Official journal of the Association for Business Simulation and Experiential Learning (ABSEL), the International Simulation and Gaming Association (ISAGA), the Japan Association of Simulation and Gaming (JASAG), the North American Simulation and Gaming Association (NASAGA), and the Society for Intercultural Education, Training, and Research in the USA (SIETAR-USA). EDITOR David Crookall International Communication, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis BUSINESS & ASSOCIATE BUSINESS EDITORS William D. Biggs Business/Health Administration & Economics, Arcadia University, PA, USA Joseph Wolfe Experiential Adventures, Tulsa, OK, USA MEDICINE & HEALTHCARE EDITOR Paul Barach Anesthesia & Critical Care, University of Chicago, IL, USA SECTION EDITORS Ready-to-use simulation/games Sivasailam Thiagarajan, Workshops by Thiagi, IN, USA Simulation/game reviews Barbara Steinwachs, Penn Yan, NY, USA Book reviews David Crookall ABSEL News & Notes Nancy H. Leonard, Management, Lewis-Clark State College, USA ISAGA News & Notes David Crookall JASAG News & Notes Mieko Nakamura, Statistics, Ryutsu Keizai University, Japan Aurora Ryu, Economics, Ryutsu Keizai University, Japan NASAGA News & Notes Richard L Dukes, Sociology, University of Colorado, USA SIETAR-USA News & Notes Margaret D Pusch, Intercultural Communication Institute, USA ASSOCIATE EDITORS John F Affisco Business Computer Information Systems & Quantitative Methods, Hofstra University, NY, USA Philip H Anderson Management, University of St. Thomas, MN, USA Kiyoshi Arai Social Systems Science, Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan Edward P Borodzicz Corporate Risk & Security Management, University of Southampton, UK Mark A Boyer Political Science, University of Connecticut, USA Gilles Brougère Sciences de l'éducation, Université Paris Nord, France Alvin C Burns Marketing, Louisiana State University, USA Jimmy M T Chang Textiles & Clothing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University Jeffrey Chin Sociology, Le Moyne College, NY, USA Elizabeth Christopher Marketing & Management, Charles Sturt University, Australia Douglas W Coleman English, University of Toledo, OH, USA Pierre Corbeil CEGEP de Drummondville & FPC, Québec, Canada Pål I Davidsen Information Science, University of Bergen, Norway John R Dickinson Marketing, University of Windsor, Canada Daniel Druckman Conflict Analysis & Resolution, George Mason University, VA, USA Richard D Duke Architecture & Urban Planning, University of Michigan, USA Knut Ekker Social Sciences, Nord-Trøndelag College, Norway Sandra Mumford Fowler Intercultural Specialist, Washington, DC, USA David J Fritzsche Management, Penn State Great Valley, PA, USA Amparo García-Carbonell Telecomunicación, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain G David Garson Political Science & Public Administration, North Carolina State University, USA Cathy S Greenblat Sociology, Rutgers University, NJ, USA (Editor Emeritus) Gene B Halleck English, Oklahoma State University, USA Barry B Hughes International Studies, University of Denver, CO, USA Cisca Joldersma Policy & Organization Science, Tilburg University, the Netherlands Ken Jones Freelance Author, UK Fumitoshi Kato Intercultural Communication, Ryukoku University, Japan Jan H G Klabbers KMPC–Management & Policy Consultancy, the Netherlands David A Kolb Organizational Behavior, Case Western Reserve University, USA Zdenek Kos Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague Hubert Law-Yone Architecture & Town Planning, Technion— Israel Institute of Technology Linda Costigan Lederman Communication, Rutgers University, NJ, USA Elyssebeth Leigh Education, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia Nancy H Leonard Management, Lewis-Clark State College, ID, USA Dennis L Meadows Policy & Social Science Research, University of New Hampshire, USA Yuri Merkutyev Modelling Simulation, Riga Technical University, Latvia David Myers Communications, Loyola University, LA, USA Wendy M Nehring Nursing, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, USA Alan L Patz Business, University of Southern California, USA Charles F Petranek Sociology, University of Southern Indiana, USA Tom Pray Business Administration, Rochester Institute of Technology, NY, USA Eva Prenosilova Power System Solutions, Czech Republic Beverly Rising Philosophy & Letters, Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid, Spain Paola Rizzi Analisi Economica e Sociale del Territorio, Università di Architettura di Venezia, Italia Dennis J D Sandole Conflict Analysis & Resolution, George Mason University, VA, USA Danny Saunders Lifelong Learning, University of Glamorgan, Wales Ingolf Ståhl Managerial Economics, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden Precha Thavikulwat Management, Towson University, MD, USA Brian Tomlinson Language, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK Shigehisa Tsuchiya Project Management, Chiba Institute of Technology & Advanced Science & Technology, University of Tokyo, Japan Markus Ulrich UCS Ulrich Creative Simulations, Switzerland Cor von Dijkum Methodology Statistics, Utrecht University, the Netherlands John B Washbush Business & Economics, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater, USA Frances Watts Idiomas, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain Ivo Wenzler Andersen Consulting, the Netherlands Daniel Cantor Yalowitz Conflict Resolution, Lesley College, MA, USA Yeo Gee Kin Information Systems, National University of Singapore The editor and publisher gratefully acknowledge the support for S&G provided by the Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France. FOR SAGE PUBLICATIONS: Scott Springer, Kristin Nelson, Scott F.Locklear, and Katinka Baltazar December 2001 Volume 32, Number 4 CONTENTS Editorial: State of the art and science of simulation/gaming . 449 Interactive video negotiator training: A preliminary evaluation of the MCGILL NEGOTIATION SIMULATOR. William H. Ross, Jr. 451 William Pollman Dana Perry John Welty Keith Jones Symposium: State of the Art and Science of Simulation/Gaming Guest Editor: Jan H. G. Klabbers Guest editorial: State of simulation/gaming. 469 The emerging field of simulation & gaming: Meanings of a retrospect . Jan H. G. Klabbers 471 Simulation/gaming and the acquisition of communicative competence in another language. Amparo García-Carbonell 481 Beverly Rising Begoña Montero Frances Watts Ecology of international business simulation games . Hans B. Thorelli 492 Is urban gaming simulation useful? . Arnaldo Cecchini 507 Paola Rizzi Tools for understanding the limits to growth: Comparing a simulation and a game . Dennis L. Meadows 522 Simulation in international relations education . Brigid A. Starkey 537 Elizabeth L. Blake Simulation/Game FOREST TIMESCAPES . Julie England 552 Simulation/Game Review INFO-TACTICS: A Simulation . Sandra Fowler 555 Association News & Notes ABSEL . Sandra Morgan 558 ISAGA . David Crookall 560 JASAG. Fumitoshi Kato 561 NASAGA . Richard L. Dukes 561 SIETAR-USA . Margaret D. Pusch 562 Announcement & Call for Papers Toys, Games, and Media . 564 Index . 569 Sage Publications Thousand Oaks • London • New Delhi POLICY: Simulation & Gaming: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Theory, Practice, and Research is the official journal of the Association for Business Simulation and Experiential Learning (ABSEL), the International Simulation and Gaming Association (ISAGA), the Japan Association of Simulation and Gaming (JASAG), the North American Simulation and Gaming Association (NASAGA), and the Society for Intercultural Education, Training, and Research in the USA (SIETAR-USA).The journal is devoted to the publication of quality contributions that focus on (1) empirical, theoretical, and applied issues in simulation, computerized simulation, gaming, modeling, role-play, play, debriefing, and experiential and active learning; (2) the application of simulation and gaming in education, training, and research; and (3) interdisciplinary and intercultural issues related to simulation and gaming. The journal publishes a wide range of contributions, from empirical and research-oriented papers, through conceptual essays and discussion articles, to reports and reviews. In addition, the journal constitutes an international forum for the sharing of knowl- edge, ideas, and practice among researchers, educationalists, and professionals around the world. Before sending MANUSCRIPTS, contributors should write to the editor at [email protected] to request a manuscript number and should consult the Guidefor Authors on the Web at http://www.unice.fr/sg/. To submit ready-to-use simulation/games, write to Thiagi, Workshops by Thiagi, 4423 East Trailridge Road, Bloomington, IN 47608, USA; e-mail [email protected]; telephone 812-332-1478. For simulation/game reviews, write to Barbara Steinwachs, 1128 E. Bluff Dr., Penn Yan, NY 14527, USA. In both cases, include $5 in stamps. SIMULATION & GAMING (ISSN 1046-8781) is published four times annually—in March, June, September, and December—by Sage Publications, 2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320; telephone (800) 818-SAGE (7243) and (805) 499-9774; fax/order line (805) 375-1700; e-mail [email protected]; http://www.sagepub.com. Copyright © 2001 by Sage Publica- tions.All rights reserved.No portion of the contents may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the publisher. Subscriptions: Annual subscription rates for institutions and individuals are based on the current frequency.Prices quoted are in U.S. dollars and are subject to change without notice. Canadian subscribers add 7% GST (and HST as appropriate). Outside U.S. subscription rates include shipping via air-speeded delivery.Institutions:
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