S u rre y A rc h aeo l ogic a l C o l l e c t i o n s Rel ati ng to th e Hi story a n d Anti q u i ti es o f t h e Co u nt y pu blished by the SU RRE Y A RC HfEO LOG I CAL SOC IETY L X LVI I VO . PR I N TE D BY B TLE R AN D TANN E R LTD . FR M E U , O . THE SU RRE Y A RCHfEO LOG I CA L SOCIETY CASTLE ARCH G U LD FORD , I M C MX LI The COU NCI L o f the SU R RE Y A RCHZE OLOGI CA L SOCI E TY desires it to be distinctly understood that it is not responsible for any statement or Opinions expressed i n the COLLE CTI ONS ; the Authors of the several n communicatio s being alone accountable for the same . C ON TEN TS PACE RE PORT OF PROCE E D I NGS LI ST OF ME MB E RS xxxvii SO TI E CI E S E TC . U I O , , IN N N L I B RARI E S RULE S OF THE S OCI E TY ARTI CLE S : m E D I HART U G West Hu ble Chapel , by W N , and H H B R A UN , GE O RE The Dispossessed Religious in Surrey , by FF Y B AS KE RVI LLE I n WI RI D HOOPE R Brass Chandeliers Surrey Churches , by LF , D . F . LL . , S A V er E R E ST TRAKE R F a ch S . A . The y Ironworks , by N , S B elith a A FA T William , Trustee for Georgia , by H . B . N A a SHE PPA RD F RE RE Medi eval Pottery at Ashtead , by Of 1 0 1 The Rate Book the Parish of Cheam from 73 to 753 , by MAR HA CHAR E S . S reti red L J LL , ( ) The Funeral Helmet of Sir Thomas Vincent in Stoke ’ F . D Ab ernon AME S G. MA . S A . Church , by J NN , N OTE S The Farnham Prehistoric Museum Slate Artefacts Bronze Age Hone A Neo B Sherd from B a ds h ot Long-Barrow Neolithic Pottery from B a d s h ot Long-Barrow An Early Bronze Age Burial at Epsom College A Late Bronze Age Hoard from Banstead The London—Lewes Roman Road Supposed Roman Road in Ewell CO TE N NTS . — N OTE S conti n u ed . PAGE The Sites of Two more Thirteenth -Century Pottery Kilns at Cheam m Brass in Lumley Chapel , Chea Shere Wren Font in Kingston Parish Church Additions to List of Transcripts of Surrey Parish Registers Extracts from the Diary of William Bray Woodcuts from Russell ’ s Guildford RE VI E WS AN D N OTI CE S AD D ITI ON S To SUR RE Y MUS E UMS OB ITUAR Y F . S . A . Arthur Bonner , A . F . S . Lord Farrer of Abinger , IN D E X LI ST OF I L L U STRATI ON S WE ST HUMBLE CHA PE L : PA C E m a ci n Plate I . The Ruined Chapel , West Hu ble f g I E m S . Plate II . West Hu ble Chapel , from 1 a cm 6 N f g E . m . West Hu ble Chapel , from l Plan of West Humble Chapel B RA S S CHAN D E L I E RS I N SUR RE Y CHURCH E S : Plate III . Chiddingfold Church Holy Trinity Church , Guildford Plate IV . Godalming Church Leatherhead Church Chandelier and Pendant in Li ngfield Church THE VACHE RY I RON W ORKS I Site of Va c h ery Ironworks A ME D IZE VA L POTTE RY AT AS HTE A D : Fig . I . Sketch Map of Ashtead Pottery Site — . 1 1 Fig 2 Plan of N OS . 4 5 Newton Wood Road . of ae Fig 3 . Section Drain Trench showing Medi val Pottery Layer Mediaeval Cooking Pots and Jugs Medi aeval Pottery Medi mva l Jug Handles THE F UN E R AL H E LME T OF S I R THOMAS VI N CE NT I N STOKE ’ D ABE RNON CHUR CH : V Plate . Funeral Helm et showing Fragment in Crest in Position fa ci ng N oTE s : 8 Slate Artefacts from Frensham District . 9 Neoli thic Pottery from B a d sh ot Long-Barrow 9 1 m . Fig . I . Early Bronze Age Burial at Epso College 92 V vi L I ST OF I LLU STR ATI O N S — N OTE S continued . PAGE S . 2 . W Plate Fig . Corner fa cmg 93 S E . Fig . 3 . Corner } Fig . 4 . 94 I Plate VI . Late Bronze Age Hoard from Banstead 95 Fig . I . Site of Bronze Age Hoard at Banstead 97 “ 2 . Fig . Piece of Bronze Cake from Cul ga ith House Woodcuts from Russell ’ s Guildford I . Guildford Castle 1 05 Castle Arch I OS ’ 3 . Abbot s Hospital 1 06 4 . Crown Inn 1 06 ’ 5 . George Abbot s Birthplace I O7 ’ 6 . Baker s Ancient Market House I O7 . o f I O 7 Original Front Stent Clarke , Booksellers 7 RE PO RT OF PR OC E ED I N G S 1 9 38 ON I 8TH MAY . an afternoon meeting , conducted by Mr Kenneth A . Ryde , was held at Croydon . The party assembled at Whitgift of n Hospital , where the chief points interest were i spected and n n explai ed , includi g the Quadrangle , Chapel , Common Hall and l m . the curious pane led apart ents Of the Warden The Old Palace , ’ now which is used as a girls school , was next visited by kind per m Of -in - ission the Sister Charge . This was formerly the manor of Of house the Archbishops Canterbury , the lords Of the manor Of Of Croydon , the majority whom resided here at times till the Of now middle the eighteenth century . In the Great Hall , admirably i restored , Mr . Ryde gave an interest ng address on the history and Of vicissitudes the building . Other parts visited were the Guard ’ - Lon Gall er fin e fift eenth . Room , g y and the century Chapel On 1 5TH JUNE a whole -day excursion ou t of the County was held at Penshurst and Tonbridge . The party collected at Penshurst ’ L I s l e Place which by kind permission Of Lord de was , with the n . wonderful gardens , opened to view during the morni g From her e the party proceeded to Tonbridge for lunch , and assembled again in the afternoon at Tonbridge Castle , which was Shown and ex plained by Mr . J . W . Little , who afterwards conducted ’ those present to the Parish Church , the ancient Port Reeve s House Old n n in n and other buildi gs of i terest the town . By ki d invitation Of Mr . and Mrs . Little tea was taken in their delightful garden at The Cedars On 20TH JULY the annual whole—day excursion was held at Bisley , Chobham and neighbourhood . At the Old Parish Church Of St . John the Baptist , Bisley , the party was welcomed by the . i n . Rector , Rev C M Horley , and the bu ldi g was described by Mr ’ . a C D Hawley , After lunch at Bagshot , C esar s Camp , i l m Easthampstead , was visited and Dr . W l ia s Freeman gave an illumin ating address on the history and nature Of this important earthwork . Brook Place , Chobham , a fine example Of a seven t eenth - of th e n century house , was next visited by courtesy ow er , v11 E I R E PO RT O F PR OC E D N G S . Maj or A . Harris , and Mr Hawley spoke on the features of interest both external and internal . Tea was provided at the ’ White Hart Inn and Old King s Head Inn , Chobham . On 2 8TH S E PTE MB E R an afternoon excursion was held at Guild ford to inspect the Castle and the repairs which are being carried out to the Keep . Mr . Strickland gave a short account Of the Hi wood history Of the Castle and Mr . J . W . p , the Borough Surveyor , who kindly attended in the absence Of a representative from f of M. H . O fice Works , explained the repairs which are being executed by the Corporation under the guidance Of that Department , and answered various questions . The party then went over the Keep for and grounds , and later adjourned tea to the Astolat Tea Rooms Y . by kind invitation Of Colonel J . A . C . ounger I 9 39 On 4TH F E B R UARY members and friends assembled at Whyteleafe Station and proceeded by omnibus and cars t o the north-west f Of O . corner Titsey Park , under the leadership Mr Edwin Hart , ld A . O S . F . Here they alighted and walked down the road Skirting the west side Of the Park to Lodge Farm , and thence by bridle Lim s field tracks to p Common , where they rej oined the conveyances and drove t o Crowhurst . Crowhurst Place was inspected by kind permission of Sir Charles Craven . After lunch at Felbridge the party drove to Holty e Common (Sussex) and on arriving there Ma r a r n was conducted by Mr . I .
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