Polar Record

Polar Record

THE POLAR RECORD INDEX NUMBERS 1-8 PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN FOR THE SCOTT POLAR RESEARCH INSTITUTE CAMBRIDGE: AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS 1935 THE POLAR RECORD INDEX Nos. 1-8 Aagaard, Consul B., 3. 27, 5. 66 Alagan River, 7. 7 Aagenaes, S., 5. 31 Alaska, 2. 67, 3. 33, 4. 65, 5. 45, 47, 49, Aandstad S., 5. 31 50, 51, 6. 115-117, 119-121; 7. 9, Aaseb, S., 7. 25 54, 63, 68-70, 8. 107, 114-116, 119, Abbe, E., 3. 20 120, 158 Abel Island, I. 5 Alaskan Peninsula, 6. 116, 117, 121, Aberdare Sound, 5. 6 8. 119 Aberdeen, 5. 20, 7. 53, 01, 8. 110 Alaskan Polar Year Stations, 5. 40-51, Actinometric observations, 5. 18,19, 7. 8, 6. 119-121, 7. 74 38 Albatross, S/S, 6. 70 Adak Island, 6. 110 Albert Edward Island, 3. 5 Adams, Cdr. .1. B., 7. 91 Alberta, 4. 05, 7. 70, 78, 8. 164 Adelaide Island, I. 25, 3. 20, 7. 85, 8. Alberta University, 5. 49 132-137 Albrecht, P., 3. 0 Adelie Land, I. 24, 2. 50, 57, 6. 09 Albrecht, Herr, 7. 45, 46 Adler, G. D., 5. 18 Aldinger, Dr, 6. 99 Admiralty, I. 30, 3. 20, 5. 57-00, 6. 114, Aldrich, Admiral Pelham, 2. 39 115, 132 Alekseyeff, A. D., 6. 77 Admiralty Bay, 7. 17 Alert,H.M.S., 2. 39, 5. 58 Admiralty Charts, 1. 25 Alesund, 2. 52, 53, 3. 17, 4. 59, 5. 32, 33, Admiralty Peninsula, 7. 17 42, 6. 87, 105, 7. 42, 8. 100 Admiralty Surveys in Labrador, 6. 114, Aleutian Islands, 6. 115-117, 7. 00, 70, 115, 7. 68, 8. 114 74, 8. 110 Adolf Hoel Glacier, 3. 10. Aleuts, 6. 110, 7. 09, 70 Adrianov, V. S., 5, 7. Alexander, S/S, 5. 57 Advance, S/S, 5. 58 Alexander Island, 3. 20 Advent Bay, I. 0, 2. 40, 3. 3, 6, 5. 22, Alexander I Island, 8. 132-130, 141 6. 71, 87, 7. 14, 15, 26, 27, 29 Alexandra Island, 2.41,3. 5, 7,4.41,5.7 Advent Point, 6. 87, 7. 25 Alexandra Mts., I. 17 Aernarctic, M/V, 4. 39 Alexandrovna, V. IX, 8. 97 Aerology, 1. 20, 2. 50, 54, 65-07, 3. 19, Alexeiev, .1. K., 7. 11 3:3-35, 4. 00, 5.18,19, 24, 38, 39, 40, Alexeyeff, A. D., 6. 77 6. 85, 87, 104, 106-110, 117-121, Alexis, Cape, 5. 7 7. 11, 21,27, 8. 157 Algansk Mts., 7. 7 Aeroplane, sec Flights Algar Islands, I. 7, 2. 41, 5. 6, 13 Aeroplane compass, 3. 13 Algarsson, G., I. 5 Agardh Bay, 7. 30 Allen Young Sound, 5. 6 Agto, 8. 113 Alsatian dogs, 6. 101 Ahlmann, Professor H. W., 2. 40, 3. 3, Ambarchik Bay, 6. 73 6. 71, 8. 105 Amdrup, Vice-Admiral C, I. 13 Ahrenberg, Captain, 2. 48 American, see U.S. Air Ministry, 5. 28 American Expeditions, I. 15, 2. 54, 57, Aklavik, 2. 65, 4. 65, 6. 119, 7. 77, 8. 110 67, 3. 18,19, 4. 62, 64, 65, 5. 36, 37, Akoioa, 6. 114' 38, 39, 52, 6. 103, 104, 106-108, Akorninarmiut, 3. 15, 18 115-117, 117-121, 123-124, 126, 7. Akpatok Island, 2. 55, 3. 21, 22, 55, 5. 65, 40, 70, 71, 74, 8. 118, 119, 130, 133, 7. 30 138; 145-147, 148 Akureyri, Iceland, 6. 102, 7. 38, 39, 51, American Geographical Society, 2. 38, 8. Ill 58, 3. 20, 5. 52, 6. 103-115, 8. 118 Akutan, 7. 70 American Mountain, The, 7. 22 POLAR RECORD American Museum of Natural History, Appleton layer, 5. 24, 7. 31 2. 40, 3. 19 Appollonov Island, 8. 100 American National Economy League, 5. Aram River, 6- 80 52, 6. 126 Aran Islands, 7. 12, 13 American Polar Year Stations, 5. 49-51, Archaeology, 3. 15, 4. 56, 57, 58, 5. 28, 6. 119-121, 7. 74 31, 32, 6. 95, 97, 98, 110, 117, 7. 35, American Strait, 8.101 41, 42, 46, 47, 68, 69, 70, 71, 8. 116, Amsterdam Island, 7. 29 118, 119, 163 Amund Ringes Island, 7. 80, 8- 123, 126 Archangel, I. 6, 8, 2. 42, 3. 5-7, 4. 39,41, Amundsen, Captain R., I. 5, 17, 18, 3. 42, 5. 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 19, 6- 75, 6, 18, 5. 8, 10, 63, 6. 84, 7. 84, 82, 83, 94, 8. 95, 96, 105 8.94 Archangel Bay, 7. 17, 6. 76 Amundsen Wai planes, 4. 52 Archangelsky, B. P., 5. 19 Amur River, 6. 78, 79 Archer Island, 2. 52 Anabar, 4. 42, 5. 14 Archiv fur Polarforschung, Kiel, 5.40,46, Anadyr, S/S, 7. 11, 12 6. 108, 7. 45, 8. 106 Anadyr Mts., 8. 102 Arctic, M/V, 8. 97 Ananak Island, 6. 101 Arctic, S/S, 5. 58 Andersen, A., 3. 6 Arctic Air Routes, I. 9, 10, 14, 2. 46-48, Andersen, S., 6. 99, 100 3. 1, 9, 12-15, 4. 39, 42, 52-55, 58, Anderson, F. W., 4. 60, 5. 34 62, 60-74, 5. 13, 28-30, 6. 74, 77, 7. Andree, S. A., 1. 6, 31, 32, 2. 41, 3. 4, 5. 35-43 62, 7. 28 .see Flights; also Expeditions Index: Andrie Diaries, I. 31 British Arctic Air Route Expedition Andree-Italia Current, 3. 3 Arctic Club, 5. 3 Andree Land, 7. 41 Arctic Institute, Leningrad, 2- ;18, 42,43, Andvord Bay, 8. 141 3. 6, 4. 38, 40, 42, 43, 45, 5. 6, 8, 14, Angara, 6. 78 15, 18, 6. 73, 80, 81, 82, 84, 90, 93, Angel,.!., 7. 70 94, 7. 2, 10, 13, 21, 8. 95, 96, 103, Angmagssalik, 1. 11, 13, 2. 40, 48, 65, 3. 104, 152-159 18, 4. 53, 58, 62, 5. 27, 29, 40, 6. 95, Ilulklin of, 2. 42,43, 3. 6,4. 39, H, 42, 101, 102, 104, 105, 7. 5, 36, 37, 40, 5. 0,7, 13, 6. 73, 77, 7. 0, 13, 19, 8. 46, 54, 55, 62, 8. 109, 110, 113, 162 98, 102, 159 Aniakchak, Alt., 8. 119 History of, 8. 153-159 Ann, Cape, 1. 19, 3. 2 Arctic Institute Island, 8. 96 Ann Arbor, Michigan, 3. 19 Arctica, 8. 102 Annui (Lesser) River, 8- 102 Arctowski, II., 8. 134 Antarctic, circumnavigation of, 6. 130, Ardencaple Inlet, 5. 34 8. 149 Ardeyev, —, 5. 18 Antarctic, see Ice Pack Conditions Argentina da Pesca Co., 3. 27 Antarctic, S/S, 4. 83, 6. 79, 8. 138 Argentine, 2. 64, 3. 26, 33 Antarctic Club, 6. 133, 7. 91 Argonne U/S/S, 6. 115 Antarctic Convergence, 5. 53 Arktink Naering-idrift, 5. 31 Antarctic Harbour, 5. 32 Arlagnuk Point, 7. 71 Antarctic Sound, 7. 42 Armitage Peninsula, 5. 7 Anthropology, 6- 95, 97, 7. 3, 46, 47, Arnholtz, —, 4. 56 52-55, 61-62, 8. 114, 115 Arnold, E., 5. 65 Antofagasta, Chile, 4. 79 Arnold-Alabiev, V. .1., 5. 8 Antonov, L. I., 6. 76 Arrosstock, N. B-, 6. 119 Antonov, L. V., 7. 16 Arseneff, V. A., 6. 73 Antonov, T. P., 5. 19 Arsenic, 8. 103 Antonssen, AI., 6. 77 Arsuk, 5. 40, 6. 108, 7. 45 Antwerp Island, 8. 133, 134 Arsuk Fjord, 6. 108 Apatite, 8- 158 Arsuk Mts., 3. 12 Appalachian Mountain Club, 6. 120 Arthropods, 7-.39 Appleton, Professor E. V., 4. 64, 5. 23, Arthur Island, 3. 7 24, 7. 30-32 Arutan Islands, 7. 12 INDEX Asar, 7. 50 Baranya River, 7. 7 Asbestos, 6. 81, 8. 158 Barents, Cape, 8. 155 Askheim, T., 3. 17, 5. 31, 7. 41 Barents, Willem, 7. 21 Assistance, S/S, 5. 57 Barents Sea, 2. 44, 4. 40, 43, 5. 7,11,15, Astronomical Observations, 3. 14, 17, 5. 6. 76, 79, 80, 7. 5 31, 32, 7. 8, 37, 51, 64, 8. 95, 140, Barents Strait, 3. 3 141 Barentsburg, 6. 82, 7. 14, 15, 17, 23 Auckland, 5. 53 Barello Junior, S/S, 6. 132 Augpilagtoq, 6. 06 Barnes, H. J., 4. 64 Aurora, S/S, 2. 57, 5. 60, 6. 132-133 Barren Lands, 6. 113, 7. 76 Auroral Observations, 3. 34, 5. 23, 24, Barrow, Point, 2. 67, 5. 48, 49-51, 6. 39, 40, 44, 45, 47-51, 6. 88, 89, 104, 119-121, 7.74, 8. 114, 115 105, 108, 110-113, 117-121, 7. 28, Bartlett, Captain R., I. 15, 2. 40, 3. 18, 40, 42, 46, 51, 63, 04, 71-74 5. 36, 38, 7. 70 Auroral Observatory, Troms6, 6. 89, 7. Bartlett, VV., I. 15,7.70 30 Baschin, O., 2. 38 Austin, H. T., 5. 57, 58 Basque whalers, 3. 28 Australia House, 3. 2 Bathurst, Cape, 8. 120 Australian Antarctic, Possessions, 6. 69, Bathurst Island, 7. 80 8. 04 Batt, H. A., 6. 115 Austria, 2. 64, 3. 33, 5. 40, 7. 50, 51 Batten, H., 7. 70 Austria Sound, 8. 100 Baumann Fjord, 6. 114, 8- 129 Austrian Polar Year Station, 5. 40, 6. Bavarian Motor Works, Munich, 4. 52 110, 111, 7. 50, 51 Bay Fjord, 8. 121-123, 127 Autogiro, 7. 84 Bayclnmo, S/S, 8. 115 Auzanneaii, M., 4. 59 Hear Island, 2. 40-42, 3. «, 4. 40, 47, 5. Avguevitch, V. J., 6. 73 21-24, 6. 80, 87, 88,103, 7. 4, 17, 26, Axel Heiberg Glacier, I. 17, 18 8. 162, 163 Axel Heibcrg Land, 5. -16, 6. 114, 7. 67, Hear of Oakland, S/S, 4. 75, 6- 126, 7.

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