Effective September 8, 1959 ood Go Great ... Go Streamlined reat food, alway a tradition on all Great orthern tr amliner , i maintained in every detail on the tream­ lined RED RI ER. Full dining car ervic i offered in the dinette ection of the parlor-ob ervation car and light nacks are available h re at all hours. D I H Between Ivery Day e Each Way Beverage ervice, ubject to tate and local regulation , between i ITered in the dinette ection except at meal period SAINT PAUL-MINNEAPOLIS Saint Paui- Minneapoii•-St. Cloud- Alexandria Fargu1 Foii•- Moorhead-Fargo-Grond Forks FARGO-MOORHEAD GRAND FORKS ,NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND on 5 CENTRAL STANDARD TIME No. 11 No. 12 1------------1--- pc ial rate for familie tra eling together are available 5:30 pm lv. St. Paul, Minn .•• Ar. 2:00pm 5:55 pm " Minneapolis ..• Ar. 1:35pm M nday Tue day , Wedne day and Tbur day on the 7:10 pm " St. Cloud •••.•. lv. 12:23 pm tr amlined RED RIVER. 7:55 pm " Sauk Centre .•• " 11:35 am hen the head of the family pay full fare, all ther 8:24 pm " Alexandria •••• " 11:04 am 9:18 pm " Fergus Falls .•• " 10:16 am travel at reduced rate . hildren under five free a 9:52 pm " Barnesville •..• " 9:42am alway. f 10:02 pm " Baker. • . • • • . • " f 9:29am f10:10 pm 11 Sabin .•••••.•• " f 9:20am 10:23 pm " Moorhead ••••• 11 9:09am OH Fl 0 HE N 10:37 pm " Fargo, N. D.••• " 9:04am 11:22 pm " Hillsboro •....• 11 8:16am 11:59 pm Ar. Grand Forks ••• lv. 7:30am INCOMPARABLE EMPIRE BUILDER-Doily each way between f Flag Stops Schedules subject to change Chicago-Twin Cities-Spokane-Portland-Seattle via Forgo-Minot. Great Dome cars for coach and Pullman paosengers. COI\nections to California. P. G. Holmes, Passenger Traffic Manager, Great Northern Railway, Saint Paul 1, Minnesota STREAMLINED WESTERN STAR- Daily each woy between Chicago-Twin Citieo-Seattle-Portlond via Grand Fotks, Great Falls and Spokane. The Westem Star stops dally at Glacier National Pork in the Montana Rockies June 1 S thru September 9. ConnectiOI\s ta California. STREAMLINED INTERNATIONALS- Three COI\venlent departure• each way every day between Seattle, Wa$hington, and Vancouver, Briti$11 Columbia. WINNIPEG LIMITED-Daily overnight in both directions between Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Winnipeg. THE GOPHER • THE BADGER-Fast dally afternoon and morn­ ing trains each woy between Saint Paul, Mlnneapolio and Superior-Duluth. Form 6115 '>59 s 1 D Printed In U • .A. GRAND Northern terminus of the treamlined ED Rl ER- h me of the niver­ FORKS ••• ity of onh Dakota-at the bead of the fertile Red River alley. Comfor-t's Grea-t on -the MUCH OF THE GOLD£ GRAI }rom the CAPITAl. CITY nf 1\flnnrso ta, Saint Paul l.r a HILLSBORO ••• Named for Jnme J. Hill , founder of Red Rl•·rr Val/ry Is proussrd In Minneapolis, major dlslrlblllin~ mtn tor lire Vallry'.r ~·asr Great Northern Railway-site of un­ an lmportalll (lour m/11/rlff umrr. and ••arll'd prmlucr;. u ual log cabin mu urn containing reli of pioneer day . FARGO ••• Large t city in orth Dakota-named for a founder of the Wells-Fargo o. of 'i ild We 1 fam -di ·tributing­ markcting center for a 900-mile wide area. MOORHEAD ••• Home of Moorhead tate Teachers ollege and Concordia ollege-on th bank. of the Red River of the North--once an Ol<-cart dePOt on 1he old Wagon Trail to MinneaPOlis- t. Paul. THE U IVER ITY OF NORTH DAKOTA Is locatnl at Grand " "rks. Tltl! e-ll)' /Irs In BARNESVILLE •• • Located on the edge of pre-hiStoric tlrr lrrart oj tht! jam us Red Rh•rr Valley. Lake Agassi1. remnant of the Ice Age and I rgcr th n the ombined Great Lake shipping center for wheat, po­ tatoe and h vestock. FERGUS County seat of Otter Tail County­ more t~an 1,000 of Minne ta' 10.000 FALLS • • • • lake. m th1s county - noted year 'round all- POrt vac:ll ion area. More than 200 lakes and 50 resort close b the city- Ken ·ington Rune- ch tone, snid to be carved by candi­ nl navian c~ plorcrs in 1362, found near here in l R98. It's a vital part of America that your streamlined "Red It's a great vacationland, too-a land of 10,000 lake and SAUK B vhood home of inclair Lewi<r­ River" roll through-"the bread-ba ket of the world'' hundred of re orts. From the Twin itje to Grand seuing for hi "Main tree!'' and oth- CENTRE • • • er works. where huge quantitie of grain , dairy product , vegetables of world-wide importance-the Red and meat are grown and hipped. orth. ST. Produces more colored granite thnn CLOUD any other . ource in the world-county • • • ¥!at of t_ea r'! ounty, fir t county m the nation m butter output. MINNE- " ity of Lake. ''-home of Lon~:fei- A POLIS !ow'.. 1innehaha Fall largest city • • • m 1mnc ota - the RED Rl R cro s the 1is i II>Pi here over the tone . rch. bridF:e. oldest bridge on the ent1re nver. Home of the Univer­ sity of 1innc Ia. ST. PAUL outhcrn terminus of the treamlined R . D., Rl_ ER- the "City of ven H1ll - · 1te of the tate Capitol­ headquarters of the Great orthem Railway-world-famed meat-packin~ RELAX/ G'S GREAT in ' lupy Hollow' re­ LOU G/ G'S GREAT a11d travt!ll11g's fun In thr center-combines with it "twin • clirlill/1 sl'an. lndividu l seats are adiu tablo-up­ parlor-obserwllon lounge. VI II, rrad or slghtsu Minneapali • to form a population rlaht for l&ht· eelna, or tilted back for cat-naps. as till! ••alii!)' slips past ptmoramlc windows. area of 1,200,000. .
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