Aruba Esso News VOL. 16, No. 15 PUBLISHED BY LAGO OIL & TRANSPORT CO., LTD. July 16, 1955 Au o 2 Dates Rodriquez, Noguera Named ‘Fund Drive 1955 Scholarship Winners employees will have a Lago ; e chance to contribute to the Prin- Seventh Pair fund on Aruban Youths ‘cess Wilhelmina statue a Aug. 8 and 9, it was announced ‘by the Lago Wilhelmina Monu- To Win Expense-Free Year ‘ment Committee. The donations 1000 parents and guests were gathered in the north ee be deta ey ee wey Approximately | |quadrangle of the Training Division Building July u 1 when President ea located one in front of the vote General WOR Of-| to a hushed group: "The 1955 Allentown \fice Building, outside the hospital |J. J. Horigan announced bana the gates, They will have boxes | Scholarship winners are Roberto Rodriquez and Juan Noguera.” The for voluntary donations |crowd silenced in anticipation suddenly burst into applause as the two The collection is being organized excited youths received the congra- sby a committee of employees. The tulations of Lago’s president. | ;committee will turn over the money| jig Te on See eat - ea pated F General Manager — e graduation o *they receive to the main island Wil- @ 4 |highlighte Stresses osts : helmina Monument Committee. Ac-| 4% |the Lago Vocational School. tive on the employee committee are ry Both scholarship winners are sons In Graduation Taik S. J. Croes, chairman, B. K. Chand, @ 4 |of Lago employees. Roberto’s father . : ene oa, F. R. Burson, T. B. ; |works in the Mechanical Depart- Seventy-six Lago Vocational School the night of Halley, W. J. van den Heuvel and |ment - Paint and Juan’s father is a| Seniors who graduated Pp. J. Bakker 4 ‘crane operator in the Mechanical | July 1 were urged by General Man- The statue will cost approximate- 4 |Department - Transportation. Ro-|ager O. S. Mingus to "go right on ly Fils. 20,000 and will be unveiled | berto, an 18-year-old Savaneta | learning” and reap the four-fold in October by Queen Juliana. It is |youth, entered the Lago Vocational |benefits of education. being sculptored in Florence, Italy, 4 |School after completing the sixth| Principal speaker at the ceremo- by Prof. Arnoldo Lualdi. On the ‘4 class at St. Antonius School in Sa-|nies in which the graduates wound first of August it will be shipped > |vaneta. Juan, 19, and also of Sava-|up four years of school work and from Leghorn, Italy, to Rotterdam, neta, finished the sixth class at St. | on-the-job training, Mr. Mingus said Holland. The white marble figure is Dominicus College before entering | the cost of their education had been expected in Aruba about the middle LVS. |high and its worth would be deci- of September. Juan will be able to get all the ded by "what you do with it in the first-hand information about Allen- years to come.” A large amount of money has al- STILL too stunned to show any excitement, Juan Noguera (left) and | town he needs from within his own The company estimated it spent ready been donated for the statue Roberto Rodriquez pose with J. J. Horigan shortly after Lago’s presi- | family circle. Juan’s cousin, Marcia- Fls. 1,000,000 a year to operate the including Fils. 2500 contributed by dent announced they had be chosen the 1955 Allentown scholarship school during the four years the Lago. The balance of the fund will} winners. [iss Angela, was the 1953 Allentown be financed by public subscription | scholarship student. |graduates were students, Mr. Min- AINDA mucho asombra pa munstra su alegria, Juan Noguera (robez) of which the employee donation is | Chrismeliano Schwengle opened |gus pointed out. That covers every- y Roberto Rodriquez posa cu J. J. Horigan un ratu despues e Presi- a part I the graduation ceremonies wel- thing from the pencil you used last dente di Lago a nuncia cu nan a worde electa como ganador di e beca ;coming the parents and guests. The week to the softball you hit four na Allentown. HeffelfingerNamed | graduate extended the class’ appre- years ago,” he said. New Assistant ciation for the assistance of other Their education had been a con- Di 15 Graduacion LVS students, instructors and job siderable cost to the graduates and To Marine Manager trainers. their families, Mr. Mingus stated. "It has cost four years of your life, Honor Paid Capt. Harry E. Heffelfinger, |important years as you developed new assistant to Marine Manager| Rodriquez, Noguera A Worde ini: Relations Manager J. from a boy of 14 to a young man of J. E. Stoveken, is no newcomer to| | V. Friel, who served as chairman of 18. It has cost your parents money Aruba. He once delivered 22 tons ‘'Nombra Ganadornan di Beca the graduation, paid honor to the 76 to support you through these four of codfish here. graduating students "Who success- years of schooling,” he stated. It was during World War II while | Cerca 1000 major y hospides a congrega den e cura cuadra na noord | fully met the stern demands of LVS "Altogether, education sounds like Capt. Heffelfinger was in command | di Edificio pa Entrainamento na prome dia di Juli ora Presidente J. J. |life.” He felt sure that the way in a pretty costly affair - and it is. of the S.S. Peter Hurll, one of the | Horigan a nuncia na un grupo ketu: "E ganadornan di beca 1955 na |which the students met these de- |You surely have learned, though, ships carrying re- | Allentown ta Roberto Rodriquez y Juan Noguera.” E congregacion |mands indicates that they will be |that what has cost also has value. finery supplies a anticipando na silencio, a cuminsa aplaudi masha duro di golpi ora e |able to meet the greater challenge And in this case the value is four- and foodstuffs ss ~ dos joven exita a ricibi congratulacion di Lago su presidente. industrial life. Mr. Friel made fold: to you, to your family, to Lago from the United E anuncio - como semper - taba- ee of the fact that the first Lago jand to Aruba.” States to Lago, ta e punto principal di e diez-cinco |aki ta indica cu nan lo ta den po- | Vocational School class entered just | Fuller Life’ German subma- | graduacion di Lago Vocational |sicion di acepta e desafio di bida | 20 years ago on July 1, 1935, and 16 | ; Tines had so dis- | School. jindustrial. Sr. Friel a menciona e|of the 27 students of the first class | The graduates and their families, } rupted shipping pro- Tur dos ganador di beca ta yiu [eene cu net 20 anja pasa di prome | are now completing 20 years of ser- Mr. Mingus explained, would that the com- homber di empleadonan di Lago. {di Juli 1935 e prome LVS a cumin-| vice with the company. fit through higher earnings and the pany’s food sup- Roberto su tata ta traha den De-| \sa y 16 di e 17 estudiante di prome | The guest speaker representing "fuller life’ they provide; Lago ply was imperiled. | partamento Mecanico - Verf y Juan | grupo ta cumpli 20 anja di servicio|previous graduating classes was F. would profit by having employees "That trip took [su tata ta un manehador di grua|cu e compania awor. Ritveld, 1941 graduate and present basically trained for more respon- 29 days,” Capt. “H. E. Heffelfinger | |den Departamento Mecanico - (Continua na pagina 8) |LEC head. Mr. Ritveld acknow- |sible positions; Aruba would profit Heffelfinger re Transportacion. Roberto, un joven |ledged Lago as a pioneer in the vo- |through citizens primarily equipped called shortly after he arrived|di 18 anja di edad di Savaneta, a N H | cational training field and the good to be responsible citizens. in Aruba to take over his new/drenta e Lago Vocational “tt 8t.| SC ead |that "this school has done for the These benefits, however, would assignment. "We weren’t in a con-| despues di caba e di seis klas di St. J Oo Present | Aruba community.” ’’The school has only be realized if the graduates voy so we'd run down the coasty Antonius School na Savaneta. Juan, done so much for so many,” he said. | made use of their education, Mr. during the day, then slip into some| diez-nuebe anja di edad y tambe di | Honor Award The speaker recalled the days he {Mingus cautioned. The success of cove to anchor at night.” Savaneta, a caba e di seis klas di Ned H. Dearborn, president of attended LVS when a library, phy- education depends, he said, "not on When the ship was off Key West St. Dominicus Colegio, prome di the National Safety Council, sics lab, physical education pro- the past four years, but on what the United States Navy - which wa drenta e LVS. will present two awards during grams didn’t exist. He reminded the |you do with it in the years to come. routing Allied tanker travel - direct- Juan lo ta den posicion graduates that they must keep on di haja his visit to Lago July 17, 18, 19 And I don’t mean 10 or 20 years ed Capt. Heffelfinger to put into a| tur informacion prome man, tocan- and 20. At the time Mr. Dear- |training. "This graduation should from now but right now - starting mined shelter near the island. | te Allentown, cu e mester den su born presents Lago and its work- |not be the end of study, but merely |next week.” "We were there a couple of days, | |mes famia. Juan su primo, Marcia- ers the 1954 first place award the end of chapter one and prepa- The graduates’ diplomas, he then we skirted the Gulf Coast down | no Angela, tabata e ganador di be- in the National Safety Council |ration for chapter two.” |stated, were not a "free ticket’ to to Yucatan where we zig-zagged our | ca di 1953 na Allentown | Contest - Petroleum Manufac- success.
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