Old-fashioned One sort Roosevelt and market proposed recycling gives Wellstone: Two for Lake Street Mpls. a boost schools in one Page 2 Page 3 Page 7 Longfellow Nokomis Your community Messeng newspaper since 1982 April 2013 • Vol. 29 No. 2 www.LongfellowNokomisMessenger.com 21,000 Circulation assembly held prior to the walk- keys. However, after local Native Minneapolis Youth out. American activists insisted students Movement formed by “All recognized the need for had the right to get their things, South High students diversity and gave a powerful mes- administrators agreed to allow stu- students to bring about sage about learning and recogniz- dents back in one at a time with ing each other.” Bellanger. “I was supervision, according to W. changes in their school really impressed with them.” Vizenor. district walk out to support “If this is an example of the Students were also warned be- young people coming up, I’m very fore they left the building that their By TESHA M. CHRISTENSEN happy.” departure would constitute an un- What began as a protest by All Nations program excused absence and that they Native American students grew FROM ASSEMBLY would not be allowed back with- into a walkout that united all eth- out a parent. They were welcome nic groups at South High School TO WALK-OUT back the next day. on Monday, March 11. W. Vizenor had initially planned to Organizers estimate that 500- organize a walkout, but then WHAT’S NEXT? 1,000 students peacefully walked agreed to work with school staff to Following the walkout, 50 students out of the school in a show of soli- hold an assembly inside instead. gathered at MIGIZI Communica- darity. Her main stipulations were that tions at 3123 E. Lake St. to discuss The event was organized by any student at South High who their next steps. They said that they senior Winona Vizenor, a Native wanted to and any community felt good about what they had ac- American student enrolled in the member be allowed to attend. complished that day. They said All Nations program. The walkout However, during the event, she they wanted change. And they came three weeks after a riot at learned that there were people challenged each other to stay re- South High on Feb. 14 that in- from both groups who were not al- sponsible. volved up to 300 students and re- lowed in, and at the end of the as- The students have formed the quired police intervention. After sembly, she asked those in atten- Minneapolis Youth Movement, seeing the Somali students stand dance if they wanted to proceed which can be found on Facebook. up for themselves following the with the walk-out. They did. “The walk-out was successful They intend to start meeting with riot, W. Vizenor was inspired. and peaceful,” said W. Vizenor. people from other schools to “We wanted to organize some- She added, “We walked out to broaden their understanding of thing so we could be heard,” said Between 500-1000 students at South High School walked out on Monday, support the All Nations program. cultural awareness, according to W. W. Vizenor. March 13, 2013 to show their support for the All Nations program and to We walked out to support each Vizenor. Once they’ve listened to “We’ve tried talking to the ask for more cultural awareness at their school. (Photo courtesy of Min- other.” each other, they plan to approach principal, and we were brushed neapolis Youth Movement) The drummers followed the the school district with ideas for off,” said W. Vizenor. “We don’t students out of the assembly into change. have a teacher in our program who Vizenor. She added, “The program Nations classes if they wish. the street to help keep the students Their parents and other stands up for students.” has been falling down, and the stu- “My culture is judged out of focused on peace and unity, noted adults have also taken up the call dents feel that.” ignorance,” said W. Vizenor. “And I Bellanger. to action, and plan to begin WHAT IS THE L. Vizenor pointed out that know I’m not the only culture The school locked the build- meeting. To get involved, contact this spring, her daughter will grad- judged out of ignorance at South ing down during the walkout. As Lynette Vizenor at either lynette- ALL NATIONS PROGRAM? uate with only one-fourth of the High.” part of that, administrators said [email protected] or call The All Nations SLC program at students who entered the All Na- With that in mind, W. Vizenor they would not allow students 612-481-3266. South High is a program within a tions program with her in ninth asked students from many differ- back in to get items they left inside, “Let’s make a change,” said W. program at the high school. It grade. The rest have dropped out, ent ethnic groups to speak at the including their coats and house Vizenor. began in 1989, and is open to stu- been suspended or received aca- dents citywide. In addition to the demic transfers out of the school. typical math, English and science At one time, the suspension rate and other standard classes, Ojibwe for Native American students at South Minneapolis Housing Fair planned April 13 culture and language are offered. South High School was so high Homeowners can get their home Four special 30-minute pre- Ninth and 10th graders enrolled in that it was garnering attention, she improvement questions answered sentations will address these top- the program take classes only with pointed out. Today, the rate of aca- and find ways to bring creative vi- ics: 11:00 a.m. Remodeling Your other All Nations students; upper- demic transfers out is high. sions to reality at the South Min- Home Through Social Media, classmen are integrated with the “There is still segregation and neapolis Housing Fair Saturday, Noon: Financing Home Improve- rest of the student body. racism,” L. Vizenor remarked. April 13, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. ments, 1:00 p.m. Front Door However, in recent years sever- “There is a problem with adminis- Newcomers and long-time FengShui: Welcoming Opportuni- al pieces of the program have been trators.” Housing Fair fans should note this ties, and 2 p.m. Growing Monarch eliminated, including the drum year’s new location at 2121 Lake Habitat. group and smudging. STUDENT REQUESTS Street, in the Minneapolis Sports The South Minneapolis During an assembly in the Center, directly behind the Mid- Housing Fair is produced to bene- 700-person auditorium on Mon- Native American students have town YWCA. Near the Hiawatha fit all Minneapolis residents, by asked that they be allowed to day morning, March 11, prior to Light Rail stop on Lake Street, it’s Bring your home improvement representatives of several neigh- smudge once more. Smudging in- the walk-out, students told fellow convenient by bus, walking, bike questions to the South Minneapo- borhood organizations, South volves the burning of sage in a ritu- students, community members, and car with parking in two lots. lis Housing Fair Saturday, April High Community Education, and al of purification. “It’s a way of school staff, Principal Cecilia The Fair, in its 19th year, is 13, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. a dozen other corporate and insti- Sadler, Director of Indian Educa- cleansing when you feel bad,” ex- free to the public. It provides use- tutional sponsors. tion Danielle Grant, and Min- plained L. Vizenor. “They find ful local contractor connections p.m., will be a Hennepin Fix-It Visit www.housingfair.org for neapolis Public School Associate strength in that.” and neighborhood/consumer re- Clinic. It’s an opportunity for con- more information, or pick up a Superintendent Stephen Flisk that They have also asked that the sources for homeowners and sumers to bring non-functioning program at neighborhood offices they don’t feel they are “getting the drum groups be returned. prospective homeowners.Atten- small household appliances to see and South Minneapolis libraries. full cultural program they could be And they’ve asked that stu- dees will chat with experts among if and how they can be brought To volunteer during the fair or to getting,” said Lisa Bellanger, from dents not in the All Nations pro- the numerous carefully vetted ex- back to life. Other fun features: be notified of exhibitor opportu- the Minnesota Transitions School gram be allowed to participate as hibitors coveringmany aspects of Bird feeder building for kids of all nities for next year, contact Event who attended as a community desired. They want to be more in- home improvement. ages, power tool door prizes, Ask Coordinator Margo Ashmore at member. tegrated with the rest of the school, Co-locating with the fair for an Expert and the Natedogs food [email protected] “They want it to be enriched,” according to W. Vizenor, and to the first four hours, 10 a.m.-2 truck. or call 612-867-4874. said Winona’s mother, Lynette have other students attend the All Old-fashioned ‘Riverside Market’ proposed for Lake Street By JAN WILLMS block between 38th and 39th Av- funding through bank loans Having been in the business enues will be used for Riverside which are expected to close by for more than 50 years, Joel Market. The former Peterson Ma- April 15. There is a remaining gap Ahlstrom knows something chinery building will be renovat- of $180,000, which they hope to about groceries. And now he ed and house the new store.
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