DETROIT, Since 1989 Gratis! www. laprensa1.com FREE! TOLEDO: TINTA CON SABOR COLUMBUS CLEVELAND • LORAIN Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest & Largest Latino Weekly Check out our Classifieds! ¡Checa los Anuncios Clasificados! Dec/diciembre 14, 2005 Spanglish Weekly/Semanal 28 Páginas Vol. 38, No. 14 Urizar: Speaking School Spanish=Suspension, p. 21 BNetTejano Webcasting: Changing the future of Holiday Lucky radio en el Times Ten, p. 10 mundo By Alan Abrams DENTRO: La Prensa Senior Menéndez inspires Correspondent pride for Latinos.......2 Freddy Fender with Dave Biondi of BNetRadio Latino Comm. meet..2 The Internet has trans- Divisiones entre los formed radio broadcast- Some astute observers growth and popular accep- republicanos................3 3011 Council St. Toledo, OH 43606 ing more than any inno- believe webcasting may tance of webcasting. Inaugura Plaza en 419-242-7377 800.828.8564 www.BASequipment.com vation since the introduc- eventually make radio quasi- Thanks to new technology, Grand Rapids.............4 tion of FM. The most vis- obsolete. A webcasting sta- users can watch/hear the El Recodo y la ible—and audible— tion can be established for web from the car, the promoción del Voto..5 FLOC/inmigración....6 change has been the wide- under $5,000, and is not as beach, or on their cell García’s Spanglish....7 spread acceptance of tightly regulated by the FCC phones. Carla’s Corner........10 webcasting: music pro- as is radio. With over 51 per- Several companies pro- HOROSCOPO............11 Se Habla Español gramming similar to radio cent of households having vide webcasting sites for Deportes..............12-13 For All Your Restaurant Equipment Needs broadcasting, but deliv- Internet access, such acces- listening to a wide variety Events..................16-17 ered over the Internet. sibility has spurred the (Continued on Page 8) Obituaries...................17 Classifieds...........22-27 Taquería El Nacimiento Breves: Mexican Dean: Republicanos usarán inmigración Restaurant para dividir electorado Por JACQUES Welcome! BILLEAUD PHOENIX, Arizona, Hours: Carry-Out EE.UU. (AP): Los Mon-Thur: 9AM-12AM Phone: 313.554.1790 republicanos se proponen Fri & Sat: 9AM-3AM 7400 W. Vernor Hwy. utilizar los problemas Sun: 9AM-12AM Detroit MI 48209 derivados de la Ezra C. Escudero, di- Marylou Olivarez inmigración ilegal para rector of Ohio’s Com- • Jugos/Tepache • Carne a la Parrilla Mason, director of tratar de dividir al mission on Hispanic/ Michigan’s Commission Toledo Council Presi- • Tacos • Burritos Latino Affairs attends on Spanish Speaking Af- dent Louis Escobar bows electorado estadounidense • Aguas • Pollo Dorado KC event, page 2. fairs, page 2. out for now, page 7. (Continua en la p. 22) • Mojarra Frita • Licuados • Tortas • Quesadillas • Tostadas • Pozole • Caldos • Carne de Puerco en salsa verde •Mariscos • Breakfast Super Burro I-75 ¡Bienvenidos! Livernois W. Vernor Springwells www.taqueriaelnacimiento.com *>}iÊ*ÕÃÊ/Ì>Ê7ÀiiÃà iÕ>ÀÊ iÌiÀÊV° {È{äÊÀiÊ-Ì° ΣÎÊ iÀÀÞÊ-Ì° /i`]Ê"Ê{ÎÈÓÎ /i`]Ê"Ê{ÎÈän Enjoy the Best ­{£®ÊÎäÈ{È{Ó ­{£®ÊÓ{{Ènn£ Margaritas at: two convenient locations: West Toledo: ÊÊ Sylvania & Douglas [music, 6- ÃÌ>ÊviÀÌ>ÊÛ>iÊiÊiÀV>`ÃÊÃiiVÌÃÊiÊVÕ>µÕiÀÊ«ÕÌÊ`iÊÛiÌ>Ê>Ê«ÖLVÊ«>ÀÌV«>ÌiÊiÌÀ>ÃÊ`ÕÀ>Ê>ÃÊiÝÃÌiV>Ã°Ê «À>ÊVÕ>µÕiÀÊViÕ>ÀÊ ÃÌÊLiÊÞÊÀiVLiÊfÓxÊ`iÊVÀj`ÌÃÊ«>À>ÊÃiÀ 9PM] 419-472-0700. 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Holiday Lucky Times Ten PAGE 10 IN CARLA’S • Akron • Akron • Akron CORNER • Akron • Akron • Lorain • Elyria • Cleveland • Painesville Editions • Check out our Classifieds! ¡Checa los Anuncios Clasificados! Dec/diciembre 14, 2005 Spanglish Weekly/Semanal 28 Páginas Vol. 38, No. 14 Serving the Restaurant Industry Ohio’s Oldest and Largest Latino Weekly Elena Robles 6898 Commodore Drive, Unit C Walbridge, Ohio 43465 BNetTejano DENTRO: Webcasting: Menéndez inspires (419) 666-6643 pride for Latinos.......2 Fax: (419) 666-6648 • Cell: (419) 392-5071 Changing the Divisiones entre los republicanos................3 future of El Recodo y la promoción del Voto..5 radio en el FLOC/inmigración....6 Maggie Rios García’s Spanglish....7 Carla’s Corner........10 Agente Asociado mundo HOROSCOPO............11 By Alan Abrams Deportes..............12-13 La Prensa Senior Vistazo a la Copa Monin & Correspondent Mundial de fútbol....12 Associates Inc. Freddy Fender with Dave Biondi of BNetRadio Events..................16-17 The Internet has trans- Obituaries...................17 Insurance Agency formed radio broadcast- Some astute observers growth and popular accep- Speaking Spanish at ing more than any inno- believe webcasting may tance of webcasting. school=suspension....21 4642 West 130th Street vation since the introduc- eventually make radio quasi- Thanks to new technology, Cleveland starts Cleveland, OH 44135 tion of FM. The most vis- obsolete. A webcasting sta- users can watch/hear the issuing red light ible—and audible— tion can be established for web from the car, the tickets..........................21 change has been the wide- under $5,000, and is not as beach, or on their cell Classifieds...........22-27 Se habla español... 216-251-1888 spread acceptance of tightly regulated by the FCC phones. webcasting: music pro- as is radio. With over 51 per- Several companies pro- Breves: gramming similar to radio cent of households having vide webcasting sites for broadcasting, but deliv- Internet access, such acces- listening to a wide variety Dean: Republicanos ered over the Internet. sibility has spurred the (Continued on Page 8) usarán inmigración para dividir electorado Por JACQUES You can now search La Prensa’s website using BILLEAUD our partner Google Search to find past issues, PHOENIX, Arizona, stories & photos. Go to www.laprensa1.com. EE.UU. (AP): Los We have issues going back over three years! republicanos se proponen utilizar los problemas derivados de la MODIFIED McDonald’s inmigración ilegal para DAILY Arch Card tratar de dividir al A reloadable gift card available in electorado estadounidense Visit our website at: www.laprensa1.com $5, $10, $25 and $50 denominations (Continua en la p. 22) Escuche La Onda Cultural Latina 89.1 FM cada día 9AM-5PM Página 2 La Prensa Político Dec/diciembre 14, 2005 First national meeting of Latino commissioners Plan would create special licenses for immigrants Mississippi. Florida, and Texas, Latino held in KC Ohio’s commissioner, legislative caucuses promote INDIANAPOLIS (AP): month. ing permits. By GARANCE BURKE Ezra C. Escudero, attended. bills that address whether to Undocumented immi- Rep. Mike Murphy, R-In- “This is a problem every Associated Press Writer According to Escudero, issue drivers’ licenses or in- grants in Indiana would dianapolis, told a group of state is wrestling with. It (AP): Officials who are “Due to weather, only 10 state tuition to immigrants. receive a special driver’s Indianapolis-area business needs, I think, to be ad- responsible for promoting out of 18 states were ulti- But in Nebraska, advocating license if they pass an exam owners this week that illegal dressed on multiple the rights and welfare of mately able to make it— for Latino affairs can be a and buy auto insurance immigrants are living and fronts,’’ Daniels said. “I Latinos gathered in the Mid- Indiana, Kansas, Missis- challenge, Kanne said. under a proposal a state working in Indiana. think it can only go hand- western city of Kansas City, sippi, Missouri, Nebraska, So rather than simply representative said he “And, currently, we have in-hand with improve- MO, Dec. 7, to devise a state- New York (advisor to the watching as immigration plans to introduce. a large number on the road, ments in making sure the Gov.), Ohio, Texas (advi- policy unfolds in a piecemeal by-state approach to major State Rep. John driving cars—without li- law is not being violated, sor to the Gov.), Utah, and fashion, state by state, García domestic policy-issues, in- Aguilera, D-East Chicago, Washington. said he suggested the meet- censes, without insurance, and that people offered that cluding immigration. said the licenses would not without any qualifications— permission are here le- The first-ever national Michigan’s Marylou ing to give policy-makers an help people gain U.S. citi- and they’re running into us gally.” meeting of Latino-U.S.- Olivarez-Mason was un- opportunity to share strate- zenship but would be more and into each other,” Murphy Tennessee and Utah both American Affairs State Com- able to attend due to a gies. missions, organized by an scheduling conflict. “Sometimes it’s in the like a permit to grant driv- said. recently established immi- appointee of Kansas Gov. Both in Ohio and Michi- states that you don’t think ing rights to illegal immi- Aguilera said the commis- grant driving permits, and Kathleen Sebelius, brought gan, the Latino population about that you have the op- grants, The Times of sion has been told roughly Illinois considered a simi- together politicians for a numbers have dramatically portunity to implement cre- Munster reported.
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