Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84323-2 - The Cambridge History of Jewish Philosophy: From Antiquity through the Seventeenth Century Steven Nadler and T. M. Rudavsky Index More information INDEX AbnerofBurgos,685–691, 693 Alguades, R. Meir, 748, 783 Abrabanel, Don Isaac, 111, 695, 771, 782 alkatkhasis, 228 Christian humanism for, 113 Almagest (Ptolemy), 310, 317, 344 on creation, 674 Almohads, 538 on Garden of Eden parable, 112–113 Almosnino, Moses, 755–760, 766–767 on miracles, 674–675 Kabbalah and, 757–758 naturalism for, 113 on virtue, 759 on omnipotence of God, 672–676 Altmann, Alexander, 134, 157 Active Intellect, 107, 275, 297, 368, 499, 509, 511, 638, Anatoli, R. Jacob, 102, 110, 546, 780, 782 640–641 Ancient Questions Concerning the Bible, 481 cosmology and, 357 al-Andalus¯ı, Sa¯ ëid, 531 Gersonides on, 106, 360, 742–743 Andreas, Antonius, 83 happiness and, 638, 742–743 Angel of Camerino, 81 knowledge and, 469, 473 angels, 97 Maimonides on, 32, 732–733 De Anima (Gundisalvi), 81 matter and, 274 anthropomorphism, 139, 142 miracles and, 383 anthropopathism, 139, 142 ad¯ab (sociocultural program), 722–723 Aphorisms of Moses (Maimonides), 75 Ad¯abal-falasifa¯ (Ibn Yishaq),¯ 726 Aphorisms of the Statesman (al-Far¯ ab¯ ¯ı), 735, 775, adibs, 722 781 affirmations, 175 Apology (Socrates), 23 Afiya, Aharon, 755 apophatic mysticism, 123–124, 136–148 Agathon, 659, 661 Neoplatonism and, 123 Agent Intellect,see Active Intellect Aqiba (Rabbi), 661, 676, 677, 679, 680, 681, 687, 691, Airs, Waters, and Places (Hippocrates), 319 699 Akedat Isaac (Arama), 782 Aquinas, Thomas, 2, 63, 81, 82, 83, 202, 426, 547, 548, Albalag, Isaac, 740 740, 748, 755 on omnipotence of God, 665–667 Arabic Albertus Magnus, 63, 81, 548, 755, 773, 783 Aristotelian influences on, 233 Albo, Joseph, 406, 409–411, 695, 771, 772, 782 astrology and, 317–318 The Alchemy of Happiness (al-Ghazal¯ ¯ı), 728 astronomy and, 317 Aldabi, Meir, 443 cosmological works in, 327–347, 357 Alemanno, Yohanan, 751–753, 755, 780, 782, grammar/lexicography for, 232–233 785 Ibn Tibbon on spread of, 41 Alexander of Alessandria, 81 in Islamic philosophy, 39, 525–538 Alexander of Aphrodisias, 314–317, 414, 438, 467, 525, language origins for, 232–234 540, 546, 550, 660, 730 meteorologic works in, 445–447 on the soul, 550–551 as multilingual, 233 Unmoved Mover for, 314, 316 scientific culture, 317–325 Alexandrian Judaism, 43 Aramaic, 39 Alfonso of Vallododid, 685. see also Abner of Arama, Isaac, 440, 695–699, 751, 782 Burgos Argument from Admissibility, 664 887 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84323-2 - The Cambridge History of Jewish Philosophy: From Antiquity through the Seventeenth Century Steven Nadler and T. M. Rudavsky Index More information 888 Index Aristotelianism, 189 instrumentalism and, 359 anti-Aristotelianism, 549–555 Islamic philosophy and, 327–347 Crescas and, 213–215, 420–423 Jewish philosophy and, 325–326 doctrines of the proposition and, 167 Maimonides on, 338–347 Islamic philosophy and, 40, 367–368 motion of planets and, 311, 355 Jewish philosophy and, 502–519, 530–538 Planetary Hypotheses and, 311 language influenced by, 264 Saadia Gaon on, 327–328 models of modality under, 181–182 Tetrabiblos and, 311, 312 philosophy and, 440–444 atomism, 401–402, 414–416 practical philosophy and, 707 Augustine, 774 Aristotle, 2, 20, 22, 31, 50, 61, 73, 78, 81, 82, 83, 96, 131, Averroes, 63, 78, 81, 82, 83, 101, 169, 182, 414, 525, 168, 169, 170, 173, 204–206, 239, 245, 306, 320, 541–542, 546, 547, 550, 748, 773, 775, 781 321, 366, 395, 396, 398, 400, 412–413, 434–447, on cosmology, 320–322 525, 539–540, 550, 562, 582, 661, 669, 690, 708, Averroism, 82 722, 730, 731, 738, 772, 773, 775 Avicenna, 54, 81, 125, 525, 540–541, 550, 678 on astronomy, 304–310 on existence of God, 582–584 on creation, 601 metaphysics for, 323 on divinity, 24 Azriel of Gerona, 124 eternity for, 405 ethics for, 707–708 al-Baghd¯ad¯ı, Abu¯ al-Barakat,¯ 55, 537 on God’s existence, 562 Bar H. iyya, Abraham, 58, 60, 74, 327, 330, 332, 348, 727 on happiness, 710 on astronomy, 330–333 hylomorphism and, 272, 282 h.okhmat ha-h.izzayon, 331 necessitarianism and, 340 Barker, Ernest, 772 on immortality, 25–26 Barlaam and Joasaph, 539 on infinity, 400–403, 408–409 bar Sheshet, Jacob, 439 on matter, 277–278 al-Bas.ri, Ammar,¯ 53 on monotheism, 27 De Beatitudine Animae, 81 on natural phenomena, 27 Beh.inat ha-Dat (del Medigo), 770, 785 on nobility, 24 bellettrie, 445 prime matter for, 282–284 Ben Abraham, Levi, 80, 102, 110, 118, 244, 440 Prime Mover for, 19, 24–25, 27 Ben Abuya, Elisha, 131, 142 on rationality, 708–709 Ben Adi, Christian Yahya, 530 theory of forms and, 271–272 Ben Asher, Bahya, 111 time as concept for, 395–396 Ben Daniel of Rome, Judah ben Moses, 81, 548–549 Unmoved Mover for, 306–307 Ben David, Anan, 526 Arte della Guerra (Machiavelli), 786 Ben David YomTov Bonjorn, Jacob, 326 Asharites, 632–634 Ben Dosi, R. Haninah, 365 ashrei (happiness), 711 Ben Gershom,Levi. see Gersonides astrology Ben Hayyim, Levi ben Abraham, 333 Arabic and, 317–318 Ben Hofni Gaon, Samuel, 88 Ibn Ezra on, 346 Ben Hyrkanos, R. Eliezer, 365 Maimonides on, 344–345 Ben Isaac, R. Solomon, 91 astronomy, 208–210. See also Ptolemy Ben Joseph,Saadia. see Saadia Gaon Almagest and, 310 Ben Judah, Samuel, 540, 739, 748, 781, 783 ancient terms for, 359 Ben Kalonymus, Kalonymus, 440 Arabic history with, 317 Ben Maimon, Moses, see Maimonides Aristotle and, 304–310 Ben Meir, R. Samuel, 91 Bar Hiyya on, 330–333 Ben Moses Halevi, Isaac, 245. see also Profiat Duran Greek history with, 304–317, 355 Ben Neriah, Baruch, 507 h.okhmat ha-h.izzayon as discipline of, 331 Ben Rabbi Judah, Joseph, 202 Ibn Daud on, 334 Ben Salomon, Nissim, 66 Ibn Ezra on, 333–338, 348 Ben Samuel, Hillel. see Hillel of Verona Ibn Gabirol on, 328–330 Ben Shealtiel H. en, Zerah. yah ben Isaac, 540, 546 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84323-2 - The Cambridge History of Jewish Philosophy: From Antiquity through the Seventeenth Century Steven Nadler and T. M. Rudavsky Index More information Index 889 Ben Shelomoh, Gershom, of Arles, 79, 80, 441 Book on Pure Good (Proclus), 46. See also Elements of Ben Shem Tov, Isaac, 542 Theology Ben Solomon, Gershom, 541, 542, 544 Book on the Rewards of the Soul (Hillel ben Samuel), 81 Beraita deMa asehë Bereshit, 158 Book on Urine (Israeli), 528 Bertinoro, Obadiah, 661 The Book of Doctrines and Beliefs (Saadia Gaon), 45, 92, Bibago, Abraham, 83, 440 219, 327, 368, 402, 428–429, 488, 490, 492, 526– The Bible. See also Torah 527, 538, 573, 574, 625, 627, 655, 662, 771, 776, Book of Deuteronomy, 712 781 Book of Genesis, 21 evil as concept in, 625 Book of Job, 619–621 ex nihilo in, 369 Book of Psalms, 713 happiness as concept in, 723 Cain and Abel parable in, 103 place as concept in, 417–418 Garden of Eden parable in, 96, 103, 112–113 punishment in, 627 happiness in, 711–717 The Book of Tradition (Ibn Daud), 533 Ibn Paquda commentary on, 41 The Book on Spirit and Soul (Israeli), 67, 68, 529, 530 miracles in, 363–364 Bradwardine, Thomas, 613 philosophical interpretations of, 88–94, 115 b reishitì (in the beginning), 278, 392 Song of Songs in, 101, 274–276 Brethren of Purity (encyclopedia), 725 Wisdom stratum in, 711 Bundle of Silver (Ibn Kaspi), 172, 183 Bonet, Nicole, 613 Buridan, Jean, 178, 755 Book of Beliefs Accepted on Faith and Rationally Established Burley, Walter, 63, 755 Convictions (Saadia Gaon), 488 Bustan¯ al-uqul¯ (al-Fayyumi), 537 Book of Creation, 48, 121, 128, 458 Saadia Gaon on, 132, 492 Cain and Abel, as parable, 103 Book of Definitions (Israeli), 66–67, 414, 491, 542 Categories (Aristotle), 412 Neoplatonism and, 528–529 De Causis, 81 Book of Degrees (Ibn Falaquera), 782 causi sui (cause of itself ), 591 Book of Delights (Ibn Zabara), 445 chance, as concept, 656 Book of Elegance of the Language of the Hebrews (Saadia Chaplet of Grace (Levi ben Abraham), 80 Gaon), 234, 235 Chapter on the Elements (Israeli), 67, 414, 483, 529 Book of Elements (Israeli), 67, 414, 485, 539 The Chapters of Rabbi Eliezer, 284 Book of Fevers (Israeli), 528 choice, 680 Book of Gardens (al-Qirqisan¯ ¯ı), 65 moral responsibility and, 699 Book of Knowledge (Maimonides), 338–339, 345, 457, 477, Christian humanism, 113 478, 582 Christianity Book of Lights and Watching Towers (al-Qirqisan¯ ¯ı), 65 politics and, 769, 774 Book of Roots (Albo), 771, 782 Torah and, 91, 116 Book of Substances (Israeli), 67, 414, 529 Civitas Dei (Augustine), 774 Book of the Apple (Plato), 525, 539 Code of Jewish Law (Maimonides), 510, 779 Book of the Art of Calculation (Gersonides), 78 cognitive mysticism, 122 Book of the Correct Syllogism (Gersonides), 77, 176–178, Cohen, Hermann, 226 182–183 Commentary (Avicenna), 54 Book of the Kazar (Halevi), 70–71, 371, 385. See also Commentary on Ecclesiastes (Ibn Tibbon, Samuel), 439 Kuzari (Halevi) Commentary on Plato’s Republic (Averroes), 773, 775, 781 miracles in, 374–375 Commentary on the Bible (Abrabanel), 771 “Occidental version” of, 71 Commentary on the Mishnah (Maimonides), 75, 376, 510, “Oriental version” of, 71 522, 663, 665, 731, 770 Book of the Roots of Hebrew Poesy (Saadia Gaon), Commentary on the Prior Analytics (Gersonides), 182 234 communion, with God, 163–164 Book of Theodicy (Saadia Gaon), 627 conatus, 301 Book of Theology (Aristotle), 204–206 Condemnations of 1277, 419, 432 Book of Unity (al-Maturidi),¯ 51 continuum, as concept.
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