, of the Assam Mission, addressed the meeting, on the work of the Missionary, and the tokens of encouragement. On motion of Dr. Fulton, Rev. Mr. Garner was added to the Committee on European Missions. 1872.] Fifty-Eighth Annual Meeting. m The following resolution, submitted by E. Bright, D. D., was reported by the Committee on Business. Resoloed, That the Missionary Union will sustain its Board o f Managers in receiving the Japan Mission of the American Baptist Free Mission Society, should the Board deem it ad­ visable to accept and re-inforce it, and will also welcome the membei’s of the Free Mission Society to fraternal and full cooperation in the work of the Missionary Union. Dr. Bright sustained this resolution by remarks, and expressed the hope that Rev. N. Brown, D. D., of the Free Mission Society, might be welcomed back to cooperation with us. Being called for, Dr. Brown advanced to the platform, was cordially welcomed by the President, and expressed his thanks for the kindness with which he had been received, and uttered a word of rejoicing over the fact that Japan, which for three centuries has trampled upon the Cross, is now open to the Gospel. Rev. J. Goble, missionary from Japan, gave a brief account of auspicious signs of the evangelization of that empire. Remarks were made in favor of the resolution by Drs. Malcom, of Pa., and Gardner, of Ms. The resolution was unanimously adopted by a rising vote. The Committee on Business reported the fallowing, submitted by Rev. A. K. Potter, of Ms. Resoloed, That the Board be requested to instruct the Treasurer to give, in his Annual Report, the name and salary of every person laboring in both the Home and Foreign De­ partment of the Union, together with a full and classified statement of every other kind of expense incurred during the year. After remarks by various members, the resolution was adopted. The Committee on re-organization submitted their report. This report was discussed at length, when, on motion of B. Griffith, D. D., of Pa., it was Ordered, That the report be referred to the Board of Managers for more mature deliber­ ation, and to be modified by them, if this should be deemed advisable, and presented for final action at the next Annual Meeting o f the Missionary Union. The Committee on Asiatic Missions presented the following REPORT. It was the special pi’ovidence of God which established what we call our Foreign Missions in the very heart o f the Asiatic world, and inspired in our brethen who commenced the work that divine“ enthusiasm of humanity,” or, as they would say, sacred love of souls, which has given it all its charm and success.
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