UN ITED STATES OFFICE OF GOVERNMENi" EIHI CERTIFICATE OF DIVESTITURE Certificate No. OGE-2017-009 ELIGIBLE PERSON: Christopher P. Liddell DATE OF ISSUANCE: FEB · ~ 9 2017 White House Office DIVESTITURE PROPERTY: [The divestiture property is identified in the attachment to this Certificate.] This Certificate of Divestiture is issued in accordance with section 1043 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and 5 C.F.R. § 2634.1002 with respect to the specific property described above. I hereby determine that the divestiture of the described property is reasonably necessary to comply with 18 U.S.C. § 208, or other applicable Federal conflict of interest statutes, regulations, rules, or executive orders. Note that section 1043 of the Internal Revenue Code and the rules of subpart J of 5 C.F.R. Part 2634 provide for nonrecognition of gain in the case of sales to comply with conflict of interest requirements. The rules of Subpart J relate to the issuance of Certificates of Divestiture and the permitted property into which a reinvestment must be made during the 60-day period beginning on the date of such a sale in order for nonrecognition to be pennitted. Such reinvestments are called rollovers, and are limited to obligations of the United States and diversified investment funds as defined in 5 C.F.R. § 2634.1003. The substantive and procedural rules relating to the tax aspects of such sales and rollovers pursuant to the statutory scheme are subject to thejurisdiction of the Internal Revenue Service. Eligible persons should seek the advice of their personal tax advisors for guidance as to the tax aspects of divestitl1re transactions and whether proposed acquisitions meet the requirements for permitted property. Internal Revenue Service regulations and other guidance should be consulted as to these matters. Internal Revenue Service requirements for reporting dispositions of property and making an election not to recognize gain under section 1043 (IRS Forrn 8824) must be followed by eligible persons wishing to make such an election. cc: ADAEO, White House Office- 1201.NEW YORKAVENW·SUITE 500 ·WASHINGTON DC·20005 Attachment OGE-2017-009 • 500 shares, Vanguard Info1mation TechnologyETF • 875 shares, Netflix Inc, • 1, 700 shares, New Relic Inc • 700 shares, Tableau Sonware Inc • 1,000 shares, Workday Inc CL A • 352.9827 shares, HUMAN VENTURES LLC • 50 shares, AERA VC SPC LIMITED • 113,619 shares, BLOOMZ INC. • 58,824 shares, CLAS SP ASS, INC. • 90,904 shares, CLOUDNC LTD • 123,456 shares, CONNECTED SIGNALS, INC. • 17,126 shares, ELECTRIC OBJECTS INC. • 250,000 shares, GOODWORLD • 23,752 shares, GWYNNIE BEE INC. • 13,000 shares, PAX LABS, INC. • 36,944 shares, RESERVE • 50,000 shares, TALENTSKY INC. • 73,614 shares, TRACTABLE LTD • 85,015 shares, YANK.A INDUSTRIES INC. (DBA MasterCia~s) • 24,270 shares, Auckland Intl Airport Limited • 16,350 shares, Contact Energy Limited • 12,485 shares, Fletcher Building Limited • 30,550 shares, Port of Tauranga Limited (NS) • 17,395 shares, Sky Netwol'k Television Limited • 15,000 shares, Xero Limited • I 00 shares, Contact Energy Shares • 50,000 units, JOSEPHINE LLC • 9,066,408 units, WME Iris Management Holdco, LLC • l,054,529 units, WME Iris Management Holdco II, LLC • 2.63%, K.ATANA CAPITAL PARTNERS, LP • 1.154 7%, WME VENTURE CAP IT AL, LP • 100% of all financial interests in NOHO Capital LLC that you hold as of the date of this Certificate of Divestiture • $100,000 conve1iible note, DWNLD, Inc. (Convertible Promissory Note) • $100,000 convertible notes, HELIX NANOTECHNOLOGIES, INC (Convertible Promissory Note) • $75,000 convertible notes, LEAP TECHNOLOGIES (Convertible Promissory Note) • $75,000 convertible notes, PEERSPACE, INC. (Convertible Promissory Note) • $100,000 convertible notes, THEYCALLMESWIFT LLC (Convertible Promissory Note) • $200,000 convertible promissory note, FACT LABS (Convertible Promissory Note) • $75,000 convertible promissory note, HOMESUITE INC • $112,110 convertible promissory note, SMARTDIGITAL HOLDINGS, INC. (dba Elevate Digital) ········································· ···································· • · t40;1··3·7·· warrants;SMA:R'fDIGITAL·· HOLDINGS;··INC(dbaEJevateDigital)··· UNITED STATES OFFICE OF GOVERNMEN1 ETHTC CERTIFICATE OF DlVESTITURE Certificate No. OGE-2017-010 ELIGIBLE PERSON: Renee Watremez Barbers DATE OF ISSUANCE: FEB "· $ 2017 [Spouse of Christopher P. Liddell] White House Office DIVESTITURE PROPERTY: [The divestiture propc1·ty is identified in the attachment to this Certificate.] This Certificate of Divestiture is issued in accordance with section 1043 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and 5 C.F.R. § 2634. l 002 with respect to the specific property described above. I hereby determine that the divestiture of the described property is reasonably necessary to comply with 18 U.S.C. § 208, or other applicable Federal conflict of interest statutes, regulations, rules, or executive orders. Note that section 1043 of the Internal Revenue Code and the rules of subpart J of 5 C.F.R. Part 2634 provide for nonrecognition of gain in the case of sales to comply with conflict of interest requirements. The rules of Subpart J relate to the issuance of Certificates of Divestiture and the permitted property into which a reinvestment must be made during the 60-day period beginning on the date of such a sale in order for nonrecognition to be permitted. Such reinvestments are called rollovers, and are limited to obligations of the United States and diversified investment funds as defined in 5 C.F.R. § 2634.1003. The substantive and procedural rules relating to the tax aspects of such sales and rollovers pmsuant to the statutory scheme are subject to the jurisdiction of the Internal R¢venue Service. Eligible persons should seek the advice of their personal tax advisors for guidai1ce as to the tax aspects of divestiture transactions and whether proposed acquisitions meet the requirements for permitted property. Internal Revenue Service regulations and other guidance should be consulted as to these matters. Internal Revenue Service requirements for reporting dispositions of property and making an election not to recognize gain under section I 043 (IRS Form 8824) must be followed by eligible persons wishing to make such an election. cc: ADAEO, White House Office 1201 NE\VYORK AVE NW· SUITE 500 ·WASHINGTON DC · 20005 Attachment OGE-2017-010 1,000 shares, Vanguard Sector Index FDS Vanguard Utils Vipers 700 shares, Apple Inc. 600 shares, Proctor and Gamble Co. 250 shares, Wells Fargo 200 shares, General Motors Company 91,660 shares, Microsoft $100,000 conve1tible note, HelixNano (convertible promissory note) l .154 7% WME Venture Capital, LP 0.45%, Axon VR UN t TED STATES 0 FF ICE 0 F GOVl:RNMENf EIHIC CERTIFICATE OF DIVESTITURE Certificate No. OGE-2017-011 ELIGIBLE PERSON: BNY Mellon Trust Company DATE OF ISSUANCE: [Trustee of the JMH Marital Tmst] White House Office DIVESTITURE PROPERTY: [The divestiture property is identified in the .attachment to this Certificate.] This Certificate of Divestiture is issued in accordance with section 1043 of the Internal Revenue Code of1986 and 5 C.F.R. § 2634.1002 with respect to the specific prope1ty described above. I hereby dctennine that the divestiture of the described property is reasonably necessary to comply with 18 U.S.C. § 208, or other applicable Federal conflict of interest statutes, regulations, rules, or executive orders. Note that section 104 3 of the Internal Revenue Code and the rules of subpart J of 5 C.F.R. Part 2634 provide for nonrecognition of gain in the case of sales to comply with conflict of interest requirements. The rules of Subpart J relate to the issuance of Ce1tificates of Divestiture and the pennitted prope1iy into which a reinvestment must be made during the 60-day period beginning on the date of such a sale in order for nonrecognition to be permitted. Such reinvestments ate called rollovers, and are limited to obligations of the United States and diversified investment ftmds as defined in 5 C.F.R. § 2634.1003. The substantive and procedural rules relating to the tax aspects of such sales and rollovers pursuant to the statutory scheme are st1bject to the jurisdiction of the Internal Revenue Service. Eligible persons should seek the advice of their personal tax advisors for guidance as to the tax aspects of divestiture transactions and whether proposed acquisitions meet the requirements for permitted property. Internal Revenue Service regulations and other guidance should be consulted as to these matters. Internal Revenue Service requirements for reporting dispositions of property and making an election not to recognize gain under section 1043 (IRS Form 8824) must be followed by eligible persons wishing to make such an election. /, ~ :~- " '-.t'//::::? £:3..- :- :2~:r·f~ ~:~) David J. A;f)o( -;:,/ General Counsel;/ .-;~', cc: ADAEO, White House Office 1201 NEW YORK AVE NW·SUITE 500·WASHINGTONDC·20005 Attachment OGE2017-0ll Page-2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shares Description 687.00 3MCO 1277.00 AES CORP 1542.00 ABBOTT LABORATORIES 3148.00 ABBOTT LABORATORIES 1422.00 ABBVIEINC. 3348.00 ABBVIEINC. 613 .00 ACCENTURE PLC-CL A 1967.00 ACCENTURE PLC-CL A 417.00 ACETO CORP 260.00 ACTIVISION BLIZZARD INC 54.00 ACUITY BRANDS INC 62.00 ADIENTPLC 322.00 ADOBE SYSTEMS INC 400.00 ADVANCED AUTO PARTS lNC 30.00 ADVAN SIX INC 1520.00 AETNA INC 106.00 AFFILIATED MANAGERS GROUP INC Attachment OGE 2017-011 Page~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 517.00 AFLAC INC 488.00 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES INC 751.00 AGREE
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