The Southside On The Times Inside VolumeVolume XI, Issue 2 South Forsyth High School Decem News Birds of a Feather pgs. 1-3 McKenzie Reeves Wednesday, November 11th was no and become servants. In this case, they Teachers and faculty alike were in awe at ordinary day here on campus. There was a came to teach some skills and just hang out the surreal nature of seven foot athletes building buzz and even a glimpse by a few with the exceptional students and some of eating lunch in human-sized chairs, sitting of professional athletes, monsters of men, our outstanding freshman. Brian Parks was with our students and conversing with them roaming through our institution. It was no one such student who couldn’t stop smiling like old friends. rumor. They fl ocked into the parking lot once he stepped onto the gym fl oor among John Parker Wilson, a three by Escalade and Charger, trying to remain them. For him, this was an especially unique year starter at the University of Alabama, inconspicuous, but creating an atmosphere experience because up until two years ago, happened to be one of the rookies in of curiosity just by their customized paint he too wore a jersey and ran drills just like the Falcons fl ock and remarked on the jobs and twenty four inch rims. Sporting any other football player. experience as, equally rewarding, “As bright red jerseys, these Falcons stepped off Nick Cochran was one of the impacting as it is for them, it is for us. We the playing fi eld and onto the distant planet fortunate freshmen in the group and he just want to help out as much as we can.” we call high school. They didn’t come to remarks, “The drills were actual drills From the edge of the gym fl oor under Features kick it with athletes or to make a name for that the players do, which made it even the pound of the speakers, there was an pgs. 4-5 themselves in our community; they came better. We had a great time, but they undeniable energy, a sense of humility and because it was their day off. made us hustle!” Students were given the enrichment felt by War Eagles and Falcon’s Every Tuesday during their season, opportunity to run and practice plays as alike. Ms.Gleeson describes the experience when they aren’t being handed six to seven well as derive a sense of normalcy from the the best as simply, “Something these kids fi gure checks, having their picture taken, players. Passes were completed, foot work will never forget.” practicing, or playing the game, they are perfected, and probably a few recruitment taking the day to step out into the community letters sent out, before the day was over. Center Stage pgs. 6-7 Editorials pgs. 8-9 Source: McKenzie Reeves Announcements Governor’s Honor Program DECEMBER Tricia Surber and Marin Wijma December 18th - End of First The Governor’s Honor Program For example, a student whose subject Semester is a six-week summer instructional area is French will write essays and program. It is designed for students have conversations in French, and a Winter Break - who are exceptional workers in their student competing in social studies will December 19th- subject area and who go above and participate in a round table discussion January 5th Sports beyond classroom expectations. “The pertaining to that subject. program is for very high performing If chosen as a Governor’s Happy Holidays! pgs. 10-12 students,” Mrs. Oliver, Governor’s Honor Honor Program winner, students travel to Program coordinator, explains. Students Valdosta State University for six weeks JANUARY are chosen for this program through a over the summer. Winners stay on campus selection process that begins with teacher for the entire six week period, with the January 11th - nominations. exception of one weekend when parents Progress Reports However, students don’t may visit with their children, if they so automatically get to participate in choose. Students attend classes six days a January 18th - the program because their teacher week, getting Sunday off. On school days, MLK Day recommended them. Nominees participate students spend four hours in their major No school in interviews at the county and state levels subject area and two and a half in their and showcase their skills in the subject January 27th - continued on page 2 area for which they were nominated. Early Release The continued from page one News Library Lines minor subject area. They have one hour for and particpate in the Governor’s Honors Isabella Sudduth each meal, two and a half hours for their Program certainly distinguish themselves Several changes in Forsyth County’s Pub- opened, there will be no new employ- interest area, and four hours for evening from the hundreds of other applicants when lic Libraries will be implemented through- ees hired to staff this library. Therefore, activities. In total, students have a sixteen it comes to being accepted to top colleges. out the coming year. A new library will be hours will be cut back at existing librar- hour day. South Forsyth High School’s opened and an online computer system will ies allowing the employees to serve cus- Becoming part of the program overall winners of 2009 have already be installed in your local libraries’ comput- tomers at all three branches. takes a lot of hard work and dedication. completed the Governor’s Honor Program. ers. In addition to these changes, many fun For those of you with younger “Even to get nominated teachers have They completed interviews and their six programs for the family will be scheduled! siblings, the new Forsyth County pro- to recognize you as a top student,” Mrs. weeks at Valdosta State. Those winners In 2010, Forsyth County plans to grams bring exciting new opportunities Oliver says. Nominees prepare for hours include: Korry Tauber for Biology, introduce New Hampton Park Library to for your family! There will be a variety for the time when they get in front of the Courtney Macer for French Horn – music, our community. This new addition to For- of events taking place for your family’s judges. They have mock interviews and Andrew Corbitt for euphonium – music, syth County Libraries Public Libraries will entertainment. practice sessions, along with their regular Michelle Wang for Mathematics, Christina provide easier library access for communi- Your local libraries provide an schoolwork. Most nominees are also part Synder for Chemistry, and Grace Leeson ties in the North Eastern area of the county. abundance of information and resources of school clubs pertaining to their subject for Spanish. The winners for this year have It will be a spacious building and will open regardless of your age. area. The winners are chosen by judges only been chosen up to the county level. with 60,000 new items benefi cial to you and Make sure to take advantage of consisting of state representatives such as Thus far, South Forsyth High School has your family! New library hours will be up- your taxpayer dollars at work by visit- teachers and administrators. The judges twenty-two participants. dated due to the economic downturn. The ing your local library! To fi nd out more, spend all weekend before the interviews The Governor’s Honor Program budget issue has resulted in cost-cutting visit www.forsythpl.org. being trained by professionals. is an outstanding opportunity for students measures. Although a new library will be “Being part of the program gives who are willing to put in the effort. It is a students a great opportunity that they can’t great way to differentiate yourself from all get during the school day,” Mrs. Oliver other students. Mrs. Oliver concludes, “It says. The Governor’s Honor Program is is a great opportunity for students; there is only for students who are serious about their not a program like it in all states. They are schoolwork and getting into the college of really rewarded for all of their hard work.” their choice. Students who are selected for Honorary GHP Students Baetz, Cody Mathematics Calvert, Christine Executive Business ATL Suffering from “Brain Drain” Chenard, Daniel Fine Arts/Drama Colbert, Meghan Fine Arts/Music – Clarinet Brendan Hull Corbin, Dalton French The U.S. Census Bureau recently Census Bureau’s report defi ned “smartest Corbitt, Rachel Fine Arts/Music – Oboe released a report saying that people with people” as anyone with a college degree. DeRosa, Britney German college degrees are moving to cities with a Examples of cities experiencing the brain Garrison, Cameron Latin high-tech economy. This phenomenon has drain are Los Angeles, Orlando, New caused a “brain drain” in cities that lack a Gurpur, Dinesh Fine Arts/Voice – Tenor Orleans, Detroit, and Cleveland. Atlanta is technology-based economy. A brain drain also among the places that have educated Hales, Devon Fine Arts/Drama is a migration trend of an area’s smartest workers leaving. James, Eric Fine Arts/Music – Piano people moving to other areas. Because The most popular destinations Kimball, Crozier (CR) Latin this is the Census Bureau’s fi rst migration for people with college degrees are cities Kotha, Sindhu Spanish report since the recession began in 2007, that have an economy based on technology Lee, Sueng (Tom) Chemistry it provided the fi rst analysis on migration and offer specialized technology jobs. Li, Elaine Spanish during the bad economy. Houston is one of the cities with a “brain Patel, Aakash Spanish The cities that are experiencing gain” because it is home to the NASA Patel, Parth Biology the brain drain are primarily in areas Center.
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