Chronicle Concert on The Air presents The world's great music in a 2-hour radio concert featuring · Arthur Fiedler and the Boston Pops Oruhest every Wednesday evening following the Stock Market Report 6:10 p.m. on KLEF-FM 94.5 mu. 94.5~' FM STEREO 100,000 watts of the world's greatest music in high fidelity stereophonic sound. THE KLEF PROGRAM GUIDE Published monthly by KlEF (Entertainment Communications, Inc.), 2929 Buffalo Speedway, Houston, Texas, 77006. WilliAM B. BERKEY, VICE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER HERB McFARLAND, PROGRAM DIRECTOR Yearly subscription-$7.50 Single copy-$.75 When you change your address, please let us know. Send, or give us by phone, your old address and zip code number as well as the new address. The Program Guide"is mailed as Third Class Matter, and will not be forwarded unless yoi.l agree with the Post Office Department to pay the extra postage. If you will let us know of any change of address by1he tenth of the month your service will be uninterrupted. For information on advertising space and rates in the Program Guide, call or write Radio Station KLEF, at 662-5533, area code 713. ONE MOMENT, PLEASE. We are happy to welcome back to these pages our old friend, French Chef Edmund Foulard. We invite our readers to share their culinary interests with us through the Chefl As the listener has already heard, the response to our recent offer of an album from the Musical Heritage Society with Program Guide subscriptions was so very successful that we have extended it. MHS 788 is Four Diverse Concertos by Antonio Vivaldi, and is available with every new subscriP­ tion, and every renewal of any current subscription (no mat­ ter when it might have expired) for a mere fifty cents post­ age and handling charge. The Guide itself is still only seven dollars per year; if you'd like a subscription and a record, then simply make your check for eight dollars. This applies also to any gift subscriptions you'd like to give to your friends! And, belatedly, we'd like to thank the large number of listeners who sent us Greetings during the Holidays! They warmed our hearts and decorated our lobby. Many thanks! Good Listening I a new creative, innovative, budget conscious, up to date, group of specialists in sores promotion & advertising. " we never coseI " Korshak • Chinchar • Strickler • Inc. 668-2544 KLEF PROGRAMMING KlEF program listings are detailed in the following order: composer, soloist; orchestra; conductor; record label and number in parenthesis; 1 length of time to the nearest minute. Capital letters indi<:ate major keys and MONDAY lower case letters indicate minor keys 6:00 A.M. JACOB: Selections from the "William in the music titles. !Ex.; A is A-major, Byrd Suite" - Eastman Wind Ensemble, a is A-minor.) Key to abbreviations: News. WERNER: Suite in D ("February") Fennell (Mer 90197). INSTRUMENTS from "The Musical Instrumental Calen­ bas. bassoon dar" -Vienna Chamber Orch, Seipen­ 10:00 A.M. c. cello cl. clarinet busch (MHS 886-88) II • dbl-bs. double-bass DEBUSSY: "Images", Book l - Joerg News. ALBINONI: Flute Sonata, Op.6, eh. english horn 16- Duschenes, fl.; Jones, hps. fh. french horn Demus, p. (Orph 134) 15. fl. flute TCHAIKOVSKY: Andante. Cantabile from {Vox 514320) 9. , g. guitar the Quartet in D (Arr. Frost) - Phila­ DVORAK: Symphony l9 ("From the New I. lute World") - Berlin Radio Sym, Maazel o. oboe delphia Orch, Ormandy (Col 7146) 7. or. organ MOZART: Symphony IJ4,in A- London (Phil 9Q0-161) 39. p. piano Phil, Leinsdorf (West 14078) 13. tr. trumpet va. viola 11:00 A.M. v. violin 7:00A.M. VOCALISTS BUSONI: "Rondo Arlecchinesco", Op.46 i sop. soprano con. contralto News. FALLA: Spanish Dance IJ from - Moser, ten • ; Berlin Sym, Buente m-sop. mezzo-soprano "La Vida Breve" (Arr.Kreisler)­ {Candide 31003} 14. ten. tenor bar. baritone Szeryng, v.; Janopaulo, p.(Ev 3153)3. GRIEG: Lyric Piece, Op.65,#6 ("Wed­ bs. bass ADAM: "Giselle" Ballet Suite- London ding Day at Troldhaugen") - London RECORD LABELS Sym, Bonynge {Lon 2213) 20. Sym, Mackerras (RCA 1069} 6. Ang Angel AngSer Angel-Seraphim SEVEN ARTS CALENDAR. MOZART: Horn Concerto 11 -Jones; Art Artia ELGAR: "Pomp & Circumstance" March, Philadelphia Orch, Ormandy AudFi Audio Fidelity Op.39, IJ -NY Philharmonic, Bern­ {Col 6785) 8. BG Bach Guild Bar Baroque stein {Col 7271) 6. VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: "The Wasps" Bos Boston HANDEL: Oboe Concerto #1 - Goosens; Incidental Music - London Philharmonic Cam Cambridge Bath Festival Chamber Orch, Menuhin Boult (Ang 3739). Cap Capitol Car Carsan (Ang 361 03) 7. Col Columbia BRAHMS: Hungarian Dances - London Com Command CRt Composers Recordings, Inc. Sym, Dorati (Mer 90437). NOON ConD Concert Disc ConS Connoisseur Society 8:00A.M. News. SCHUMANN: "Manfred" Over­ CP Counterpoint/Esoteric Cross Crossroads ture - Boston Sym, Munch (RCA 2474)11 Dec Decca News. ARNE: "The Judgement of Paris" RUBINSTEIN: Melody, Op.3,11 (Arr. DGG Deutsche Grammophon Ep Epic Overture {Ed. Carse)- Orch, Surinach Dragon) - Capitol Sym, Dragon Elec Electrola {Hel 25022) 8. {Cap 8542) 4. Ev Everest VERDI: Grand March from "Aida" - NY RACHMANINOFF: "Lilacs"; "Daisies" - EA Experiences Anonymes GC Golden Crest Philharmonic, Bernstein (Col 7271) 7. Morton Estrin, p. (ConS 2009) .6. He I Heliodor MENDELSSOHN: Piano Concerto #1 - HAYDN: Symphony #90- London little Lon london Serkin; Philadelphia Orch, Ormandy Orch, Jones (Nsch 71191) 25. lyr lyrichord Mer Mercury {Col 7185) 19. Mon Monitor HALVORSEN: Norwegian Rhapsody 12- 1:00 P.M. MH:> Musical Heritage Society Oslo Philharmonic, Fjeldstad (Phil MG Music Guild Nsch Nonesuch 631-099) II. BRITTEN-ROSSINI: "Matinees Musicales"· Ol l'Oiseau lyre - Boston Pops Orch, Fiedler Pari Parliament 9:00A.M. (RCA 2882) 14. Phil Philips PhiiWS World Series BOCCHERINI: Cello Sonata inC - Kates, P-3 Project3 J.STAMITZ: Orchestral Trio, Op.l,#l - c.; Sanders, p. {RCA 2940) 11 •. Pro Protone Austrian Tonkuenstler Orch, Bernet RCA RCA Victor IPPOLITOV-IVANOV: "Caucasian SFM Society for Forgotten Music (MHS 779) 15. Sketches" -Westchester Sym, Landau SFr Societe Francaise du Son BACH: Partita #I in b - Hyman Bress, v. {Turn 34218) 21. Som Somerset Tele Telefunken ~ce 9056) 15. DOWLAND: Lute Selections - Julian Turn Turnabout J.STRAUSS,JR.: "Emperor Waltz" Bream (RCA 2819). Ura Urania Philadelphia Orch, Ormandy Van Vanguard West Westminster (RCA 3149) 10. 2:00P.M. News. R.STRAUSS: "Muenchen" A.MARCELLO: Concerto Grosso #2 from FAURE: Barcarolle, Op.41, 112 - Evelyne (Commemorative Waltz) -London Sym, "La Cetra" (Rev. Giegling) - I Musici Crochet, p. (Vox 5423} 6. Previn (RCA 3135) 10. (Phil WS 9085) 9. HAYDN: Symphony #j -Balzano Haydn CAILLIET: "Poem" -Clarinet Ensemble, PROKOFIEV: Symphony #1 ("Classical")­ Orch, Pedrotti (Turn 34128) 9. Cailliet (GC 4079) 4. Vienna New Sym, Goberman (Odsy WAGNER: Dance of the Apprentices & GRAINGER: "Suite" (Arr. Britten) - 3216-0084) 14. Procession of the Mastersingers from English Chamber Orch, Britten "Die Meistersinger" - Concert Arts (Lon 6632) 16. 7:00P.M. Orch, Leinsdorf (Cap 8411) 6. PERGOLESI: Sonata in the Style of a BEETHOVEN: Violin Sonata #3 - Ois­ Concerto (Arr.Caffarelli)- Perez, v.; POPPER: Serenade, Op.54,#2- Gendron, trakh, v.; Oborin, p. {Phil 900-032)17. Naples Music Academy Chamber Orch, c.; Gallion, p. (Ep IllS) 3. Guarino (GC 4078) 16. DVORAK: Slavonic Dance, Op.72,#2 - 7:00A.M. Cleveland Orch, Szell (Ang 36043) 6. 3:00P.M. SAINT-SAENS: "Havanaise"- Ricci, v.; News. BACH: Suite #3 ln D- Moinzer London Sym, Gamba (Lon 6165) 9. Chamber Oreh, Kehr (Vox 52000) 22. BEETHOVEN: Ecossaise in D - Berlin CHOPIN: Polonaise, Op.26,#2 - Halina SEVEN ARTS CALENDAR. Philharmonic Wind Instrument Group, Czerny-Stefanska, p. (Orph 141-43} 9. MOUSSORGSKY: Entr'acte from Act 4 Priem-Bengrath (DGG 139045} 2. MOZART: Selections from Serenade #4- of "Khovcmtchlna" - Philharmonic BEETHOVEN: Piano Concerto #5 {"Em­ Saar Chamber Orch, Ristenport Orch, Karojan (Ang 35793} 5. peror") - Barenboim; New Philharmonic (Nsch 71194). DAMASE: Sonate en Concert - Tipton, fl. Orch, Klemperer (Ang 3752) 43. DiFiore, c.; Norris, p. f;West 17147) II. BEETHOVEN: German Dances, Op.l40 - 8:00P.M. WOLF-FERRARI: Selections from "The Northern Sinfonia, Brott (Mace 9070). Jewels of the Madonna" - Paris Con­ News. TCHAIKOVSKY: "Romeo & Juliet" servatory Orch, Santi (Lon 6154). 4:00P.M. Overture-Fantasy - London Philhar­ monic, Boult (Odsy 3216-0238) 19. thOO A.M. News. MOZART: "The Marriage of Fig­ DELIUS: "The Walk to the Paradise Gar­ aro" Overture - Vienna Volks9per Orch den" from "A Village Romeo & Juliet" News. MEHUL: "Young Henry's Hunt" Loibner (Mace 9037) 4. -London Sym, Barbirolli (Ang 36415)10. Overture -New Philharmania Orch, TELEMANN: Oboe Sonata in c - Gom­ KABALEVSKY: "Romeo & Juliet" Inciden­ Leppord (Phil 900-235) II. berg, o.; Kipnis, hps. (Col 6832) 9. tal Music - Orch, Kcibalevsky (Mon DEBUSSY: "lberi'CI:" (11 1mage *2") - Cleve­ ROSSINI: Sonata *6 for Strings -Toulouse 2078). land Orch, Boulez (Col 7362} 20. Chamber Orch, Auriacombe TELEMANN: Triple Violin Concerto in F (Nsch 71179) 18. 9:00P.M. - Gendre, Wollez, Loroque; Paris HARRIS: Symphony #3 - Eastman Rochester Collegium Musicum, Douatte (Nsch Orch, Hanson (Mer 90421) 16. GOUNOD: "Romeo & Juliet", Operatic 71109) 17. Highlights- Freni, sop.; Carelli, ten.; 5:00P.M. Paris Opera Orch, Aloin Lombard 9:00A.M. (Ang 36731) 54. News. FALLA: Interlude & Dance from TCHAIKOVSKY: Symphony #1 {"Winter "La Vida Breve" - Suisse Romande 10:00 P.M. Dreams") -london Sym, Dorati Orch, Ansermet (Lon 6224) 7. (Mer 6-9121} 44. LISZT: Hungarian Rhapsody *2 - Leonard News. BERLIOZ: "Romeo & Juliet" SCHUMANN: Excerpts from "Woldscenen" Pennario, p. (Cap 8312) 10. Incidental Music- Chicago Sym, -Christoph Eschenbach, p. SCHUBERT: 8 Waltzes & Laendler­ Giulini (Ang 36038) 53. (DGG 139183) II. Boskovsky Ensemble {Van 2068) 6. PROKOFIEV: "Romeo & Juliet Before SEVEN ARTS CALENDAR.
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